Thursday, November 13, 2008


"A true friend is the greatest of all blessing,and that which we take the least to acquire"
We don't typically set out to make a friend the same way we set out to get a job or win the attention of someone we're attracted to.Friends just happen. WE work we play together,discover that we share some things in common,and gradually a friendship grows.Or we face some hardship or misfortune together,and a friendship arises through mutual support/respect.
We make friends casually,but once they're part of our lives,we should be careful not take them for granted.Our friends make us better,stronger,and happier--and we should do the same for them.

I remember every day how lucky I am in my friendships. Today I'm going to tell my friends how much I appreciate them.


  1. I hope I am included among your friends Jean'ne.You are certainly one of mine.
    We met by chance,but I appreciated your uniqeness and your kind heart right from the start,and your devotion to family.It's a pleasure to know you.

  2. Anonymous10:02:00 AM

    you are very much included among the few true friends I have...some people are so fake..beside family,I deal with very few people,I will always be true to myself and my friends..who I hold dear to my heart(giggles)Gil says I wear it on my shoulder..what can I say,what you see is what you get,all or nothing.Sis says I should hold my tongue sometime."WHY"? I am not bi-polar like the village idiot.

  3. Anonymous3:54:00 PM

    Very simple and very beautiful. Well done CUPCAKE...

  4. Anonymous4:46:00 PM

    Thank you Vixen
    I met two(2) great friends here,true friends are hard to come by,a lot of people never know the different,I do know other things to say...But I can't help it ,I just like doing the nasty.Crazy Lacy post me..I gave her a very honest answer.

  5. Nothing less she deserves!


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