Sunday, December 28, 2008

Making Others Happy

Is there something I can do to delight another person today?It doesn't have to be big or spectacular.A simple message expressing how I feel about someone can be very powerful.
Now Tinkerbell I feel very "POWERFUL",and happy.


  1. Anonymous10:02:00 PM

    Damn I feel good, don't matter if I am talking to myself,things are happening and I feel good.

  2. Hello" powerful"Nee. How are you?
    Aside from feeling powerful?

  3. Don't talk to yourself.Tink will think you're going crazy too.

  4. Now it seems as if I'm talking to myself.I think my fever has come back.

  5. Anonymous10:05:00 PM

    That crazy bitch didn't make me angry.

  6. Anonymous10:07:00 PM

    Did you read my post to her,glad you are feeling better.I will meet you there one down.

  7. Anonymous10:07:00 PM

    I am here

  8. how are you Jeannie?
    OH...feeling better legs are shaky and I didn't know a human being could hold this much snot and mucus.

    Don't be so disgusting Jeannie..
    Sorry...I didn't mean to offend.

  9. Anonymous10:08:00 PM

    hey we lost Vix

  10. Anonymous10:10:00 PM

    Girl, you got me a bit confused. Sorry, must be old age...did you make someone happy today? And yes, HOW?

    Jeannie is talking to Jeannie????

  11. Anonymous10:10:00 PM

    as long as you feel better

  12. Is there anybody who is in their right mind here?Or am I still talking to myself.

  13. Anonymous10:11:00 PM

    haha see what tink is doing ,I made myself happy,I told the old bitch how I felt

  14. Anonymous10:13:00 PM

    That is always a good thing...LOL - that mentally ill old hag.

  15. Anonymous10:13:00 PM

    Jeannie I want you to read the post to tink

  16. Well as long as you feel better.There's no sense in holding a lot of bad feelings inside.

  17. I read your post.I'm not sure what made you so mad at her because I don't frequent her website.

  18. Anonymous10:18:00 PM

    she has a new one posted a lot of crap about us with pictures

  19. It sounds like she's coming apart.
    Why is she trying to have this big fued with us??

  20. Anonymous10:18:00 PM

    I guess she wanted a little love

  21. Anonymous10:19:00 PM

    no one else wants to be bother with her,

  22. Anonymous10:20:00 PM

    but it is o.k.with me I like kicking her ass

  23. If she follows our blog,she knows we're not out to attack anyone...just here to gossip and have a bit of fun.Does she think we're hurting Dave???HA!

  24. Anonymous10:23:00 PM

    I am not going to let her make me mad ever,but I will tell her how I feel,she comes here ,she said so herself.

  25. Maybe you're right about her wanting some attention.Depends on how nasty she's been to us.If she's been a real bitch then she wants war.

  26. Anonymous10:24:00 PM

    she can think what she wants,i don't care,she says what she wants why can't we.

  27. That's why you created this blog so we could say what we want.

  28. Anonymous10:26:00 PM

    oh she is a bitch alright,but she is making our stats go up.

  29. Anonymous10:27:00 PM

    It sounds like she's coming apart.

    She most definitely is.

    It doesn't matter if she thinks someone hurts old Dave or not. She is just a mentally ill old hag.

  30. Anonymous10:27:00 PM

    like I told her our visitors likes us and like for me to kick her ass

  31. People love to watch other people fight.

  32. Anonymous10:29:00 PM

    Jeannie, you best go and look for yourself and then come back and post what you think about it.

  33. Anonymous10:29:00 PM

    Jeannie/Vixen I don't care about tink,I know who and what I am.we will have fun

  34. I have found such a good Tinker Graphic but I can't transport it here no matter how I try.You would really laugh.
    She is a typical shit disturber.She doesn't know how good you are in a fight or she wouldn't take you on

  35. Maybe I'll go take a look.

  36. Anonymous10:33:00 PM

    Vix you know she has a cold,she going to laugh so hard she will almost wet her panties

  37. I wet my pants every time I cough.I'm getting a diaper delivery service tomorrow.

  38. Anonymous10:38:00 PM

    hell yes I am mean and bad,one reason my pregnant ass went to jail,there is no shame bout my game

  39. Anonymous10:41:00 PM

    you will be over that cough tomorrow,you go over to tink's and see our pictures,you will fall out of your chair

  40. HOLY CRAP!!! That was so funny,I think I shit myself,thereby proving that Canadians need more personal hygiene.

  41. Crazy people have a crazy sense of humor.Maybe we bugged her ass by calling her "crazy "so much.

  42. Anonymous10:46:00 PM

    you like

  43. Anonymous10:47:00 PM

    she mistaken put her picture up for me.(GIGGLES)

  44. Anonymous10:49:00 PM

    she call herself crazy,we haven't said anything about her that she didn't say,in my post is the things she said.

  45. Imitation is the highest form of flattery.I think she is trying to change the format of her blog to something more like ours so that she can up her stats.This fued would boost her readership.

  46. Tinkerbell is jealous of us.Maybe she'd like to join us..HA!

  47. Anonymous10:51:00 PM

    Jeannie, she said herself over and over again that she is crazy. She opened that door herself. Jeannie, I know you have a good heart... bless your soul. But Crazy Tinker deserves no mercy.....your venomous viper Vixen!

  48. Anonymous10:52:00 PM

    I will defend us,she had no right in attacking us,we don't bother her without cause

  49. Anonymous10:53:00 PM

    Maybe she'd like to join us..HA!

    NO WAY. She wouldn't be lucid most of the time. Don't forget the old bat is on meds 24/7!

  50. Anonymous10:58:00 PM

    thats what make it happen for us.
    Vixen---the venomous computer geek
    Cupcake--wild-nasty--free spirit
    put them toghter you got hell

  51. Yes,you're my poisonous pen pal,Vix.
    She does say she's crazy,more or less.We didn't invent anything slanderous.She may object to others calling her that.

    Both your pictures are more attractive than mine.
    I don't want to be in a mud slinging contest but I am going to come up with something to to get her back.It's too much fun.

  52. You're right about one thing Nee.We three are so different,it's a nice balance.Gives a lot of variety and color to our blog.Funny how that worked out.

  53. Anonymous11:02:00 PM

    Jeannie that is the name of the game,she started it.

  54. Anonymous11:08:00 PM

    we talk and laugh about a lot of things,mostly about ourselves,other than old Dave,we don't bother anyone.Jeannie do a post like no one can do but you.

  55. Anonymous11:09:00 PM

    Thank yoyu. NO mercy for the old bad. LOL. Remember, I am the viperous vixen. I make no hostages. LOL. I bite. I am preparing a measn ol' piece on Amina...LOL

  56. Anonymous11:13:00 PM

    why say something about yourself if you don't want people to know,I said I went to jail,if I didn't want you to know or say anything about it,I should have kelp it to myself....I think so..when I said it here it was free for the taking right/wrong

  57. WOW!That sounds very intriguing,Vix.Give us a hint.

  58. You know Nee,you're right.If you say something in a public forum on the internet,it's the same as saying it on the eleven o'clock news.You want people to know.

  59. Anonymous11:18:00 PM

    She is in the public eye,public interests,people makes a lot of money making fun of people in the public....I know it will be a good one.

  60. Anonymous11:21:00 PM

    it's like my letters,I share them ..I have some dirty ones to..Just think how many people read them

  61. You better go to bed honey.Those babies are going to have you up at six.I hope my little man is doing great.

  62. Your love letters are inspiring.It's a true romance.We need more of that in this scary world.

  63. Anonymous11:25:00 PM

    I mean, would you want to put the information that you are suffering from (???) a heridetary mental illness out on the net? That almost all yoru realtives suffer from the same illness?Nobody in his right mind would.

    Jeannie, it still needs fine tuning. Like so many times, I found this one coincidentally. I think it is hilarious and fits her to the T.

    They have frost warning for San Diego tonight. They say we should be careful, the temperature will fall as low as 40. That would be the second time in 135 years. Brr. I am not looking forward to it.. I hate the cold.

  64. Anonymous11:25:00 PM

    I am going to say goodnite everyone a sleep except dad,I will talk to every one tomorrow.

  65. Anonymous11:26:00 PM

    CUPCAKE... I know you LIKE it when people read them. Nothing wrong with that. That's what this place is here for.

  66. Anonymous11:30:00 PM

    My babies is great Gilly sleeps on his stomach with his but in the air,I have to turn him over,they just have the sniffles,not bad,stay warm Vix.

  67. Forty degrees would be a balmy day up here.Enjoy the nice weather Vix...HA!

  68. Anonymous11:33:00 PM

    So true Vix and look out new year hear we come,we are locked and loaded for bear or anything else in our way

  69. Anonymous11:38:00 PM

    I am gone this time (giggles)nite

  70. Anonymous11:46:00 PM

    Good night CUPCAKE. Great work! Especially your rant aimed at the crazy one! I am proud of you.

    Balmy? I sit here with a pair of thick socks and a planket around my feet.
    Seriously, the main problem is that the houses here are not used/equipped to/for freezing temperatures . They are properly isolated . Most of them have no central-heating. Yes, 40 degrees can feel very icy sometimes

  71. I can see where that would make the situation quite serious.At least we have state of the art heating and insulaton.
    Don't let your body get a deep chill.Wear clothes in layers.Warm a cushion or blanket BRIEFLY in the microwave.Put the cushion down inside your bed for your feet.Warm the blanket right before you climb into bed.Think warm thoughts...LUV

  72. on second thought,you better use your oven.I don't know what voltage you may be dealing with.Microwaves can be dicey.If you're too scared to use either,then use the drier...luv luv

  73. Anonymous12:03:00 AM

    Oh,Jeannie, you are sooo forget that I grew up in cold climate. Anyway,I wear my long Jammies which I wasn't counting on to wearing in this area ever.
    I can see that you are much better . Your comments are full of spunk - good.

  74. Anonymous12:10:00 AM

    ABC just shows "Sound of Music" - so sickening. And our cable provider switched all the channels. Now I am on the lookout for NBC (which was channel 33 before the switch - now channel 33 is E!)and Criminal Intent...annoying. And I am not going to watch "Sound of Music"...


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