Monday, December 29, 2008


I think you better start behaving Tink,or we'll start getting
really Bitchy.You haven't seen Cupcake in full battle mode.
And,I don't think you know how toxic my venomous Vixen is.
BE AFRAID!! Glitter Graphics BE AFRAID!!
They won't just beat the fairy dust out of you.They'll
Probably beat the shit out of you(verbally,that is).


  1. Jeannie, bless your heart. Great post!
    Strike - bite - no prisioners. The old fool has to get beaten over the head over and over again before she gets the clue.

  2. Anonymous3:59:00 PM

    Great....she better be good,I don't go looking for a fight..shit I don't run away,Vix strike-bite,I will pull her three(3)hair's out.No one looking ,I will see how long her tongue is,I bet she has fat lips from kissing ass.(GIGGLES)

  3. One just has to look at pictures of mentally ill people and you know how Crazy tinker aka Crazy Lacy looks.
    Born a wacko - died a Wacko. She'll never be anything different than a complete nutcase.

  4. Anonymous4:15:00 PM

    I know a person thats bi-polar she don't act like that fool fairy, Jeannie is right we will beat the shit out of her,I like the ass whipping she is getting.

  5. I hope the GIF stays working.
    Blogger doesn't support GIFS.They usually stop working after a while.

  6. It is just fine. I added a label so that old crazy tinker will know it is there.
    Yesterday she said, since she is taking her meds she shouldn't be considered mentally ill. HUH?
    She is really going and fast..


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