• “Enter Sandman,” Metallica.
• “Bodies,” Drowning Pool.
• “Shoot to Thrill,” AC/DC.
• “Hell’s Bells,” AC/DC. (Great song!)
• “I Love You,” from the “Barney and Friends” children’s TV show.
• “Born in the USA,” Bruce Springsteen. (Great song!)
• “Babylon,” David Gray.
• “White America,” Eminem.
• “Sesame Street,” theme song from the children’s TV show.
(Source: http://culturite.wordpress.com/2008/12/10/torture-tunes-us-militarys-interrogation-music-revealed/)
We only know a few of the above mentioned songs. We would have added Spongebob-Squarepants-voice for good measure. Having to listen to it for hours on end would bring everyone to confess to everything - just to make it end...
How about endless episodes of CSI Miami? David Caruso's subpar acting has people writhe in agnony..
You are shameless Vix.You'll stick a Dave insult in,anywhere you can.
ReplyDeleteYou just can't seem to help yourself...HA!
I was very interested in the choice of music for torture.I wonder what the secret is.
ReplyDeleteRepitition,perhaps?Or a certain level of cacophony?
That's MY NATURE...Jeannie. You should know that by now, LOL.
ReplyDeleteI don't know. Maybe it is the repeating of the same song over and over again. Eminems White America is one tough song.
Or maybe those songs have lyrics that insult every terroristic Muslim.
I wonder WHO is responsible for the choice of songs...
Eminem's "White America"
ReplyDelete...America, hahaha, we love you, how many people are proud to be citizens of this beautiful
Country of ours, the stripes and the stars for the rights that men have died for to protect,
The women and men who have broke their neck's for the freedom of speech the United States
Government has sworn to uphold, or
(Yo', I want everybody to listen to the words of this song) so we're told...
And they say that is the "clean version" of the song. LOL
Well,that song is definitely an insult to any terrorist worth his salt.It goes against the grain of everything he believes in.
ReplyDeleteSo,lyrics are definitely one of the ingredients.
I believe you mentioned the Barney song.If you have heard,it then I believe enough has been said.
I would definitely kill someone who played that song over and over in my cell.
Well,that song is definitely an insult to any terrorist worth his salt.It goes against the grain of everything he believes in.
ReplyDeleteSo,lyrics are definitely one of the ingredients.
I believe you mentioned the Barney song.If you have heard,it then I believe enough has been said.
I would definitely kill someone who played that song over and over in my cell.
...not to mention Eminem's staccato speech over and over again. Terrible.
ReplyDeleteThey witreat us the same way or worse....howdy-do long time no see. I need to get some of thse I know a few ass-holes I would like to play them to.
ReplyDeleteGood to have you back, old girl!
ReplyDeleteHell first thing I do tomorrow is get me a new key board.Some people say it is the repeating off the same song ,some say dripping water on top of your head,me I would just stick pins in their dangles.
ReplyDeleteyes it is a mess,not the caniso fault,thankfully
ReplyDeleteI did a post before I come here,thought I should before I get Fired.(GIGGLES)
ReplyDeleteClever girl. I was laready wondering. Deaths, even accidental ones, are always a messy business.
ReplyDeleteYour way of dealing would leave marks on their bodies. While music is torture without scars. Thus they can't prove that they really were tortured. All in all a clever and inhumane game.
ReplyDeleteSo true,I have heard some really horrible stories that been done on each side.
ReplyDeleteWell, violence begets violence. I just posted it because I found it interesting that they use music/childrens programms for torture.
ReplyDeleteIt's a good post,a lot of people don't know it's happening.We are also vevy wise about a lot of different subjects.
ReplyDeleteI found it on the net and thought it was hilarious.
ReplyDeleteSee we are not mean all the time,we do have a sense of humor.I will have to look for some cute stuff on the net.
ReplyDeleteYou have quite an exciting life Nee.Never a dull moment.
ReplyDeletePoor man.Not my first choice to die that way.
Makes quite an entrance though.The people who were there will never forget.
Any chance it was suicide,or hasn't cause of death been established?
The rumor is they were drunk,we won't be in the business here very long,they are still trying to come with the money to buy dad out.
ReplyDeleteIt's very common for things like this to happen,it will all be old news next week.
ReplyDeleteYour right.Pity the parents though.
ReplyDeleteYou're up very late tonight Nee.You're joining the nightowls
ReplyDeleteI was on my way to joining the nite owls,all this popped up,but I am getting there as soon as we Get back to normal,if thats possible
ReplyDeleteActually, people really get tortured this way. But since those people are alleged terrorists who don't mind the death of other people I don't pitty them.
ReplyDeleteLike I said, violence begets violence.
It is never a dull moment around my neck of the woods,you have to take a vacation to have some peace
ReplyDeleteYes ,thats why I would wear their asses out with my skillet,then I would stick pins in their Dangles and nut ball,and grin like hell,because I will be enjoying it to the fullest.
ReplyDeleteViolence does beget violence.It's one of the circles of life.
ReplyDeleteIt seems to be the one thing we can't civilize out of the human race.
Violence does beget violence.It's one of the circles of life.
ReplyDeleteIt seems to be the one thing we can't civilize out of the human race.
I seem to be repeating myself.
ReplyDeleteNee,you and your skillet.
Your motto should be."You don't need a gun.You can kill it with a skillet."
You can ask my ex.Yhe foll and his family is here for the holidays.
ReplyDeleteDo you and he keep in touch?
ReplyDeleteHow do you like the joke of the week?
ReplyDeleteNo..sis says he ask about me when he go visit her,Ron has met Gil and Jill,last year over at sis,I met his wife,he could have done better;but one ass hole deserves another ass hole.
ReplyDeleteI really like all of them,we have a lot of stuff we do..you out do your self,I am learning.
ReplyDeleteWhy do guys like that marry when they are only going to sleep around anyway?
ReplyDeleteStill, he deserved an asshole wife.They have more in common
The stats say that people like what we do.I think they like to check on our conversations too.
ReplyDeleteWE're like a reality show
You are so right,there is no shame about our game,what you see is what you get.women are coming out of the dark ages and talking about their sexuai life,if a man is not putting it where you want it ,just tell him,then he will know.
ReplyDeleteI love your openess.i don't get to meet too many totally honest people.They usually hold part of themselves back.You can always sense it
ReplyDeleteYes you can tell a lot about people.I am a poker dealer by trade,a great poker player,so I have learn to read people..justm listen to them you can tell what wave length they are on..
ReplyDeleteAhem, Jeannie - maybe it is their upbringing that has them hold back a bit.
ReplyDeleteYes,I agree Vix.They are not comfortable with total disclosure.
ReplyDeleteThere are more people like that
than there are completly open people.
I know a lot of people that don't talk or think like I do,but you may not beleive this but I am not as dumb as some folks think,I was raised to let you know how I felt and there would be no misunderstanding.
ReplyDeleteCupcake that is a handy talent to have.I felt you zero in on my wave length.I don't have much to hide,even if I wanted to.
ReplyDeleteI am actually a little shy and private.I found it easy to talk to you.
What I like about Vixen is her logical and orderly train of thought.I'm disorganized.
I like Vix also thats why I am here, I am a southern gal born and bred,come from a large family,lots of love and don't mind talking about it,a husband that would move mountains for me if he could.
ReplyDeletei think you got very lucky in your choice of husband,although,kudos to you for having the good sense to recognize what a gem he was.
ReplyDeleteI hear Gilly so I will say goodnite. Jean`ne
ReplyDeleteI think I'll bid you goodnight and write a little something for the blog before I retire for the night.
ReplyDeleteSleep well,my friends.
Sleep well, Jeannie....and keep the polar-bears at bay. (Jeannie HATES MOOSE). LOL
ReplyDeleteAs I believe I have mentioned,we have extremely large and voracious wolves,who find people of the Teutonic persuasion especially tasty.
ReplyDeleteWolves are direct relatives of dogs. I like them. In the city I was born in have an Alpen-zoo which features 3 big grey wolves. Last year they had young ones which is a big sensation.