...we know you are past sixty (with the exception of your boobs). We know you have given the world a lot of beautiful clothes to wear. After all, Versace is a big name in the fashion industry - mostly thanks to you.
But honey, do we realy have to see you LIKE THIS?
A bit of tan is beautiful, but not the distinctive leathery look your skin has taken on. Ever heard of sunscreen, vaseline or - gasp - skin cancer?
We are sure you know about very fashionable foulards one can tie around ones hip so that things are not turning out as hard on the eyes as on this picture.
Thank you!
That is one awful looking woman..Take a look at Amina picture on the beach in Miami,first glance it looked like Daves tart,cover the face..we have said over abd over "MONET"don't buy class.
ReplyDelete..Take a look at Amina picture on the beach in Miami...
ReplyDeleteHahah - looks like Amina. CUPCAKE you just made my day. I like it. LOL
Someone running a fashion label as big as Versace should know what to wear on the beach. That looks terrible.
You ladies rock like your blog my mom and I love the way Vixen kick David Caruso around keep up the good fun ask Nee what Gil gave her I love to see her answer more power to all of you in the coming year Nan
ReplyDeleteThank you , NAN. CUPCAKE is the one that keeps us laughing with all her witty/funny comments. No matter what I post about CUPCAKE has her say. She is refreshingly open and honest.
ReplyDeleteI hope you and your lot are enjoying the holidays down in old Naw'leans!
What did Gil give you for Christmas
Thankyou Nan,have a wonderful new year.Stop by more often.
Nan,I know you are listening with your big mouth...Nan is my niece,she's Sis daughter,they live nere in Shreveport..I am glad I sign out,she would have been all over.
ReplyDeleteWell, she sounds nice. And since she is realted to you I know she is a lot of fun.
ReplyDelete(GIGGLES) I told Gil I wanted a large present ,something I will like and can use...X-mas morning .Gil pulled back the cover on the bed,here's your present,hope it's big enough,I know you like it....my man was laying there with nothing but a grin on his face and a big red bow on his dangle.
ReplyDeleteNan really like us she says she will start comments,but it is a lot of fun to visit,we was raise together,she is a couple of years older,we was some mean and bad little asses.
ReplyDeletePERFECT ! I mean, what could a girl want more than a guy that is hot and ready? LOL.
ReplyDeleteA CUPCAKE-clone? Great. Another visitor for my blog....come in and have fun.
Vix you are just bad (GIGGLES)I want you to look at the picture of them on the beach in June,she had on a hoochie swim wear like that woman,shre need a man the size of Dave any larger she will break.hon you need a little meat on those bones.
ReplyDeleteI already did. I am planning to make a little post out of it. Just because...LOL
ReplyDeleteOh yes ,thats great,in the dark old Dave wouldn't know the different.
ReplyDeleteYUP. At night all cats look the same. And I doubt Caruso would mind as long as he can screw her. Now, I said it. On Christmas Day. Sorry girls...LOL
ReplyDeleteNan's right ,Vix you are rocking now,hell the new year you I will teach you some real bad ..oops I mean nice words to say(GIGGLES)
ReplyDeleteI think you got a great present.Tell him you are going to get it bronzed and wear it on a chain so you can have it near you always.
ReplyDeleteI also got a lovely present.A beautiful butterfly pendant made of opals,made especially for me,and Brian's cold.
Oh thats so sweet, Jeannie. Sounds very artsy.
ReplyDeleteoh Jeannie that's great,see someone loves us.You keep the pendent close to your heart,I don't want tthat dangle cose to mine,I know where it's been hahahaha
ReplyDeleteI got a heart holder he can use,it was made just for .......
ReplyDeleteOh girls, now that Chritsmas is over...
ReplyDeleteWasn't that generous of him?And he won't take it back,So being a nice person,I'm going to give it to someone else.
ReplyDeleteWe had a fantastic day.Everyone was very happy.Sammy loved his giant Lego set,and Jakey was so stunned by his cam-corder he was speechless.He held it the whole day.Will write post about it.
And how was your day?
Ladies..I am so glad I don't like all that fake stuff..I have always perfer to be among friends and family,
ReplyDeleteI am sure Jakey will make the best out of his new tool. You definitely have a future movie-director at your hands.
ReplyDeleteMy day was great,everyone had a great time ate and drink to much,Oh I am so happy for the twins,now that is what it is all about.
ReplyDeleteYep,Xmas is over...What you want to do,I am getting ready for the new year...what we gonna do ,hahahaha,beside being nasty..i like that.
ReplyDeleteThe gifts are unwrapped, the raltives are fed and seen off to the door. Lets get back to busines and be our good old self again.
Jeannie,Brian's cold .is it better?I hope he felt well enough to enjoy also.
ReplyDeleteVix,just what do you maen ,my good old self,never been good ain't gonna start now,(GIGGLES) Jeannie is going to do horny drawing and I am going to be my nasty bitchy self,just badder.
ReplyDelete...and that's exactly the way I like it.
ReplyDeleteYou got it sweetie,I might share some nasty letters my man wrote to me,and jail house rock...
ReplyDeleteBrian's cold is better.Now I have it.That was his special gift to me.
ReplyDeleteHe always gives me something memorable.
My children spoiled me and I spoiled them back.The food was good and fattening and I can feel it all settling around my hips and arse.So,I'm going to waddle fattly around the house tomorrow and do nothing.Maybe I'll write a nice post.
Maybe I'll find some New Year's
So,Nee,did you use your Xmas present?Or, are you going to exchange it for something else.
I will say goodnite...we are really going to let our hair down....Jeannie/Vix I willsee you both tomorrow....
ReplyDeleteVix,Did you write a nice and nasty Dave post today?I haven't checked to see if you did the naughty list.
ReplyDeleteI see Versace in the Enquirer all the time,always in a bikini.She has had everything nipped and tucked but she still looks terrible.Some ladies just don't want to age gracefully.If Dave woke up beside her one morning,he'd cut his wrists.
...and maybe Jeannie can visit my place again once in a while....I miss your wit, old girl.
ReplyDeleteGood nite CUPCAKE. As always it has been a pleasure.
If Dave woke up beside her one morning,he'd cut his wrists.
ReplyDeleteMaybe he already did (wake up next to a woman like this) therefore he is on the lookout solely for women 20 years his junior....
That would explain a lot.
ReplyDeleteYes,during his drunken years he probably didn't know where he was or with who half the time.
He may have some really ugly illegitimate kids around somewhere.
Probably yes. And those children just don't want to come forward because they don't want to be connected with someone like him. I mean, would you want everybody to know that David Caruso made you?
ReplyDeleteYes, I finished the naughty list and then some.
I'm going to your blog to view your post,see ya.