Monday, December 29, 2008

I Ated Tink

We grind nasty fairies up for cat food !!Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!


  1. Anonymous8:39:00 PM

    ROFLMAO....that is too funnny Jeannie. Funny and cute. You most definitely rock, old gal!

  2. I'm having too much fun.I'll try to get sick more often,then I can waste more time at my computer..HA!

  3. Anonymous9:08:00 PM

    ...especially MENTALLY ILL fairies...who aren't taking their bi-polar meds as they should.

  4. Anonymous9:33:00 PM

    I second the motion,"JEANNIE" you are rocking sweetie like no other can,glad you are on our side,girl you whip ass,but good(GIGGLES)that damn fairy will think twice before she mess with us again,shit I am loving this.

  5. Tink seems to be quiet today.Wonder whats on her mind.

    Nice to hear from Monroe again.Wonder what promise Dave made to Amina.

  6. Anonymous9:42:00 PM

    Must be one of her down-phases. Bipolars very often change between manic phases to depression and back.

    Jeannie most definitely is a diamond and then some...she always makes me laugh.

  7. Anonymous9:43:00 PM

    tink got her ass over at dojo saying shit,they are ignoring her

  8. Anonymous9:44:00 PM

    What will someone like Caruso promise a woman?

    "I'll take care if yu forever....or at least until the next nice pussy comes around! LOL!"

  9. Anonymous9:45:00 PM

    They are talking about someone name Sam posting on Em site whoever she is

  10. HA!..Vix.They may not be his exact words,but that's definitely what he meant.

  11. Anonymous9:47:00 PM

    I can hardly wait to here about A/L ,I bet it is a beaut.

  12. Anonymous9:49:00 PM

    well the pussies are coming closer together now a days

  13. Now we have Sam entering the picture.Another unknown quantity.

    Monroe is loyal to Vix but maybe she could drop a little something here.

  14. The scoop on A and L.I'm looking forward to finding out what goes on there.

  15. Anonymous9:54:00 PM

    yes we would love for Monroe to drop in...this Sam person ,they are saying is scary

  16. That sounds interesting Nee.

  17. Anonymous9:59:00 PM

    Sam posted on Em's site about how terriable Red

  18. Anonymous10:00:00 PM

    had to delete the last comment half of it got lost hahaha

  19. Anonymous10:00:00 PM

    Em plagiarized her shit-magazine RED from SAM and SAM openly critcized Em for it.
    Now crayz lacy, dojo the nitwit and that Aussie tramp are all obver "SAM". Dojo even warned SAM to stop. Laughable. I mean would anyone stop posting an opinion just because nitwit dojo demands it.
    That woman clearly suffers from a severe case of delusion. What a bunch of crazies...

  20. Anonymous10:02:00 PM

    Maybe they have someone else to bother and leave us along for a while....

  21. Anyways Nee why is this Sam scary?

    For the new Year,should we try to be more bad or a lot smuttier and sexier?I vote for both.

  22. Anonymous10:04:00 PM

    Vix sound like someone is running scared,more power to Sam.

  23. Anonymous10:06:00 PM

    They are afraid of Sam,my first of hearing about her

  24. I think Dojo feels that she is much
    more powerful than she really is.

    since she has "David's approval",that makes her all powerful.

  25. Anonymous10:07:00 PM

    SAM is "scary" because that means fans vs fans - the fangirls at each others throats instead of being united.
    I like it. I like it a lot. RED is really tarsh. Kindergardners could write a better magazine..

    Sexy, raunchy, bitchy...that's the way I like it.

  26. Anonymous10:08:00 PM

    Jeannie, WHO nitwit dojo has David's approval?
    She likes to pretend that she has it - but I bet it is all made up. Like the rest of her inane blabberings and posts.
    She has no clue - she is fishing for information. And that's what her few readers/posters there just don't get.
    She pretends a lot.

  27. Anonymous10:09:00 PM

    Jeannie Lets have both,it will be a lot of fun,lets throw the devil to the wind and have fun

  28. Now that's more like it.Fan girls at each other's throats.Maybe they'll destroy each other.

    Yes,sexy,raunchy with a dash of bitchy.Nice recipe.

  29. Anonymous10:12:00 PM

    Vix you are so right about dojo having Dave's approval,shit dad and Dave's dad charles is cousins and dad don't know a damn thing about Dave.

  30. Don't hold back ladies.We may shock a few faint hearts.But,who needs them?

    One sexy joke coming up.Should I put Dave in it again?
    Now I just have to think of something.

  31. Anonymous10:20:00 PM

    Yes put him as many as you can,like kicking his ass

  32. Nice little sidebar you think she'll get the message?

  33. Anonymous10:23:00 PM

    Jeannie they like it,I bet you 10 cyber bucks they will tellin these nasties at the water cooler,or maybe in the back saet of the old chevy..hahaha

  34. You know,I'm really enjoying that the fan girls are at each others throats.They always acted so superior.

  35. Nee,everyone likes a sexy joke,even if they won't admit it.

  36. I'm thinking of making Dave have sex with Hillary Clinton or maybe Fat Annie or Tinkerbell or....?Thoughts?

  37. Have to go my friends,cough is getting bad.Talk soon.Peaceful dreams.

  38. Anonymous10:37:00 PM

    It would make tinker day,he can have all three .
    One sitting on hi dangle
    One sitting on his face
    one with his finger up her choochie,,lory what a sight that will be..hahaha

  39. Anonymous10:38:00 PM

    Nite sweetie don't want you to over do it.

  40. Anonymous12:06:00 AM

    We grind nasty fairies up for cat food

    I just hope we won't get in trouble with animal rescue for that - after all crazy tinker is mentally ill. What are the possible side-effects for the kitties?
    Mad cat disease?

  41. Anonymous1:29:00 AM

    I'm thinking of making Dave have sex with Hillary Clinton or maybe Fat Annie or Tinkerbell or....?Thoughts?

    ARGGHHHHH YUP, please..Caruso and Hillary that would be a gas!

    Yes, it fun to watch Sam taking the piss out of EM. And boy did EM throw a fit.
    And the knee-slapper: Crazy bipolar Lacy thinks WE are SAM.
    Can someone have her commited to a mental institution PLEASE!!!

    Good night my sweet, Jeannie....get well soon.


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