When you are feeling down, celebrate your spirit. The essence of life in your body. Celebrating your spirit is celebrating life. In this life we are bound to earth by the physical body. In spirit ,We are free to touch the moon, reach for the stars and travel the universe.Your spirit is your life force and is unique to you, as it expresses itself through you. Now that is something to celebrate. A celebration of spirit requires reflection and anticipation. Reflection reminds you of where you have been. Anticipation allows you to keep moving forward. Spirit inspires you to do better,ask for more, expect the best for yourself. Never allow temporary setbacks or minor disappointments to dampen the celebration of life. Through spirit you are divine. In this life you are spirit..CELEBRATE WHAT YOU ARE!
I 'll put more photos in drafts for you.They are safe there, no one else has access.
ReplyDeleteI will be able to get mine soon.
ReplyDeleteI used to put things there for Vix to put on her blog.I wish we could access her drafts on her blog and be guest writers or something.We could keep it going, but change it to a nicer version.
ReplyDeleteYou said once you could draw me because knew what I looked like.How close was you?
ReplyDeleteThe last poem I wrote for her she forced me to write in a couple of minutes and she added her own ending.It was awful.I wish I could delete it.
ReplyDeleteThat would be nice,we can't get in ,I know of her e-mail address,the one I sent DC stuff to,That was hotmail...the other what she used here was gmail.
ReplyDeleteI was wrong about the shape of your face and chin.They are similar to mine.I thought your face would be longer.
ReplyDeleteI knew you had dark, long hair, green eyes and a dark complexion and a great smile.I knew you didn't have a great big honker either.I don't know how I knew that.
She still has her profile here on the blog.Maybe there is some information there we could use to get in to DCR.
ReplyDeleteI remember,I was so angry with her,she did that because we was talking about family.
ReplyDeleteI tried not to fight with her because I knew it upset you,but when she told me I could have you now,I told her I didn't need no small favors,you logged off.
I wish I knew how to hack into things. Vix was learning how to do that so she didn't have to pay to be on the internet.
ReplyDeleteThat was doing the time you wrote a "PLEA TO GIL".hahaha
ReplyDeleteShe often upset me.She was agressive and completely selfish.
ReplyDeleteShe will be a hard nut for them to crack.It will be difficult to get insid eher head. She will resist with all her strength.
ReplyDeleteOne day we will find a post that begins with, 'Hello, Ladies.What have you been up to while I was gone?'
No Vix's profile is not on our blog,when I deleted her from an author...thats when Keyser/Yvonne left with her.She had us on DCR ,there is no trace of her anywhere here. Just some posts she had.
ReplyDeleteI can access her profile from my computer so I think you just deleted it from yours.
ReplyDeleteGo back to a comment from her and click on the fox.
ReplyDeleteIf we see one saying hello ladies,it won't be here,it will be on one of her blogs.
ReplyDeleteI can share everything but my man,I knew you liked both of us,I was fine with that,after we started this blog,I realize you just felt sorry for her.I couldn't turn my back on her,but lordy I wanted to so many times.I liked the crazy fool.
I can get her profile from her blogs. Her name was on our blog with ours .
ReplyDeleteYes I can get her that way,you can get Keyser also,she can't post here.Thats the way I found the commented on Ian's post and visit her.Have you heard from her?
ReplyDeleteYou can click on any blogger profile and get them,unless they are private.
ReplyDeleteI liked her too. I had great fun with her.I could make her laugh and I think she needed that.It kept her centered.She enjoyed having us as friends.She was so alone.I hope she has fond memories of us but I think we're already forgotten and she has moved on.She was a very practical German.
ReplyDeleteI haven't heard from that ladybut I think I might some day.I would like to talk to her.Vix could have translated.Also Keyser can translate German.
ReplyDeleteI really would like to hear from her and to know all is well.Loon still have her picture up,now thats sick.
ReplyDeleteI left her a comment in english,I wanted to be a follower,I never could get it to work,she has abot 10/12,I think I will just see if any speak english.
ReplyDeleteI know,it's like a medal that she has pinned on herself.Like she's saying "I'm a famous bounty hunter."
ReplyDeleteI have a post in draft about Mel,He wants his girlfriend to get an DNA test. Her son's father is Timothy Dalton ,he was a James Bond.
ReplyDeleteWill you post it for me?
Sure will.Now Timothy Dalton is or was a good looking man but I guess he didn't have enough money for her.
ReplyDeleteShe looks so processed and done over.She has a slight octomom look.
ReplyDeleteI have done some good things,not for show,but becaue they made me feel good, I never have to be out front,Just help to get the job done.
ReplyDeleteI'm prattling on and you probably want to go to bed.Anyway,thankyou for cheering me up.
ReplyDeleteEveryone is telling him she is a gold digger, there are rumors ,I am not going to spoil it .
ReplyDeleteIf it needs any fixing ,do it.
Now since you mention it ,she do look like Octo-mom..Octo-mom is better looking.
ReplyDeleteDo you want pictures? I'm not going to try editing your pictures again.I don't know where they go when they dissappear.
ReplyDeleteThey don't look healthy,they need to eat some good food and stop eating out,maybe they can't cook.
ReplyDeleteIf they get lost,thats ok..you made the post of Octo-mom look better..Mel is on there by himself,whatever you do is fine with me,hell I am learning bit by bit.hahaha
ReplyDeleteMaybe the little men from mars like my pictures ..Hahahaha if they get lost don't worry trying to find them,i get out of the book.
ReplyDeleteHey all the things we've lost are out there in space floating around.Aliens are looking at them.
ReplyDeleteWhen they see octomom, they won't want to come here.
ReplyDeleteI guess I will say goodnite and see you tomorrow.Sweet dreams,and a lot of snuggling with the "ROCK".
ReplyDeleteGet a cup of tea and rest well..
Goodnite ...PIC...LUV as always..NEE
Well we are safe for awhile.hahaha
ReplyDeleteA cup of herbal tea sounds nice.And I'll take your advice and curl up with my rock. You do the same luv...And I'll see you to morrow and report on my progress with Daffodils. ...sweet dreams..your pal J... lots of love