It came out that they was seeing each other for quite a while.I didn't mind,my big sister raised me.What bother me was it had been going on for years.Those two sure know how to keep a secret. Since Dad's eighty-second (82rd) birthday is coming up on November 8th,I ask her could Dad still do the naughty.Sis said I am going to put this to rest once and for all.Sit your musty butt down.Age is just a number and you can get poke as long as you live,if you love someone,just lying in their arms is wonderful,there are so many things that make shivers run up and down your spine,and you can't wait to to be with him/her.Sis says ,NEE your man is a tad older than you,not to worry when you call he will be there and sometimes when you don't call he 's there.I got up to leave and Sis called me back and said I forgot to answer your question.Yes it stands up straight as a post and don't bend in the middle,now NEE I truly hope that answers your questions...all shit ,she told my ass off...hahahaNow I know why we got the new "YARDDOG".... to keep away the two (2) leg critters .Oh yes Sis is sixty-four (64)..hell I'm going to be poping this choochie till me and my man die...unless "GLOBAL WARMING"get me first..... Boy Dad is protecting his choochie...But hey,that's just me....
My God you're funny. You had to find out, didn't you? You couldn't let sleeping peckers lie. You had to know if it stood up...HA!So now you know and you can assume his son will have a stander upper when he's that old...HA!
ReplyDeleteThankyou for giving me my laugh of the day.
I left you an email. I hope you took lots of pictures at the dance recital.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I just love that yard dog.I would love to put him in the sidebar.
ReplyDeleteNow that is some dog...I do know that some fool had a pet alligator (or crocodile?) not sure, but he decided he couldnt keep it so he tossed it into a lake somewhere in LA county, cannot recall name of lake offhand. They still havent caught it...
ReplyDeletePut it in the side bar,I got it and going to do it,shit hang with me or leave me...I have a lot of the ladies from the sidebar,help your self,do I need to put one in draft.
ReplyDeleteNo Nee,I think I can copy it from the blog.How are you Sweetie?
ReplyDeleteThey are 4/6 years olds,they all was so cute...Jill's turn came ,she did her thing,finish and yell where is my daddy,Gil stood up and said here I am princess,Dad jumped up and holler ed,here's poppa baby.I want to laugh my ass off.
ReplyDeleteawww CC how sweet is that...:)
ReplyDeleteOh my God ,That is so cute. Your guys are sweet. They are so proud of her.
ReplyDeleteI am great,got something on my mind and something is got to give one way are the other...No Gil is not in the dog house this time,lucky him.
ReplyDeleteWait till she does something spectacular.Those guys will give a press conference.
ReplyDeleteWhat's on your mind honey?? Do you want to talk in private??
ReplyDeleteJill have a mind of her own even when she was a baby, Nan says she look like her daddy,but acts like me,I hope not,i really can be an ass sometime when I think people is trying to put something over on me.
ReplyDeleteNot my Nee.She's always as sweet as pecan pie.
ReplyDeleteNo, not really...I want to ask K.. something,but she always talks around the subject.
ReplyDeleteJust ask her a direct question. I'm sure she will answer.
ReplyDeleteJeannie you kill me,you and sis know I am not sweet,nice sometime,but what you see is what you get,no frills here.
ReplyDeleteHave you got your panties off again? I know that means you don't hide anything.You shoot straight from the hip.
ReplyDeleteI guess they both are happy to have kids,I am happy to have them to.
ReplyDeleteNo panties on and my my is trying to put Gilly to sleep,so I am safe for now.
ReplyDeleteDoes Gilly have a bit of trouble going to sleep at night?
ReplyDeleteKeyser don't put up pretty pictures for me anymore,he know I don't know what the hell he's talking about.hahaha
ReplyDeleteNo Gilly is just like you,a night-owl..he wants to play ..when I put him down for the night,Gil go get him...and then it's own,when I hear Gil laughing I know he has Gilly.
ReplyDeleteWhen I talk to Keyser I have to up my game, pay attention and stay on my toes.He can think and type a hundred times faster than I can.
ReplyDeleteI just lost the blog in cyber space for a minute...WTF
ReplyDeleteMaybe Blogger is doing something or someone is hacking into my computer.
ReplyDeleteJeannie,dad didn't finish high school,you would think he was well educated and as nerdy as Gil..
ReplyDeleteNaturally I keep all the state secrets in my computer.
ReplyDeleteNo I think they are working I seen something on dashboard.
ReplyDeleteHave you even been bothered. They say a lot of that happens on myspace and facebook..Facebook is having a lot of problems.
ReplyDeleteWith age comes wisdom honey. you don't have to go to college to get it.It's free for the asking.
ReplyDeleteI was lucky to go to college but I have learned far more since I've been out in the world.
Blogger gets on my nerves sometime,I prefer it over the others,it is so hard to get around on wordpress.
ReplyDeleteI am on Facebook, in fact most of our family keep in touch on Facebook.I don't use it as much any more.It does have problems.
ReplyDeleteIf you logged on to Facebook you would see us all there.
ReplyDeleteBlogger seems the easiest to use and I' all for that.I'm not too technical and neither is my partner but you'd like her. She is a smart dresser, comes from Louisiana.
ReplyDeleteDad made money and sent his only son to the best of schools...he says he had a good woman beside him,she was a teacher and help when he open the casino and he got his brothers to come to Vegas and invest and the rest is history.
ReplyDeleteI emailed you more pictures of the twins.
ReplyDeleteAll shit that heifer don't wear bloomers..ahaha
ReplyDeleteMaybe I should get a family thing on facebook...I think someone just got mad and said a lot of stuff.
ReplyDeleteThankyou..I will have some soon,now the girls will be fighting again over them,Jill says the little one is hers,I told thats right baby stake your claim.Ha!!
I have a lovely picture of the twins with their dog Beethoven.I'll have to find it for you .
ReplyDeleteJakey is going through a bad patch right now.We have to get him to his hemotologist to see if his bloodcount has gone down.
Thankyou,I got them handsome devils.
ReplyDeleteJust put the kettle on for a cup of herbal tea.Everyone is asleep. the house is very quiet. Maxy is laying on Brian's arm,sound asleep,looking cute.
ReplyDeleteNo one needs me for anything right now .I'm free for a couple of hours.
I am glad school is out.he can stay close by..Is he doing to much?It seems when one thing get fixed another pops up.The doctors have a chance now of finding a cure,he was o.k. when he returned home from that man.(the donor)
ReplyDeleteAnything can set off a drop in his hemoglobin.If he gets too tired,If he catches a cold.Many factors.Sometimes we don't know what causes it.He seems a bit stronger in the summer.He gets a lot of rest and sunshine and fresh foods.
ReplyDeleteYou want to go to "a note to the Teacher"
ReplyDeleteat scholl he don't realize how tired he is from playing and keeping up with the other kids.