Maybe the Best Blonde Joke Ever!
Two blonde girls were working for the city public works department. One would dig a hole and the other would follow behind her and fill the hole in. They worked up one side of the street, then down the other, then moved on to the next street, working furiously all day without rest, one girl digging a hole, the other girl filling it in again.
An onlooker was amazed at their hard work, but couldn't understand what they were doing. So he asked the hole digger, 'I'm impressed by the effort you two are putting into your work, but I don't get it -- why do you dig a hole, only to have your partner follow behind and fill it up again?'
The hole digger wiped her brow and sighed, 'Well, I suppose it probably looks odd because we're normally a three-person team. But today the girl who plants the trees called in sick.
First of all, thank heavens I am a brunette!
ReplyDeleteSecondly, that was so funny...made my day
Thank goodness I am not blonde they say blondes have more fun but you know that is a lie,they just think they do, that's why they are called dumb blondes.hahaha
ReplyDeleteHow did it go at the doctors,great I hope.
Hi Nee, how's it hanging? Oh, that's right,you don't have one.
ReplyDeleteI told you my carper and curtains are the same color..hahaha..having a good evening,how is everyone?
ReplyDeleteBoy I worked hard to day and I'm kind of wiped out.I think eventually we'll buy another condo.There's too much upkeep on a house and a garden for old geezers.
ReplyDeleteCertain people is picking up a lot of our phrases.."DC" "AIN'T". Shit we have a lot of saying down here.haha
ReplyDeleteThat's a good one I'll have to remember it.
ReplyDeleteI run out of witty things to say when I'm out with friends, so I try to remember funny things like that. The truth is I'm very shy.
ReplyDeleteI noticed she was using DC a lot.She really does visit us.Our blog is very entertaining.The stats look good today.
ReplyDelete(GIGGLES) A condo would be nice not so much work.Now about this getting old shit, you better not let Brian hear you say that,the ever-ready "rock" don't bend in the middle.hahaha
ReplyDeleteThe rock doesn't bend yet.When he gets a woody, it really is.
ReplyDeleteI writes them down every night.The boy with no throat got us a lot of viewers,I knew it would..The loon is hurting,she expected us to hit back,fool her.hahaha
ReplyDeleteWhat I don't understand is why they hate people just for having a different opiniion.Childish,or what?
ReplyDeleteI liked Lacey,she would fight fair,hell she would say she was at the shit-blogs.
ReplyDeleteDodo and the Dodettes can worship DC if they wish. No harm in that.I don't hate them for it.
ReplyDeleteWant you to think they are so smart,it nice to be smart,but also have some sense...look at me ,I got a very nerdy guy,hell I can't put 10 words together to make a sentence,and he loves it.
ReplyDeleteYou are not shy,you are just down to earth,and like the common things in life.
I guess they really hate us for being friends to Vix
ReplyDeleteI could really ruffle their feathers if I did another cartoon.She's still mad about the first one.
ReplyDeleteWE don't hate DC,he 's just a fart-ass that keep fucking up,and I will keep talking about him,everyone has an opinion.If their's is different than mine,so be it....
ReplyDeleteAS for you being shy,no way,I found a lot of ladies think I am to forward,they are too serious all the time,I like for you to know me.
Jeannie, do another cartoon,this is our blog,if she has a fit,so be it,so more viewers coming to see us.
ReplyDeleteI think it depends on the situation.If it calls for you to be a lady you can do it with the best of them. If you want to relax and have fun with friends, you let your hair down.
ReplyDeleteOur icons are staying finally.
ReplyDeleteHopefully I will have something for you Monday and you can make a cartoon out of them.
ReplyDeleteWe don't care about dodo we have won this fight hands down.
What will you have on Monday? I'm curious.
ReplyDeleteI don't hate anyone,I might dislike them for the way they act toward others,people can be friends with whoever. Nan has a friend I can't stand,I speak and go on.
ReplyDeleteI'm watching an old movie with Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck.They don't make them like that anymore.
ReplyDeleteI forgot Gil has some Jill/Gilly pictures at his office,I haven't been there since we moved,and Nan will be back to help me.
ReplyDeleteSometimes you meet someone that you don't like on first sight and you don't really know why.I always wondered why that is.Surely you should give them a chance before you feel that way.
ReplyDeleteNow Audrey was a lady.I think it's called Roman holiday.
ReplyDeleteI like old movies,they are the ones we rent..I told Gil to see if he could find to "Kill a Mockingbird" I loved that movie.
ReplyDeleteI have some photos on my desk right here that I meant to put in drafts for you.Then never found the time.Getting Boy With no Throat out of the archives was a little more tricky than I thought and then I had to finish the new one and edit all of them.I kept getting them in the wrong order.
ReplyDeleteNow I know how to do it quicker it will be easier to do daffodils.Should I add a few more photos?
I took a chance with Lois (BL) now she helps more than the others,she is also younger,I like me and thats the way I carried myself.
ReplyDeleteAlso get African Queen with Bogart and K. Hepburn. Gil would enjoy that one again.We watch that one at least once a year. Brian is ex army so he likes the Dirty Dozen.
ReplyDeleteYes add a lot of them as many as you want to,that is going to be so wonderful,it will make so many people think about their dads,I know I found a lot in the story that remind me of daddy.,,so add them.
ReplyDeleteDo you like BL now? Or, will you always be a little reserved with her?
ReplyDeleteBrian and Gil will get alonf famously ,he likes the Dirty Dozen.
ReplyDelete(BL) she is o.k. yes I will always be a little reserved.I think she has a complex by not finishing school,hell I told her I only finish high school,I did all right,my man loves me because I am a lady and look good on his arm,hell I got plenty brains and sense,I hooked him and I didn't do it by laying on my back.(GIGGLES)
ReplyDeleteYou're a smart woman.I knew that right away.You were always very quick with your answers.
ReplyDeleteI had my own dress shop and 5 employers,I am a good seamstress,I have never had a low self esteem.
ReplyDeleteBL wants your approval,that's why she works so hard.
ReplyDeleteI am fair,I treat them all alike,she wants me to tell Gil to make her husband a partner,there are 7 lawyers there and he only has one partner,James tranferred here from Reno when Gil open the office here.James were partner wit Gil in Reno.
ReplyDeleteNo wonder you miss working. You can't beat that feeling of independance.And the sense of achievement.
ReplyDeleteBy the way I am so proud of you for keeping your cool when Dodo was calling you names.I know you are a hothead.I live with one.
I don't tell him how to run his business and he don't tell me how to run my house,but we raise our babies together.
ReplyDeleteThank you,I am glad I commented,I learned from picking up vibes from you when I would fight with Lacy.
ReplyDeleteWhy fight a battle when I have won.She is gasping at straws for something to talk about,Vix is the only person I know that run a one subject blog,and that was because of hate,she was trying to egg me on ...she couldn't get you and then we made a fool of her,when Nan posted under Carla D.hahaha
By the way,how did she get the "PIG" picture if not from here.
ReplyDeleteWhat are you doing tomorrow? We'll be going up to the lake.The twins asked us to go up there.I actually would rather spend the day at home.But now I've made all this chicken, Someone's got to eat it.
ReplyDeleteShe had to have got the pig here. In fact she mentioned that she got it here.She wanted to pay me back for the cartoon.
ReplyDeleteVix did indeed have a one topic blog and yet she made it fun and interesting somehow and she had a lot of followers.
ReplyDeleteAs it turned out she had several one topic blogs.They were all a bit different though.She let us talk about different things at times.I think she enjoyed coming here more.We were her contact to the outside world.
SHe liked doing the celebrity news.I still think about her being locked away. There was a lot of good in her.I believe she was a good mother before she went loopy over DC.
ReplyDeleteIf you watch her stats they still go up.
ReplyDeleteGo to the lake and have a great time with the twins.
ReplyDeleteI will just be here worrying the shit out of everyone,Nan will be back tomorrow.I will stay out of trouble.
The shit -head says she don't come here ..HA!! This is where they all get their jollies..hahaha
Nan being Carla D was brilliant and she carried it off so well.She fooled them.
ReplyDeleteThey will never get space on our blog with a post,you could put all their brains in a mustard seed and still have room left over..
ReplyDeleteYou need to get some rest and be ready for tomorrow,have some fun.
You probably won't stay out of trouble.You like trouble.Do you go to Dodo's often?
ReplyDeleteYes they are still going up.
ReplyDeleteJeannie we are rebel,do the things we want to do,we have fun,and Vix was a lot of fun,when she came here she had fun,I know she made them believe this blog was hers.I didn't care.
Are you trying to get rid of me,huh?Is Gil standing there with a big hard-on?
ReplyDeleteNow I have this funny picture in my brain of you typing away at your desk and Gil standing beside you with a big hard-on stuck in your ear.
ReplyDeleteI checks her crazy ass out every day now since she did that post on me,one says I could kiss her lily white ass,hell if she only knew I would bitch slap her ass and carry her to Nana.Hahaha
ReplyDeleteSo in love With DC she bleached her ass..hahahaha
Ha!!!!!I bet she dyed her hair red too.Maybe she paints dots on her face too.
ReplyDeleteYou crack me up,you are so bad,Gillygot him down and asleep on him,No I am having fun,I think he likes for me to come to bed late so he can catch me in the morning.hahaha
ReplyDeleteYou are bad.
I'm teasing you.I won't stay up much later.I hope that lady gets back to me.It sounded like her boy was one of the lucky ones .
ReplyDeleteThey wish they could get them shut down.People was curious about Vix,the loons have made her well known ,everyone that read it will know what a ass-hole DC is and they will really know she was telling the truth in her own way,Liza is suing his ass off.
ReplyDeleteI have not seen anywhere that Liza is being sused by a nanny,I guess it will come out soon.
Do she have your e-mail or here,If she is going to post here I will delete all comments on part one ,I checks all every morning in case I missed something.
ReplyDeleteDodo needs a good dose of Nana,so does that Dodette KRoselynn (or something like) that.Nana woud just need five minutes to straighten them out.
ReplyDeleteI didn't give her my email. I will if she gets back to us with something interesting. I think she is German but living in Ireland at least that was how it translated.Google translations are terrible. This blog is shown all over the world.Do we have something in our program to let them translate.She has a little window on her blog where you can pick a language.
ReplyDeleteOkay Sweetie,I guess I will get my jammies on.You have a goodnight and dream of having a big hard-on in your ear...I luv you much...Toodles.
ReplyDeleteI don't know if we do,maybe ask Keyser....
ReplyDeleteI won't delete hers,just the old ones..I will look into it,I tired to hook up ,I will gigure it out..
Have a good nite sweetie and fun tomorrow ..PIC...Luv....NEE.