The Arctic is changing at a drastic rate. Thought to be too inhospitable to conquer and exploit, the world has been happy to let Canada keep its northern territories. There was a time when only the Inuit and U.S. Military were interested in living up there. However, as global climate change transforms the face of our Arctic, the area is becoming an increasingly attractive new theatre for industrial development. Rich with natural resources and blessed with huge expanses of untapped land, the Canadian Arctic is now on the radar of numerous nations. No longer are we politely battling with only the Danes, Norwegians and Russians over our claims in the Arctic, but we must now keep an eye on other countries with no historical stake in the north. The world thinks it will just be able to push Canada aside when the time comes, take our stuff and we’ll apologize for being in the way. Well, hell no. The time is nigh that we defend our north, draw a line in the tundra and say: “Back up world.”
No.10 - To keep the bad guys out
The Canadian Arctic coastline is a 156,029-kilometre open gateway into the country. Climate change has made it much easier to access, and as a result we’re getting all sorts of undesirables testing the fence. In 2007, a Norwegian sailboat illegally entered Canadian waters carrying a suspected affiliate of the Norwegian Hells Angels. The following year, the RCMP nabbed a suspected human smuggler/drug trafficker as he attempted to enter Canada through Grise Fiord, Nunavut. The last thing we want is a bunch of marauding bikers and drug smugglers tearing up the Great White North.
No.9 - To protect Aboriginal communities
The northern First Nations are hard people, there’s no doubt about that. The decedents of whalers and caribou hunters, they don’t need the help of us lily-white southerners to survive up there. However, they may need us to fend off the dangers they face due to globalization. The Canadian Government can hardly pride itself on how it has treated our native people. However, we have recently made efforts in helping them preserve their culture, like the Canadian Senate voting unanimously for the Inuit Language Protection Act and the Governor General throwing her political weight behind the seal hunt.
Next No.8 - It will get polluted
As Canadians, we have to be conscious of the need for our environmental security. The Arctic is the natural dumping zone for a lot of the world’s toxins. Pollutants from as far away as India and the Philippines are poisoning our northern communities. Pesticides and fertilizers used in developing countries evaporate into the atmosphere and are carried north. There, these persistent organic pollutants (POPs) find a home in the fat of animals, which is a staple of the Inuit diet. As a result, our northern aboriginal populations are being poisoned. As Canadians, we’ve already taken steps to protect Arctic waters from waste dumping, now it’s time to kick some diplomatic ass and get these airborne POPs globally outlawed.
No.7 - So we can still see the northern lights
The northern lights, polar lights or aurora borealis, regardless of what name you call them by, these natural displays of colour are awe inspiring. The Cree call them the “Dance of the Spirits,” and though the northern lights can sometimes be seen south of 60˚, they mainly hold court in the Arctic. That is until they pave paradise and put up a parking lot. As more people migrate north, amenities will follow and before long light pollution will obscure and erase the northern lights from sight. A dystopic future brought to you by 7-Eleven.
No.6 - To protect wildlife
Sovereignty of our Arctic is essential in protecting the region’s wildlife. There are a number of Arctic species that are classified as threatened or endangered, including the Bowhead Whale and the Peary Caribou. The polar bear is at risk of being the first species to become endangered as a result of global warming. With Arctic sovereignty, Canada can pass legislation that can protect at-risk species, just as we did with the muskoxen population of Quebec.
No.5 - There are a lot of diamonds in the Arctic
Diamond deposits were discovered in the Northwest Territory in 1991. In the 18 years that have followed, Canada has grown to be the third largest diamond supplier in the world, behind Botswana and Russia. Our stones account for 15% of the world’s diamond supply. Unlike the conflict diamonds, or “blood diamonds,” of Sierra Leone and Angola, Canadian diamonds are seen as clean, guilt-free stones, making them all the more precious. This resource is not only important for the money it generates, but also for the money its industry invests into northern regions -- the Snap Lake Diamond Project alone invested $861.3 million into regional contractors and
No.4 - There is a lot of oil in the Arctic
There is an increasing global interest in the energy resources found in the Arctic. Some estimate that as much as 25% of the world's oil and natural gas could potentially reside offshore of Canada, Greenland and Alaska. The world is looking more closely at the industrial development of the region. South Korea has begun investing in icebreakers for their navy, while China and seven other non-Arctic countries have observer status on the Arctic Council, all keen to have their input on the region’s affairs. Canada must now take this time to shore up our claims in the north and define for the world where our sovereignty in the area begins and ends.
No.3 - So the Canadian Rangers can keep kicking ass
Canada’s own Minutemen, the Canadian Rangers, are our first, last and best line of defense in the remote Arctic. Don’t be fooled by their red sweatshirts and ball caps, these guys are badass. The Rangers are a reservist’s military presence in the north; 4,200 strong, the force is made up of mainly First Nations and Inuit volunteers. Their primary duties are to survey the coast and alert the Canadian Forces of any unlawful presence off our shores. They also provide regional expertise and guidance, as well as aid in search and rescue missions. Most Canadians aren’t aware that these guys exist, but they’ve been protecting our northern coastline for nearly 60 years.
No.2 - To assert our authority over the Northwest Passage
We say it’s ours, Europe and the States say it’s international waters -- the Northwest Passage is a key piece of the Arctic that we as a country need sovereignty over. As its ice coverage diminishes and the trading season gets longer each year, the Passage is becoming an increasingly important trade route between Asia and Europe and the Eastern United States. Sovereignty over the Passage means that Canada can establish an international shipping regime in the region that would protect our interests. Having a regime for all ships using the route means that we could protect the region’s environment, increase its security by keeping unwanted people or things out, and ensure that local communities profit from the increased international trading moving through the area.
No.1 - Because we're not going to get pushed around by a bunch of Scandinavians
We’re not going to let any pickled fish-eating, fermented milk-drinking, Viking-loving Scandinavians take over our beloved Arctic. First we had the Danes trying to claim Hans Island. Don’t let the name fool you, this 1.3-square-kilometre piece of rock in the middle of the Kennedy Channel is all Canuck -- we don’t give a damn what the latest satellite images might show. And as for the fishermen from Greenland and the Faeroes Islands coming into our waters and illegally taking our fish, they should knock it off, ask through diplomatic channels if they may have certain limited rights to fish there.We're not an unreasonable people and we will share within acceptable bounds.Please World 'BACK UP OR BACK OFF'.
I have never been to the arctic.
ReplyDeleteNational Geo. do a lot of documentary on the Arctic and how Global warming is affecting the beautiful country and the wildlife there.
canada is a peace loving country,they believe in making love---not war. We have a few Canadians here and they says the Mounties is kick-ass-bad. I hear they are tough bunch if you get them riled.
The Mounties always get their man.They are relentless.One of the best police forces in the world.
ReplyDeleteI hope you are well and being a good girl.I'd hate to have to ask one of my Mountie friends to make you behave...HA!
Hahaha Make sure he come looking for bear.haha
ReplyDeleteHow are you and everyone? I am being a good girl for now.hahaha
ReplyDeleteI have left you comments everywhere.
I have two posts in drafts,look them over and post for me. You made my day on relationship's post.There is hope for me yet.Hahaha
You think you can handle a big Mountie who has been in the northern territories for six months without seeing a woman??
ReplyDeleteI will be running for my life getting away.Haha
ReplyDeleteI am going to get off my soap box and stop preaching global warming and endangered species this week or I'll bore all our readers to sleep.I think I've done three articles on it this week.
ReplyDeleteI better do a sexy post to get them all back.
I can't think sexy right now,the twins drained all my energy away.I feel like an old deflated balloon laying on a computer chair right now.Oddly, I can still hear their little voices ringing in my ears.I think the rock is snoring so loud he's sucking up all the oxygen in the house.He's wiped out.
I was interested to note that a number of people have looked up my profile.I might add something sexy to that.Just drop a hint that I'm tri-sexual (men women and aliens)
ReplyDeleteYou enjoyed those little rascals,and that was so swet of Jakey saying he hope he wasn't bad,how sweet...
ReplyDeleteI think a lot of our viewers like our format,I learns a lot about climate change, I think whatever suits tour fancy.
I am getting a few,I think I had about 50/60 now it is a little more.I think I will boot mine up also,I haven't finished it.
ReplyDeleteI will take the little green men..
Suppose I say I will take DC..hahaha
How about a post called ten things you should never tell your man??
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure I can come up with ten.I'm such a blabbermouth ,I can't keep secrets from him.
We don't do redheads on 'Fun to Be Bad',on principle.Although by rights he is white as snow now.They go white in their fifties.
ReplyDeleteI wonder why the crazies have their private? Are they hiding something? People still know how dumb they are.
ReplyDeleteYou have had 310 reads of your profile.Time to add a few interesting things about you.Like your career as a belly dancer.That time you were stranded on an island with a handsome pilot for a year.The fact that you have webbed feet,six fingers and two choochies.
ReplyDeleteYou know I like them dark or semi,can't handle the freckles,i will try to pick them off.
ReplyDeleteYou know I am a blabble mouth.Maybe it should be what you shouldn't tell your man,you know I tell everything.
Peter 's ladder only had a year's warranty.What a cheap ladder and it was constructed for two hundred pounds only.He gained weight in the winter and weighs just about that, and if he carries shingles or tools that would put him over the top. I don't think he has a case.He had such pain lines on his face today, he looked exhausted.
ReplyDeleteThat is a good idea,I haven't added anything since we started,it's about time I up-dated it..two choochies sounds interesting. hell I bet Gil will run away from home ,knowing he had to pleased 2 choochies.
ReplyDeleteMaybe we could make you sound mysterious on your profile,like you are a very famous person who would rather not be known,so you are keeping a low profile.
ReplyDeleteTwo choochies would make the rock happy .One to love and one for a toy.
ReplyDeleteHe likes choochies.
ReplyDeleteI hope he just bruised his tail-bone..but he still need aid until he's on his feet.Maybe laying on his stomach and putting heating pads on his back may help.
ReplyDeleteWe took the boys to karate tonight.They go twice a week now.'Biological' was waiting to take them for an overnight.He's taking them to fireworks at his racetrack tomorrow.He's not a very nice man but the guys adore him he's a hero to them. He has taken a couple of his racecars to the boys' school for the children to see and sit in.The teachers liked it too. he racked up some points there with the twins.
ReplyDeletePoor old Pete he feels a little upstaged.What can he show the class? a carpet cleaning machine?
I really think the "ROCK" only wants your choochie,he may look but he's not going to touch.
ReplyDeleteI like your idea about a low profile,write me one.hahaha,I don't know how to make myself mysterious.
Before I forget, on AOL news it said Jacko wasn't the fathher of Debbie Rowe's kids,they think it is someone close to her.Hell they may not be hers either.
ReplyDeleteTomorrow is 'CANADA DAY' a big holiday here .Typical Canadian gov't, to put it in the middle of the week so we can't make a long weekend out of it.It has to be on July first.Why not the first weekend in July?
ReplyDeleteWe'll be hearing fireworks go off all day and night.I guess you could relate it to your fourth of July celebration.
ReplyDeleteDidn't we just say that Jacko wasn't the dad a day or two ago?
ReplyDeleteToday I read that his father is not in his will.His mom got a little control over one or two properties but nothing for dear old dad.
You can bet he isn't Blanket's dad either.He didn't want to take the chance of having a black baby.
I feel for "P" ,tell him to hang in there,the boys are young and can be impressed very easy,but they are growing up and will be able to tell the difference.It's easy to be on deck when things are going well,but when the cards are on the table the sucker will run and hide.Being a parent is a full time job.Will he be there when they are sick.
ReplyDeleteI also read that he was $500 million in debt..A black/white child don't make you a better person.
ReplyDeleteYou know Billy Mays died in his sleep...they say maybe he learned Jacko was using his Oxny bleach and he had a heart attact from laughing so hard.
I don't like people that shows off,If he had to support the guys ,he wouldn't have all the race-cars to show off,and play the big-shot..the guys is 10 now in a few years it will be different.Watch him he may be a snake in the grass.
ReplyDeleteWe know he is going to try and take the twins away when they are twelve and they can have some say in it.He always threatened J that he would.
ReplyDeleteHE's a snake.I heard about Billy. He was on the tonight show just last week.
ReplyDeleteAhhhh...A little red berry and Rooibos tea with zest of orange in it.Delish.
ReplyDeleteThe twins can do a lot of growing up in 2 years..I am so glad Nana put you in control, he won't get any of that,it's a long way to 18.
ReplyDeleteI don't think the twins will leave their mom..How will he cope with Jakey illness.Hell he don't know what to do,and his wife wants her own.
I'll joined you,thanks.The twins know what their mom have been through and I don't think they will ever leave her.
ReplyDeleteIan had his surgery today.They can't really do anything for him.They are going to give him a drug that helps dissolve his food for him.They don't have much hope.
ReplyDeleteIt looks like they will have to resort to the food pump until some new development comes along.
Go for the food pump,something might be just aroud the corner,anything is better than him suffering, to build up his strengh,he may not like it but it will be just for a little while.
ReplyDeleteJacko was taking something to bleach his skin for years.You know ,it may have been toxic And gradually poisoned him and weakened his heart.
ReplyDeleteI find it so hard to believe that a man would try to change his origins.The coroners said that his body was in excellent shape.He had not neglected it.His face was badly scarred though.If you look at a series of his pictures over a timeline you can see the incarnations of his nose.One expert said that he could see at least four surgeries just from the photographs.
ReplyDeleteI have 2 posts in drafts,will you check them our and post for me? One is about Brad/Angie and the other is about Conan O`Brien.
ReplyDeleteSure honey.No prob.
ReplyDeleteWhat has Conan been up to?
ReplyDeleteI like his personality, but he is another very pasty faced redhead.
Jacko was a weird person,I think his dad fucked him up,I have heard that when a child is abuse over a period of time,they grow up to abuse others.I wonder is that why he wanted those children,people would always see him as a black freak thar were very talented.
ReplyDeleteHe preferred white children,the whiter the better,like McCauley Culkin.
ReplyDeleteIt's just about him taking over the show and moving from N.Y. I haven't heard much about him.
ReplyDeleteHe said on the show that he likes LA but he misses NY pizzas and hot pretzles.
ReplyDeleteHow do you spell pretzels?
ReplyDeleteI put some of my posts in draft so you can look them over,I be finished with them after you look them over ,you can post them.I like the way you fix them if they need it.
ReplyDeleteHow is the house coming along?are you having dark or light hardwood floors?Lots of windows?What about ceramic or marble floors?
ReplyDeletespell it "pretzel" the way you wrote it..you making some.
ReplyDeleteDoes Gill carp about the expense?I bet he doesn't.Nothing is too good for his Baby.Is he allowed to choose anything?How did Jill like her garden plot?IS Gilly trying to walk?
ReplyDeleteI have to pry this stuff out of you.It's like pulling teeth.Now give.
It's coming on good,will be in soon I hope...I have decided to have ceramic and marble floors.I think hardwood will be to hard to heep up with small ones ..Everyone has carpet,I don't want carpert,I want it to be homey where you can feel at home.
ReplyDeleteI love windows.and a lot of them,I think Dad will be spending his time between the two houses.Susan hubby asked him for a loan and dad asked him do he look like a money tree.He would get him a job at the hotel/casino,we haven't seen Benny since.hahaha
ReplyDeleteGood choices.You live in a hot humid place.Marble and ceramic do well in that environment.Nothing can go mouldy.
ReplyDeleteIt won't stop 'frittin' raining up here.Did you send it up here?I bet you're having nice sunny days now.
ReplyDeleteThe whole first week of our holidays will be nothing but rain.
ReplyDeleteGil is happy,he made a killing on the house,he is so glad I am not on his ass,I have a enclosed patio off my bedroom and he will pick out the stuff for it.haha
ReplyDeleteGilly is holding on to things and walking,he refuses to crawl,I guess it hurts his knees..he will take some steps, and look at you and fall his ass down,I let him stay in his walker so he can keep up,he can say da-da..he called a man da-da Gil said no son,I'm the daddy.haha
Speaking of the casino,how is our Nan and how is her new job promotion going? Does she like the added responsibilities?
ReplyDeleteDoes Sis babysit for her?
Nan says whenI get my stuff,she know the picture she wants to send you of Gilly,she say he look like Brian.hahaha
ReplyDeleteThat could be embarrassing if Gilly calls other men dada,especially if they are with their wives...HA
ReplyDeleteThe enclosed patio sounds lovely.Is the outside brick or adobe or something else?
ReplyDeleteNan loves her job,she's been there about 14/15 years.No sis don't babysit Sharon..you can't pry those two little hussies apart.Nan hads a daughter married with a son,and her son is La.Tech college.
ReplyDeleteGil told Nan she should let us adopt Sharon.
If that boy is Brian's,it must have been an immaculate conception.
ReplyDeleteI know his little soldiers can swim pretty far but that's ridiculous.
The out side is brick..Gil be so happy when some asks his old ass is they his,shit you can look at both and pick out there daddy.
ReplyDeleteI am having wallpaper,some says I should get paneling,I don't want that,I want an airy look/feel.
I liked working but I also like not working,although I am kept pretty busy.It would hard to hold down a job with my problems.
ReplyDeleteNan had a baby pretty late in life then?I don't think she would part with her.It's wonderful that those two little girls have each other.It must be like watching history repeat itself.I guess Dad and Sis are still pretty happy.That is so nice that they found each other.
Nan seen Brian's picture where he was cooling off, and Gilly was trying to put him leg in the wading pool.I have to watch him at all times. hahahaha
ReplyDeleteOkay Chickie,I better look at your posts and go to bed.Those twins have strange powers.They can suck the energy out of your body and all reasonable thought out of your head.
ReplyDeleteYou could probably sleep out on that enclosed patio and see the stars.That would be nice.I always wanted a skyllight over the bed so I could watch the stars.
ReplyDeleteGoodnight Sweetie.Have a really good one.I'll send you some pics of the rest of us.It won't be too much of a shock.....luv..hugs.. PIC
Nan is 43,wasn't supposed to have any more because her tubes were tied.Sharon is 6,a year and 2 months older that Jill. You say the same as Chris,history is repeating itself.
ReplyDeleteGoodnite dear friend..have a nice one..LUv...PIC...nite sweetie...NEE