- Ten-year-old Kennedy Corpus has a rock-solid excuse for missing the last day of school: a personal note to her teacher from President Barack Obama.
Her father, John Corpus of Green Bay, stood to ask Obama about health care during the president's town hall-style meeting at Southwest High School on Thursday. He told Obama that his daughter was missing school to attend the event and that he hoped she didn't get in trouble.
"Do you need me to write a note?" Obama asked. The crowd laughed, but the president was serious.
On a piece of paper, he wrote: "To Kennedy's teacher: Please excuse Kennedy's absence. She's with me. Barack Obama." He stepped off the stage to hand-deliver the note - to Kennedy's surprise.
"I thought he was joking until he started walking down," Kennedy said after the event, showing off the note in front of a bank of television cameras. "It was like the best thing ever."
The student at Aldo Leopold elementary in Green Bay already knew what she was going to do with the note: frame it along with her ticket to the event. She said she'd make a copy for her teacher.
Kennedy said she had never seen Obama before. She said,"hA note to the teachere's really nice."
Her father, John Corpus of Green Bay, stood to ask Obama about health care during the president's town hall-style meeting at Southwest High School on Thursday. He told Obama that his daughter was missing school to attend the event and that he hoped she didn't get in trouble.
"Do you need me to write a note?" Obama asked. The crowd laughed, but the president was serious.
On a piece of paper, he wrote: "To Kennedy's teacher: Please excuse Kennedy's absence. She's with me. Barack Obama." He stepped off the stage to hand-deliver the note - to Kennedy's surprise.
"I thought he was joking until he started walking down," Kennedy said after the event, showing off the note in front of a bank of television cameras. "It was like the best thing ever."
The student at Aldo Leopold elementary in Green Bay already knew what she was going to do with the note: frame it along with her ticket to the event. She said she'd make a copy for her teacher.
Kennedy said she had never seen Obama before. She said,"hA note to the teachere's really nice."
Boy,isn't it nice to know that Obama is the people's President.
ReplyDeleteI was watching the news when he gave it to her,she was adorable.
She was also smart...she made a copy to give to the teacher and kept the original.
Very smart girl indeed.
You know when it's all say and done,Obama is more reachable than Bush..media gets a change to ask questions and get answers,maybe not the ones they want to hear,but answers ,not a snub as if he didn't care.
ReplyDeleteHe sure is a man of the people.He has done the impossible. He has pulled the economy up by the bootstraps with borrowed money and the strength of his personality and optimism. Unfortunately, as Keyser says, those huge debts will come back to haunt us all for years and stop any significant growth.
ReplyDeleteI know it was a cute thing to do but look at the publicity mileage he got out of it.
ReplyDeleteT boy is smart...huh...hahaha
ReplyDeleteCheck your mail,my baby girl in in her first dance recital,my man is so proud.talk later.
ReplyDeleteBoy Saturday night TV sucks the big one.
ReplyDeleteThis one had lest comments.
ReplyDeleteYes it does sucked,we have started renting more movies.
ReplyDeleteI am here...hahaha,,Did you get my think you card for the twins pictures?
ReplyDeleteMy son-in-law rents movies and makes copies for us and his friends. He has a special computer program.
ReplyDeleteI haven't seen a good one lately. Have you?
ReplyDeleteThats great,it's the only way you will see anything worth while.
ReplyDeleteNo,there is none,we get AMC all the old movies and I watch them mostly.
ReplyDeleteGood tea..All wild berries ..yum.
ReplyDeleteLooks like our friend went to bed.
I was watching a TV station name "Chillers" and they showed "Sessions 9" with DC ,I laugh til I cried..what a turkey..
ReplyDeleteNo she is still here,I just checked.
ReplyDeleteThe Fugative is on A&E. That was a good movie in it's day.That's when Jaye and I And Marianne(Jaye's best friend) all had a crush on Harrison Ford at the same time.
ReplyDeleteSorry, my computer is crashing alot this evening and the minute I try to type it goes poof....hope this works
I love tea,we have a wonderful health food store,there are many,but we like this one...
ReplyDeleteForgot to ask did you google the UT
Harrison Ford still looks fairly good.Session 9? What is that about?
ReplyDeleteAny good?
K...you have a lot of excuses,but you manage to type when I said you were still here,why do you do that.
ReplyDeleteOk I dont know what I did to offend you but I think this is not the place for me
ReplyDeleteI forgot to tell you about the UT. Yes, I Googled him right away.I found the funeral homes that he runs now.Very fancy.They offer a very nice service,lots of extras.I'll keep them in mind.No picture of him now and nothing turned up about him as an actor.
ReplyDeleteActually I should have asked about his acting career.I just Googled the name.
K..when I told Jeannie I wanted to ask you something,you disappeared,I don't want to know about your person life,I don't give a shit about you and DC being friends,it just seems to me you are hiding something,and I don't like being played for a fool.
ReplyDeleteMaybe not,I hope you got all you came for,you never said how you found us, and you are just to damn sweet,agreeing with everything.
ReplyDeleteThere are a group of people that don't like us Katherine.They would like to fool us.
ReplyDeleteJeannie ,you might find him under actor...you know I always check out people that comments,one thing I learned was how to use the IP address.Hell I don't agree with myself half of the time.
ReplyDeleteIt just seemed convenient that you showed up and said you were a friend of DC's right after they took pretty bad potshots at both of us.
ReplyDeleteYou may be perfectly genuine K. If that is the case you are more than welcome to be a friend. Personally, I like you and would be disappointed if you were not who you say you are.
ReplyDeleteShit if she liked us as she claimed,she would have told me how she found us..throwing a gater in the lake,hell I am not stupid,why would anyone look for him..
ReplyDeleteIf Nee is a little suspicious, she has reason. They posted a very offensive article about her.
ReplyDeleteDid you find us through 'Dodo'?
Well I don't think she is being genuine...she says she commented on DCR and got into it with the loons about a story she wrote and they jumped all over..later I ask what happen and she said she tols dodo off,whats up with that shit,and they know everything we say almost word for word.
ReplyDeleteNo she was here before then.
ReplyDeleteWell, we'll never know.It's really too bad.
ReplyDeleteIf she really is studying environmental law I wish her a world of good luck and success.We need committed people in that field.It's a whole new, barely charted area.
If she is DC's friend, maybe she can get him to straighten up and fly right.He needs someone to save his soul before he goes straight to hell.
ReplyDeleteWhen dodo posted about me,she said I was a gossipwhore and everytime posted something negative we talked about DC,,but she didn't come here,and we only talk about DC in comments,how the hell did she know..I'm not saying K...told her anything,it just don't sit right when she can't give a straight answer,remember me telling Vix Amina looked like she need a bath.
ReplyDeleteDC's friend my ass,if you care for someone you do what's best for the person not listen at bullshit..and to hang around while he go with all these women...lawyer, I don't know,it seems she says what she thinks we want to here,but I do wish her well and if she wants to be part of our group,all she hads to do is come clean.
ReplyDeleteSo Sweetie, I left you a note.I should crawl into bed with that old man.He's being a good boy to day.We know when to leave each other alone for a day.He sorted out whatever was bothering him.I think assorted stresses mounted up and weighed him down.Also, now and then his heart trouble can make him feel a little depressed.
ReplyDeleteOne thing a lot of people don't realize, I have a great memory.
ReplyDeleteWell, what you say is fair enough Nee.And I do remember you saying Amina needed a bath. She must smell pretty funky at times.
ReplyDeleteIf K wants to come to our party,that's fine.I really hope she communicates with us again and answers any questions we ask.
YEs ,crawled in...I willsay goodnite and see you tomorrow..
ReplyDeleteNITE...SWEET DREAM..Luv ..NEE
Monroe said she was his friend also and yet she put him down with the rest of us.She even used to agree with Vix, and Vix used to be very harsh on DC.
ReplyDeleteThe cases are similar.
ReplyDeleteGoodnight Nee,I enjoyed you as always.It's fun to play with you..HA!
ReplyDeleteSleep with the angels watching.If they're watching don't be naughty.
NIght luv J
I could be wrong but I alway figured they are the same...I could never be your friend and dish you with other people.
ReplyDeleteThat's true.It's not behavior that I would indulge in.I would never go behind your back.I would feel better telling you to your face if I had a problem with you.
ReplyDeleteMaybe she's a different kind of friend.
Go to bed and be good...Why would you want to hang here and know we talk bad about your friend Nite LUV...NEE