Ghost Whispers! Female staffers on "American Idol" are warning each other : Keep far, far away from "Ryan Seacrest" because "Phyllis ,that scary ghost who's haunting the show,apparently has a crush on My Favorite Metrosexual--and now the gals believe the green-eyed ghoul caused the notorious accident that sent stage manager Debbie Williams crashing 20 feet to the floor as she escorted Ryan down the shows accursed retractable staircase..Weeks ago ,it was reported that contestants was being spooked by a weird wraith-like creature creeping through bedrooms at night--and last week a source said that :Phyllis" turned out to be a dead-scary fame junkie, who beamed down dream messages about stardom to "ALLISON IRAHETA,wailing: I want to be famous ,too-ooo!"Then just before Allison was voted off,a show insider said Phyllis apparently gaga for Ryan.The women on the show says they can feel the ghost passion for Ryan,and believe she got insanely jealous as Debbie followed Ryan down the staircase.The accident was the weirdest thing--the stairs just suddenly retracted,it cause an instant gap between Debbie and Ryan,nothing like that has ever happened before.Seconds later,a huge tower mysteriously crashed down,spraying glass shards all over the stage.Debbie was badly hurt and rushed to the hosiptal--and now the women are whispering.Don't get to close to Ryan Stay tu u u uuuned...The Saga continues.
Umm....a ghost? After Ryan Seacrest? Oh that is the funniest thing I have ever heard...
ReplyDeleteRyan Seacrest? Why? That is all I want to know...lol
Happy Friday evening Gals!
That ghost has poor judgement and no taste.There's no future in that relationship...HA!
ReplyDeleteHave a great weekend K.
I guess he is better than nothing at all..
ReplyDeleteAlive or dead,some women likes loosers,I haven't heard to much about Ryan,it was funny beacuse I just mention "Plyllis" in my post about Nick Cage.
Hi Jeannie
ReplyDeleteI hope to have a great weekend...phew another week down!
ReplyDeleteI think he has a radio talk show in LA, or at least he used to. I don't know much about him, although he was seen and photographed in Paris with a girlfriend...:)
Not sure if they are still together or not though, I think they are.
Ryan is in Radio and TV
ReplyDeleteYo, Cupcake....Where you at???
ReplyDeleteBrian's all buummed out.Can I come down and visit you?
ReplyDeleteHe had a hard week,he hurt his back and he's mad at Nana and at me..He needs some alone time.
I forgot to tell you what show and cast won the "GOLDEN NYMPH"award.
ReplyDeleteThe show is "HOUSE" starring Hugh Lauri...Emily Procter was there to represent CSI:M...Now "HOUSE " is the most watch series in the world.
House is a really good show. It deserves the award.Great cast.
ReplyDeleteThe loons will be upset about it and say it was rigged.
Now that' would be nice...haha Nana would beat the shit out of Brian while you are gone..men act like babies when they are not feeling well,he has to lay the blame on someone,it's always the closest to you.
ReplyDeleteI like House, not a bad show considering most of the stuff on TV is not even watchable....lol
ReplyDeleteI do enjoy Criminal Minds and The Mentalist too
We could go shopping,go out for a nice lunch.I'm in the mood to buy some fancy sandals.I'll treat you.
ReplyDeleteYou know his wife is much older than him...Hugh just moved his Family to the states this year..He's British huh?I have never heard anything negative about him...nice guy.
ReplyDeleteWell you came to the right blog K those are two favorites of Nee's and mine.
ReplyDeleteI did once get to see a scene of Criminal Minds being shot...was really neat
ReplyDeleteI happen to be watching Criminal Minds right now on A&E.
ReplyDeleteK...where you been I know you was here,I was talking to you and you didn't answer,I figured you didn't want to talk to me.
ReplyDeleteOH CC I am so sorry, I must have missed you somehow...I am very sorry, I am certainly talking to ya my dear!
ReplyDeleteI'm watching A&E also.
ReplyDeleteIs Brian having any pains he's not telling you?
ReplyDeleteAs am I...I love AandE stuff.
ReplyDeleteHey gals do either of you watch the show The Cleaner? It is coming back again for a second season. I love that show
I don't think so..I don't think you like what I said ,a lot of women like losers,you was here pretty quick now.
ReplyDeleteWell Nee,it's almost like we're in the same living room.Although I'm in my hidey hole where no one can bother me.
ReplyDeleteYes I do,at least Ben can act,not like some I know.
ReplyDeleteI don't know if Brian is having pain, he is not communicating right now.Every once in a while things get on top of him and he shuts down for a few hours or even a day.He just wants to be left alone to think things through.He may have had some pain too and didn't want to alarm me.
ReplyDeleteI am in the closet where I made Gilly,I am hiding out.
ReplyDeleteThe Cleaner is a good quality show and I think it has future potential.Benjamin does a great job. I don't think people are appreciating it enough yet.
ReplyDeleteBrian was in the dumps when he had to fire that man,and his girl friday left..he may have to make some changes at work and you know he hates firing someone.
ReplyDeleteGet out of the fucking closet Nee,before they get out a search party.Maybe Gil will look for you there and you can relive that fateful moment when you created Gilly.
ReplyDeleteI first notice Ben when he was on Law & Order...you can get CSI:M almodt 16 hrs ..now I don't like "Dog the Bounty Hunter".He is one racist dog.
ReplyDeleteThat's a good point.I never thought to ask him if he had to fire someone.It does upset him.
ReplyDeleteBoy ..that man was poking and stroking that choochie just right.hahaha.
ReplyDeleteI will admit to watching CSI Miami, although I really liked seasons 1-3 best. The last few seasons I didnt like so much but AandE does play those episodes alot
ReplyDeleteI was going to ask K...something,but she is not talking.
ReplyDeleteBen was kind of overlooked for a number of years. He realy is a fine actor.I think he lived in his wife's shadow.
ReplyDeleteWhat was her name?I don't remember.
ReplyDeleteThose are the only ones worth watching...it was good at one time,I guess they went in for the younger group..I have some on video.Now they have turn it into a soap .
ReplyDelete"Dog" is a bad man.I don't like him or his whole tribe.I don't understand why that show stays on the air yeaar after year.I guess people like a chase.
ReplyDeleteI am talking I dont understand why you think I am not
ReplyDeleteI don't recall right now.
ReplyDeleteYears 1 to 3 were pretty good.Then something went very wrong.
ReplyDeleteI think his life began to go horribly wrong around season 4, not that it was going well before, but boy did it get worse fast and I think the writers had to work around DC's attitude quite abit
ReplyDeleteIt's a large closet,no clothes,I put a desk,chair,and I can watch my men sleep.hahaha
ReplyDeleteBut his acting began to go downhill fast too.The scripts got pretty trite and hackneyed.
ReplyDeleteDC stopped moving and he stopped acting.I don't know what to call what he does now.
I used to watch it for the scenery, bright colors and the music,but that wasn't enough to keep me watching.
You messed with me...HA! I really thought you were hiding in a closet, you little bugger.
ReplyDeleteK..I can understand about dave and his problems..but in Dave's defense, there is more people thre than him..really he is the only reason a lot of people tune in.
ReplyDeleteNow dog is another story, if you notice we don't bash his ass,because he is a sub-human.
It is very large,Nan and I used it.
ReplyDeleteThat was the time Marg/Dave/Liza mess..
Oh yes CC, I dont like Dog...he is something else altogether.
ReplyDeleteDave really does not have the energy to do much so he usually now just stands there, but yes, alot of people watch the show because of him, but he made less appearances this past season then ever before
True there are other actors on the show.None of them are good actors.Adam and the other young guy are the best of a bad lot.
ReplyDeleteThey are not a good ensemble they don't blend well. There is no chemistry among them.You can feel tension there.It may be that DC causes a lot of the stress.
No chemistry and in all honesty, there is alot of tension that DC has managed to cause with his stuff. His feud with Emily is no secret, but that is what happens when someone is deeply unhappy, it spreads
ReplyDeleteThere are so many stories that they could do to get their rating up...bring Madison and Susie back,I always wanted to see Dave and Yalina get together..Dave and Julia don't click..and get rid of Eric/Callie...more Frank and Ryan. what you think.
ReplyDeleteK..don't let it spread to you...
ReplyDeleteWhat I wanted to ask,have you seen him lately,I hear he went to Texas,I know he vacations in MIami and they starts shooting in July .
I have always liked Frank, his sarcasm is funny...Julia...EWWW get that thing off the show...and the whole Eric/Calleigh romance, no thanks.
ReplyDeleteI always wondered what happened to Madison/Suzie. They never told the viewers after her bone marrow transplant. Oh, and they should bring Rick Stetler back. Half the cases they worked on clearly had some kind of conflict of interest.
It is like the writers dont even care to try to be accurate anymore either. Bleh! I can write a better episode...:)
Still and all the show had a good run for it's money and it's time for it to come to an end now.It's just embarrassing now.
ReplyDeleteI hope Adam and what's his name move on to better jobs.They could develop into better actors.
I don't like the actress that plays BoaVista since she slept with DC while she was a married woman, apparently just to keep her job.
ReplyDeleteYes they start the week of July 13 for next season as far as I remember him telling me.
He never mentioned Texas to me but he has gone to Miami for part of this month. The lawsuit and the company is keeping him busy mostly so we have talked on the phone alot especially last little while.
He never talks about Amina but then I have told him if he decides to marry her I would make a big stink about it until he came to his senses.
yes Dave/Rick/Frank and Eva LaRue is really the only actors that have chemistry except for the guests.yes you could write a better one.
ReplyDeleteSome of the guests on the show are really fine actors. They make the regular cast look like stupid hacks.Some of the regulars like Julia ( I don't remember actor's names)and her dorky son are so bad they make me want to puke.
ReplyDeleteK..you go girl...I don't like Eva for that reason ,He was living with Liza at the time.Oh shit we was just talking about him and Julia..
ReplyDeleteK... the way I hear it Dave will never marryanyone but the mystry lady if she will still have him,Amina is only there for the ride.Dave was in Texas taking care of some business,don;t know if it has anything to do with Liza.
On his MySpace he said he was in Texas to take care of some PERSOAL business.
ReplyDeleteSorry that's PERSONAL
ReplyDeleteJulia is on now with DC..
ReplyDeleteJeannie ..Julia and her son would make anyone puke...you know Eva was on the Young and Restless,and Emily was on West Wing,before CSI:M
I figured he would lose interest in Amina quickly and he has, although she still hangs around.
ReplyDeleteIf he was in Texas it would do with Liza, makes sense, I will ask him about that. THe lawsuit is just in the stage where people are being deposed etc. so it will take some time and Liza is not going down without a fight and more money
Thats Liza's home...maybe he's going to move her there.
ReplyDeleteHomewrecker or not, I don't blame her for giving it a try.She put up with enough bullshit.
ReplyDeleteIf he is moving her back there she will take the kids, or try to, even though she basically uses those poor babies as pawns.
ReplyDeleteHe better have more sense then to allow them to go since she isnt exactly the most maternal of people
Maybe Liza wants a house there.It would be better for her and for the kids to be a part of a big loving family.DC could hop a plane every other weekend.
ReplyDeleteThat is true Jeannie...she would get more help with them down near her family.
ReplyDeleteHell I believe he lost interest in Amina long time ago,she's trying to hang on ,she even washing his tires while he pick up fast food.hahaha
ReplyDeleteWe haven't heard that she is a bad mother,but I don't think she needs that nanny.She doesn't have a lot to do.
ReplyDeleteOMG yes CC, I remember that really well. His tires on the Escalade or whatever...lol
ReplyDeleteNow, I didnt like his whole attitude in treating her like that and I told him so, but since she agreed to do it she isnt much of a strong woman, jeez, I mean have some self respect already...
Oh, and seriously? I really just wanted to force her to bathe...it was an almost impossible urge to resist...bleah
ReplyDeleteAmina is a convenience, a sperm receptacle, a warm body in the night,a voice in a lonely room.
ReplyDeleteI hate that he uses her or anybody like that. And she is obviously not too bright to let it continue.Get some self respect ,girl.
And she's dirty too?...Yeesh
ReplyDeleteDC should do what my man did.Get his ass fixed,he was scared.DC just wanted to play on his terms and they back-fired on his ass.She needs to be with her family so they can help her...when you play you have to pay.
ReplyDeleteJeannie I sent you the address.
Yes she does need to be with family; staying here is just making her more unhappy, he wont go back to her and waiting around for him to change his mind, never happen
ReplyDeleteDC likes weak women so he can control them,ones that's to lazy to work.I remember Marg. saying in "AA" meeting he carried a porn actress to an event with them
ReplyDeleteThe things she told are some of the same things the rest of them said.
ReplyDeleteSometimes I do wonder why we are good friends because really, I am not controllable and I will tell him stuff he does not like to hear. I work and am independent and just well am me...:)
ReplyDeleteIn total, four of his partners made the same allegations of mental, emotional and verbal abuse.
ReplyDeleteHe seems to follow a pattern.He has a new partner waiting in the wings right now.He just preparing her for the job.The first thing he'll do is ask her to give up her job.
Thanks for the address Nee.You did not give me a postal code or do you guys call it a zip code?
ReplyDeleteCould you please take care of that before you go to bed tonight.
Thanks, I appreciate it.
K...about this self respect thing ...first you have to respect yourself.I am proud to be a strong woman,my man know I don't take no shit and I don't give him any..this thing we have is 50/50.
ReplyDeleteWatch out K., he may be grooming you for the job. You could probably handle it.You sound like you have a head on your shoulders.
ReplyDeleteIt's on it's way ,if you don't get it let me know..we call it Zip Code
ReplyDeleteJeannie ..we do think a like haha.
ReplyDeleteDid you get it.
My brothers would beat the shit out of DC if he treated one of us that way.
Jeannie, it never occurred to me he could be grooming me...but thanks for that. I have a good head on my shoulders and am a confident woman, but even I know I have limits when it comes to certain things...:)
ReplyDeleteI think California is about three hours earlier than me. That's why Vix was wide awake when I was yawning. Nee is only an hour earlier.
ReplyDeleteWhy do I mention the time you ask?
Because I'm about to say goodnight ladies.
It's been a real pleasure.I enjoyed the company of both of you.
Dream of sunny blissful days on the beach or on my boat, with a cool beverage and a good book....Luv luv....J
Have a good sleep Jeannie! And a wonderful weekend!
ReplyDeleteHave a good rest CC, love yapping with ya as always!
I got the ZIP code, thankyou...luv you NEE
ReplyDeleteI just asked Gil about Liza's chances,he says most courts sides with the mother,she will have to be pretty bad for them to take them away from the mother,I told him it was Liza and Dc..he says they wouldn't give DC a dog to care for with his reputation.
ReplyDeleteP.S. The kids would be better off in a house where the Aunty who lives with them isn'tkicked out and replaced every six months or so.
ReplyDeleteI will say goodnite also...Same time same place...nite LUV...LUV...Nee