Admittedly.Conan O`Brien's first few nights taking over from Jay Leno suggested it may take some time for him [and viewers ] to adjust to the change in scale.Over the years he seems to have tailored himself into something as minimalist as a Pixar cartoon character--white skin,long angles,that flame of hair shooting up--and yet he comes before us on a surprisingly sumptuous deco set.You don't expect to see an up-to-minute comedian delivering his monologue before a pretty scrim of frosted glass. But O`Brien humor,ridiculous and genial, has survived the move from New York.It's hard not to like a man who says the one star people in Hollywood mistake him for is Tilda Swinton. He also did a great bit about celebrities using twitter and knocked guest Tom Hanks over like a meteor. As for the chortling amiability of Leno--who ,in a weird programming experiment, returns to prime time in September. Do you miss Leno?..My take on this: Conan O`Brien you have some big shoes to fill....NBC, week nights. 11:35 pm ET/PT, and the show has 4 stars,' See ya there'.
Hi Nee.Just got back from a day at the lake.Tired but happy and relaxed.The 'Love Boat' worked it's magic.We left all our troubles behind and escaped.
ReplyDeleteThe 'Rock' is a happy guy today,just purring.
I could see that four little boys had certainly had a wonderful time on the boat;toys everywhere cookie jar empty and sticky fingerprints everywhere.
I am so glad you had a great time with the "ROCK"
ReplyDeleteI know Brian is on holiday and you need to spend some down time with him,just what you both need.I don't want you to worry about posts,I have a couple in drafts,that way you can suggle with the "Everyready Man" hahaha
ReplyDeleteI know the boys had a great time and looking forward to the next trip....how is Nana? Is Ian resting well.I really hope so.
Ian is okay.Nana is meaner than ever but we are mellow and satisfied...yum
ReplyDeleteAWwww shit,I meant,snuggle with the "Ever-ready Man"..I think the heat is gotten to me..suppose to rain.
ReplyDeleteWith the amount of rain you get,things must be very green in your state.
ReplyDeleteI can tell the "Rock's" job was well done.You go girl. [giggles]
ReplyDeleteThe sun comes back out and burn things up,most of us take care of our lawns,it's pretty much green..not as dusty as Reno.
ReplyDeleteHe's an old man and his memory is going but he still remembers some things really well.
ReplyDeleteWho in the world are you talking about?I know it's not my Canadian Brother,shit age is just a number and when he poke you,sweetie you know it and see you are so relaxed,hell he remembers .Hahahaha
ReplyDeleteI'll do something about love and sex tonight,seeing as I have just had a refresher course.No more preaching about global warming.
ReplyDeleteI cry for the wild tiger however,he will be gone in a few years and the only ones produced will be on tiger farms for slaughter for chinese people to eat or make medicine from.
What's so good about him poking you ..it don't bend in the middle.You will remeber next week and tingles will run up and down your spine.hahaha
ReplyDeleteYes but he doesn't want to go another round tonight and I wouldn't mind at all.I have alwys been greedy like that.
ReplyDeleteWhy is it always the men in certain religions who can have multiple partners.When they are done they are done but a woman can go all night and handle four or five husbands.
Whenever you want to preach about Global Warming and the endangered speices,go ahead..this is our blog.
ReplyDeleteIf we reach 3 out of 7/8 I think that is great.
See you got me interested..and all I had on my mind was getting poked.
Post whatever grabs you...I do.
That's what I like about our Blog,we are not a "One Trick Charlie". Nan told me to visit a blog today..The blogger says it was not fun anymore to write about DC since Heidi left..So you see we have other interests.
ReplyDeleteThankyou friend.I'll pop in now and again with my pet project.I actually like to find unusual articles.The media giants cover all the big stories and do a better job than I could.I don't want to compete with them, but odd little human interest stories or anything different or humorous is what I like.
ReplyDeleteI'd also like to make my profile a little more interesting,but I don't know what to add.I heard that people change them every month or more.I must have a boring life.
Just think about the wear and tear on the choochies,all different sizes of dangles, hell we got them trained..I get we just wear there asses out,I think so about our men,they stay home because choochie is good.
ReplyDeleteI guess mine is boring also,my profile has been the same since I been here,I will work on it and say I like to be poked..
ReplyDeleteThe main reason they stay home is because they know we would cut the dangles off if we caught them.Or perhaps we would leave the twig and cut off the berries.That would be a more just punishment because they would still have it but it would be a limp noodle.
ReplyDeleteI think I will check out some profiles here in my town,all I have to do is click on the city and it will give all the bloggers here in town,you can do the same with yours .I click on Keyser and he has two,one is in Igloo,he's the only blogger there,I forget where the other one is.
ReplyDeleteI like it ,just get the berries and leave the limp noodle.HA!!!!
ReplyDeleteAre all of vix's blogs still online except the one that was closed?
ReplyDeleteThe media giants like for people to pick up on their stories and make it into a small condensed stories that people other-wise would not read,because it would take to long.A lot of people have a short tine span.
ReplyDeleteWhy don't we profile other people on the blog?Find out all about certain actors or artists,musicians,etc. and profile one a week? Right down to their pet peeves and favorite pastimes.
ReplyDeleteYou just have to Google a name,cut and paste.
We could decide on candidates together who would be interesting.
You could do one then I could do one,alternate.Or you could do them since that is more your beat.If the idea sucks,let me know.
Yes they are still up and running she has the Vixen you did on a post with the tail swishing right next to DC, the tail don't move,I think her Zimbio blog is closed.
ReplyDeleteYou actually make a fair point about condensing the long stories to make them more palatable.
ReplyDeleteThat sounds great,Is it hard to find out their pet preeves/likes/dislikes.I have never found one that talks about themselves,but I can try.If I find one I will leave it in drafts for you to look over.
ReplyDeleteI get you could look up their"BIO" and get something there.I have met a lot of celebrities,and most is not very interesting.I know a lot about my ex,but I couldn't profife him.Hahaha I might have to get my babies and run-a-way.hahaha
ReplyDeleteOh God don't do the ex....HA!
ReplyDeleteI just checked the Rock and Max.They are both lying on their backs with big smiles
ReplyDeleteAny where you look,they just buttered it up,you never hear/read about their home life,it's like Brad and Angie,you don't know what to believe.
ReplyDeletePoor Max,he had to pee so bad he was trying to find a way off the boat without getting wet.He hates the water.He was doing the weirdest little dance and whining.We were so busy we didn't notice the poor guy.
ReplyDeleteI would love it if you would test out the profiling idea and see if it will fly.
ReplyDeleteI know why the "ROCK" is smiling.Do you think Maxy is smiling because he was watching.[giggles]
ReplyDeleteFor my part I could find a weird or wild story every week.In fact call it 'The Weekly Weird and Wild'....something
ReplyDeleteI don't know how much I can fiend out about them,except what the "BIO" says..and that's always good crap..place of birth/height/schooling etc.I have notice they don't talk about themselves and their fans just say good things.I will see what I can come up with.I would love to do old "Jack N"
ReplyDeleteOh what a perfect choice Nee.Someone will have something naughty to say about him.
ReplyDeleteI know he shows up at every Laker game with his son, a lovechild from an old girlfriend.
ReplyDeleteDid you know "Jack's" sister was his mother and he didn't find out about it until she died,he always thought his grandmother wes his mother.
ReplyDeleteHe was with his daughter last game,I don't know if his son was there ,he wasn't in the picture,he's always with his dad at the games..Hell I just love old "Jack" Now he is a bad boy you can love abd respect.
ReplyDeleteI heard that but a lot of people don't know that.It's very interesting.
ReplyDeleteThat's why I have always loved him.He was the first bad boy I was interested in.BAd but a good heart.
ReplyDelete"Jack" was at the game with her June 4th..her name is Lorraine she's 19,they watched the Lakers beat the Olando Magic..100 to 75.
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't mind having Jack for a dad.He's probably a fair man.
ReplyDeleteJack never married,you know he liked the ladies.His kids love him and he always have time for them and never misses a game with his son,this is the first time I have seen his daughter.
ReplyDeleteThey can be bad boys and still be lovable.That's why I can't understand all the hype about DC,now he is an ass-hole for true.
ReplyDeleteAt least he didn't marry them and give them hopes it was for keeps and then crush them to bits,flaunt the new girlfriend and abandon them.Ring a bell??
ReplyDeleteDanzel Washington was also there,sitting behind them.
ReplyDeleteDenzel,another good man to profile.
ReplyDeleteYou can't find another hate site like Vix's. They just don't talk bad about them ,but we can still profile them...Not even Billy Bob when he was married to Angelina.
ReplyDeleteI don't see why we couldn't stick a few pins into them where they desrve it.
ReplyDeleteI have something here somewhere about him but it is nice,I think when he left scool or something, I just filed it away,I don't have much room in this closet.hahaha,I put it back I figured I might need it in a pinch.
ReplyDeleteWe're not big fans of many people.But we like to gossip about them.
ReplyDeleteoffbeat people would be interesting too.Even dead people.
ReplyDeleteI think they all knew he liked the ladies,he was with I forget her name,she was director Huston daughter,they were on again/off again,never had kids.
ReplyDeleteSomebody gonna do a 'tell all'book about Jacko
ReplyDeleteHe was with Angelica Huston for many years.They gave each other a lot of freedom,an open relationship.They parted friends didn't they?
ReplyDeleteHe admired Angelica's intelligence and humor.
ReplyDeleteI will see what I can find,I bet it's just run of the mill stuff, but it would be different.
ReplyDeleteWe have a lot of real fans,it's just a few DC lovers and the more I piss them off the better I like it,loon will mentioned Vix ever so often.
Yes they are still friends.I think all his ladies are.
ReplyDeleteI have heard that Jack stays in touch and is friends with most of his ladies and has been known to help them out when they need a shoulder.
ReplyDeleteYou know ,with all the info you can find on Jack you could make it a three part series.I was trained to edit in college and did just that for a publishing company I worked for years ago.So ,I can edit for you,no problem.
ReplyDeleteThat's one book I will buy.The media/people have made me sick,now you here nothing but good thingd,before he died ,he liked little white boys,the whiter the better.
ReplyDeleteGranted he was a great talent.He was broke and they are saying the Rowe woman is not the mom..
That sounds like a deal PIC,I will start looking for stuff about him,it may take time,with the hoildays coming up and getting my stuff together..But it sounds like fun.
ReplyDeleteBut he married Debbie Rowe.That was to get equal custody of the babies, then he paid her to get full custody.There's no doubt she is the mother,but she could not hvae any more after the last one and Jacko wanted more babies.That's why he divorced her.
ReplyDeleteThere is no rush on the profiling.Take all the time you want.
ReplyDeleteHey we're profilers.Let's approach it like an investigation.
Get some rest honeybuns.I'll see what I can find for a post. I may not finish it tonight but I'd like a good start.
ReplyDeleteI didn't know it was this late,boy times flys when you are having fun,I have to meet the contractor at 9am to go over some things.
ReplyDeleteI will say goodite and sweet dreams .The Rock have rested up and waiting for you.I have two post's in draft you can use.
ReplyDeleteGoodnite ...PIC...LUV...NEE
Give him hell honey.Talk to you later.Have a peaceful night.Hope your babies stay healthy and happy.....luv...luv PIC.
ReplyDeleteYou can use the posts in dragt...now go rest with the "ROCK"