Monday, June 01, 2009
"I Got My Eye On You"
I was told once your mouth is the stable of your power,every word that comes out of your mouth is like a horse.Some horses are well trained,well groomed,and well kept.There are the race horses,they have a strong and powerful enegry.When a race horse leaves the stables,it is expected that the horse will bring the owners many rewards.Then there is the stallions that buck and kick,once they are out the stable,it is hard to catch them,even harder to get them back in the stable,A stallion on the loose which cannot be caught or brought back to the stable,will usually cause harm or bring disgrace to the owner.Nags are kept in a stable too,These slow -moving beasts are almost useless and serve no good purpose.Nags just hang around until somebody can figure out what to do with them.A nag makes really good fertilizer and even better glue! Every time you open your mouth,be aware of what you are unleashing from the stable.Choose your words well. It is like grooming a horse.Make sure your words are useful and purposeful. They should not nag or kick wildly,everytime you open your mouth,know what you want to say and why,because no one listens to a fool..........In other words , bridle your tongue!!
Jeannie, Haven't forgot you,I'm on the job.Your favorite PR news reporter. Caruso's MYSPACE was down,one commenter believe it was a hacking attempt,says she has been receiving emails and letters containing broken english,negative opinions of her partners in Caruso,but giving praise to her Red Knight blog,she will wager Mrs.S still has access to the internet,she also says Liza may have had something to do with it. Broken english my foot,if they stop copying what you guys talk about and get some ideas of their own,maybe they will do better . As for David Caruso you three are who people come to hear about him and to see who he will be screwing next,everyone knows he is not a saint,they like hearing about the real man.I have never been to Red Knight,she sounds worse than Lacey. You know they read you guys,how else would they say "Partner's in Caruso",they picks up a lot of your slangs,just keeping it real. Nan
Yes, words are very important and how we put them together and the choices of words we use either make us look good or make us look like a complete
Words can make people happy and words can hurt deeply, I know that by choosing words wisely is good advice!
Good reporting Nan, I guess I won't fire you after all.I was wondering why that site was down. I highly doubt it was hackers,do you? The loons have a lot of imagination.It was a dull, uninspiring myspace.Not a lot of effort went into it.But it's always interesting to see what DC will try next.You have to hand it to him, he is always up to something. It was really nice to hear from you sweetie,our number '1' journalist.
Having often put my foot in my mouth,your post kind of hit home Nee.It's those hasty words that are the most dangerous.Words said without thinking.You can't recall them.The damage is done before you know it.Good post honey.
Nee,I'm trying to work on "The Boy With No Throat."It might take me a day or two.I am delighted that you are posting so much, honey.Well done, and good stuff too.It does get easier to do.Hope to chat later.
This is a famous quattrain from 'The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam'
The moving finger writes and having writ, moves on: Nor all your piety nor wit shall lure it back to cancel half a line, Nor all your tears wash out a word of it.
It kind of means what's done is done.You can't change it.That so applies to words in most cases.
Work on the "Boy with no Throat"I learned a lot from that little guy,with the stem cell research back in full swing,I wanted people to know about him,Ian is an inspiration to us all.Running it as a series will make us unique,a true story. Just think we will have another series about the Major for father's day.I think "Pardner" we have come into our own.
Nan insisted I Read the comment on dodo,that Caruso Crusader is so funny,she believe it was MRS.S. trying to hack into DC's blog .HA! The person that e-mailed her used broken english.The myspace blog has been inactive since Saturday,they say it's DC's,maybe so,but I don't see it.DC is trying to get his company up and running,his store in Miami and this crap with Liza.If Dc have a blog,why in hell don't he say think you to them for hounding Vix?
Sometimes blogs go offline for whatever reason, no need to come up with some hacker theory, good grief...besides he is having a hell of a time with this lawsuit and L's allegations he has others looking after the MySpace page no doubt.
Katherine, You see/talk to DC from time to time,let the truth be told,do you think DC have the time to run a blog or even be interested in one? Maybe so .
Katherine you are so right,I went off line last night talking to you and Jeannie,shit the phone when off the hook,some say it is very common for myspace to go off line. Those are the old Nags I was talking about.
Liza's cousin has a myspace blog,for some reason when Liza and DC got together,Yvonne went private. I also thinks he has more important stuff on his mind.If DC was interested in that shit,he would have had one before now.
Oh I agree CC. He would want to promote his company and hte best way to do that is have the fan site there, rather than the other way around like on MySpace.
I think it was an attempt of DC's people to set up a myspace site under his auspices and direction. I went there to see and he, or someone who worked for him,left comments supposedly by him.Then there was a bunch of CSI hype and fan comments.There was also a bogus profile where he said he didn't smoke or drink.
DC will never thank the loons for caring so much about his welfare and safety.They are still loyal to him. I have to respect that in a grudging sort of way. The fact that they hurt Vix's little girl and husband and hounded Vix almost to death will never bother them, however.
CC...not surprisingly DC rarely thanks others for whatever they did for him. That is just hte way he is because he is just too unhappy generally to see what others are trying to do for him.
I rarely get a thanks for listening but I will tell him off if he needs it...I am mouthy I tell ya...:)
The loons should be ashamed of themselves for hounding innocent people...gad that makes me sick, and posting pictures of the kids and all that...bleh!
I can't respect a person when they hurt children,the loonies are all mothers so they say,what they did and said about the child will stay with her for the rest of her life.The loons know least than us about DC,dodo admitted she started watching him in CSI:M..hell he started out in a coffee commerical,folgers I think.They don't know how the shit started,all they know is what they hear,they have never heard DC saying anything,you could tell he wasn't worry,his old ass was everywhere.
A guy who travels all over the world without visible protection is not too worried about anything.He never took it seriously anyway,Or he would have stayed in his closet with a gun.
In alot of ways talking with him is like talking to a child...he needs alot of reassurances and things like that. Some days are worse than others, but that is the way it is at times.
I guess your construction is getting under way.I'll bet you are having a huge kitchen.I like what we call a great room.It's a huge room which is a kitchen and family room.
Jeannie,Gil says he is going to measured Gilly's thumb and then his dangle,how long do it have to be ,before he can buy him a woman. Did you say 2 or 3 times the length of his thumb.
Yes I did,I watched the pigs/cows /horses,those horses have long dangles,tried to get the dog to do the calf or anything we could catch.Said I would never do that.Boy was I wrong.
Remember the post you did about the little boy and girl naked and the boy was standing on her head and he asked her when was it suppose to feel good,she said she didn't know,but she was getting a headache,that was a hoot.
I like lots of bathrooms. Women like plumbing and lots of it.I'm not too fond of sharing a bathroom with Brian anymore.Now I like my own space and a big tub to soak in.
Funny, when I saw my sons with adoring girls on their arms, I had mixed feelings. I was happy for them and proud of them and also had a hollow feeling because I realized they would be leaving us very soon.
Remember the extra that wrote about him and sent it to Vix ,said he had a nice banana.She also said he did a lot of cussing and talking about how Liza fuck up his marriage.Vix got some good shit over there.Haven't been in awhile ,I will look for the ex wives tale.
Katherine,do you know what attracts the tarts to DC.He settles for the wrong kind of tarts.DC is to light for me,I like dark haired men with dark bedroom eyes ,with an animal appeal.
He does attract women easily, very easily. I usually watch them come and go. We dont usually talk about the women though, we talk about other stuff...mostly about him and his issues but I am a good listener...:)
I dont know what it is...he has a certain charm, odd as that may seem. It is too bad he does not find a good woman to use it on, the charm I mean. Not his you know what.
You know,I think I've been too sheltered. At my age and I'm still naive.Are all people in his business immoral and unprincipled?I don't want to believe that.
The tarts are after the money and the publicity...plain and simple.
The TV/movie industry is driven by people who have no real ethics or scruples, but not everyone is like that. There are some really decent ones in the industry.
I like a man that is sure of himself,a man that I can depend on ,one I know will be there for me and not let me go through child birth along,most of all a man I can respect,I guess you can say I am old fashion,but that is the way all the men around me is,they respects others .
Katherine ,yes there is more nice ones than bad ones,you just hear more about the bad ones. It's a good thing you can listen to DC,it is a shame he won't listen,we understand about when you like/care for someone,you want to be there for them,as you know thats the way we felt about Vix,she need someone to listen and I do think Jeannie and I made her life a little more bearable.
I sure am smelling what you're cooking NEE. I couldn't agree more.There is such happiness and security knowing your mate is there for you for life.Mutual trust is so precious. When Brian and I made those vows we really meant them.If you don't mean it you should never get married.
Nee, I sent you an email this afternoon with the information you requested.Check your emails once in a while girl.
Well ,I guess she finally checked her emails.Or maybe she had to take a pee.
Anyway,I guess it's easy to talk from a position of security.I'm sure Amina has never felt secure.She may be a bimbo but she is still a human being.I don't think DC recognizes that.
Nan is going to try and get a copy off my gaming badge,she had one but it look fuzzy,she say she will see if she can do it better,if not she will have me post that one until we get some,my drivers license is over 7 years old we get ours every 10 years,the photo places won't copy my badge.
I was just checking the news headlines and I saw that the last survivor from the Titanic just passed away at 97.I bet she has some story.Maybe I'll write a little post on her.
Hell I can do bad by myself,I will never lower myself just for money or fame. Hell I want someone that loves me forever,thats one reason I didn't marry my man,had one man ha d money,he acted a fool,met this one ,his dad was part owner in 2 hotels and casinos,so I ran like hell until he caught me,and I still worked until my little man.
Someone with a lot of money can actually be intimidating.You might be afraid that they would have more power over you. I wouldn't like that feeling.My ex was comfortable not too wealthy.I ran from him anyway.
I told Nan I haven't lost my baby fat,she said I may never lose it I think was taken about a month ago I think,I renew it,because I might need to help out,dad be CEO for about 5 more years.
Dad is quite wealthy ,Gil has made his niche in the world,He asked me to marry him after the first time I let him have the choochie,I said no,after about 3 years I was preggie and thats when we married.
Look where we are,had a beautiful house on the lake,hell I didn't want it,so here I am stacked up at Sis.(GIGGLES) got his dad with us and they are happy,you don't need all that fake shit,here today and gone tomorrow.but your love will last a lifetime.
I have learned that the people you love are the only things that matter.Gradually,all the other stuff like dreams ,ambitions and success fell away over the years and I finally came to that conclusion.None of it mattered. Do you think Dad and Sis are in love?
Yes I miss it,I guess I will just be a stay at home mom,I will never win that fight with Gil,like I won the house fight,he says his mom helped his dad in the beginning,and when his dad made it,she stopped to care for him.
I Voodoo that fucker,he chased it for a month or two. No I don't think they are in love,but I do think they enjoy each others company.I asked Sis did it get hard or did she have to packed it in,she said if I didn't leave she was going to spank my musty butt with my hot ass..haha
You know what I was thinking,they was from Las Vegas/Reno,his family was owners in the hotel casino business,I didn't want to get hooked up with another like my ex.and this one had never been married,I was interested ,I was also scared.
I will call it a night ,it sure go fast when you are having fun. Goodnite sweetie and more to come tomorrow..Luv...LUV...NEE p.s. We shall see what tomorrow brings.
I have known him for a long time and if there is anyone who is emotionally in pain it certainly is DC. I didnt have the heart back then to not listen, just as you gals did for Vixen. He has redeeming qualities but he needs to right person to bring those out.
But until he decides a change is needed, I will listen...:)
ReplyDeleteHaven't forgot you,I'm on the job.Your favorite PR news reporter.
Caruso's MYSPACE was down,one commenter believe it was a hacking attempt,says she has been receiving emails and letters containing broken english,negative opinions of her partners in Caruso,but giving praise to her Red Knight blog,she will wager Mrs.S still has access to the internet,she also says Liza may have had something to do with it.
Broken english my foot,if they stop copying what you guys talk about and get some ideas of their own,maybe they will do better .
As for David Caruso you three are who people come to hear about him and to see who he will be screwing next,everyone knows he is not a saint,they like hearing about the real man.I have never been to Red Knight,she sounds worse than Lacey.
You know they read you guys,how else would they say "Partner's in Caruso",they picks up a lot of your slangs,just keeping it real. Nan
Yes, words are very important and how we put them together and the choices of words we use either make us look good or make us look like a complete
ReplyDeleteWords can make people happy and words can hurt deeply, I know that by choosing words wisely is good advice!
Happy day Gals!
Good reporting Nan, I guess I won't fire you after all.I was wondering why that site was down. I highly doubt it was hackers,do you? The loons have a lot of imagination.It was a dull, uninspiring myspace.Not a lot of effort went into it.But it's always interesting to see what DC will try next.You have to hand it to him, he is always up to something.
ReplyDeleteIt was really nice to hear from you sweetie,our number '1' journalist.
Having often put my foot in my mouth,your post kind of hit home Nee.It's those hasty words that are the most dangerous.Words said without thinking.You can't recall them.The damage is done before you know it.Good post honey.
ReplyDeleteNee,I'm trying to work on "The Boy With No Throat."It might take me a day or two.I am delighted that you are posting so much, honey.Well done, and good stuff too.It does get easier to do.Hope to chat later.
ReplyDeleteThis is a famous quattrain from 'The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam'
ReplyDeleteThe moving finger writes and having writ, moves on:
Nor all your piety nor wit shall lure it back to cancel half a line,
Nor all your tears wash out a word of it.
It kind of means what's done is done.You can't change it.That so applies to words in most cases.
Jeannie, what a lovely quattrain and oh so very true...
ReplyDeleteOnce you say something, you can never take it back...
Work on the "Boy with no Throat"I learned a lot from that little guy,with the stem cell research back in full swing,I wanted people to know about him,Ian is an inspiration to us all.Running it as a series will make us unique,a true story. Just think we will have another series about the Major for father's day.I think "Pardner" we have come into our own.
ReplyDeleteNan insisted I Read the comment on dodo,that Caruso Crusader is so funny,she believe it was MRS.S. trying to hack into DC's blog .HA! The person that e-mailed her used broken english.The myspace blog has been inactive since Saturday,they say it's DC's,maybe so,but I don't see it.DC is trying to get his company up and running,his store in Miami and this crap with Liza.If Dc have a blog,why in hell don't he say think you to them for hounding Vix?
ReplyDeleteSometimes blogs go offline for whatever reason, no need to come up with some hacker theory, good grief...besides he is having a hell of a time with this lawsuit and L's allegations he has others looking after the MySpace page no doubt.
ReplyDeleteGood evening Gals!
ReplyDeleteYou see/talk to DC from time to time,let the truth be told,do you think DC have the time to run a blog or even be interested in one?
Maybe so .
Katherine you are so right,I went off line last night talking to you and Jeannie,shit the phone when off the hook,some say it is very common for myspace to go off line.
ReplyDeleteThose are the old Nags I was talking about.
Hell no CC, he has no time for that. He has plenty of people behind the scenes doing that stuff.
ReplyDeleteHe has enough to deal with regarding the lawsuit and his own other personal issues...:)
Liza's cousin has a myspace blog,for some reason when Liza and DC got together,Yvonne went private. I also thinks he has more important stuff on his mind.If DC was interested in that shit,he would have had one before now.
ReplyDeleteDC would use his own company to start a fan site.If you go there the whole thing sound kind of childish,nothing like him at all.
ReplyDeleteOh I agree CC. He would want to promote his company and hte best way to do that is have the fan site there, rather than the other way around like on MySpace.
I think it was an attempt of DC's people to set up a myspace site under his auspices and direction. I went there to see and he, or someone who worked for him,left comments supposedly by him.Then there was a bunch of CSI hype and fan comments.There was also a bogus profile where he said he didn't smoke or drink.
ReplyDeleteHi Nee,taking a break from all that emotional writing.
ReplyDeleteDC will never thank the loons for caring so much about his welfare and safety.They are still loyal to him. I have to respect that in a grudging sort of way. The fact that they hurt Vix's little girl and husband and hounded Vix almost to death will never bother them, however.
ReplyDeleteCC...not surprisingly DC rarely thanks others for whatever they did for him. That is just hte way he is because he is just too unhappy generally to see what others are trying to do for him.
ReplyDeleteI rarely get a thanks for listening but I will tell him off if he needs it...I am mouthy I tell ya...:)
The loons should be ashamed of themselves for hounding innocent people...gad that makes me sick, and posting pictures of the kids and all that...bleh!
I just got back from HMMmmmm.
ReplyDeleteHa haha I fool you just put my babies to bed.
ReplyDeleteHi Nee.I put a nice collage up on the blog.Take a look...HA!
ReplyDeleteI can't respect a person when they hurt children,the loonies are all mothers so they say,what they did and said about the child will stay with her for the rest of her life.The loons know least than us about DC,dodo admitted she started watching him in CSI:M..hell he started out in a coffee commerical,folgers I think.They don't know how the shit started,all they know is what they hear,they have never heard DC saying anything,you could tell he wasn't worry,his old ass was everywhere.
ReplyDeleteI didn't believe you anyway about the Hmmmm.
ReplyDeleteA guy who travels all over the world without visible protection is not too worried about anything.He never took it seriously anyway,Or he would have stayed in his closet with a gun.
ReplyDeleteThats what I think..the little cute ass is mine.
ReplyDeleteNo,I already claimed that one. Yours is the big fat ass.
ReplyDeleteThey don't know what happen,maybe DC told his circle,they just took it to far.
ReplyDeleteWhat's your weather like?
ReplyDeleteIt's three degrees above freezing here with high winds and rain.We don't know where our summer went.
ReplyDeleteIn alot of ways talking with him is like talking to a child...he needs alot of reassurances and things like that. Some days are worse than others, but that is the way it is at times.
ReplyDeleteNow I am going to cry,Gil told me my ass was jiggling,he won't get no choochie tonight,oh well,the dangle may still be zonked.hahaha
ReplyDeleteNice and cool,we are expecting rain tomorrow night.
ReplyDeleteAn ass jiggle can be sexy. you can't have a hard butt like a sixteen year old forever.
ReplyDeleteDC reminds me of a child with a big dangle and like to play doctor.
ReplyDeleteI guess your construction is getting under way.I'll bet you are having a huge kitchen.I like what we call a great room.It's a huge room which is a kitchen and family room.
ReplyDeleteJeannie,Gil says he is going to measured Gilly's thumb and then his dangle,how long do it have to be ,before he can buy him a woman.
ReplyDeleteDid you say 2 or 3 times the length of his thumb.
My neighbor who was a year older than me at seven, showed me how to play doctor.I was intrigued.I enjoy it more now, however.
ReplyDeleteIf I remember correctly it was twice the length of the thumb.
ReplyDeleteHave you told Gilly the facts of life? He may not be ready.
ReplyDeleteI can't remember the name of that post or I would look it up for you.
ReplyDeleteDidn't you play doctor as a kid ?
ReplyDeleteIt is going to be a great room,open space,large big rooms.they have framed it up,can still work if it rains.
ReplyDeleteOh,that's right,you got your education from looking through the spy hole at Chris.
ReplyDeleteI bet the family will spend most of the time in the great room.
ReplyDeleteThis house my daddy built and he left it to Sis,is huge.she has a great room,to me it look/feels so homey.
ReplyDeleteYes I did,I watched the pigs/cows /horses,those horses have long dangles,tried to get the dog to do the calf or anything we could catch.Said I would never do that.Boy was I wrong.
ReplyDeleteHe built that house for a very large family.No wonder it's huge.
ReplyDeletehow many bathrooms will you need?
Remember the post you did about the little boy and girl naked and the boy was standing on her head and he asked her when was it suppose to feel good,she said she didn't know,but she was getting a headache,that was a hoot.
ReplyDeleteI will have 4 bathrooms,sis has 5 bathrooms,it was Chris,daddy,Sis ,her 2 boys,Nan and me,daddy brought enough land and the others built their own.
ReplyDeleteThat was cute.I never played that kind of doctor.
ReplyDeleteYou don't know that DC has a big dangle,although you have always said so.Have you seen it?
I don't want my baby taking after his uncle Chris,I see him with a girl hung on him I would pass out.hahaha
ReplyDeleteI like lots of bathrooms. Women like plumbing and lots of it.I'm not too fond of sharing a bathroom with Brian anymore.Now I like my own space and a big tub to soak in.
ReplyDeleteFunny, when I saw my sons with adoring girls on their arms, I had mixed feelings. I was happy for them and proud of them and also had a hollow feeling because I realized they would be leaving us very soon.
ReplyDeleteNo but as much as he get it polished by all the tarts and bimbos I bet it is swollen and won't go down..hahaha
ReplyDeleteDC attracts women easily, so he obviously has some kind of Irish ,puckish charm. We should ask Katherine just what it is.
ReplyDeleteRemember the extra that wrote about him and sent it to Vix ,said he had a nice banana.She also said he did a lot of cussing and talking about how Liza fuck up his marriage.Vix got some good shit over there.Haven't been in awhile ,I will look for the ex wives tale.
ReplyDeleteHe blamed Liza for screwing up his marriage?...Ha!And he said this while he was cheating on LIZA?..LMAO
ReplyDeleteKatherine,do you know what attracts the tarts to DC.He settles for the wrong kind of tarts.DC is to light for me,I like dark haired men with dark bedroom eyes ,with an animal appeal.
ReplyDeleteJeannie and CC
ReplyDeleteHe does attract women easily, very easily. I usually watch them come and go. We dont usually talk about the women though, we talk about other stuff...mostly about him and his issues but I am a good listener...:)
I dont know what it is...he has a certain charm, odd as that may seem. It is too bad he does not find a good woman to use it on, the charm I mean. Not his you know what.
You know,I think I've been too sheltered. At my age and I'm still naive.Are all people in his business immoral and unprincipled?I don't want to believe that.
ReplyDeleteThe tarts are after the money and the publicity...plain and simple.
The TV/movie industry is driven by people who have no real ethics or scruples, but not everyone is like that. There are some really decent ones in the industry.
I like a man that is sure of himself,a man that I can depend on ,one I know will be there for me and not let me go through child birth along,most of all a man I can respect,I guess you can say I am old fashion,but that is the way all the men around me is,they respects others .
ReplyDeleteKatherine ,yes there is more nice ones than bad ones,you just hear more about the bad ones.
ReplyDeleteIt's a good thing you can listen to DC,it is a shame he won't listen,we understand about when you like/care for someone,you want to be there for them,as you know thats the way we felt about Vix,she need someone to listen and I do think Jeannie and I made her life a little more bearable.
I sure am smelling what you're cooking NEE. I couldn't agree more.There is such happiness and security knowing your mate is there for you for life.Mutual trust is so precious. When Brian and I made those vows we really meant them.If you don't mean it you should never get married.
ReplyDeleteNee, I sent you an email this afternoon with the information you requested.Check your emails once in a while girl.
Well ,I guess she finally checked her emails.Or maybe she had to take a pee.
ReplyDeleteAnyway,I guess it's easy to talk from a position of security.I'm sure Amina has never felt secure.She may be a bimbo but she is still a human being.I don't think DC recognizes that.
Check it out and you are so right,
ReplyDeleteNan is going to try and get a copy off my gaming badge,she had one but it look fuzzy,she say she will see if she can do it better,if not she will have me post that one until we get some,my drivers license is over 7 years old we get ours every 10 years,the photo places won't copy my badge.
ReplyDeleteI was just checking the news headlines and I saw that the last survivor from the Titanic just passed away at 97.I bet she has some story.Maybe I'll write a little post on her.
ReplyDeleteWe have to get our licences updated every five years.Those Godawful pictures never look like me.I look like a criminal,a hooker or a idiot.
ReplyDeleteHell I can do bad by myself,I will never lower myself just for money or fame. Hell I want someone that loves me forever,thats one reason I didn't marry my man,had one man ha d money,he acted a fool,met this one ,his dad was part owner in 2 hotels and casinos,so I ran like hell until he caught me,and I still worked until my little man.
ReplyDeleteHell Jeannie you are so funny,the ones on the gaming badges look a real person,I smiles on all of them.
ReplyDeleteSomeone with a lot of money can actually be intimidating.You might be afraid that they would have more power over you. I wouldn't like that feeling.My ex was comfortable not too wealthy.I ran from him anyway.
ReplyDeleteThankyou Sweetie.It's nice to know you appreciate me.
ReplyDeleteI told Nan I haven't lost my baby fat,she said I may never lose it I think was taken about a month ago I think,I renew it,because I might need to help out,dad be CEO for about 5 more years.
ReplyDeleteCall it night Sweetums.You don't want bags under your eyes to go with the jiggly ass.
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like you want to go back to work.Do you miss it?
ReplyDeleteDad is quite wealthy ,Gil has made his niche in the world,He asked me to marry him after the first time I let him have the choochie,I said no,after about 3 years I was preggie and thats when we married.
ReplyDeleteLook where we are,had a beautiful house on the lake,hell I didn't want it,so here I am stacked up at Sis.(GIGGLES) got his dad with us and they are happy,you don't need all that fake shit,here today and gone tomorrow.but your love will last a lifetime.
ReplyDeleteThat must have been some choochie if you got a proposal right away.A magic choochie.
ReplyDeleteI have learned that the people you love are the only things that matter.Gradually,all the other stuff like dreams ,ambitions and success fell away over the years and I finally came to that conclusion.None of it mattered.
ReplyDeleteDo you think Dad and Sis are in love?
Yes I miss it,I guess I will just be a stay at home mom,I will never win that fight with Gil,like I won the house fight,he says his mom helped his dad in the beginning,and when his dad made it,she stopped to care for him.
ReplyDeleteI think it will be good for the blog to do a post on the Titanic lady.
ReplyDeleteI guess you could fight him on that,but I don't get the feeling that you are unhappy being a mom and a wife.God knows you have enough to do.
ReplyDeleteMy freaking printer is out of ink again so I can't get the story downloaded.I'll take some notes .
ReplyDeleteCall it a night girl.Get your beauty sleep,unless you're so beautiful you don't need it.
ReplyDeleteI Voodoo that fucker,he chased it for a month or two.
ReplyDeleteNo I don't think they are in love,but I do think they enjoy each others company.I asked Sis did it get hard or did she have to packed it in,she said if I didn't leave she was going to spank my musty butt with my hot ass..haha
That old man can probably still get it up. They can do that till the day they die.
ReplyDeleteYou know what I was thinking,they was from Las Vegas/Reno,his family was owners in the hotel casino business,I didn't want to get hooked up with another like my ex.and this one had never been married,I was interested ,I was also scared.
ReplyDeleteYou took quite a gamble, but it paid off. He loves you and no one else.
ReplyDeleteI will call it a night ,it sure go fast when you are having fun.
ReplyDeleteGoodnite sweetie and more to come tomorrow..Luv...LUV...NEE
p.s. We shall see what tomorrow brings.
Goodnight luv. Have a great one...Hugs..J
ReplyDeleteI have known him for a long time and if there is anyone who is emotionally in pain it certainly is DC. I didnt have the heart back then to not listen, just as you gals did for Vixen. He has redeeming qualities but he needs to right person to bring those out.
But until he decides a change is needed, I will listen...:)
Happy Tuesday Gals!