VooDoo, Hoo-Do !! Freaked out by scary on-set car crashes that sent eleven(11) vicims to the hosiptal. Nicolas Cage reached out to a spirit-busting voodoo priestess-begging -yes I said begging her to exorcise the supernatural "curse" plaguing the New York location of his new movie "The Sorcerer's Apprentice".(Now don't call Nic "weird", even though he once gobbled a live cockroach on screen. WTF..."American Idol has a ghost named "Phylls"for Pete's Sake.In bizarre accidents just two days apart, a stuntman lost control of his Ferrari in a chase scene and hydroplaned onto a sidewalk,injuring two pedestrians,.Next,an SUV driver struck a parked car and both vehicles jumped the curb-injuring nine crew members,who was rushed to the hosiptal. Finally Nic threw up his hands and hired a "MOJO" lady named "VooDoo Princess" to break the evil spell.Everyone was shocked when the voodoo lady arrived on the set,said a source.She was wearing a long black and purple dress,had long shiny hair--and carried a broom.A big amulet around her neck,carried voodoo dust that she sprinkled on the pavement as she chanted weird phrases to frighten bad spirits and make them flee.Now Nicolas was fascinated ,smiled as the VooDoo Princess brandished her broom and began "sweeping the demons away".Nic kept telling his doubting crew they would eat their words when all problems stopped. Finally,with a piercing scream VooDoo Princess shouted:Evil spirits be gone forever".Thanking the sorceress profusely,Nicolas Cage conjured up her $150.00 fee--and limo'd her back to "VooDooville.....Way to go Nic... But Nic sweetheart, next time call me,I have a new bag of tricks.(GIGGLES) But hey,that's just me.
news:gossip with Mike Wallace..Nationalenguirer.com
Nick is another weird eccentric guy.The world sure is full of them. I don't mind weird.It's mean I don't like.
ReplyDeleteThat's a weird picture of him too.I would not have recognized it as N. Cage.
Nick is in character for the movie,did you see the movie of him and Dave?
ReplyDeleteI love your post,I can't remember where I park my car at market/mall.hahaha
ReplyDeleteHow is everyone?
ReplyDeleteHi Nee.Nick is into a lot of strange things,but he has always been open about his interests.
ReplyDeleteHow stupid were those guys concreting themselves into that pavement area.How the hell are they going to get out unless they pull half the posts out.
Hahah people are funny.
ReplyDeleteEveryone is good.Nana's reading,Brian's dozing.Maxy is lying on his back with his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth sound asleep.I'm sitting here with a cup of herbal tea and my feet up,ready to chat with my good friend.
ReplyDeleteI read ALL the posts under Kung fu
ReplyDeleteYes .thosare the kind of bad boys I like,open,don't like someone trying to pull the wool over my eyes,I always see through it..also when you say something once,be able to say it again the same way.
ReplyDeleteI know you do,in case you have to respond to one,sometime I go over them again.
ReplyDeleteI hope the voodoo lady's mojo worked.Who knows what works.
ReplyDeleteI know one thing,if enough people in a group think bad things,they create a kind of negative energy that can hang around a place.It might take a fresh strong energy to dispel it.
Maxy told me when I got here this morning,the loons was here ,so he hide in the galley to keep them form biting him and giving him rabies.hahaha
ReplyDeleteI am glad we both have positive energy.You can feel the negitive forces,I did today.
ReplyDeleteHe's not the best watchdog.Maybe I'll replace him with a Doberman or a Pitbull.
ReplyDeleteWhere did you get the bad feelings Sweetie??Here on the blog?
ReplyDeleteDo you think I might be English? I love herbal tea.I have joined you.
ReplyDeleteNo I want Maxy.you have to watch out for the small ones.
ReplyDeleteI truly believe we have been visited quite often.I don't think they are contagious,but you can feel the black cloud passing over the blog.
ReplyDeleteYes..it all coming full circle.
ReplyDeleteIf you drink enough herbal tea you will become British.You'll lose that Creole drawl and start speaking like Brian.
ReplyDeleteGoodness I hope I am not a black cloud gals...I like it here...I know I am new here and love an idiot but heck, I like you gals
Thats the fun part,you know when they are here lurking about.You get what you see and if I don't want to tell you something ,Hell I just say it.
ReplyDeleteThe black cloud is the loons.We just sense that they have viited us again.They don't talk to us.
ReplyDeleteYou do.
Are you feeling guilty? we always talk about the loons,did you not see my comment about Maxy,we know when you log on Iwe have all our LP on people who comment.
ReplyDeleteKatherine I know you wre there.
Oh I guess I missed that, I am sorry, it has been a long day today
ReplyDeleteI got yelled at
I think we have all loved an idiot at one time or another.At least you did not make the mistake of marrying him like I did,K.
ReplyDeleteIf I have something to say,I just spit it out..
ReplyDeleteWho yelled at you??
ReplyDeleteMy ex is an idiot to,thats why it's fun to talk about his damn ass and yes we had good sex,but not like what I get now.
ReplyDeleteA customer got mad at me when I told her it would take 2 weeks for a special order
I detest dealing with rich clients because they always want it NOW.
She yelled at me in the store and called me names...bleh!
So now we know that it is possible to have good sex with an idiot. My idiot was so-so in bed.I learned that undertakers are the best sexual partners.
ReplyDeleteTough day,K. she has to go to the toilet like anybody else.Just ppicture her sitting there with a bad case of dysentry.
ReplyDeleteWell, I told her to F off the uptight cow
ReplyDeleteBoss unhappy but I still have a job...LOL
At least you let off a little steam,K. That relieves the stress a little.
ReplyDeleteMy husband tries to teach staff that the customer is always right.
Bullshit, I say. A lot of them are those proverbial idiots that we have been talking about.Another one will come in the door in a minute or two.
I heard about him as full mast looking for a place to hang his pole.hahaha
ReplyDeleteI didn't know a man could make you reach for the moon just by caressing you and whispering sweet nothing in your hears.(GIGGLES)
ReplyDeleteNee's idiot now has a flat head,thanks to her.He has to wear a hat. She crowned him with an iron frying pan.He did not know who he was messing with.
ReplyDeleteI guess she must have knocked some sense into him.He did quite well for himself.
If that undertaker had gotten together with you Nee.Boy the sparks would have flown.You would have worn it down to a nub.
ReplyDeleteMoney don't make a person,the person makes money,here today gone tomorrow.If you notice ,the people with money a lot of them don't know how to be happy.Dad is so happy now.
ReplyDeleteDad is surrounded by a large family.That's probably what he always wanted.And he fits right in.
ReplyDeleteHe probably pictured himself all alone at his ripe old age.Not a happy picture.So you see Nee,you have brought sunshine into many lives.
Ron is doing well,he's a writer producer now,I have seen his name on some credits of CSI:M/CSI:NY but stilla fool,has kids now,he can't hold on to it like my man.
ReplyDeleteSo,Gil whispers sweet nothings in your ears? I think that's lovely.
ReplyDeleteThanks Jeannie,it make me feel good to hear you say that.I am a very complex person as you know so well,I will plant a seed ,if it don't take root,I move on,as you and sis have said ,life is to short to waste.
ReplyDeleteI was afraid of Gil because he had money,I figured he was just like RON,boy was I wrong.
Do you remember James Brown?
ReplyDelete(GIGGLES) Yes he do,I be putting this choochie on him,hahaha
ReplyDeleteJeannie ,Gil says I look like my cupcake.
ReplyDeleteI sure do remember him.He's an iconic figure.
ReplyDeleteDo you wear a cherry on your head, and pink frosting? If you do, I would have to say he was right.
ReplyDeleteDad said he was so happy to have grands,he didn't think Gil would have and he was over 40...never lived with a woman,he told dad he asked me to marry his I keep saying no,So he will move in and claim his woman.
ReplyDeleteHell I was scared of those Mafia looking men.
ReplyDeleteI am going to do a post on his widow and son..it will be nice,she finally got what was hers.
ReplyDeleteOh,that would be an interesting post,Nee.
ReplyDeleteHe was a colorful entertainer.Totally unique.
ReplyDeleteShit I wouln't want the undertaker,you had wore his old ass out.
ReplyDeleteI have a post about the silver lamp my mother found,when she was a girl,and the history of it.
ReplyDeleteHe must be in his late fifties now.It probably bends in the middle,anyway.It was so big and heavy.
ReplyDeleteHe was old still danced and had a lot of women.a great performer.
ReplyDeleteMaybe he had a pump installed like Stallone.hahahaha
ReplyDeleteDo the silver lamp,maybe a genie was in it....you just might be magical.
ReplyDeleteThat's what the story is about,the Jeannie from the lamp.
ReplyDeleteI still dream about him once in a while.He left an indelible impression on me.And a couple of scars.
ReplyDeleteJeannie in the bottle,great,there was a movie about a leeter in the bottle,as Gil say let your words flow.
ReplyDeleteHave you ever google his name ,he wasa an actor and you can find him that way,but ain't you glad you got away ,look what you got now,a very British fella indeed.hahaha
You see I have it good I have my mentors experience to fall back on.Lucky me.
ReplyDeletei never thought of Googling him.What a great idea .I will do that when we sign off.
ReplyDeleteI keant Genie in a Lamp...letter in a bottle. HA!
ReplyDeleteI thought 'Letter in a Bottle' with Kevin Costner was kinda lame.
ReplyDeleteNothing wrong in it ,just being curious about how his life turned out.
ReplyDeleteIt was one of his worst movies.
ReplyDeleteI got your messages and left you one.
ReplyDeleteI like the older movies /tv shows better,at least you know where they are headed.
ReplyDeleteSent you one.
ReplyDeleteShall we call it a night partner?It's been a slice as usual.The blog is going well.The stats have gone up quite nicely for the past while.I think we're getting regular readers.
ReplyDeleteI like old movies.I also like some of the new ones,but I'm picky.
ReplyDeleteYes we are,we are coming into our own,I am being sweet.
ReplyDeleteSo I will say good nite and see you tomorrow..
Lots of love...PIC....NEE
Don't forget to google...
ReplyDeleteNite sweetie..Luv...NEE
Night HOney.I left one last message.Enjoyed your company as usual....luv ya...J