Do we really care any more if they do invent one? I'm waiting for food synthesizers and I'm waiting for "Scotty"to beam me from my house to the supermarket. I don't need a mousetrap if I have my handy phaser in my purse.
The ten best inventions of all time are:
10. The Television.~John Logie Baird filed his first patent in 1923, for a device that yielded an eight-line image. Years later this was followed by the sale of the first television set, a device that he baptized a "televisor." In 1932, the British Broadcasting Corp. (BBC) launched the world's first regular TV broadcasts. Today, the jury is still out on whether it serves an educational benefit or is a cultural curse. My goodness, haven't they seen the Cindy Margolis show yet?
10. The Television.~John Logie Baird filed his first patent in 1923, for a device that yielded an eight-line image. Years later this was followed by the sale of the first television set, a device that he baptized a "televisor." In 1932, the British Broadcasting Corp. (BBC) launched the world's first regular TV broadcasts. Today, the jury is still out on whether it serves an educational benefit or is a cultural curse. My goodness, haven't they seen the Cindy Margolis show yet?
9. The Printing Press~The printing press was the first one of many communication mediums, changing how information was collected, stored, retrieved, criticized, discovered, and promoted. It has been implicated in the Reformation, the Renaissance and the Scientific Revolution. The very first mass communication.That is to say;a lot of people could be informed about the same thing at the same time.
8. The Laser ~Forty years after Einstein drew up the concept of the stimulation of light waves, a doctoral student earned a patent on Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation (LASER) and the resulting beam to cut, heat and measure. Consumers love lasers thanks to CD players and laser printers. Doctors love lasers because they simplify and quicken cosmetic and eye surgery. Scientists love lasers for their precision and power. We love lasers because of faster lines at the beer store.
7. The Automobile"You can have any color as long as it is black," boasted Ford at the turn of the Century. Automobiles have come a long way. They permitted rapid transportation of people and goods. The next challenge lies in developing environment-friendly automobiles. We're still waiting for the flying cars that Back to the Future promised.
6. The Internet~A secret Pentagon project, the Internet served as a communication network that would remain intact, even if several of its strands were broken. While your parents were celebrating Woodstock, two computers in southern California exchanged information.The Net has emerged into mainstream culture after Tim Berners-Lee thought up a structure of links and addresses for sending data -- unhampered by central authority and proprietary software -- bringing the Internet to life and effectively making the globe a village by fostering the sharing of information. How else could AskMen help users from Seattle to Sydney 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
8. The Laser ~Forty years after Einstein drew up the concept of the stimulation of light waves, a doctoral student earned a patent on Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation (LASER) and the resulting beam to cut, heat and measure. Consumers love lasers thanks to CD players and laser printers. Doctors love lasers because they simplify and quicken cosmetic and eye surgery. Scientists love lasers for their precision and power. We love lasers because of faster lines at the beer store.
7. The Automobile"You can have any color as long as it is black," boasted Ford at the turn of the Century. Automobiles have come a long way. They permitted rapid transportation of people and goods. The next challenge lies in developing environment-friendly automobiles. We're still waiting for the flying cars that Back to the Future promised.
6. The Internet~A secret Pentagon project, the Internet served as a communication network that would remain intact, even if several of its strands were broken. While your parents were celebrating Woodstock, two computers in southern California exchanged information.The Net has emerged into mainstream culture after Tim Berners-Lee thought up a structure of links and addresses for sending data -- unhampered by central authority and proprietary software -- bringing the Internet to life and effectively making the globe a village by fostering the sharing of information. How else could AskMen help users from Seattle to Sydney 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
5. The Plane~Bicycle manufacturers, the Wright brothers, accomplished the first motorized flight in 1903 while British engineer Frank Whittle filed the first patent for a jet engine in 1930. Parallel tests in Germany made that country the first to fly a jet-powered plane, the Heinkel He 178, in 1939. Thirty years later, the Boeing 747 Jumbo jet made international air travel fast, comfortable and affordable -- just don't tell that to the passengers of the Concorde.
4. DNA~Okay, so it's not so much an invention as it is a discovery, but nevertheless, scientists have learned to manipulate it to our advantage. "We have discovered the secret of life," said British scientist Francis Crick in 1953, in reference to deoxyribose nucleic acid (DNA), the double-helix molecule in the cell nucleus that determines heredity. Unraveling the genetic code has made it possible for humans to fight disease and improve food production. Looking ahead, genetic research has opened up moral dilemmas, such as cloning, which suits us fine so long as they start with Brad Pitt.
3. The Steam Engine~The steam engine powered the Industrial Revolution and inspired the science of thermodynamics, broadening and deepening the understanding of the world as expressed in Isaac Newton's laws of nature. From steam engines to fogged-up car windows, the more things change, the more they stay the same.
2. The Pill~This mixture of two hormones that suppress ovulation unleashed a sexual and social revolution. Overnight, women gained effective control over their fertility, smashing constraints on women's sexual freedom and the right to work, eventually giving them unprecedented political and economic clout. We love the Pill.
4. DNA~Okay, so it's not so much an invention as it is a discovery, but nevertheless, scientists have learned to manipulate it to our advantage. "We have discovered the secret of life," said British scientist Francis Crick in 1953, in reference to deoxyribose nucleic acid (DNA), the double-helix molecule in the cell nucleus that determines heredity. Unraveling the genetic code has made it possible for humans to fight disease and improve food production. Looking ahead, genetic research has opened up moral dilemmas, such as cloning, which suits us fine so long as they start with Brad Pitt.
3. The Steam Engine~The steam engine powered the Industrial Revolution and inspired the science of thermodynamics, broadening and deepening the understanding of the world as expressed in Isaac Newton's laws of nature. From steam engines to fogged-up car windows, the more things change, the more they stay the same.
2. The Pill~This mixture of two hormones that suppress ovulation unleashed a sexual and social revolution. Overnight, women gained effective control over their fertility, smashing constraints on women's sexual freedom and the right to work, eventually giving them unprecedented political and economic clout. We love the Pill.
Can you guess number one?? Of course you can.Where are you right now?
1. The Computer~The first operational electro-mechanical computer was used to crack secret Nazi codes. Innovation has miniaturized computers while increasing their power exponentially: the transistor (1947), the integrated circuit (1959) and the microprocessor (1970), increased the speed to process data, while the hard disk (1956), modem (1980) and mouse (1983) boosted their power to make data accessible. They now fit in your pocket and the palm of your hand.
1. The Computer~The first operational electro-mechanical computer was used to crack secret Nazi codes. Innovation has miniaturized computers while increasing their power exponentially: the transistor (1947), the integrated circuit (1959) and the microprocessor (1970), increased the speed to process data, while the hard disk (1956), modem (1980) and mouse (1983) boosted their power to make data accessible. They now fit in your pocket and the palm of your hand.
A good list, but I think it should be expanded to the twenty all time top inventions. Any ideas??
Some further inventions have been suggested as being in the top twenty:
-the wheel-the hammer-the nail-electricity
-the lightbulb-the safety pin-the telephone-the hypodermic needle
{GIGGLES} All these inventions is great,a real service to mankind.
ReplyDeleteThe greatest invention I have found is my man's dangle, especially when he makes into a pole and let me slide on it.
AWwwww now PIC see what you made me say..I am hot tonight.
How is everyone? Hope you are enjoying your down time with the rock.
ReplyDeleteStop it, I seen you trying to pat the dangle.Hahahaha
You have dangles on the brain today.Tell Gil he's not doing his job well enough.
ReplyDeleteDon't make me wash your mouth out with soap again again or I'll tell Sis to beat your musty butt...HA!
Hey ...hahahaha
ReplyDeleteSis can't catch me..her legs not long enough..hahaha..
ReplyDeleteYou asked if anyone knew anymore.
There is nothing better than a good poking sometime..HA!!!
Nana's in a good mood today.The only thing I can think of that would make that happen is a personal visit from God or the Queen.I'm fairly sure it wasn't the queen.
ReplyDeleteThe Rock is in a poor mood because it rained all day and he wanted to go to our secluded spot in the 'Love Boat'and make whoopee.we could have gone anyway but it looked like a thunder storm was coming.
Did you get to spend the day with your "Knight"..I hope so I bet you enjoyed every moment.
ReplyDeleteI was thinking about you and Sis when I wrote my post today,it's in draft..."Relationships and Commitments.Sometime I just write down my feeling,I have learned a lot from my 2 mentors.
Thankyou for the advice. I'll tell Jaye in the morning.
ReplyDeleteWe couldn't go to the boat and we lost the mood for whoopee but I found a terrific clothing sale, which is as good as sex and if it's a sale of designer labels,then it's better than sex.
Other things I've found to be as good or better than sex.
ReplyDelete1)Godiva chocolates with cream fillings.
2)Strawberry and/or butterscotch sundaes with french vanilla ice- cream or home-made ice-cream
3)cherry cheese-cake
4)Pretty jewellry
5)a beautiful painting
...I have a host of others:
-a great movie
It is as hot as a dick's hat-band here.We will be getting some rain about Tuesday the weather man say.
ReplyDeleteThankyou for the tips.We're pretty naive about such things but this is important to them.
ReplyDeleteI just love sales,I can stay all day just looking.They don't make clothes as well as they used to.
ReplyDeleteYou told me once that you can cook eggs on your sidewalks sometimes.Is that really true?
ReplyDeleteIt's very warm here but the uncomfortable thing is the muggy humidity.We're not used to that.It feels like I can't breathe.
I think it was around a 100 degrees Friday,you have to have a good air conditioning system,I try to stay inside,and summer just got here.Yes you can fry an egg sometime.
ReplyDeleteBut getting back to dangles, isn't there anything you like better than sex??I have to know.
ReplyDeleteThere was other thing I liked,but lordy when this man got a hold of me,he sent me to seventh heaven.
ReplyDeleteI think that's why he sleeps on his stomach mostly.hahaha
Maybe I am having a mid-life crisis. {GIGGLES}
He sleeps on his stomach so you can't jump him?? You must tell me some day what his heavenly technique is.Perhaps when we've had a few cocktails sometime we can compare their techniques...HA!
ReplyDeleteBoy they would not like that. But I bet men discuss their women like that.
Sis says I just like to aggravate him,Gil says twice a moth is all he can afford since I raise the price..he can afford maybe $2.50..but times is tough.I going to kill him.
ReplyDeleteI think you better tell him ,the more you pay,the better the service you get.
ReplyDeleteFor $2.50 he get's a smile.For $10,000.00 you'll rock his world so hard he won't be able to stand up but he'll be floating on cloud nine for a week.
You know when they get their's ,they get up and go,or go to sleep..like one I know.hahaha
ReplyDeleteI am going to tell him I will rock his world...He'll just wait and catch me in the morning...He says little gil go to sleep at 8pm,wake up around 4:30 am...that foolis so crazy,he will have you laughing so hard sometime Nan crys.
ReplyDeleteBrian is usually so relaxed he goes to sleep while I'm asking him if he enjoyed it.
ReplyDeleteLittle Gil wouldn't get much action in my house.At 4:30 AM I am asleep or very cranky.At 8:00 PM I am usually doing a hundred things.
ReplyDeleteNow around 10:00PM or 11:00PM I'm raring to go.I also like lunchtime or afternoons.
I can appreciate a quickie almost anytime but 4:00AM.
I think Nana have been in a pretty good mood since she read the Major's story and it brought back memories .
ReplyDeleteI am up on him,shit he be snoring so loud he don't know he is in the world,and he say he don'r snore.
ReplyDeleteThats how you can tell you gave them a good ride,and they know you are happy.My ex was lazy.
ReplyDeleteNana's moods fluctuate. The twins are coming for a visit tomorrow.That could be the reason.
ReplyDeleteI'm doing a barbecue;she loves barbecue.That could be the reason.
I bought her a little gift today(even though she didn't like it).That could be why.
But really,I think you're right.I sort of turned their story into a short(Reader's Digest Condensed)romance.She loves romance.
My ex was a bam-bam thank you "mam",so I guess whan I got a man that made love instead of fuck,I was happy,a lot of women say that most older men know how to make a women enjoy,if she is his woman.
ReplyDeleteNana love when the twins visits. It could be all of those reasons why she is in a good mood.If only her body could keep up with her mind.
ReplyDeleteYes,an older man is much more considerate of his partner.Brian cares about my pleasure also.
ReplyDeleteI know Brian care about your pleasure.
ReplyDelete[1] he can't wait to get home.
[2] he would get a boner whenever you are around.
[3]he likes to sneak up on you and catch you off guard..HA!!!
Am I right or am I right..hahaha
It's nice being on holiday.We're very relaxed.
ReplyDeleteWow,you and I are usually on the same wave length.It's weird.
See I have other things on my mind beside the dangle...sometime..haha
ReplyDeletewe can always talk privately.
It is weird,I didn't know shit about blogging,I only knew I didn't want to lose you. It will come full force one day,there is a reason,it seems we feel things the same .
ReplyDeleteYou have a memory like a steel trap.All those things are true.
ReplyDeleteHe's been very frisky lately,so he has been grabbing me all of a sudden and giving me a big smacking kiss,just like the old days.
A few years ago,he'd creep up behind me when I was doing laundry or dishes(usually if I was wearing a dress) and I'd get a little surprise or a big surprise,depending on your point of view.
How long will you be on holiday?
ReplyDeleteDo you celebrate the 4th of July?
It was a big surprise.I bet you wore dresses a lot,so you could be surprised.hahaha Brian liked surprising you too.
ReplyDeleteI have come to believe that we've been brought together to teach each other something valuable that will help us to be better people and live our lives to the max.
ReplyDeleteI think you can be a voice in your part of the world to inform people of global warming.People are not too aware down there.We have to unite to save our planet.
The European countries are doing it.I think it's one of the reasons
you and I came together.
On your part,you may be supposed to save my soul.
Do you remember when and why I stopped wearing panties?
ReplyDeleteYes,sometimes I would wear a summer dress and no panties.I still do.I liked those surprises.It was better when the kids left.
ReplyDeleteThen they started coming back.Steve moved in for a couple of years.Then, AL separated from his wife and moved in for eight or nine months.Then Jaye moved in for two years(with twins)..No more surprises.
I can be a voice ,if one don't listen I just move on to the next one,it's like planting seeds and watching things grow. I didn't think of Go;ab Warming until I met you..By the way if I save your soul,will you save mine.
ReplyDeleteThere is always a reason for things happening,if you look back on how we came together,it is strange.
I'm aware you like to go around panty free or buck naked.
ReplyDeleteI guess you can't do that at Sis's house.you must miss it.
I'd be honored to save your soul honey.It'll be harder saving mine.I'm an old sinner with a lot to atone for.There are things I can see now that I should have done.When you are young and selfish you don't see them.
ReplyDeleteYou would have had it no other way,"J" got a raw deal from the fool,but you know she is better off now.
ReplyDeleteIt was weird how we met.There we were, all three bashing DC and we felt a connection.
ReplyDeleteIf Vix hadn't been so wrapped up in her fixation and sickness,she might have felt it too.
I've bashed a few other bad boys but I got very interested in why Vix hated him so much.She never would come out and say it.
ReplyDeleteI think a lot of people can look back and say "IF".When you atone for the things you have done,they are washed away.We are suppose to learn from our mistakes.I don't confess my sins to no priest to forgive me.I try to learn from my mistakes.
ReplyDeleteYes,that is the right way.I never understood how a priest could have the power to forgive you.
ReplyDeleteBesides you get off too easy that way and you don't learn anything.
You have to make it right and then forgive yourself.
Maybe it was like the paper said,she offer him a "BJ".I have bashed some bad boys too,never hated them,shit I bash Brad's old ass and I think he is a hunk.I still like them it's just fun to bash the shit out of them..
ReplyDeleteDC and Mel is the worse I have seen so far.
I've been doing a lot of Mel bashing lately.He needs it.
ReplyDeleteI guess thats what I was thinking today when I wrote my post.I want you to read it and post it for me.The title is "Relationship and Commitments". I get in a mood some time,and I just write what I be feeling at the time.
ReplyDeleteI love putting them in draft since I learn how,hahaha
It's one in the morning your time honey and two in the morning my time.You have to be wide awake when Little Gil wakes up at 8:00Am.
ReplyDeleteI hate signing off sometimes when we're having an interesting gab.
I read it and post it for you.
ReplyDeleteI really don't think anyone can top old fart-ass DC.He just don't have no respect.I would never want to be around someone that talk about my friend. I will not listen to anyone that say mean things about Vix..Hell I knew her ass was crazy,but I liked her and called her friend.
ReplyDeleteLittle gil better stay sleep,Gilly will be getting all the attention .
ReplyDeleteI will say goodnite and see you tomorrow,time really flys when you are having fun,Don't forget to delete.
Goodnite dear friend,have a restful nite ..LUV...PIC...NEE
Yeah DC is pretty bad.He's hurt a lot of people.That will be hard to atone for.
ReplyDeleteHave a good sleep ,see you tomorrow( I often look at your picture)
Kisses and hugs from Jean`ne to Jeannie....Nite..PIC...NEE