But even if we could call a time out when life becomes tense and stressed,would we really want to? Our life's clock keeps ticking no matter what. The only thing we truly have is time.Better to live every moment than lose that time forever.
As much as I may want to call a time out in my life,I will live every moment as fully as I can.
My mentors (Jeannie/Joanna-sis) told me to set realistic goals that challenge me and try hard to meet them. Maybe just maybe,I will achieve these goals,If I don't,I will have done well by just trying.
I am thankful for these two driving forces in my life,they are showing me how to be a better person.What more can I ask for? They both want me to keep in touch with my spiritual side and not get caught up in the nonsense and crap.But sometime I just let the little devil in me out.(GIGGLES)
ReplyDeletePicture of the little brook that run through your yard where the deers drink water.Later gator Luv NEE
What a lovely picture that is. It is important to set goals and try our best to meeting them, and along the way smell the roses abit...I know I try to do that...:)
I wish that brook ran through my property ,it's beautiful,and so are the sentiments and advice in your post.
ReplyDeleteThankyou sweetie
ReplyDeleteHow are you old girl???
ReplyDeleteWhen I saw your picture I recognized you.I would have known you anywhere.
ReplyDeleteJust got here,Like the Afghani women,so true,about to comment and seen you.I am bad,hahaha
ReplyDeleteNan ad sis says I look like you when I wear glasses. I think so too,look more like you than them,lordy that Brian is one hunk,yes sir re-bob.
ReplyDeleteI had a picture in my mind.
ReplyDeleteYou do look like some of our family members,except for the green eyes .They make you unique.
You and I share the same facial bone structure.How did that happen?Same shape face and chin.
ReplyDeleteBrian looks a lot older now and not so healthy.I'll find a nice, more recent one.He's still the rock though.
ReplyDeleteHow is Nana,Jaye was a beautiful bride,Peter is a lucky man to get my neice,she found herself a good man....Jill and Sharon(Nan's baby) have pick which twin they want,Jill told Sharon to take Sam,he's bigger,cause Jaake was her's....hahaha
ReplyDeleteI will be 41 ,22rd June.
ReplyDeleteI told you when Nana And the Major was visiting Louisiana,Nana took one look at my green eyes and shit take her she is a little devil...Hahaha
ReplyDeleteDo you think thats the reason I wanted to keep up with you,I just felt a connection .
ReplyDeletePeter's a good man.Jaye is little and cute.Jill will be just the right age to marry one of my boys.They are sweethearts,she would be very loved.
ReplyDelete'41'??I bet you don't feel a day over 21.
Hi Katherine...
ReplyDeleteHappy Monday evening Gals!
Yes I think you felt a connection to me.I'm glad you fostered it.We also seem to feel the same way sbout things.
ReplyDeleteI would not have pursued the connection and so a beautiful friendship would have been lost.
I try to stay active,I don't jog as much anymore,Hell I just keep the choochie in shape..hahaha
ReplyDeletePeter is devoted to Jaye and their boys, you can tell they are happy,always smiling ,my babies smiles all time.
Good evening Katherine. What's new?
ReplyDeleteI'll bet that choochie has muscles of iron. It can bend steel.
ReplyDeleteCan it de-cork a bottle of champagne???
ReplyDeleteSame old same old CC...another work day, dealing with idiots, the usual...:)
ReplyDeleteIt can bend steel...too damn funny I almost fell out of my chair on that one...lol
It was our destiny to be together,someway we would connect again.We found Mrs.Hattie,she's old and sick now ,she has something to tell me, she got a chance to see my babies,and Gilly tried to bite her.
ReplyDeleteHas there been an increase in idiots lately or is it just my imagination?
ReplyDelete(GIGGLES) Well Gil say I broke it,they made him a little foil cast.haha
ReplyDeleteI am certain there has indeed been an increase in idiots of late...of course I do live in LA which seems to have MORE then its fair share....lol
ReplyDeleteThere are some lonely villages out there, missing their idiots...
Way to go Gilly.He feels if you bite a wise person you get some of their wisdom.
ReplyDeleteWhat did she tell you?
It seems to be an increase in idiots or so people think,but we will never be an idiots,I can feel when things are not right,it just takes a little time to sort it out.
ReplyDeleteThe village idiots all come to LA to seek their fame and fortune.So if we burn it down while all the idiots are present and accounted for, we may solve most of the pressing problems in the world.
ReplyDeleteThankyou for enlightening me Katherine.
Very good plan Jeannie...hehe
ReplyDeleteI feel badly for some that come out there though, young, idealistic and not realizing just how hard it is to make it in show business and all that. End up on the streets some of them...
Then some of those who DO make it big and have alot of money and the world at their feet, they get lost along the way and become very unhappy, get into alcohol and things like that.
I am glad I am just average me...:)
I told Jill ,Jake was going to write and make movies,she said they will be rich,she will ask her daddy how to do the papers,Sharon wanted to know what Sam was doing,I told her he was going to be a engineer and design and build things and make a lot of money.
ReplyDeleteI think you would have been a great detective Nee. You're curious,you absorb information and have a good memory for details and you have this intuitive thing that would be such a valuable tool.
ReplyDeleteI gotta agree with you on that one Katherine.I hate to see young people's dreams shattered.I guess it's a place where they lose their innocence very quickly.
ReplyDeleteSis is going to pick her up for a weekend visit,They was so happy to see each other they cried.Mrs> Hayyie asked sis was she still popping her skirt,Sis laugh ,told her till the day she die.Hahaha
ReplyDeleteSam just turned a girl down. He told her he wasn't looking for a girlfriend right now. After all it's ball hockey season in Canada.
ReplyDelete(Giggles) Gil heard us talking and he told the girls,boys don't start liking girls until they are about 44/45.so they have a long time ,I don't think they bought his shit.
ReplyDeleteI think it's great that Sis doesn't change. What a wonderful attitude she has about life. I wish I could be more like her.She really is a free spirit.
ReplyDeleteGil is going to be very possesive with his daughter.Any young man who wants to date her will have to pass rigorous tests and questioning.In fact he will probably investigate the boys parents.And then he will say he's not good enough for her.
ReplyDeleteOh sam is so sweet,what a nice way to turn a girl down.Girls mature faster. Susan told Gil he should have said something different,he told her when he wanted or need her advice he would ask for it.
ReplyDeleteWhen Gil told them that it reminded me of Brian and the Major,Hell the Boys parents might have Gil investitaged thinking he wwas a wise guy and dad was the godfather.hahaha
ReplyDeleteHe made me feel so good ,he thank me for teaches him to feel and know things with his heart,and it's not all about book learning.
ReplyDeleteThe major frightened half my prospective dates away.
ReplyDeleteJeannie your three girls was good girls,hell Nan and I kelp Sis on her toes..haha
ReplyDeleteGoing back to what Katherine said about young stars unable to deal with celebrity and getting caught up in a cycle of drugs and alcohol.That's all you read about these days .I was just reading about Amy Winehouse. A lost cause.She looks terrible.She doesn't know where she is most of the time.She fell off the stage recently.What a tragic waste of a human being.Not to mention a waste of talent.
ReplyDeleteYou want to go to the "Afghani post.
ReplyDeleteWhat a nice thing for Gil to say.I think you two are a good balance for each other.
ReplyDeleteYes Amy Winehouse is a prime example of someone so lost. I can think of a few others. I must admit knowing a few people fighting alcohol addictions, it is hard to watch them spiral
ReplyDeleteVix did a post on her crawling on the porch drunk...they hook up with the wrong crowd,look at the Olsen twins a lost cause.