1 box Lemon cake mix.I use " Duncan Hines/Betty Crocker" moist deluxe....
1 can lemon cake frosting (your choice)
1 1/3 cup of water
1/3 cup of vegetable oil
4 eggs
1 envelope of jello "Dream Whip"(it's on the shelf with the Jello)
1 8 oz can of frozen lemonade juice
1/2 cup powered sugar
....Preheat oven 360*F....Pan size....13/9 inches
Blend dry mix, dream whip ,water,oil and eggs in large bowl , mix at low speed until moistened (about 30 seconds)... Beat at high speed for 2 minutes.....Pour batter in pans and bake at once...Bake about 35/45 minutes or until done.
Cool cake completely, before adding the lemonade -suger mixture
.....Stir frozen lemonade and powered sugar together....do not remove cake from pan...when cake is completely cool...take the handle of a wooden spoon and poke holes in the cake,be sure to space the holes out...not too close together. ..spoon the mixture into the holes ...Put the Lemon icing on the cake and refrigerate at once.
What a treat for your family at any time, It taste just like home-made..my father -in-law love my cooking ,especially my "GUMBO"....Stay tuned: another recipe from Cupcake's Kitchen coming soon....
Hey what happened to my comment?I said the cake looked yummy and decadent.
ReplyDeleteI lost it.haha
ReplyDeleteWhat have you been up to today?
ReplyDeleteI edit something and it your comment went into space.haha
ReplyDeletebeing lazy...you
ReplyDeleteI lost the whole damn post ,it came back.
ReplyDeleteThanks.The recipe is delicious sounding. Too bad I will never get to eat it.Too many things in it that would hurt me.( wheat flour,sugar, dairy products etc)
ReplyDeleteI will just make you chef salads
ReplyDeleteWorking and taking boys to karate.Sammy is getting so far ahead because he is healthy and strong and Jakey looks so sad when he tries to keep up and can't.He looks sadder all the time.It breaks my heart.
ReplyDeleteYou eat a lot of veggies and fruits.
ReplyDeleteYou eat a lot of veggies and fruits.
ReplyDeleteTell Jajey that there are things he are better at,like videos/writing his book and drawing.That's why they are twins ,to do different things.
ReplyDeleteYeah, rabbit food is about all I can eat now.I can't have rice any more. It makes my feet and legs cramp so bad I can't walk.I depended on rice for carbs and now I'm not getting many.I used to like eating so much.Now I don't look forward to it,just veggies and some organic meat.
ReplyDeleteI can still eat a nice steak though.Brian envies that.He was a meat and potatoes man until he was put on a heart diet.He can only have a piece of meat the size of a deck of cards now and he's allowed very little beef.
ReplyDeleteI know a little of how he feels,you want to fit in ,I felt that way until I was a teenager,I think.I feel sometime that ther are things my siblings got to do and I couldn't,as I grew older ,i understood,but while I was growing up,it was hard to understand .
ReplyDeleteSam is Jake's hero.He wants to be just like him.He doesn't see what a wonderful person Jakey is all b y himself.Sometimes you just want hug him so hard and tell him you love him and you'll make sure everything will come out all right for him.All his classmates are growing and he is not.
ReplyDeleteGoodness ,that organic is expensive,I know it is here,everything organic is..I would whip you and Brian up a salad in so many ways it's not funny,I put every rabbit food I find in it, and a little fish.
ReplyDeleteI believe Jakey will get stronger as he get older,new cures are happening ,tell him one day he will go to sleep and wake up the next morning and be a lot taller/bigger/stronger.I really believe that.
ReplyDeleteTell Jakey when I come to visit,I want to be in his play,and I want a short man like him ,because I have a long one,
ReplyDeleteI got up this morning and her our music,I went to make breakfast and Nan had my lappy listening to our music...I think our viewers like it also.
ReplyDeleteI will try to make him believe that he will grow big and strong.I have to keep his spirits up.
ReplyDeleteSammy is the favorite son, especially with the biological, so Jakey's mine. He's my angel.
I hope they like the music.It was time consuming.The stats go up a fair bit when we do music.
ReplyDeleteI am glad I have one of each,I don't have a favorite kid,if I did I damn sure wouldn't show it,Jakey know he is your Angel...remembber "Ian" he had a jump in growth.
ReplyDeleteI look all the time for another music program for the sidebar but I haven't seen one I like yet except classical.
ReplyDeleteI like what you did with Mad Mel,I left some comments about my next post,don't have enough info yet.
ReplyDeleteI object very strongly to the favoritism but the biological ignores me.He respects Brian to some degree but still does as he wants.Other family members should know better.
ReplyDeleteBrian and I, both, have a special relationship with Jake.Brian always asks his advice on things at work.
Now you are talking girl...I like classical and opera,I know it sound strange ,but I really dig them both.
ReplyDeleteBrian is a wonderful man,I know it makes Jakey feel 10 feet tall for him to ask him things.Who the fuck cares about the sperm donor,hell right now you are controlling the purse strings..
ReplyDeleteI love classical too so I will install a classical program for you and me.
ReplyDeleteHe don't sound like a very nice person.Do he have anymore kids?
ReplyDeleteI bet the viewers/fans will like it also,I was surprise to learn how many people like classical music.
ReplyDeleteWho,sperm doner? No other kids.Thank goodness. His wife wants some but I doubt he will let that happen.
ReplyDeleteI like sarah Brightman's operatic voice.
ReplyDeleteI have a beautiful rendition of her singing Madame Butterfly.
ReplyDeleteThe stats have jumped up since I came on.
ReplyDeleteI do to ,I just close my eyes and be at peace,it has acalming affect on me.
ReplyDeleteI think we will hit another 1000by Sunday that will be 2,000 for the week.
ReplyDeleteShe's lucky she don't have any by him.If so and she get sick,he would walk out on her also,he is a weak man.
ReplyDeletePretty good huh?I think that is a decent viewer status if we can average 2 thousand a week.
ReplyDeleteI'm not going to keep doing music just to raise the stats.Maybe every month or so.What do you think?
ReplyDeleteNan told me David Carranine was murdered,it was in the Globe and the NE,she would have got one ,they were sold out ,on re-order.
ReplyDeleteWow we could do a follow up story.
ReplyDeletePoor David shouldn't have been poking his nose into crime syndicates.
Every month or so is fine.I think you are right about world and human interests and families stories are the best.
ReplyDeleteI have here they like coming because they don't know what to expect.Everywhere mostly is a one horse charlie.
ReplyDeleteAs long as we enjoy what we do,I am a very happy camper indeed. I enjoy our fireside chats.Kind of like the movie ,if you build it they will come,and Rome wasn't built in a day.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you on blog content.
ReplyDeleteGosh I can't get Jakey's little face out of my mind tonight.Nee,I would gladly cut off both arms to make his life better( I couldn't hug him too well then).I would even lay down my life for him if it would help him.Sometimes fate is so cruel.Thanks for listening to me Sweetie.
She went to a lot of stores some haven't receive theirs the others sold out.
ReplyDeleteYes we are full of surprises.I could never understand how Vix could find enough to say about such a bad actor and generally boring guy.
ReplyDeleteI was like Jakey in some ways, I just wasn't ill,I really didn't fit in with my siblings,I was thankful my dad and Chris was there for me like you and Brian is for Jakey.
ReplyDeleteI saw the Enquirer on the stands to day and didn't pick one up.I don't usually buy them.Nana loves the crossword and sometimes I look through hers.She keeps her mind and intellect very active with puzzles and books.
ReplyDeleteI know it breaks your heart,right now all you can do is support him and love him like I know you do,I realize how much you and Brian loved Jakey when you spent all that time looking for the right video camera for Xmas.
ReplyDeleteI am sad for the little eight year old Nee who lost her mom.I can imagine how lost a child feels when their mom is suddenly gone.It's like a big aching hole inside you.
ReplyDeleteWe can't stay focus on just one thing,as much as we love our men,if they was the only thing we talk about, it would be so boring.
ReplyDeleteI love the fact that we can do a post on any subject that catches our fancy and we don't go over the same material over and over.
ReplyDeleteSome of those fan blogs discuss the same movies for years because their idol hasn't made any recent ones.Or they talk about the weekly TV show and it always sounds llike the same show.
When I realize mama would be with me always in my heart and riding the wind whispering in my ear,I go on,I know she is in a better place and she did the duties that she was put here to do,,some just finish quicker than others.
ReplyDeleteMy dad lost his mom when he was four and if the housekeeper hadn't taken a liking to him he would have been a neglected little boy running around that huge old house all by himself.His siblings were all a lot older than him ,except one.
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely way to think about your mom.You were a wise little girl.Kids see straight to the heart of a matter.
ReplyDeleteMost all TV shows sound alike,I mostly look at the channels that bring old shows/movies.
ReplyDeleteThe posts that we redo is of interest,a lot of fans haven't heard them all together,and we have new ones I know will enjoy them also. What you think?
Your dad and I was in the same boat, my siblings is from 51/70. Chris is 51.
ReplyDeleteWe just do the ones that had a good response.I talk to people who have read them just to be sure.I don't want to bore people.
ReplyDeleteI think your idea of putting all the parts in one story is a good one.The story isn't so broken up that way.And the father's day idea was a brilliant one.The major's story is perfect for it.I'm proud to tell it again.They had a beautiful story.
You parents didn't have their kids close together did they?there was ten years between you and Chris and some spaces between some of the others too I'll bet.
ReplyDeleteYou must have been a total surprise to them.
3 brothers then sis and Jon they are the twins 64 years..2 sisters ..then Chris..sorta close,yea Chris is 10 years older, I am going to see now old those fuckers are..Jon is the one that whip my ex.
ReplyDeleteGood for Jon.How old is he? I like the way his name is spelled.
ReplyDeleteI also always liked Jaime (pronounced Jamey)for a boy or a girl.Maybe the next baby with a J name in our family.
I am the only one that looks like my mama,they say I am a throw back,whatever the hell that means,Sis says I was the only one to have a little of all our family in me..Susan told Gil I was a mulatto,he just laugh and asked why she telling him,the pussy is the same.
ReplyDeleteMy dear friend, take your tired body to bed.I forgot to ask you what I wanted to know.Is Gilly trying to walk yet? Does he still go in his jolly-jumper?
ReplyDeleteComing from this part o the country,ain't no telling,just be glad you madw it. Susan and I have never got along.I told her I would pull those three hairs off her choochie one by one.hahaha
ReplyDeleteJon is Jonathan..he is sis twin both are 64...Gilly is in his walker mostly and I can't keep up with him,he will walk early,the girls have him going and he tries to keep up.
ReplyDeleteGil knows how to handle that cheeky Susan.If you are a mulatto,what does that make her?
ReplyDeleteI guess I will say goodnite as much as I hate to..be sure to read my comments on the post mad MEL,I am looking for Morgan Freeman,he is a bad boy with his old ass.
ReplyDeleteGood nite ...PIC..and as always it's been fun..Luv..sweet dreams...NEE
Goodnight dear friend and God bless you and your family...luv...J
ReplyDeleteIt makes her a jealous old "BITCH",we both come out the same hole..(GIGGLES)