WOMEN WHO KNOW THEIR PLACE .......A point of view. Barbara Walters, of 20/20, did a story on gender roles in Kabul, Afghanistan, several years before the Afghan conflict. She noted that women customarily walked five paces behind their husbands. She recently returned to Kabul and observed that women still walk behind their husbands. Despite the overthrow of the oppressive Taliban regime, the women now seem to, and are happy to, maintain the old custom. Ms. Walters approached one of the Afghani women and asked, 'Why do you now seem happy with an old custom that you once tried so desperately to change?' The woman looked Ms. Walters straight in the eyes, and without hesitation said, "Land Mines." Moral of the story is (no matter what language you speak or where you go): BEHIND EVERY MAN, THERE'S A SMART WOMAN!
I'm here
ReplyDeleteThat is a true saying ,behind every man there is a good woman.Just ask Brian and GIl.hahaha
ReplyDeleteYou know when I was younger and moved in the 'arty farty' community,drugs were everywhere.Yet,not many people became dependent.They were used recreationally.And except for cocaine , they weren't such hard drugs with the sophisticated chemistry that is available now.
ReplyDeleteIt seems,everyone uses something now.It frightens me.
I listen to my older siblings,it was for relaxing and groovig ,just to get a feel good,not crazy.
ReplyDeletePeople in movies or television don't have to work so hard or long as actors used to do before sattelite transmission and the internet.Someone can become world famous in a couple of seconds now.
ReplyDeleteSo, the youngsters who can't handle the fame haven't had enough time to get accustomed to it.
They put so much crap into it,just to get you hooked,kids and all,what a pity...I get a little zonked sometime,I always know what I am doing.
ReplyDeleteThey have a need for relaxation, peace and tranquility they can't find anymore in the usual ways.Not to mention a need for privacy.So I think that's ow they slip into drug or alcohol usage.
ReplyDeleteA little buzz from wine is not bad in moderation, in fact it's good for your heart.
ReplyDeleteI bet you're funny when you're drunk.
What excuse do the older ones use,mid-life crisis,a load of hog wash.
ReplyDeleteWhat about you Katherine? Do you fall off the bar stool?Sing songs?
ReplyDeleteMy dad used to say it was his rheumatism medicine. He started drinking to escape from death,then he couldn't stop.
ReplyDeleteOh heavens no, I am not a big drinker at all...I see what it does to my friends, no thanks!
ReplyDeleteSometimes wine with dinner is all I would do
I'm not sure if I had a mid-life crisis. I may have been bitchier for a while and just not noticed it.
ReplyDeleteYou better watch yourself Nee, it may hit you when you least expect it and start you acting crazy.
Shit ,I'm funny when I'm not drunk,unless someone gets on my nerves...see you are good for me,the last fight I had was Feb.20
ReplyDeleteWhen "M" was asking you what happen,I knew she was full of shit ,she should have known before us.
Oh, I remember it well.I wondered what the hell happened.All of a sudden you were spitting fire.When I heard why you were mad it made sense though.
ReplyDelete(GIGGLES) Gil says I have them once a month,remember the poem you wrote for him. A glass of wine is good ,2 glasses you better watch out.hahaha
ReplyDeleteHow is Jaye's book? Is her friend almost finished with the other project?
ReplyDeleteI haven't asked Jaye for a while about her book Now you've made me feel like a bad mother.
ReplyDeleteThey are coming along with the houe,still rains not everyday.be glad when they finish,so I can jump out at my man bucked-ass naked..hahaha he says if thats what I want to do,we can go to dad's suite.hahaha
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, that penthouse would make a dandy love nest.You guys should go there just so you can scream and holler and dress up in costumes and screw the hell out of each other.
ReplyDeleteI personally like the 'prison guard and the inmate' scenario.
No you are not,you enjoyed her the last 2/3 weekends,went shopping,did girly things,you just enjoyed your baby.
ReplyDeleteWell I have another neice that's younger than me,the others is Chris Kids.
Well it will be fun,the doctor says I shouldn't get preggie ,because of age,I luck out twice not to push my luck.he said it was better for him to get fixed than me.So he had a little nip-tuck.
ReplyDeleteJaye and I used to go out together more,when she used to live around the corner from me.Now she lives in the next town and also,she stopped driving.She had a bad accident (wasn't hurt too badly)and she didn't like driving after that.So, it means I have to do all the visiting unless Peter has time off.
ReplyDeleteDid you get your package? Will get you some kids as soon as we get to my uncle's office. Just getting in from shopping talk more later. Hey Nee Nan
That was great of Gil to get the vasectomy.It's more complicated and painful for a gal to get the tubal ligation.
ReplyDeleteI had to get the TL. Brian just couldn't do it.
Yes,thankyou Nan.It was great to see her.I look forward so much to seeing the kids and you too.
ReplyDeleteYou have the twins a lot,but I forgot they are your babies,those are beautiful boys,their eyes just twinkle.
ReplyDeleteNan,do you look like Nee???
ReplyDeleteI think that Jakey would fall in love with you.You wouldn't get him off you.Sammy would be shy but worship you from afar.
ReplyDeleteThe doctors told him it was better if he got a vasectomy ,because I am so sweet.hahaha
ReplyDeleteNope ,I don't look like any of them,you can tell we are siblings,I am dark,they are mucher lighter ,Chris is dark a little,I am the only one that looks like my mama.
ReplyDeleteOh yes ,I love those dark bedroom eyes,but I think my baby have beat me to him,she told Sharon he was her size because he was the smallest,Sam was her's because he was bigger....Susan ask Gil did he hear them...He said yes,one thing he was sure of they wasn't gay..she can't stand my man.
ReplyDeleteI forgot to tell you that Jason, who totalled his car and apparently ran a red light, according to a witness, has denied running the light,says it was entirely the old man's fault(In the other car) is fighting it in court.He's a spunky youngster.He ain't afraid of anyone.
ReplyDeleteHe gave his grandpa his solemn word that he did not run the light and hit the old man's car.
Why doesn't Susan like Gil? He sounds lovable to me.
ReplyDeleteI would love them,I know your family,2 boys 3 girls,lets see if I can name them.Boys first.
ReplyDeleteSteve/Alan now girls...Jane/Karen?Jaye. I got to many for you to remember.hahahahah
check your epmail before you retire.
ReplyDeleteA gold star for you . You got them all right.
ReplyDeleteI'll go check right now.Shall we call it quits for now?
Got it.Check yours.Have a good night and dream of your housewarming party.What a beautiful house it will be and filled with love and happiness...God Bless...PIC
ReplyDeleteI believe him,why should he lie,and to fight it in court,I hope Brian believe him< I will fight till the end if I know I was right.
ReplyDeleteKatherine are you still here,let me hear you girl.Do you have siblings?
ReplyDeleteGood nite sweetie I will meet you around the bend....LOVE YA ...NEE
ReplyDeleteSorry for my absence...was on the phone...:)
I am all alone in the world as we say. No siblings, both parents gone now. I have been on my own for a long time now...:)