LARRY King has gone public with the news that he has a son -- Larry King Jr., no less -- whom he didn't acknowledge for 33 years.
The son -- from a brief, previous marriage to Annette Kaye (ten years Larry's senior-) appeared for the first time with King on "Larry King Live" this week.
"I knew there was a Larry King Jr. out there, I'd heard that, but I didn't know he was mine. The marriage was very short and she told me if it's a boy, I'm gonna name him Larry King Jr.," King, 75, told the press. "Then I never heard again." Annette had been married with three children when she met Larry. She got a divorce and insisted King marry her. They never lived together after the wedding and he only saw her a few times after that.They divorced and he didn't hear from her again until 1991. In the meantime,Larry Jr. was born in November 1961.
Why did he not seek out his son? "My life was in a swirl then. I had other children," he explained, alluding to son Andy and daughter Chaia. "I know there was a doubt in my mind that I had a son."
King, who's publicizing his new memoir, "Larry King: My Remarkable Journey," says he met Larry Jr. 15 years ago, after Annette, who was dying of lung cancer, called and assured him that the young man was indeed his son.
"I didn't think about it," he said. "I never heard from him, never heard from his mother. Never heard.
"I sort of put it away until that day [Annette] called," he said. At King's request, his lawyer went to meet Annette and Larry Junior. The lawyer called King and said,"If you want to spend $750 on a DNA test,you're welcome to, but this is your kid. He's just like you, talks like you, laughs like you."
When he finally met his son, King says, " I liked him right away. Annette had done a great job of raising him. There is also a quality about Larry (Jr), He's so likeable."
Did King feel guilty over not telling anyone about Larry Jr.'s existence all those years?
"In retrospect, I should've said to people, 'You know, there's a chance there's a guy out there with my name, who's my son.'"
"I couldn't call it guilt . . . I don't know what it is. Maybe a wonderment -- but not guilt."
On the show, he says he told some family and friends about finding Larry Jr. but never publicly acknowledged him before the book was published.
Larry Jr. is married, with three children of his own. He works now as the head of King's heart disease foundation in California.
Did King feel guilty over not telling anyone about Larry Jr.'s existence all those years?
"In retrospect, I should've said to people, 'You know, there's a chance there's a guy out there with my name, who's my son.'"
"I couldn't call it guilt . . . I don't know what it is. Maybe a wonderment -- but not guilt."
On the show, he says he told some family and friends about finding Larry Jr. but never publicly acknowledged him before the book was published.
Larry Jr. is married, with three children of his own. He works now as the head of King's heart disease foundation in California.
Okay so his life was in a swirl and he didn't want to acknowledge his son, poor Larry. I can understand if he did not want to publicly acknowledge a love child, seeing that he's married but this man is a legitimate son born of his legitimate marriage to Annette, however brief. Where was the love , the help, the financial support? Sorry Larry but your reasons are lame and you are a 'deadbeat dad'.You just turned your back on your child for no particular reason.
However, it seems a little too convenient that he chose this particular time to reveal his secret and present his son to the world. 'Why? 'you ask. Larry is promoting his new book, which just happens to be his memoirs. Coincidence? I think not.
Turns out Larry has been married eight times. Think he's learned a thing or two by now?
Larry working the people,and his book is going to make a lot of moola.larry was in the business for over 50 years,started out in Miami..It is no way in hell Larry didn't know he had a son.To look even better,he put Larry,Jr. over his heart foundation center.Well he got some pay back,he caught his wife in the arms of another..HA!
ReplyDeleteHey Nee..How are the little'uns?
ReplyDeleteGrowing like weeds I hope.Everybody well there?
Brian just said goodnight.It's 10:30 here and he is a very early riser.He's feeling okay.I got a nice kisss.
ReplyDeleteEveryone fine..Hi PIC
ReplyDeleteI guess Maxy gone to bed also,your boys know when to go.Brian gave you a good night kiss,you know what you get before the sun rise..hahaha
ReplyDelete(Giggles) How did you know what Susan look like after a party and Dad's punch..
ReplyDeleteIs Nana in pretty good spirits?
ReplyDeleteHE caught a cold from Sammy and that can stress a weak heart so I'm making him go to the doctor's to make sure everything is fine.
ReplyDeleteSammy's hockey team made it to the finals,so we will be at his games ,cheering him on, Saturday and Sunday.I believe they will win the cup.They have blown away all the competition so far.
Nana is kinda low.She's tired and wants to go join my dad but her old body won't quit just yet.
ReplyDeleteI gotta try some of that punch...Ha!
ReplyDeleteMaxy is under the bed tonight.That marks the beginning of summer here.He gets too hot on top of the bed.He likes the cool ceramic.
ReplyDeleteThat is great ,tell Sammy I am rooting for him
ReplyDeleteThat will a great Father's day outing for Brian and Peter,how is my Jakey.
ReplyDeleteJakey is okay. His karate teacher came to his class and demonstrated some moves with Jake for the class.
ReplyDeleteKakey felt quite proud.
We'll take the dads out to lunch on Father's Day.
ReplyDeleteI wanted Nana to whole on ,to read the Major's story in one setting and look the pictures of her and her lover together. I feel as if I know Nana.Is it selfish of me to want that?
ReplyDeleteWhat are you guys doing for Gil?
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you tie a red ribbon around each boob and tell Gil, Gilly says he can have them back now.
I think that's a lovely thought Nee.They had a beautiful love story.
ReplyDeleteWe are going to take the Dad's to dinner on father's day,Sis says we will have to take out a loan at the bank it's so many of them.
ReplyDeleteI told her we could take to Mickey D's hahaha
Nana and the major had a beautiful story.It was better that he went first.She was strong enough to take it,and she had seven more years that she enjoyed quietly with her books and crosswords and British tv shows and visits with the family.Now she is ready to go.
ReplyDeleteShe refuses all help from the doctors now.
ReplyDeleteI told Sis that the four of us was going to spend the day together.Sis and dad have made plans..It's been awhile since just the 4 of us was along.
ReplyDeleteI still take Nana out shopping once a week. She doesn't trust any one else to pick out her fruit.
ReplyDeleteI hope you guys have a wonderful Father's Day celebration.I think the family has somethng planned for Brian.
ReplyDeleteI like all the British tv shows,they seem to be well written.
ReplyDeleteI remember you telling us you had to find Nana and when you found her she was in the market shopping.
Be proud,you make her last days happy,and she know how she feel better than anyone.
She does wander off at the mall.She won't stay where I put her.
ReplyDeleteI hope they do have something plan..Brian will tell them not to plan anything,remember he didn't want the birthday party.Brian deserves all they give him,he has given so much of himself.
ReplyDeleteI won't feel guilty like some do when their mothers die.I didn't put her in a nursing home and ignore her existence.
ReplyDeleteHe does give of himself completely to family.He is a good man, but he hates surprises.That never stops us.
ReplyDeleteYou and I are a lot alike,we both grew up around real men,thats why we don''t understand women that settles for just a pair pants.
ReplyDeleteWe like to marry for keeps in our family.If a marriage goes wrong for some reason we are devastated and we don't bounce back very well.
ReplyDeleteYou will always be able to look back on the good times,to know you did your best and it was with love.
ReplyDeleteWhen you told me about you rubbing the Lamp asking the Genie to come out and play,Nana told you the Jeannie was out and it was you.She loves you so much.People may think she is mean/cranky,no it's not,Nana is just unique.
ReplyDeleteAnything interesting in the news to do a post on?
ReplyDeleteI have 3 in drafts..Octo-mom and babies is one.
ReplyDeleteI have seven of the babies,when I got this one ,the smallest one was still in hosiptal.It's about why people hate her.
ReplyDeleteDo you want me to put one up for you?
ReplyDeleteI am trying to get a routine down.
ReplyDeleteYes,you can put all 3 up.
ReplyDeleteI try to have a couple of things going on.There are days I don't feel well and I usually have something ready to put on the blog,If I don't want to write anything.
ReplyDeleteThey are beautiful babies,but small.One is reaching for the stars,the other is The Legend of the Spanish Moss.
ReplyDeleteI am trying to do that ..Like when you up Pepsi Bears and others,they can look at them and listen to us talk.
ReplyDeleteMaxy just licked my leg and sat on my foot.Bichons are wierd they choose to show affection at the oddest times. They smile too,when thay are excited and want to telll you something.
ReplyDeleteThe videos and jokes are often fillers when I don't feel too good,or I'm tired.I think folks like them too.
ReplyDeleteIt's time you and I both did another family story.The stats really jump when we do.
I saw Mac today,he says we have our own fireside chats,he says he would drop in but he works nights.I told him he could leave a message and when he got home,he will hear what we said to him.
ReplyDeleteTell the story of the strangest or most dangerous place you had sex.
ReplyDeleteWhat you want me to talk about?What an angel I am.
ReplyDeleteIt would be great to hear from Mac,but if he is uncomfortable about commenting, it's okay.
ReplyDeleteTell the story of how you and Nan made a spy hole to peep at Chris?
ReplyDeleteNow you know Gil is 6'3" tall and I am 5'9" tall and we brorrowed Sis car and it was KIV and we got our legs hung up.hahahaI am did it in some weird places with that man.
ReplyDeleteWe could do a poll.Tell us three of the places and we will decide which was weirdest.
ReplyDeleteI will tell on Chris and the rest of them,I was just disappointed I could never catch Sis.
ReplyDeleteWe did stupid things when we were younger,like while he was driving.
ReplyDeleteThat's a great idea....we have a large cemetery here that has a road go around it..there too.Hell at one time we was just like rabbits .hahaha
ReplyDeleteYou would have enjoyed catching Sis.You would have showed no mercy ,teasing those two.
ReplyDeleteIt was good to live on the edge having sex with your man,a good feeling when you know you didn't have to wait to get home.
ReplyDeleteThey think I have given up because they told me,I am going to catch them with Dad's ass up in the air,or Sis riding the pole,boy it is going to be own,I won't put it on the blog,but I will put you one in drafts.hahaha
ReplyDeleteWill you post all 3 for me.I promise I will be good if you do.hahahaa
ReplyDeleteYes,I'll do it tonight.
ReplyDeleteYou mean you are still out to catch them?
ReplyDeleteWant to move to a new post?I forget what the one after this one is.
ReplyDeleteWhen are you putting the Major's story up,we will run it like Ian's story,we got a lot of hits,when you ran it,now it will be all together.I know a lot of our viewers missed some of it.
ReplyDeleteMe too..just go to the next one down.meet you there.
ReplyDeleteI think it was a good idea PIC.Did I do any other three parters? I think so,but I don't remember which one.
ReplyDeleteIwill have to think ,