After months of behind the scenes battles,it's finally over between Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.Hollwood's most glamorous power couple--who never married despite having six(6) children--have grown tired of trying to paper over their problems following five (5) tumultuous years together,a close source says.Brad and Angelina are going their separate ways with the hope of reuniting in the future in hopes of repairing their volatile relationship.They will make it official soon. Brad will be shooting two (2) movies in California and the Amazon,while Angie is retreating to their French chateau with the rest of the family.They know it's a risk being separated so long,but it's their only choice.If the strong willed couple can't find a way to get back together,sources say the break-up could turn into an ugly court battle over their $ 200 million fortune and the custody of their six(6) children. The deciding moment for the pair came when they had harsh words with each other while in Cannes,France for the screening of Brad's new movie "Ingiorious Bastards".They put on a romantic show for the cameras,but Angie and Brad turned frosty as soon as the spotlight was off.Sources say a jealous Angie was raging mad over the attention Brad was getting from other women,includung his co-star Diane Kruger.Hollywood's most celebrated couple have also argued recently over Brad's continued contact with ex-wife Jennifer Aniston,Brad's plan to move in his mother and other family issues.Both decided the enforced break is for the best.Brad and Angie will make appearances together from time to time,and he will meet up with the kids when he can.Initially,they had been planning to spend the summer in France as a family,but Brad is now scheduled to spend much of the summer shooting his new baseball flick "Moneyball" in Oakland ,California.
Angie and Brad see the potential seven months away from one another as a way to heal and grow and find their way back to each other.Hopefully, the time apart will work for both of them,and they can find a way to bring the joy back into their relationship.They both have to juggle so many things --kids/careers/charity work and the difficulties of living in a goldfish bowl.
My take on this: By spending some real time apart,they will realize how lucky they were to have each other....But hey that's just me...stay tuned...to be continued....
Is she or is she not pregnant?
ReplyDeleteWoudn't you like to just knock their heads together and remind them that six little people are going to be torn in half over this breakup.
P.S...Good reporting, Nee.See you later,honey.I'm glad to see you survived the storms.
ReplyDeleteI wish they would make up their minds too! These two playing yo-yo is driving me nuts!
ReplyDeleteHappy Thursday Gals!
They can't make up their mind if they want to stay together,Angie looks pregnant...maybe that's her ace in the hole.haha.
ReplyDeleteOh yeah...getting pregnant to keep a man...where have I heard that before?
Idiotic woman
They've gathered six little innocents together to form a family, dragged them all over the world and now they are going to tear it all asunder and fight over those kids tooth and nail.
ReplyDeleteSome people are so irresponsible it makes me sick.
I know and seriously? I think she only had these kids so they could serve as props for her. When she does not need them she hands them off to a nanny. It saddens me when there are some loving couples out there who would love to have a child of their own.
ReplyDeleteHappy Evening Gals!
So many people,some of my acquaintance, have to wait years to adopt a baby.Angie could probably drop a baby every year and have a nanny for each one.
ReplyDeleteSometimes the world ain't fair.
Howdy to you too K.
Hiya doing ,haven't floated away yet...hahaha
ReplyDeleteNo nanny is going to get har hands on my babies.
ReplyDeleteI wouldnt want a nanny either. Why have babies if you dont want to take care of them? They need the love of a mother and father, not a nanny. That is not to say there are not good nannies out there, but still...not for this girl.
Hey,come out and play...I guess I will go and watch the old gay men go flop...flop...flop...haha
ReplyDeleteI hear you girl,I know a lot of mothers have to work,I can understand them carriying them to day-care,but just handing them over to someone else to raise,that's sick.
ReplyDeleteI just watched my old man go flop flop flop right past me. He's miffed with Nana. Those two fight all the time.at least when the major was around everything was quiet.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad to see you're still alive,Nee.Storms all gone???
ReplyDeleteGil like his jokes??
Nana is keeping Brian on his toes,hi is everyone? Nana have to give someone hell.
ReplyDeleteBrian says he's leaving in the morning and getting his own apartment.
ReplyDeleteI asked him if I could visit sometimes.
ReplyDeleteSweetie Gil made copies,said he glad you haven't forgot him,the last one you did for him,he had a big gut and skinny legs,hahaha
ReplyDeleteShit Brian ain't going no where,he wouldn't know what to do without Nana..
ReplyDeleteI remember that cartoon gil had skinny legs and old man sandals on...HA!
ReplyDeleteYelling at Brian gives Nana a reason for living.He's the reason she gets up in the morning.
ReplyDeleteBrian doesn't realize how much he is needed.
Why do men always say they are going,and know they are lying,Gil told me once I was so damn mean,he was going to Reno,I told to carry his long ass,there was a plenty men waiting to take his place...
ReplyDeleteMaybe men do that because it gives them a sense of control, telling women they are leaving when they have no intention of doing so...but how knows with men, they can be odd
ReplyDeleteThey think they can scare you and make you beg them to stay.
ReplyDeleteTell Brian to not take things to heart what Nana says,that's the only way she can cope,if he would just laugh and not let Nana know she can riled him,she would not yell at him so much.That is her only joy.
ReplyDeleteWell I think you got that right.
ReplyDeleteK... Brian is just blowing off steam...he's still angry about the cars he brought the grands...Jeannie is the love of his life.
ReplyDeleteBrian wouldn't be able to find his socks or underwear if he didn't have me. He'd never find his glasses, his keys or his wallet.
ReplyDeleteHis diet would consist of frenchfries,cookies and jello(his three favorite foods)he would be dead in six weeks.
I would get along with Nana well,maybe not at first,when she see what she says don't bother me,she will be settle down.My older brother is 70 and he is getting to be a pain,know everything.
ReplyDeleteMaybe I'll go and tell him that in a minute.He'll realize that it's true.
ReplyDeleteWell that is a relief...I could sense whenever you talk about him Jeannie that the two of you really love each a great deal, I get the impression you two are soulmates...each of you half of a whole.
Nana has taken to sipping a little whiskey or vodka lately to ease her pain. I think it has screwed with her brain.She was never this bad.
ReplyDeleteI know you could handle Nana.You would have a calming effect,because you wouldn't take any crap from her.
ReplyDeleteBrian know that...He and I have a lot in common...both hot heads...
ReplyDeleteIt's true K. we've been together too long to be able to get along without each other.I don't know how I'd cope if I lost him.
ReplyDeleteKatherine...they are soul mates,I have learned a little about men,they are not as good as we are at handling their problems.Jeannie and I talk about them to blow off steam.
ReplyDeleteI bet it's something to see you blow up Nee. Like fireworks night or a mini volcano.I'd buy a ticket for a seat at the front.
ReplyDeleteI really like men K. but they are stupid,even the very educated ones and they are clueless about women,especially the ones who brag that they know everything about women.
ReplyDeleteI bet Nana have got meaner...she is lashing out because of the pain,also tell Brian to take a little sip with her..Nana is lonesome and she takes a little sip to dull the pain and enjoy her memories...
ReplyDeleteI also think Nana is lonesome but she yells at us and that effectively drives us away.So it's a no-win situation.
ReplyDeleteK.. when I was growing up I had to run for my life or get my musty butt whip,I was a bad little ass.
ReplyDeleteK..Jeannie and Brian have been through so much together,they are one.
Men are kinda clueless about women, especially the ones who claim they know women...ugh
ReplyDeletemental midgets i swear they couldnt find their ass with both hands sometimes...lol
Buy some earplugs and just smile at her,that will wonder if everyone has gone crazy but her..
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of stupid people. Brad and Angelina.I don't know who is more brainless.Why can't they get along?
ReplyDeleteNan say you can tell when I am on the war-path,my eyes get's to flashing,everyone will disappear.
ReplyDeleteThey are both beautiful and sexy and rich. They have a beautiful family.They are famous and loved and have great careers.They have every freakin thing in the world they could possibly want and they can't hold a relationship together...WTF
ReplyDeleteIf anyone do the dumping ,it will be Angie dumping him....I think Brad is a mama's boy..when Angie had the twins ,Jane(Brad's Mom)was calling him for Jen.
ReplyDeleteJust goes to show you can have everything-money, fame, good looks and still be miserable!
ReplyDeleteBrad has to realize that Angie don'T want to live with his family just him,everytime they break up he runs home to mama.
ReplyDeleteI didn't know he was a Mama's boy.Now I understand why Angie didn't like his mom.
ReplyDeleteK...No truer words was ever said,you can't buy love...money is nice to have,but it can't keep you warm at night.
ReplyDeleteHe wanted to move his mom in,his mom go everywhere with him and the dad also..jane has always like Jen..she never liked Angie ..
ReplyDeleteI don't think she will ever gorgive Angie for coming between Brad/Jen.
ReplyDeleteThere is no true secret to happiness. Either you are lucky and you fall into it or you don't.
ReplyDeleteFor some people.The right things just come together for them.
I actually understand why Brad's mom doesn't like Angie.No one likes a home wrecker and I think I read that she was very fond of Jen.
ReplyDeleteDo you think it's possible that Jen and Brad will get together? Maybe he's learned something,matured.
ReplyDeleteI have read that Jen is very dependant.
I would l love for Brad and Jen to get together.
ReplyDeleteAlways possible they could get back together...they are more suited to each other I think, Jen is more emotionally stable
ReplyDeleteI don't like a home wrecker,but I am better off since I caught my ex's ass in the air...I always wanted my own,a man to love and respect me.
ReplyDeleteWell said,we all like happy ending.
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