Were we too smug ? Did we take it all for granted ? Did we assume life would proceed smoothly and contentedly until the day we died ? Perhaps we did...Never assume.
The period that followed this, 'dream come true' life and which lasted for about ten years, was fraught with tragedy after tragedy, blow following blow.
Not the least of which , was that the next three grandchildren to be born, all boys, had abnormalities. One had an extreme immune system deficiency, another had a rare genetic blood disorder.
Ian, the most beautiful baby I have ever seen, had the most tragic condition of all. He was born with no oesophagus.
The pregnancy was normal for the first four or five months, then my daughter-in-law started to become ill and swell up. She became quite toxic and had to be hospitalized. An amnio synthesis pin-pointed the problem. The baby wasn't taking in any of the amniotic fluids by mouth, as is normal. The doctors knew what that meant, some kind of obstruction, or a condition called Oesophageal Atresia.
It means that the throat ends at the back of the tongue and is sealed off. There is no tube leading to the stomach. The stomach is also sealed, with no entrance.
Further investigation revealed it was OA. The baby was already in distress. By seven and a half months, both baby and mom were in danger. They wanted to keep the baby inside her for as long as reasonably possible, so he could complete development, but they had to time it exactly right. The toxicity was reaching a dangerous level.
At eight months, they took the baby. His mother was ill and exhausted. Ian was incredibly beautiful, like a cherub. He looked perfect.
He was put on an IV of some sort, to keep him hydrated, and the doctors gathered around my poor daughter-in-law's bed, with my son, and told them they had to operate immediately.
They had to make a huge incision on that tiny little body, to see the extent of the situation. Time was of the essence. The baby would starve to death.
A heart-warming story....I can't keep the tears from flowing...A very beautiful baby...can't wait for the rest of the story...I realize I am very bless to have two healthy babies...I can't/won't understand how a mother can mistreat their kids for any reason,they are gifts to us...
ReplyDeleteChildren such as this beautiful baby boy was given to very special people...I can just sense in my heart,this baby boy is going to do great things...
A beautifl boy who went through a living hell.
ReplyDeleteWe lived it with him.
Honestly Nee,he had the saddest eyes I have ever seen on a baby,or on any human being.
Yes I knew who you was talking about,no names needed...so much hate in the world...When you look at this beautiful baby ..he just warm your heart,such a little fellow to start life this way..but wonderful things is happening for him....He also has a pet project...can hardly wait.
ReplyDeleteI envy all of for your good health.
ReplyDeleteThat's why you are good breeders.
Watch out world...here he comes..He might be the one to put your favorite project out in front(Polar Bears)
ReplyDeleteYou are a good person.I'm very proud of you.Your mom would be too.
ReplyDeleteYou'll leave your mark.
If you help one person in your life,you're doing good.If you help more,you create ripples that affect so many,and hopefuly some of them pay it forward.
I was just talking to Jaye and the boys.The new room doesn't smell like poo(I'll never stay at a Best Western again)but when they got back from the beach,they had bugs in the picnic food.The twins thought that was funny because mom was screaming.And Sam says the fridge stinks(he's all about smells)
ReplyDeleteJeannie did Jakey carry his cam-corder...hope so,boy I know they are having a ball.
ReplyDeleteJakey is recording everything.
ReplyDeleteTHEY just visited the old fort in St. Augustine and The Ripley's Believe It Or Not Museum.The twins thought it was all very cool.Jake is filming everything.
ReplyDeleteJakey is getting everything down to show you...I know they love school...this is a nice outlet for them from the cold/snow.
ReplyDeleteI just found your blog. My son was born with no throat. He underwent surgery within the first 10 hours of his life, suffered of many infections for about 5 years (and had to take lot sof antibiotics. But thanks to homeopathy he now is the healthiest teenager around (he ist almost 16 y). So good luck to your sweet grandson! Cheers from Irland! Eliane
ReplyDeleteOh my what a story...a beautiful baby!
ReplyDeleteHow incredibly difficult for the parents and child and everyone involved to have this happen. Children are such gifts from God yet women still throw them out.
Saddens me