Paramedics were called to the singer's home around midday local time on Thursday after he stopped breathing and suffered a suspected cardiac arrest.
He was rushed by ambulance to a local medical centre, but his death was announced shortly afterwards.
The star had been due to begin a series of comeback concerts in the UK on 13 July.
Jackson had a history of health problems and had not completed a concert tour in 12 years.
Concerns were raised last month when four of his "comeback" concerts were pushed back, but organisers insisted the dates had been moved due to the sheer magnitude of the spectacle.
A spokeswoman for The Outside Organisation, which was organising the publicity for the shows, said she had no comment at this time.
Uri Gellar, a close friend of the star, told BBC News: "I'm devastated - it's very, very sad.
"I'm still trying to hold on to the glimmer that it's not true. It's too surreal for me to absorb that Michael is no longer with us."
US media reports said paramedics were called to the singer's house in Bel Air at midday.
They performed CPR on Jackson and rushed him to the UCLA medical centre.
Crowds have begun to gather outside the facility, whose emergency centre has been roped off by police.
Jackson began his career as a child in family group The Jackson 5. He then went on to achieve global fame as a solo artist with smash hits such as "Thriller" and "Bad". But the singer has been dogged by controversy and money trouble in recent years, becoming a virtual recluse.
He had three children, Michael Joseph Jackson Jr, Paris Michael Katherine Jackson and Prince Michael Jackson II.
All personal opinions aside, Jackson was a powerhouse in the music industry. He was the 'King of Pop'. He was innovative and tremendously talented and influenced his generation and the one after that.
No question that he was eccentric and weird and tortured his poor face into a caricature of a human being. Look at the first picture of him above and compare it to the last. You would not know it was the same person. He was always the centre of controversy and I wonder who will come forward with a tell-all book now.
I so hope his children are given a happy home with a normal family, at last, who will love and support them and will not exploit them or expose them to public curiosity. There are new questions burning in people's minds as I write this.
It is so sad to lose Michael at such a young age,i always wanted to see him perform in person..I remember the times Nan and I would see his dance.I think that's why I like to dance and sing.
ReplyDeleteWe would take turns being Micheal.I read in one of the mags. a while back rhat he asked Janet to take care of his kids if anything happen to him.Also heard he had a very unhappy childhood.
His fall from grace ruined his career.I'm not sure if he even recognized what he did was wrong,he had become so strange.
ReplyDeleteHE seemed to have no moral code to speak of. I have heard that his childhood was abusive.I was always afraid that he used his own children when others were no longer available to him.
When he was younger.he had a rat to play with,His dad was a meam old bastard,wanting fame and fortune.
ReplyDeleteI wonder how he father the kids,also why Lisa Marie married him..I bet a book would make good reading.
How you and everyone doing?
Every one is okay.I've been better but that was twenty years ago.
ReplyDeleteHow are you old girl? Did you get all the sand out of Gilly's butt.
I wish lisa Marie would open up and confess they never had sex but I think her lips are sealed. I'll never figure out why she maarried him. It was a pretty open secret in his circle that he liked little boys.
ReplyDeleteJanet is noit a good choice of a parent either.What about their mother??
Yes I got it all.
ReplyDeleteI bet that was a Kodak moment.
ReplyDeleteThey had rolled him around in it and the little bad ass loved it.
ReplyDeleteGirl I missed you.
I hope they enjoy their sandbox.A couple of shovels and a bucket and they'll be happy as clams.
ReplyDeleteRemember to keep the sand a little damp or it won't stick together and you can't make sand castles.
I think the whole family is kind of nuts.I think their mother should get them,I really don't believe he ever had sex unless it was little boys.
ReplyDeleteOne little boy said he had something on his dangle,a spot or something,they check it out and sure as shit ,it was true.
Thanks I didn't know that you needed to keep a little damp.
ReplyDeleteHE married Lisa Marie because elvis was his idol, in fact, his god. Going to bed with her was like gooing to bed with his god.She does look an awful lot like her dad.
ReplyDeleteDidn't he marry her after the first accusations were levelled against him??I guess he was out ot prove something.
ReplyDeleteThe Jackson famoly was Jehovah Witness. Joe Jackson only allowed them to go to school straight home to practice,I wonder where Latoya is,haven't heard about her in years.
ReplyDeleteYes, I remember the story about the spot on the dangle.Now, how would the kid know that????
ReplyDeleteLatoya broke away from the family to save her sanity but it destroyed her career.One thing the Jacksons know how to do is promote careers.
ReplyDeleteLatoya was raped repeatedly by her own father as a child and teen. I saw her confession on Geraldo some years ago.She wrote a song about it.
Yes that's when he married Lisa,and her mom had a fit. Lisa is so much like her dad.I bet Elvis turned over in his grave whem they married,someone said he gave her a lot of money.
ReplyDeleteWasn't that about the time Liz Taylor/Diana Ross stopped being close friends with him,because of the talk about the boys.
Yes Joe Jackson did raped her and she said the mother knew about it.I remember it now. I am so glad we march by a different drummer.
ReplyDeleteLiz stuck by him at first.She would not believe it but as time went on I guess she caught on.
ReplyDeleteHe ruined his own life. If he had lived a righteous life he would still be treated like a god and he would be alive, because I think the stress of public censure and hostility did not help his health.
ReplyDeleteYou know we talk about our stats.
ReplyDeleteNan informed me about a pie chart,so you know I had to take a look. We can make up a large number,no one is the wiser if they can't see it. I am glad ours is out in the open and people can check it if they like to.I believe Nan is right about her,she is a copy cat.
You remember "Bubbles" the monkey,people would make weird comments about Michael and the chimp,hahaha
ReplyDeleteyou mean Dodo?
ReplyDeleteI guess she must be doing the same boring stuff as always.Kind of a one trick pony.No sense of humor either.A real numbskull.
Anyway, we're doing okay,by not cheating.
Gee, I never thought of that (about Bubbles) and I don' want to think about it.
ReplyDeleteYep dodo, Caruso Crusader told her that was nice for her and her blog,Dodo says it's not for her,it is DC,do we have another Heidi on our hands..huh..She cuts the caruso crusader down all the time.
ReplyDeleteHow do you know if it's tre,there's nothing for you to go by,just her word.Boy if I could catch her somewhere I would tear her a new ass.She has her profile private,maybe something to hide.
ReplyDeleteDodo is nuts clear and simple.She is just as obsessed with the guy as Vix was.She still talks about Vix all the time.Like I said, a one trick pony.
ReplyDeleteYou know, our stats are pretty good.Someone told me that they read our blog because they love what goes on behind the scenes,that is our conversation.They think it's as good as a TV show.
ReplyDeleteOur blog is exactly what it is suppose to be,to have fun and rant when we want to.
ReplyDeleteNever in my wildest dreams did I think we would have this many visitors and fans.
What's so nice ,we don't have to make ugly posts about other bloggers.
That wouldn't be nice, now would it?And we're so nice and even tempered and fair....Ha!
ReplyDeleteThe stats I have seen ,a lot of them is not as high as ours,not even Keysers,and he carried the ones he had with him when he moved.
ReplyDeleteA lot of people tells me the same thing about what goes on behind the scenes.
I'm afraid dodo doesn't allow other people's opinions on her blog or in her world.Enough about her.She's bores me to sleep.
ReplyDeleteI left a comment for you under Farrah.I felt so sorry for her.
I wonder who will be next.Who do you think is getting old and fragile?
ReplyDeleteFair,I will tell you about what's fair.I bought 4 cans of spray starch,Sis asked me why so many ,I told her the next time Gil gets zonked,I am going to spray his dangle till it get stiff and put a condom on it and ride it all night.(GIGGLES)
ReplyDeleteI think Patrick will be next..
ReplyDeleteMorgan will get screwed to death by E`Dena.hahaha
Jack Nicholson? Personally I think it will be LIz Taylor
ReplyDeleteLets go to Farrah.I loved her work.
ReplyDeleteI wasn't thinking of Patrick .That is a foregone conclusion.Who else?