Monday, June 22, 2009

Look Out Here She comes - Inside Joke Folks

I bet she's put the kids to bed and she wants to play that
"tap dancing game" she learned from her Canadian sister.
I should have run while I had the chance.
Oh no! I bet this is going to be an all-nighter.


  1. Anonymous9:40:00 AM

    Did you take off your panties?The clerk in the hotel let me use her computer..having a great time..boy I feel like a school-girl again.

  2. I laughed so hard I fell off my chair.No one else would get that joke but me...HA!
    I bet you enter his office just like that sometimes and I bet he does cringe when you announce you have a great idea...HA!

    It sounds like you had a marvelous time last night.That's wonderful.


Through this ever open gate
None come too early
None too late
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