The Spaniard grew weaker and weaker,but he still would not renouce his love for the girl.Near the end the chief tried to persuade him once more to stay away from the daughter.The Spaniard answered that not only would he refuse to disavow his love,but that his love would continue to grow even after death.When at last the Spaniard died,the chief kept the body tied up in the tree as a warning to any would be suitors.
Before long ,the Indians began to notice that the Spaniard's beard continued to grow.The Indian maiden refused to take a husband--unless the Spaniard's beard vanished from the tree.As the years went by the beard only grew stronger and longer,covering trees far from the Indian maiden's village.Legend says that when the Spanish Moss is gone,the Spaniard's love will finally die with it.
The funny part is the Spanish Moss was only noticed after the Spaniards arrived in Louisiana.What a great history we have.
Louisiana is the only State in the Union that has 'Parishes' .The others have counties.Strange huh? Louisiana was created from French and Spanish colonies which were roman Catholic. Thus , they were divided into ecclesiastical parishes around the churches. This term has survived throughout the state's history and is one of many unique customs that make Louisiana special.
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