Mad Mel Gibson's long -suffering wife is on the move,and now she is moving out.Gibson's estanged wife Robyn,53,has decided to sell the home she shared with the "Mad Max" star and settle into a breezy beachfront pad. Robyn wants to start a new life with a clean slate and a new home,said an insider.
Robyn is moving into one of the family's smaller Malibu properties,and she's already working with an architect and started remodeling. Robyn loves the coziness of the house compared to the sprawling hillside compound.The ocean splashes into the yard when it's high tide,she is looking forward to settling in and moving on with her life.
The spacious home on Malibu's ritzy Broad Beach Road has a wing of bedrooms with private entrances that's perfect for visits from the Gibson's older children according to an insider. But settling there is still bitter-sweet for Robyn,added a source. Robyn and Mel used to talk about moving into the house together after all the kids were grown, divulged the insider. Mel and Robyn have pretty much been separated for the past three years,b ut Robyn is still wistful about what might have been.
All hopes of healing the couple's rocky 28-year marriage--marred by Mel's chronic cheating and drug and alcohol problems--were lost after the 53 year-old actor got involved with Russian singer Oksana Grigorieva, said a source.
Moving into the Malibu home on the beach was a dream that Mel and Robyn shared, said the insider. "Unfortunately, it's just Robyn's dream now."My take on this....Robyn, money can't buy love or happiness.One thing for sure, you have the satisfaction of hitting Mad Max where it hurts;in his pocketbook. Hang in there Robyn. Squeeze those balls until he coughs up the goods. But hey thats just me..stay tuned:to be continued:
Don't you think Robyn is much more attractive than Oksana.Mel is going to hell in a hand-basket fast like a run-a-way train.
ReplyDeleteHow is everyone? Did Sam win his game? Nothing going on here it's just hot,it's going to rain Monday/Tuesday.
ReplyDeleteHow did Jaye and the boys do at the lake? I bet she had fun.
Jaye and the boys had a ball.Peter finally has the confidence to drive the boat without Brian and he took them to our favorite swimming spot,put life jackets on all four and threw them in the water.They would not come out of the water for hours.There are lots of innertubes and toys so they had fun.He had to haul them out after a couple of hours.Then they just played video games in the cabin and wanted to sleep on board.One of the boys likes fishing and caught a nice pickerel.
ReplyDeleteOne of the boys disappeared for a while and they found him sound asleep in bed on board the boat.They all stayed up late and Sam was tired for his hockey game.
His team came within 2 points of winning the cup but the other team were bigger more aggressive boys and they scored twice at the end. Sammy was a real good sport about it.He said,coming second was a great thing too.He got a medal.
Brian has been so frisky for the last couple of days, I'm getting our water analyzed.I'm not complaining but he keeps appearing out of nowhere and grabbing me.I guess he's happy to be on vacation.
ReplyDeleteThat is so good to hear.Tell Sammy you don't always have to be first to be a winner..
ReplyDeleteHe is happy to be able to relax.You are going to bed early tonight,I said so.HA!!! Brian can rub the fuzz on the peach.(GIGGLES)
ReplyDeleteI think about the men in our lives and we are two very lucky ladies,just knowing they can hardly wait to get home to us.
ReplyDeleteDid you notice there is a new icon at the top of our page.It looks like a torn piece of paper.It's green.Do you have one?What the hell is that?HAs blogger changed theri program?
ReplyDeleteBrian has been more like Mr Eveready this week.I don't understand but I'll enjoy it while it lasts.
ReplyDeleteBrian has a new game he's going to teach you...it's call the "Captain and the First Mate" {giggles]
ReplyDeleteI will check..I know they are trying to improve .
ReplyDeleteThat sounds like a good game.Is that the one where he ties me to the mast and gives me forty lashes?
ReplyDeleteMaybe that's the game where he sneaks up behind me while I'm swabbing the deck.
ReplyDeleteYes that's the one.
ReplyDeleteYou will be begging for the every-ready man to bring on the "Rock" hahaha
ReplyDeleteRobyn could get a little work done.Hasn't she had seven or eight kids?The boobs might need a little lift and the tummy tucked.A little work around the eyes and a bit of lip plumping and she would be a knockout.She doesn't need a man until she heals completely.That could take a while.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if, every time Mel got out of line she had another baby to settle him down again.
I don't know what Bogger is doing,they say they are improving our blogs..I see our color on the side-bar is back the way you had it.
ReplyDeleteI meant until she heals completely from Mel not surgery.In fact she may never trust a man again.I could easily retire on half a billion.
ReplyDeleteI like Robyn picture much better than the one I had.Thats why I wanted you to look at it,thaks so much.
ReplyDeleteWell someone is fucking around with our blog. No one fucks with Jean'ne and Jeannie's blog.
ReplyDeleteAnd lives.
ReplyDeleteIt was the best one I could find of her face.They are few and far between.
ReplyDeleteYou got that right..she has 7 kids. Is it look that makes them stay?Mine was shame because no one in my familt was divorce.When I got that fool's ass in the air,I said fuck this shit and I was out of there.
ReplyDeleteIt was hard to find pictures of Jacko's kids on the internet too.They have been kept in virtual seclusion.
ReplyDeleteI think the only thing someone can do is flag us..we will demand to know who did it..
ReplyDeleteI was looking at his kids pictures and one of them seema to be blond.
ReplyDeleteThe news says his doctor was with him..Jesse Jackson is with the family..
Why stay if he is going to sleep around every time your back is turned.You could never relax and trust him.You would be in a constant state of upset.
ReplyDeleteMel actually bought a house for his sweetie just up the street from his and Robyn's.He really thought he was King Shit to get away with that.He's a real good church going Christian.It's that kind of treatment of women that makes me so angry.Complete disregard for how it will hurt them and complete disrespect for them.
Oksana went along with his plans so she is no better.She has no morals and no scruples.She's a home wrecking slut.
ReplyDeleteI guess Jesse mean well,but it seema to me they show up to get their faces in the news,I guess Al Sharpen will be there soon.
ReplyDeleteOne of the kids is very blond. The smallest one,the one they call Blanket is dark haired I think but he doesn't look black either.I haven't seen him close up though.
ReplyDeleteI can think of worse names for them than slut.Liza for one,I feel for her babies,she should have known that DC was going to find a bigger slut than her.
ReplyDeleteJesse and Al Sharples are publicity whores.They also like to hear themselves talk.
ReplyDeleteThey talk a lot of bullshit,by the way.
The only reason Joe Jackson would want those kids is for the money.Jacko record is selling like hotcakes on Ebay..I hope they will be in good homes,they look so sad.
ReplyDelete}GIGGLES} I bet our shit meter would blow up.
ReplyDeleteIt's looking more like the grandparents are the ones who will raise them.Blanket's mother hasn't come forward and so far the mother of the other two hasn't made a move.
ReplyDeleteJesse is no better,he has a young child,not his wife.When things happen those two fool come out of the wood work.
ReplyDeleteI should get out our old bullshit meter.There sure is a lot of it going around this week.
ReplyDeleteI guess the family wants to have another autopsy because the tox report will take six to eight weeks.If he had a heart specialist staying in the house with him, he must have had a long standing heart problem.
When they had the fights between the kids here in "JENA,LA." they came here and it turn into a race war,it was messy,I am sure you heard about it,Jesse was there in N.O. talking his shit..
ReplyDeleteBrad Pitt was there helping and not drawing attention to himself,and put his money where his mouth was.
Those two usually try to make a racial issue out of everything.
ReplyDeleteOur Mike Holmes said much the same thing about Brad when he came home from New Orleans,about Brad putting his money where his mouth was.He liked the guy.
ReplyDeleteI don't kown if it was a heart specialist,I think he is just a doctor that gave him pills.He was addicted to some drugs.
ReplyDeleteI read somewhere that the doctor was a heart guy.Whoever he was, you can bet your booty that he was giving him all kinds of drugs.A lot of celebrities seem to have their own private doctors just for handing out barely legal drugs.That doctor has got himself a lawyer now.
ReplyDeleteI don't think you have to yell it from the roof tops,others will see your good deeds and say it.I like Brad and think he is a hunk.
ReplyDeleteMy daddy always said you don't judge a man by the color of his skin...but by his deeds.
ReplyDeleteBrad seems like a nice guy and he loves his kids too.I'm still not sure he and Angie are quits.
ReplyDeleteThe doctor has a lawyer...WTF..he must feel guilty about something.Why would he need a lawyer if he did nothing wrong.
ReplyDeleteI still find it strange that many people in your country do judge people by the color of their skins.That is so weird and sometimes the people doing the judging are illiterate, rednecked bumpkins.
ReplyDeleteA lot of people are holding the doctor responsible for the death.Certain cocktails of drugs can stop the heart.Until they get the results of the autopsy they can't prove anything.
ReplyDeleteI really don't think they have quit, they are going to set the record straight in a cover story in the magazine "In Touch"I am keeping an eye out for it..
ReplyDeleteThats so true,or hillbillies like Angela..I think they are scared they might have a little mixed-up blood in them..my daddy's grandfather was a sea captain,he was the father of daddy's mama,hell coming from the south,we all could have a lot of mixed blood.
ReplyDeleteThe are some blue-eyed blonds that lived on the bayou in N.O. white shin and they was black as all get out.
I look forward to your take on that story.It will make a great post.
ReplyDeleteWell, dear, dear friend.I'm signing off early tonight so I can see if the 'Rock 'is still frisky,and we have an early morning tomorrow.We are going out for the day.We intend to relax and not worry about anything for just a couple of days,then we'll worry about everyone again.It's a nice break.
It's odd to think that I have come to love someone I've never seen, who lives thousands of miles away and yet I feel I know you and think the world of you....love Jeannie.
I am darker than my siblings,Chris is dark with gray eyes,he has dark brown hair,where mine is almost black like my mama.
ReplyDeleteMy mother's dad was a sea captain too.Small world.
ReplyDeleteO.K. Have a good nite> The Rock is waiting ..hahaha goodnite..PIC LUV..NEE