As of right now, Jackson family matriarch Katherine is caring for Prince Michael, 12, Paris, 11, and Prince Michael II, also known as "Blanket," age 7. To be clear, Debbie Rowe is the mother of the two older children, but the name of Blanket's mom has never been released.
Family attorney Brian Oxman has indicated the arrangement with Katherine may be made permanent: "Probably Mrs. Jackson will take care of them, she loves them dearly," Oxman told Radar. But if Rowe decides to make a bid for at least the two children she carried, she has quite a case, too...
Family attorney Brian Oxman has indicated the arrangement with Katherine may be made permanent: "Probably Mrs. Jackson will take care of them, she loves them dearly," Oxman told Radar. But if Rowe decides to make a bid for at least the two children she carried, she has quite a case, too...
Although many reports indicate Rowe legally waived her parental rights over the two kids after her divorce from Jackson, that decision actually was reversed by a judge. Eventually Jackson and Rowe reached a specific agreement of their own: Rowe retained parental rights and got a fat check while Jackson retained custody.
Does that mean she can come back and make a bid for the two children? Apparently, yes. But that doesn't necessarily mean she'll win. "The question is what parental rights did she have and did she exercise them?" New York-based family attorney Daniel Clement says. "Did she visit them, did she send them gifts on their birthdays?"
Rowe's past decisions also wouldn't be doing her any favors; the mere fact that she once tried to give up parental rights could certainly hurt her chances, attorneys say. And what of Blanket? What would happen to him if the other two kids went to Rowe?
"The court may not want to separate the child from his siblings," family law attorney Ash Nangia of Nangia & Kazansky tells me. "But at the same time, Rowe is not the mother of that child...My guess is that the grandmother gets all three kids, which is the simplest, and probably most conducive to the best interests of the children."
One final factor: The children would also get a say in where they live; here's hoping they get all the love and support they need.
I'm (Jeannie) not so sure that the grandparents are the best choice since Joe Jackson has been outed as beating his kids. Michael confessed his father beat him severely. LaToya claimed her father repeatedly raped her with her mother's full knowledge. But ,Michael's kids have lived a very strange, rootless, nomadic life; house to house... hotel to hotel... country to country.Maybe living with the Jacksons is preferable to that. At least they'll belong somewhere. Those kids had a sad haunted look to them, even before the death of their father. I wish them well.
Hi Nee! How's your love life? Choochie humming a happy song?
ReplyDeleteWell I'm on vacation. I just don;t know where to begin enjoying myself. Maybe first I'll just completely relax.I'll take my panties off.Maybe I'll just take everything off,it's hot and muggy here.
ReplyDeleteI really meant it about the grandparents not being the best choice.I wouldn't trust Joe Jackson around a pretty pubescent young girl.She'd be going from one kind of hell into another.
ReplyDeleteI too feel so sorry for Michael's kids.It's a shame they have to pay for the sins of their parents,no child should have to live that way.I hate to think what living under Joseph Jackson roof will do to them.I wish Katherine was a stronger woman ,she didn't help her own kids when Joe was abusing them
ReplyDeleteChoochie doing good..
ReplyDeleteHow is everyone,Nana and Brian's back.I know you are glad you are on holiday.hahaha
I feel the same way about Joe.They have 9/10 children and none of them go to visit often,what's up with that.
ReplyDeleteBrian will like you naked,all he have to do is roll over.hahaha
ReplyDeleteI guess I will do a little dance til you find me.HA!
ReplyDeleteBrian's back is still bad but he is watching an old Clint Eastwood movie so he is content.
ReplyDeleteI am glad he is better.
ReplyDeleteI just bathed Maxy so he hates me and won't talk to me .He knew I was looking for him to bath him so he hid under the bed and would not come out when I called him.
ReplyDeleteYou found me..
ReplyDeleteIs our puppy going to be that smart,I hope so.Maxy is so durn cute,he has a cut smile.
ReplyDeleteJaye took the twins and some of their school friends up to the lake for a few days.We'll see what shape she is in tomorrow when they come back for Sam's final hockey game.Four or five ten year old boys can drive a woman crazy in a short time.
ReplyDeleteYour puppy will be very smart.Start watching the Dog Whisperer on the National Geographic channel and learn the best way to train him.
ReplyDeleteMost all large families I know ,most of them gets along and love their parents,Joe was all about the money.I think it would be better if the state take them,Michael should have enough moey to care for them,anything would be better that Joe.
ReplyDeleteO.K. I watch National Geo. all the time sine I becme interested in my bears.
ReplyDeleteYes Joe really drove all his children.Some of them ended up as drunks and druggies but he got money out of every one of them.Only two of them had continued success on any scale.
ReplyDeleteJaye will have fun with the boys,but she will be tired,I know she will enjoy them.Tell Sam I am pulling for his team.
ReplyDeleteIan's surgery has been put off till Tuesday.It's hard on him to make him wait.You would not believe how skinny he is.He's sixteen and I think he weighs seventy pounds.
ReplyDeleteI think the one name Randy is a judge on a talented show with Paula I am not sure ,Michael/Janet was the only ones that stayed in the news.
ReplyDeleteSome are saying it was drugs.
I guess Jill is out of junior kindergarten now for the summer.Good luck keeping her and her cousin out of trouble.Well they have their sandbox and they can climb your pecan trees.
ReplyDeleteWhy are they putting it off? I bet he is weak also ,because he can't get the nourishment he needs.Have the doctors figured out a way to feed him. I hope they do something soon,
ReplyDelete.Not to worry he will pick up his weigh quickly.
The twins decided when they were three to take all the water from the wading pool with their little pails and put it in the sandbox.Then they sat down in this big pool of mud and covered themselves with it.It was funny to see Jaye screaming her head off at evrybody for letting them do it.
ReplyDeleteIan is not getting any nourishment.They will have to put him on an IV of nutrients until the surgery.He is so weak now and dehydrated.
ReplyDeleteI hope they can do something. The pump doesn't look like such a bad thing now.
Jill got out last thursday in may,Sis says they remind her of Nan and I..she told us it was going to be days like this and she is glad we are catching it together.hahaha Dad is going to have them a play house built,they don't know it yet.
ReplyDeleteThey will be thrilled to pieces with a playhouse.I know I would have been when I was a kid.Wouldn't you?
ReplyDeleteYou can get jungle gyms with a tree house built on top of them which would appeal to tom boys.
You get the whole package then,swings, trapezes, a slide,climbing bars and a house on top.
Sharon will be first grade..when Jill got out,her teacher told us Jill was real smart and we could have her tested and she was sure she would be placed in the 1st grade...Gil told her he was aware of how smart she was,but she was going to grow up like a regular kid.
ReplyDeleteDad sounds lkie a wonderful guy.I bet he didn't picture himself being a grandad and building a playhouse or changing his grandson's diaper.if you had told him this seven years ago,he wouldn't have believed you.
ReplyDeleteand he has a lovely lady right there in the house with him.He must be a happy guy.All his dreams have come true.
The doctors are not giving him anything.He can't go forever without water.I know Steve and Mary is worrying themselves crazy.
ReplyDeleteShit dad can't diaper gilly,the damn thing fall of as soon as Gilly moved,so dad leave his ass naked,when we was at the other house,dad would put Jill's panties on Gilly over his diaper.hahaha
ReplyDeleteI think it was a brilliant idea to put Jill's panties over the diaper.
ReplyDeleteMen are problem solvers.If one thing doesn't work, they try a nother.
Your son is easy to please.He likes being rolled in sand,naked, or dragged around on a beach towel. His wife will have an easy job.
ReplyDeleteUnless he grows to be a big man, then she might have to hire someone to help her drag him on the beach towel.
I went over to DCR and there was a follower, I click on to see who it was. Ready for this.(GIGGLES)
ReplyDeleteChurch of Caruso..how about that shit...it's got to be something in the water in L.A. The blog owner is name [CARUSO CRUSADER]
I think they both will be tall,all my family is tall,except Sis,she is the shorty.Gil is about an inch taller than Dad. He is a good baby,I can tell when he's not feeling well,all he wants is his mama.
ReplyDeleteYou are kidding me....Church of Caruso???The world is full of nutcases honey.
ReplyDeleteI guess Gilly is mama's boy. Most boys are close to their moms when they are young. Girls tend togravitate towards their fathers till later, then they come back to mom.
ReplyDeleteNo I am not kidding..a blog by that name.
ReplyDeleteYes Jill is her daddy little tomboy.She is his angel when I can get her in a dress.
What do they do at the church of Caruso?Wear red hats and pray too a giant dick???
ReplyDeleteYou want to go to Octomom?
ReplyDeleteEven DC would pee his pants laughing over that one.
ReplyDeleteOkay, she's lonely.