Sunday, January 18, 2009

Partners in Crime

Here we are girls,the wicked threesome."Take no prisoners!"


  1. Anonymous7:43:00 PM

    Beautiful. Nordic history has it that 3 women were spinning the yarn of life. They were called the three Norns - Urd, Werdande und Skuld.
    Whenever they cut the yarn a hero was about to die. The morning Sigfried went to hunt with Hagen of Troneg (who murdered him)they cut the yarn and it never was whole again...
    They were dressed in black like the women in your picture...

  2. What a lovely myth.Perhaps these are the three women of legend.

  3. Anonymous8:23:00 PM

    Not of you have to memosize all the names. I remember this because I liked history in school and the time between 949 - 1049 was one of my favorite centuries.

  4. I also like that era.Mythical creatures and legends abounded.

  5. Anonymous8:48:00 PM

    Dark and bloody times in Europe. The church didn't have much power then. Tribes on the move. Dragons, Heroes and deceiving women.

  6. Anonymous8:55:00 PM

    Awesome,which one is me,I know the horny one,tell me tell me .
    Jeannie you will be fine,I can feel it,honey they are doing so much with stem cells,there will be help for a lot of different illness,the powers that be are not ginish with you,there is still work for you to do,I will tell my friend.

  7. Anonymous9:00:00 PM

    I have heard such things are possible,we all have a six sense..sometime you can feel things about a person.

  8. I thought the tallest one in the middle was you Nee.The little one at the back with the whiney face is me because I'm little.So Vix is the dark force in front

  9. Are your lights on?Is Gil home?
    You'll be happier if he is.See,if he leaves you on your own,anything can happen.

  10. Anonymous9:26:00 PM

    Yes to all of them, it serves him right,I like what you and Vix did,nice

  11. Anonymous9:28:00 PM

    He's trying to get Jill in bed not going well,Gilly says none tonight old man ,my sister will be woke all night,hahaha

  12. Anonymous9:34:00 PM

    Jaye and her family in Florida? It's still snowing there,it's on the news ,just rain here,Gil won't have to leave again,the rest he can handle from here.

  13. Anonymous9:35:00 PM

    So Vix is the dark force in front

    I LIKE THAT. I like that a lot...LOL

  14. Jaye is leaving Friday morning.Maybe the weather will be a little better by then.

  15. I've been looking for some photographs I took last year to do a post.I don't know where they go.My files are so crammed with Photos and Im not organized.Where is Vix when you need her.She'd have everything organized in a wink.Different strokes.
    What is Jill's problem tonight?

  16. Anonymous9:43:00 PM

    Yes Vix is the dark force ,I am horny,Jeannie keeps us well balance.

  17. Anonymous9:46:00 PM

    She wants to tell him everything Gilly has said,My man wants to boink me..his daughter wants to talk,hahaha my visitor was here when he left,aw shit this is so funny.

  18. Anonymous9:47:00 PM

    Jeannie if Vix see m files ...she would throw them out and say start over.

  19. Well I hope the deal goes through for Gil's dad.Sudden trips out of town are never a good thing,even if you trust your husband.
    Jaye and kids are very exited,although the twins hate missing school.They are very popular with kids and staff.They were hoping to see a space shuttle go up from Cape Canaveral.

  20. If your visitor is gone then you better do your duty.You know you've done a good job if he goes right to sleep

  21. The trouble with us is Brian can fall asleep before we're finished.

    What happened to old Ever-ready?

  22. Anonymous10:00:00 PM

    You making it good to him ,we know when a job is well done

  23. Anonymous10:03:00 PM

    I see, I have to lend Jeannie and CUPCAKE a helping hand. LOL. I hate messes. LOL.
    Throw out everything you haven't used within the last week. Or file them under "fairies". And I always delete pictures/files I only use for one post. Caruso pictures I have stored on a disk...

  24. I always found if brian had a hard day,lots of stress,and he was wound pretty tight,a little sex was the best stress relief in the world.Forget Valium,or booze.Nature's pressure release.

  25. Anonymous10:05:00 PM

    Dad says Gil was never interest in the business,just look after his part,I know he loves me,I trust him to remember he has more to lose than I.

  26. See,I knew you'd have a system Vix.I intend to delete a lot of junk.I just never get around to it.
    There's a bunch of spam in my email too.Gotta clean that out.
    All this junk slows down the computer.

  27. Anonymous10:10:00 PM

    Thanks Vix I was gettig a little to much mess.I will delete all that I am not using,the only fairy I want here is my cousin's son.hahahahah

  28. There's one or two in every family.
    The one in our family,we pretend we don't know about it.He seems more comfortable with that.It's his business anyway.
    But,it's so obvious.

  29. Anonymous10:15:00 PM

    Got you there Jeannie I delete all spam mail,I will get a system and do it right,I will run it like I do my home...everything has a place...

  30. I will get organized.My New Year's resolution.
    My home is tidy and organized, but papers,documents and computer files,a mess.

  31. Anonymous10:19:00 PM

    He really is a sweet person,good friend...told Gil if he do me wrong ,he would whip his butt...He weigh 135 lbs. soaking wet..5'6" tall,I laugh till I cried.

  32. Anonymous10:24:00 PM

    Remember, being organized saves a lot of time. You'll find it quicker . Sometimes i devote one hour only to picture-search. I put them into a temporary folder. After using them I decide if I keep them or not.
    But everyone is differnt. That's why I hate to use Cyber-cafes . I have no files/bookmarks there.

  33. Anonymous10:24:00 PM

    I have a little corner in the study,Gil is like Vix can put his hands on what he wants with his eyes closed...

  34. You are right about organization making everything run quicker and smoother.Especially if you're a busy person and I am.

    The gay person in our family is a gentle soul.He got in with a rough group of individuals in college and was living with them.He called his family this weekend to come and move him out of there.He's a sensible lad.

  35. Isn't it nice to know your family cares for you like that Nee?They have proven they will stick up for you.

  36. Anonymous10:29:00 PM

    I will start using book marks,Before this I only surf the net for bad boys,Vix what is a cyber-cafe...

  37. Anonymous10:36:00 PM

    Internet-cafes. It is 2 bucks an hour. But I don't like them. I rather use my lappy.
    I bookmark those pages I use the most. Thus, I don't have to search for them. One click and they pop up.

  38. Up here we have a lot of coffe shops with computers,but the library ones are better.Between computers,I had a little gap and used the library.I had unlimited time on it for free.

  39. Anonymous10:38:00 PM

    Gil didn't want me to go to Little Rock,I told him I was going, My brothers said I could go,he told me I was fucking him,he was not my ex,he would kick all their ass,I didn't go,sis say he is a mean old bastard when he is dealing with his stuff.

  40. Anonymous10:41:00 PM

    We have libraries you can use.See I am learning.

  41. Anonymous10:43:00 PM

    Well dear friends I will say goodnite,and Vix I will work on it tomorrow.....Jean`ne

  42. I really need the twenty two inch screen now.I like it up at eye level too.I have my own little den.No one invades it without my permission.Except Brian,and the twins and of course Justin and Jeremy,and Jaye and Peter.Also Shayne and Jordan.Come to think of it,way too many people use my computer.No wonder it's a mess.

  43. I bet Gil is a tough guy when it comes to his woman and family.

  44. Sleep well Jean'ne.That is,If you do sleep tonight...HA!

  45. Anonymous10:51:00 PM

    It is not the same like your very own lappy. Even if it is free.

  46. Anonymous10:51:00 PM

    Jeannie I couldn't ask for a better husband,he ha s never really been angry with me ,just upset sometime,I really can be a pain in the butt...But yes he is a mean son-of-a -gun>>Nan says he looks like one of the wise guys.

  47. i know he's a good man.Go give him a little love.Night

  48. Anonymous11:02:00 PM

    Good night cupcake


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