Angie sees Brad's drinking as a weakness, and she does not like weak people,a family friend says. But Brad doesn't care. He's becoming as passionate about wine-making as he is about architecture. He is learning all about the business from vineyard grape pickers,some of whom have been harvesting the land for 25 years. Brad loves getting his hands dirty,says a source.
There are a few little houses in the middle of the vineyard, and he even sleeps there sometimes. But a new hobby that revolves aroung alcohol may not be the best thing for his health---or for his fragile relationship with Angie. Gone are the days when Brad and Angie could muster up smiles fot the camera.Sadly their public mood is only reflecting what has happen privately.After months of working in different cities, the couple have moved their family to to their $70-million estate, Chateau Miraval in the south of France for the summer. So much time spent together has forced them to be close--but it has backfired.
As Brad hinted to Ann Curry on the 'Today"show on August 13, his future with Angelina seems doomed. When asked about the meaning of true love, Brad said uncomfortablely, "Someday, it won't always be there." Brad used to be happy, gregarious and social, but Angelina's constant nit-picking and insults appear to have destroyed his confidence. Angelina picks holes in his personality and belittles him on every subject possible, from his parenting to his lack of knowledge about current affairs, says the insider. She also emasculates him by yelling at him in front of the staff. Angie still calls the shots, as to who stays with the children. Brad puts up with it.
Brad is actually shy and has a low self-esteem now and he drinks before social events because he can't cope without using booze as a crutch. Brad's very lonely and feels trapped in a situation he can't get out of, so he drinks all the time to escape his inner turmoil. To stay away from Angelina, Brad likes to take Maddox and Pax out on their ATV's on a specially built path on the property. It's the perfect escape, says a source.They all love to ride their dirt bikes. While Brad bonds with the boys, Angelina has been spending time with their daughters. On August 28, she took Shiloh shopping in Ajaccio and she seems much happier without Brad.
My take on this : A word to the wise...Brad get out now. The kids will be better off. Maybe they don't know whats happening now, but they are growing up and kids notice things and seem to have a sixth sense when things are not right. It is better to have two happy separated parents living apart , than together and at each others throats all the time. But hey, that's just me. Stay tuned: the saga continues, updates as they become available.
ReplyDeleteBrad, you can crawl between my sheets anytime I will give your ego a boost and your self esteem will sky rocketed to the highest.