Once DeGeneres expressed interest in the offer, the deal came together in an amazingly fast two weeks.There was no interal research done to discern whether the audience would except her. You don't need to go throufg any awareness studies to know she's enormously popular, Darnell says. We talked to all the judges about it. They all loved it. If we hadn't found someone terrific, we might not have had a fourth judge.
By going to a big star, Fox has put to rest any possibility of abdul returning.(Paula put out a statement calling DeGeneres, a wildly funny and talented" and wished her luck.) The move has stirred new dicussion about what DeGeneres might add to the show'a chemistry. She has said she plans to stake her groung with a fan's point of view and to counter-balance Simon Cowell, who she believes can get too mean in his citiques. Tom Bergman, host of ABC's reality juggernaut "Dancing With the Stars, question whether DeGeneres was the right fit for the show.:My first recation was "REALLY?" he tells TV Guide Magazine. I love Ellen, and American Idol is a behemoth of a show, but I don't know what her musical expertise is compared to, now Paula, I happen to like the chemistry of Paula, Randy Jackson and Simon. But I'll be watching along with the rest of America to see how it plays out.
Privately, Fox executives believe DeGeneres will free Kara DioGuardi, the songwriter added to the judge's panel last year, to play up her knowledge. DioGuardi said in a radio interview that she is looking forward to DeGeneres arrival. I think ultimately, it's going to be great new energy, DioGuardi said , GeGeneres , who signed a multi-year contract, also gives the show another big name in case Simon decides not to extend his deal beyond this up-coming season. But even with DeGeneres, American Idol will be fighting rating gravity as it enter it's nineth season. Since season 5 it's been going down, says Brad Adgate, an analyst for the media-buying firm Horizon. I don't see that changing too much. I think this will stem the erosion that could have happened over the lost of Paula. But one positive sign people is talking about the show, even ththough it's seasom premiere is three months away."It will only be good for us"says one Fox insider. It's keeping us on top of everyone's mind.
My take on this: It's like playing a cat and mouse game.....to see if the cat can catch the mouse before he reach the hole. It's a wait and see game to be played out in the next few months, so stay tuned , we all may be in for a nice surprise.More news when it becomes available.
I guess anybody would jump at the chance to be a judge on such a popular show.She might be a refreshing change if she doesn't go for the joke all the time.
ReplyDeleteI think she may be refreshing for the show.
One thing for sure she won't be dress to the nines like Paula.
I kinda liked Paula with her bells and bows, she brought a little style to the show.
ReplyDeleteI wonder will she put on a dress or just wear pants like the rest of the guys.
She'll wear pants.I only ever saw her in a dress in a movie once.
ReplyDeleteI liked Paula's fashion sense a lot of the time. She had a certain panache.Sometimes she stretched the boundaries of good taste just a little.
ReplyDeleteI missed that one.
ReplyDeleteEveryone says she is down to earth and a real nice person.
Ellen is okay. she has a tendancy to wear on one's nerves after too much exposure.She's always the same.
ReplyDeleteI think thats why a lot of people will miss Paula,you just tune in to see what she was wearing.
ReplyDeleteSusan Boyle made her American debut tonight. She got a great reception.I liked the song she sang(Wild Horses)
ReplyDeleteI never watched her shows,she reminds me of Ophrah.A lot of viewers say they will not watch.
ReplyDeleteAlso you tuned in to see if she was high or not.You could tell if she rambled on longer than usual.
ReplyDeleteI liked her.She was a character.I liked to watch the inter-play between her and Simon.I think I detected a little sexual tension between them.
I am happy for Susan, she truly has a great voice. I think she is going places, I hope her brother stay by her side and not let people used her.
ReplyDeletePaula and Simon was good together, I think he and Ellen is going to bump heads.
ReplyDeleteEllen is going to show Simon her balls is as large or maybe larger.
You got that right.I can't picture those two together.But you never can tell what blend of humans will work . she might lighten up that so serious other gal,whose name I never remember. She tends to blather on a bit long.
ReplyDeleteThey said they wanted a big name in case Simon didn't re-new his contract .
ReplyDeleteI think the name is Kara DioGuardi or something like that, she's glad Ellen is there, she's a song writer.
ReplyDeleteI don't think Simon is going anywhere.He loves the adulation and special attention and the money ain't bad either.He likes the guest appearances on the tonight show.
ReplyDeleteIf he drops out of the public eye, it will be a case of;out of sight,out of mind.
Paula and Kara didn't exactly clash but you could tell there was no sisterly love there.
ReplyDeleteI didn't know Idol's been on 9 years.
ReplyDeleteI think Kara was jealous,all the preformers loved Paula.
ReplyDeleteI am spelling my ass off tonight.
ReplyDeleteI just posted susan's song 'wild horses' on the blog for you.It's a Rolling Stones song.
ReplyDeleteThank you.I will listen when I log off.
ReplyDeleteThey have discovered a planet like earth, but it's too hot for anything to survive. However, it's a step forward.They will discover one with life on it in the not too distant future.
ReplyDeleteThis is one of my pet subjects,as you know.I want them to discover extra-terrestrial life in my lifetime.
Have you heard anything about Susan doing albums? I hope they don't try to screw her around, but she seems like a smart lady.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure if I want them to bring a specimen to earth though.Can you imagine what an alien micro-organism could do? Possibly wipe us out of existence.
ReplyDeleteThe song Wild Horses is the single from her new album 'I Dreamed a Dream'.I think it comes out next month or the one after.
ReplyDeleteI read the post, it said we was getting close. I hope they do,maybe they will learn something about earth. I love what you find through your research.
ReplyDeleteThat's one good reason for you to have the "BLOG". You can put all your stuff in one place and go back and look it over.
Susan is an innocent, very naive.But she has Simon in her corner.There isn't a more savvy business man in the world.He'll treat her right.
ReplyDeleteI have to smile to myself sometime, when we started out we was [xxx] rated, look at us now we are [G] rated, now thats a step upward. Or a kick in the head as we say down here.
ReplyDeleteWhen Susan went into the hosiptal, Simon paid her bill. I will get me one as soon as it hit here.
ReplyDeleteIf I was Susan, I would want Simon to manage my career.
ReplyDeleteIf I was Susan, I would lose some weight and get some work done.Not to change her, but to improve what she has.She also needs a personal stylist.
You slay me..maybe if they find life, it will have a penis growing on it's chin.hahaha
ReplyDeleteI love to throw in an xxx rated joke now and then.It wakes people up to give them a little shock now and then.It sure wakes the dodo up.
ReplyDeleteBut it's not something I do all the time.There's more fascinating stuff out there.
I've got a post for women here.There's a sixty percent less chance of getting breast cancer if you breast feed your baby.
ReplyDeleteI think they should be aware of that.
I agree , get a little nip here and a little tuck there. The personal stylist is great, get rid of the manly look, get a more softer look and yes I would want Simon.
ReplyDeleteI didn't know that, I know it was good for their immune systems.
ReplyDeleteI also thinks it help you bond.
I have heard some babies don't want the tits.
At McGill University in Canada they have cured MS in mice.It's just a hop and a skip to apply that to humans.The cures are coming thick and fast now.In twenty years they will have cured all the major diseases.
ReplyDeleteOne Lady said she lost the post on skin-care you did,it helped her more than you buy in the store and cheaper, she wondered how she could get another one. I had my lappy in the car and showed her how.She was so happy she brought me a soda.
ReplyDeleteIt's a wonderful experience for mother and child.Builds a bond and is so good for the baby.It also triggers some kind of immune response in the mother.It's a fact there's less chance of cancer.we've known it for years but they never had accurate stats until now.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad the skin care did some good for someone.All they put in expensive creams are ingredients and vitamins taken from fruit and vegetables,but they also add chemicals like alcohol and petroleum.Who needs that.
ReplyDeleteWe could be much closer if the shit-heads wouldn't try to stop all good things. You hardly ever hear about something the U.S. is doing.
ReplyDeleteThat was just one person, I bet there are a lot of them that takes your advice. I didn't know her, the lady I was with knew her,after a hello glad to meet you, that's the next thng she said.
ReplyDeleteThey put silicone in creams too.It makes your skin feel firmer until you wash it off.It's not good for your skin in the long term.
ReplyDeleteI guess if people trust our advice,that's all the more reason to be careful and research things before we write about them.
ReplyDeleteYou do a good job with the advice and research. I don't use a lot of crap on my skin, just a mild cream from the herb store, but now I use a lot of yours; can't stand a lot of perfume , just something light .
ReplyDeleteJust read the label on your face cream some time.It's a menu of chemicals you never heard of.You don't know if they are harmful to skin cells in the long run or not.Women want instant results.
ReplyDeleteWe often go to a little village near here in which most of the residents are Mennonites (You know them as Amish)They don't use any kind of chemical shit on their faces or in their bodies,Just oganically grown food and fresh air and homemade soap with lanolin in it.They all have good skin.
I also showed her Mr. Bean.hahaha
ReplyDeleteShe wrote it down so she could show it off.
They have a big farmer's market there.I have to eat organic.
ReplyDeleteThey sell homemade bread and pies, really delicious.Homemade jam and preserves can't be beat.The cakes melt in your mouth.I have a Mennonite cook book.
I have seen some Amish peop;e and they have beautiful skin.
ReplyDeleteI never wore a lot of make-up,I know it clogged your pores.
You can't beat homemade food, not to many people can cook anymore.
ReplyDeleteI bet you are a good cook.
We have a Farmer's Market here, I go all the time and buy some and freeze it. It costs a little more, but it's worth it.
ReplyDeleteI spent some summers on a Mennonite farm as a kid.The girls there had to wear long dresses.I wore jeans.I didn't like cooking with the ladies I wanted to work in the fields and milk cows and feed the pigs.So the farmers treated me like a boy and gave me chores.I made them laugh.
ReplyDeleteI know you had a lot of fun. They have not changed over the years.
ReplyDeleteI have an early and long day tomorrow, I know you will need to get up early also.
ReplyDeleteI am going to call it a night , but first I will listen to Susan before I retire.
Take care and have a good night..N
Part of their religion is not to give in to change but to rely on an old time way of life.They don't like anything mechanized.
ReplyDeleteOkay,have a good night..J