Thankyou, for surrounding me with your unconditional love like a warm cocoon. It is returned in full measure. I appreciate your innate goodness and honesty, your kindness and strong character. I appreciate the way you care for each other and for all the people who pass through your lives. I admire the way you treat your family and friends with the kind of respect you would wish for yourself. I respect the way you stick to your principles and always defend the little guy or the underdog or the right cause.
I am proud and honored that you always trusted me and hope I did not let you down too often. I know when you give me your word, it's golden and you know by now ...my word is my bond. I never made you a promise I did not keep. That's why I don't make them too often (I'm not a complete fool.) Sorry, It's hard to stay serious for so long.
You are honorable people, forthright and truthful. I know I can have complete faith in any thing you say or do. I hold you in the highest esteem. In a world full of deceivers and cardboard people you are a bright light.
Not to leave out my dearest friends; you know who you are. You have always been like family to me. Thankyou for always listening to me, even when I've blathered on far too long, like now. Thankyou for always supporting me no matter what I do and thankyou for being there whenever I needed you. The respect you've shown me has meant a great deal and is reciprocated. The memories we've made over the years and the laughs we've had, I hold very dear.
As long as I am blessed with your presence in my life I am complete. I need nothing else.
Love you too
ReplyDeleteWhen did you get so sappy?
ReplyDeleteShaddup or you won't get any more sentimental cards from me.
ReplyDeleteNicely said..
ReplyDeleteThanks for the compliment.I try.
ReplyDeleteWell,I'm here but you ain't,so I'll go write an article.I have to be up extra early for the renovators.Soooo...Have a good one...J
ReplyDeleteDon't go all gooey on us G.I remember all the good times and when you went to bat for me.Many thanks with love.
ReplyDeleteYou guys wouldn't have commented if I hadn't told you about my message to the family.But Im awfully glad you did.Thankyou...xxxx