The news of the dramatic transformation of one of the world's least visited landscapes come from Sergei Kirpotin, a botanist at Tomsk State University, Russia, and Judith Marquand at the University of Oxford.Kirpotin describes an "ecological landslide that is probably irreversible and is undoubtedly connected to climatic warming". He says that the entire western Siberian sub-Arctic region has begun to melt, and this "has all happened in the last three or four years".
What was until recently a featureless expanse of frozen peat is turning into a watery landscape of lakes, some more than a kilometre across. Kirpotin suspects that some unknown critical threshold has been crossed, triggering the melting.
What was until recently a featureless expanse of frozen peat is turning into a watery landscape of lakes, some more than a kilometre across. Kirpotin suspects that some unknown critical threshold has been crossed, triggering the melting.
Western Siberia has warmed faster than almost anywhere else on the planet, with an increase in average temperatures of some 3 °C in the last 40 years. The warming is believed to be a combination of man-made climate change, a cyclical change in atmospheric circulation known as the Arctic oscillation, plus feedbacks caused by melting ice, which exposes bare ground and ocean. These absorb more solar heat than white ice and snow.Similar warming has also been taking place in Alaska: earlier this summer Jon Pelletier of the University of Arizona in Tucson reported a major expansion of lakes on the North Slope fringing the Arctic Ocean.
The findings from western Siberia follow a report two months ago that thousands of lakes in eastern Siberia have disappeared in the last 30 years, also because of climate change (New Scientist, 11 June, p 16). This apparent contradiction arises because the two events represent opposite end sof the same process, known as thermokarsk.In this process, rising air temperatures first creates "frost-heave", which turns the flat permafrost into a series of hollows and hummocks known as salsas. Then as the permafrost begins to melt, water collects in the hollows, forming ponds that are prevented from draining away by the frozen bog beneath. The ponds coalesce into ever larger lakes until, finally, the last permafrost melts and the lakes drain away underground.This is an ecological landslide that is probably irreversible and is undoubtedly connected to climatic warming.
Siberia's peat bogs formed around 11,000 years ago at the end of the last ice age. Since then they have been generating methane, most of which has been trapped within the permafrost, and sometimes deeper in ice-like structures known as clathrates. Larry Smith of the University of California, Los Angeles, estimates that the west Siberian bog alone contains some 70 billion tonnes of methane, a quarter of all the methane stored on the land surface worldwide.
His colleague Karen Frey says if the bogs dry out as they warm, the methane will oxidize and escape into the air as carbon dioxide. But if the bogs remain wet, as is the case in western Siberia today, then the methane will be released straight into the atmosphere. Methane is 20 times as potent a greenhouse gas as carbon dioxide.
In May this year, Katey Walter of the University of Fairbanks Alaska, said that she had found methane hotspots in eastern Siberia, where the gas was bubbling from thawing permafrost so fast it was preventing the surface from freezing, even in the midst of winter.
In May this year, Katey Walter of the University of Fairbanks Alaska, said that she had found methane hotspots in eastern Siberia, where the gas was bubbling from thawing permafrost so fast it was preventing the surface from freezing, even in the midst of winter.
This situation is terrifying.Global warming is occurring at twice the rate scientists predicted. We must be prepared for increasing extreme weather situations also.We have to slow down global warming until scientists can engineer a permanent solution. Contact the global warming sites we show on the blog periodically to find out what you can do to reduce your carbon footprint ( amount of dangerous gases you are responsible for emitting)
When there is precious little dry land left, with millions of people scrabbling for,even killing for a small space on it.You'll look back with regret that you did nothing to save your planet for your children. This could happen within your lifetime.
EPA Global Warming site: http://www.epa.gov/globalwarming/
United Nations Environment Programme: http://www.unep.ch/
You are right on target. I also believe we will see a lot of people living on boats and make shift rafts because there will not be enough land.
ReplyDeleteThere have always been more water than land. We always wait til the it's almost to late to do anything. And we are suppose to be the smartest animals on the planet. I use smart very loosely.