What can you do? they don't have nay money. I promised to follow the Hippocratic Oath, and if anybody is ill, you help them, she said.
Dr.Enriquez has 5,000 patients in her practice in "Half Moon Bay, California, and 65% of them--more than 4,000 people--are so poor they can't pay her. Many are indigent farm workers and fishermen. If they say they don't have money, I say, "that's okay". Pay me when you have the money. Some of them is able to pay me little by little. Others pay me in food or help.
Dr. Enriquez often finds vegetables, eggs and chickens left on her doorstep by farmworkers, fishermen give her fish. I may not be rich, but I never go hungry, she chuckles. Other patients tend her yard, cutting her grass, and watering her plants. They find ways to repay me, she explains.
Dr. Enriquez , who is known to her patients as "Dr. Joy" often dips into her own pocket to help patients who has fallen on hard times. She's given $500 in cash to families to tide them over. She's also shelled out $2,500 to pay for food and shelter at a hotel for families who've lost their homes.
Dr. Enriquez, a widower with two sons, came to the U.S. when she was 25years-old. She was born in the Phillippines during World War II.
My Grandmother was a nurse, and I saw how she helped people. She tended the wounded and the sick. She didn't stop to ask if they could pay her. She just wanted to help, says Dr. Enriquez. I'm just trying to follow her example.
I believe if you try to do good by people, they will try to do good by you. My patients often don't have the money to pay me, but they have given me a wealth of riches in so many other ways.
My take on Dr. Enriquez: What a generous, wonderful and caring person, to give so much and ask so little in return. Maybe the big "Insurance" companies should take some advice from Dr.Enriquez and give a helping hand. Better still jump on the band-wagon with Mr. Obama and we all will have better health care. Stay tuned: More good deeds to come.
You nailed it CC.Great comment.The US has the highest death rate per capita of all western democratic countries and the highest infant mortality rate.Mostly because the families can't afford to get them treated.
ReplyDeleteI just read another scary statistic.If you go to a young doctor just starting his practice, you stand a greater chance of dying.
ReplyDeleteNew doctors just out of internship have a thirty percent higher death rate in their practice than a more experienced doctor.
Hi you doing.
ReplyDeleteDon't like young doctors, they are trying to make a name for themselves, I really think a lot of them is just their for the money...like a lot of our U.S. teachers. If the insurance companys get in line, they would find something else.
ReplyDeleteYou know what...we are to dumb to see it.
Well a lot of Americans are waking up now.They will wake up to global warming soon too.
ReplyDeleteI should run for office, I have more common sense than a lot of these ass-holes.[giggles] I better not they would throw my musty butt in jail...I don't have any tact. Hahaha
ReplyDeleteI would not let them piss on my leg and tell me it's raining.
I scared myself when I wrote that post on the climate change meetings.
ReplyDeleteI never realized that all the millions of people living on the coasts of all countries will have to move somewhere when the water rises one meter.They think that will cause chaos.
They might appreciate your honesty.Go for it.
ReplyDeleteI love your health-care system, everyone treated the same...that's how it should be, everyone equal.
ReplyDeleteIt shouldn't be a matter of how much money you've got when you're ill. Doctors should just see a sick person who needs help.
ReplyDeleteThey say we will lose most of N.O. coast, well a lot of it is under water now.
ReplyDeleteWhere in hell is all these people going, the bears and other species are moving inland. I guess it will be survival of the strongest.
Eventually your country will install a health care system similar to ours or England's.
ReplyDeleteThat was a good post on climate change, I had to read it twice, will read again.
ReplyDeleteExcept for the occaisonal corrupt politician, we know where our tax dollars go.
ReplyDeleteWhatever you do,don't move to California.In twenty years it will be partially underwater.
ReplyDeleteI hope it's soon,if they can get preventive health-care, they would be able to stay well. A lot of people here can't afford meds. I know most employeed at the hotel/casino can't afford health-care...even with the company paying 3/4's of the cost.
ReplyDelete...In fact it will be mostly under water.
ReplyDeleteAnd,where will all the Dutch people go? Their country is below sea level right now
{GIGGLES} As you know most all our's are corrupt. I lived in California for 3 years, it's not my cup of tea. Most of the people I met was nice.But a lot of them was so fake.
ReplyDeleteGood thing you left California.You guys wouldn't know what to do with an honest politician.
ReplyDeleteIt's so sad we let our planet get in this shape.
ReplyDeleteI understand what you meant , telling people about the changes and they saying get off your soap box, now they see.
I can truthfully say,I didn't know how bad it was until you made a post on the bears, and it caught my interest ...the were so pretty.I always liked watching Nat. Geo.
I just saw on the news that if you got regular flu shots last year you have twice the chance of getting swine flu.You become more susceptible to the virus.
ReplyDeleteIt kind of destroys your faith in flu shots.
ReplyDeletethey are saying that the swine flu is now galloping across North America.It will definitely come to your town and mine.
ReplyDeleteI think we have the worse politicians in the U.S. Some even hide there money in the freezer,all of them is going to hell in a hand basket. Jindel needs to sit his ass down.
ReplyDeleteWe have some cases here. It's been about 10/12 years since I have ahd a flu shot.
ReplyDeleteI got so sick when I had the shot, I said never again, I havent had a cold, a little sniffles but thats all.
ReplyDeleteNow all the big polluters are saying...You've been polluting longer so you should be the one to make all these changes in your country.They are squabbling over who has been polluting longer. People never change.They are just children even when their planet is melting.
ReplyDeleteDid you see the giant baby on our blog.What a big guy.They say it sometimes happens when the mother has diabetes.But this guy set the record.
ReplyDeleteIt's a shame it don't get cold enough here to kill the germs.
ReplyDeleteYes He is a whopper.Are you are going to let him stay? Dc will be a great babysitter, and Maxy will tell us when DC is drunk.
ReplyDeleteMackenzie Phillips just wrote a book where she says she had an incestuous relationship with her father for ten years.One night when she was seventeen she woke up from a drug blackout and found she was being raped by her father.He used to mainline heroin into her arm from when she was a young teen also.She said after he raped her a few times it became consentual.
ReplyDeleteYou find the best stuff, I goggle and come up empty-handed.
ReplyDeleteMaxy will guard him but Dave is telling him to 'fuck off' right now.
ReplyDeleteI seen that on AOL news, said I was going to read it when I log off. They say right it down it helps clear the head and aslo help you heal.
ReplyDeleteI am so glad you put DC on here,dodo is a copy cat, she can't do gifs, so she put a video bar up, haven't stop in to see her in a couple of days. Same old shit.
ReplyDeleteI bet old DC thinks he has knocked up another one and can't remember because he was in a drunken stupor.
ReplyDeleteShit I'm hot tonight.
Clinton just wrote that he had an affair with Monica Lewinski because he was cracking under pressure.
ReplyDeleteGood one Bill.You won't be able to use that excuse again.What about all your other affairs?Let's hear the excuses.
DC is the last person I would ever want to see naked.
ReplyDeletePeople I would like to see naked:
Brad(of course)
George Clooney
Matt Damon(Ihave a real soft spot for him)
The new guy who plays James Bond. I always forget his name.
Clinton said he didn't have sex with that woman we knew he was lying.
ReplyDeletePeople I would like to stroke and fondle...Same list.
ReplyDeleteI just found an article in the Globe , that says Clinton is fighting "Parkinson Disese" and Hillary rushes to his side.
ReplyDeleteOf course he was lying.His country caught him with his cock hanging out.How embarrassing for a president.
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't believe the Parkinson rumor.The Globe is dicier than the Enquirer.
ReplyDeleteI don't think I would buy
buy the M.Philips book.
Would you buy it? She was just on Oprah, telling her story.Her step- mother says it never happened.
I believe it happened. Mackenzie has been so troubled all her life.She was arrested last year for heroin use so she's still troubled.
ReplyDeleteNow those are good choices ,I like to see them naked.
ReplyDeleteNow DC is another story, if he get naked my choochie would run up my ass-hole and hide...DC has some ugly legs and knobby knees.
I believe her story,Everyone know her dad abused her. Wasn't she on a program onxe called one day at a time.
ReplyDeleteNo I won't but her book and I won't but Alana Stewart's book.
ReplyDeleteI like NE because they keep up with their stories and tell you where it started.
DC has no ass,...none whatsoever.I wonder what he has instead.Just a big hole I guess.his ass got sucked into it.He better be careful he doesn't get sucked into it completely.There would be nothing left of him.
ReplyDeleteThe NE always backs up their stories with previous articles. There is usually some truth in their stories. When they were just starting out they rarely if ever told the truth.
ReplyDeleteOld Jack looks healthier than fart-ass, and he's 70 and fat.
ReplyDeleteWe have a few shady and horny people running our country.
ReplyDeleteI'll always like Jack no matter how old he is or how fat.I'm just watching Martin Short on Conan.Martin is one of my favorite comedians.
ReplyDeleteOne thing we have in Canada for some reasons is tons of comedians.
Martin has a beautiful summer home on a gorgeous lake in northern Ontario.I've seen it a few times.They'll wave to you if you go past in your boat.
ReplyDeleteAll the guys you named are my bad boys also and they are all hunks, but really I have never heard anything bad about them.
ReplyDeleteAnd they can act .
Martin Short is so cute. How tall is he?
ReplyDeleteMaybe yours could teach mine some manners, god knows a lot of need it. hahaha
You have certainly had a few horny presidents.I wouldn't hold that against them.
ReplyDeleteIt seems powerful men are quite horny.I wonder if Obama is.
I think Martin is about 5'5" or
I have notice a lot of your actors just do their trade and go home to their families, you don't hear all the crap about them.
ReplyDeleteI would put Martin in my purse and sneak him away.Hahaha
ReplyDeleteMichelle gave him hell for looking at a woman's ass. She told him he was just like Clinton...
ReplyDeleteIf Obama isn't horny now, he will be before he leave office.
You know the women is going to get some of that dark meat. hahaha
His dark meat is probably pretty good. Michelle is pretty possessive with it.
ReplyDeleteMichelle is very jealous, he is a good-looking man. If you notice ,Obama likes the ladies and I think he likes to flirt, but I think it may be harmless.That may be part of his charm.
ReplyDeleteJennifer Love-Hewett is on Craig.She wears costsumes that disguise her ass on her show.I saw a candid shot of it in a bikini in the NE some time ago and honey it was enormous.It looked like two pillows side by side....Meeeooow
ReplyDeleteYou're right about Barry's flirty ways.I've watched him and I think you are also right that it is harmless.
ReplyDeleteI better turn in.I have a bit of a fever today.Don't know why. No, I don't think it is Swine Flu.
ReplyDeleteAnyway I hope your storms are over.If not,stay dry or you are going to start to mildew with all the water falling on you...Have a good one ...J
If Obmana had an affair, Michelle will pitch a fit in public, not caring who saw or heard her.
ReplyDeleteGet a cup of tea and snuggle up to your Rock and it will be better tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteGoodnite and rest well.....CC