While Garrido's brother Ron describes his sister-in-law as a "robot" a brain-washed woman who obeyed her husband's every command, other say Nancy is a fiend who fooled the world. To me , she is the real monster says a family friend, Cheyvonne Molino. She is a woman and should never have let this happen. Former G-Man Gunderson believes mounting evidence will reveal Nancy to be "a calculating sexual sadist who probably enjoyed every day of the past 18 years until she got caught. There's even suspicion that the twisted twosome was prostituting Jaycee and her daughters, says a sources.One neighbor says he peeked over the fence and saw men drinking while waiting in a line in the tent filled back-yard. One thing 's certain, Nancy knew what she was getting into with Garrido. They met while the petite woman, then known as NancyBocanegra, was visiting a relative at a federal penitentiary in Leavenworth, Kan., where Garrido was serving a 50-year sentence for the brutal 1976 kidnapping and rape of a 25-year-old woman. Garrido and Nancy became pen pals and later married at the prison in 1981. It was his second marriage.First wife Christine Murphy calls him a "manipulator" and a "monster" and claims he tried to gouge her eyes out with a safety pin. Nancy was a prison groupie, she knew why Garrido was in jail and instead of being horrified, she probably got a thrill out of it. Nancy moved into the Antioch, California house that became Jaycee's prison. The house is owned by Garrido's mother, Patricia Franzen. Garrido joined his wife and mother when he was parole 7-years later and they attempted to start a family, and that didn't happen says a source close to the investigation.Three years after his prison release, the couple snatched Jaycee and Garrido began raping her. Sources say instead of her being jealous,Nancy saw the innocent child ,"as some kind of vessel to help her get the family she longed for.
Two years after the kidnapping, Garrido was thrown back behind bars for parole violation,while in jail for four months, the wanna-be rock musician wrote songs about "getting down and dirty" with a blue-eyed girl---his secret prisoner. Back at the house , Nancy kept 13-year-old Jaycee captive in a 10-by-10 foot shed in the backyard.Some sources describe Nancy as a passive woman controlled by her religious-nut husband. Neighbor Helen Boyer, 78, says Nancy was a "good person" who worked hard out in the yard and also taking care of her wheel-chair bound mother-in-law.Boyer thinks Garrido had her brainwashed. Law-men believe she was a willing participant in Jaycee's torment. Even when Garrido went to to prison on a parole violation, this "SHE-BEAST" didn't do anything to stop the ritual abuse, says Gunderson. She isn't just charged with namby-pamby counts of failure to protect--but much worse crimes that will ensure she'll never see the light of day again if convicted.
My take on this: The whole world knows that Phillip and Nancy Garrido are as guilty as sin...just throw their asses in jail at hard labor . Why go to the trouble of a trial, California is broke and the little money the state can muster is needed for better things.Why should the state show them "MERCY"? They didn't show Jaycee any and countless other victims. Stay tuned: to be continued.
Boy I sure agree with your opinion on this post.Throw away the key.They are equally guilty.
ReplyDeleteShe got a kick out of it.
Thank you..
ReplyDeleteDid you get the comment I left you on yuks and chuckles, I think that's wherer I left it... you will get a kick out of it.
ReplyDeleteNancy wanted kids and didn't care how she got them. She play just as large or maybe bigger part than he did, if she had a heart , she would have turned Jaycee loose when he was in prison the last time, their are a lot of sick people.
ReplyDeleteI checked on the Lisa David thing Why the hell did she drop her suit??
ReplyDeleteLooks like Liza let DC off the hook or hmmmmmm maybe got what she wanted in Texas.
ReplyDeleteNow he is free to roam again, it won't be long before we find out who he has replaced Amina with.
I believe Nancy wanted those babies.They called her Mom and until they were released they thought she was their mother.
ReplyDeleteDavid settled out of court.That is the only explanation.She would not just back down out of the goodness of her heart.
ReplyDeleteHe has given her a lump sum.He always gives them lump sums.
Maybe Liza was what we always said she was, just a homewrecking gold-digger. I hope DC takes care of his kids. Now I really wonder .."is they his?"
ReplyDeleteThey are definitely his.Lisa is a very smart college educated woman.She knows it's very easy to test if they are his or not.
ReplyDeleteYou are right.She is a gold digger.But the babies are here now and they have to be taken care of.
I think that's what he did, she could have got more if he did those things to her, but she said all the same things the others did. Do you think she was Copying them? Tmz just got it, Liza droped the suit 2 weeks ago.
ReplyDeleteI always feel so sorry for the babies in these cases.
ReplyDeleteJaycee and the girls have been taken to Disney World this week.What a culture shock that will be to them after being locked in a backyard all their lives.
I believe a lot of what she said was true. That's why he definitely gave her some money.
ReplyDeleteHe was afraid that she might win the suit and that would give everything she said credibility in the public's eyes
I was thinking about this shit not long ago, DC said Liza looked good on paper.Maybe this is what Liza had in mind all along, Now I'm not sure she loved him, knew he was a fool and took him to the cleaners.
ReplyDeleteYou know DC is not to bright.
Oh he is definitely an emotional batterer and cheat and general asshole.I get the impression that he enjoys abusing and dominating women.Look what he did to Marg.
ReplyDeleteJaycee and her babies have a lot of catching up to do,I am so glad she has a loving family. Her BIO father says if they turn them loose he will kill them.
ReplyDeleteNo one likes to remember what he did to Paris but it was brutal.
ReplyDeleteAnd he cheated on all of them constantly.If there was a law against hurting women he would be in prison now.
What he did to Jaycee was worse than killing her.
ReplyDeleteHer children are apparently healthy, bright and curious and eager to learn so she did a good job with them considering what she has to work with.
Since they have found a human bone fragment among Garrido's junk.They suspect he kidnapped others and murdered them.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if he did.
I hope he finds his match, he always want a woman that don't have anything...but there are women out there that won't sell their soul. What's with him? You can't say it's the raw sex appeal, he don't have it.I think he held out as long as he could with Marg. DC was afraid of losing his condo.
ReplyDeleteAmina better get all she can, I see one foot out the door.
He was sentenced to fifty years for kidnapping before.Why would they let a man like that out after seven years??Of course he's going to do it again.They never tried to treat his problems or rehabilitate him.
ReplyDeleteMarg was a good cover for his cheating.He wasn't faithful to her.
ReplyDeleteShe took far too much abuse before she left.The final insult was getting his current mistress pregnant.
Garrido's first wife [Cheyvonne]says he tried to put her eyes out with a safety pin. It's in the post somewhere.
ReplyDeleteDC told Paris he wanted her gone,he went to N.Y. after Karlyn Koch, the producer of "JADE" brought ring and all, the girl was smart, said no thanks, guess what, she was a blonde.
Garrido's a real prince ain't he?
ReplyDeleteIn his own way,Dave has one or two things in common with him...no conscience,no respect no sensitivity.
Did you forget where Garrido/wife did the crimes, right here in the U.S. no other country would put up with that crap.
ReplyDeleteI don't know what's with DC , but he's not my cup of tea and I don't think he can fuck, have you notice the way he moves?
He walks like an old man with no juice.
ReplyDeleteYou are right , they have a lot in common, they just destroy in different ways, one rapes and kill the body, the other rape and kill women self esteem.
ReplyDeleteThat was well said.
ReplyDelete'The self esteem killer'
DC is only 53, and look and walk like an old man. Abe says he is sick from all the booze , that's why he looks so puffy and swollen sometime. I wonder do he still do drugs.
ReplyDeleteI didn't know he was a druggie but I'm not surprised at all.
ReplyDeleteWhen he made such a bad career move,and became a joke in the industry, he probably wanted to escape from his life.
I liked your post on the fool saying "Obama Lie." Maureeen Dowd know who they think , sometime you can see it in their eyes.
ReplyDeleteThey have been showing pictures of the inside of Gerrido's house.It looks as bad as the back yard,messy,dirty.Those people hoarded every piece of shit they ever had,even the car they kidnapped Jaycee in eighteen years ago.
ReplyDeleteYes he was a druggie...It was on the front page of the NE in 98/99. his picture is in DCR or DCandMe, so much have been moved.
ReplyDeleteWhen Marg came to AA meeting he would be at Molly Malone's listening to an Irish Band, so drunk they would call her there to come get him.
ReplyDeleteI was interested because I have never heard anyone in congress insult a president publicly and to his face before. It sounded like he was treating Obama as an inferior.
ReplyDeleteThat is exactly the way he was treating him..the KKK is alive and well. I like him, he's better that what we had. Never seen a Pres. so widely respected in other countries,and not respected here.The color of his skin has nothing to do with it, it's what in his head. If these southerners would look into their history, they all may have a little brown in them, the old masters loved their dark meat.[giggles] just telling it like I see and know it.
ReplyDeleteI think Dave has had an obsession with porn ever since he boinked that Argentinian porn star.
ReplyDeleteAccording to statistics there are very few African Americans who don't have white blood in them somewhere.Just compare them to a pure African and the difference is startling.
ReplyDeleteI wonder what they did with Garrido's mother,she's in a wheel-chair they say it's her house and it was nice when they moved in with her. All that junk in the yard, how could the neighbore see Nancy working in the yard.
ReplyDeleteI hope the mother is in a home for Alzheimer's patients.She has dementia. and needs professional care.
ReplyDeleteThe front garden of their house was kept quite neat.So the part facing the street didn't attract attention.She probably kept it that way.
It will be hard for Jaycee and the girls to learn how to be neat and clean.
Before Katrina they was a large family living on the bayou, they was blonde, blue-eyes..and black.
ReplyDeleteWe are all human.
I guess being a nurse's aide, Nancy could take care of the old lady and help birth those babies.
ReplyDeleteI wondered how Jaycee came out of that in good health.If there had been complications Jaycee would have died and been buried in that back yard.
If we do what other countries do, not look at the color of the skin,but whats in the heart.
ReplyDeleteYou know DC carried Marg. and the porn star out together, I guess he told her the same as Paris, she's just a friend.
Wonder how long it will take to replace Amina,after Marg. it didn't take to long for him to go looking, Liza just got preggie, but that didn't stop him.
ReplyDeleteI saw a picture of them out together.What an ass ,eh? He was boinking that woman.
ReplyDeleteAnd Marg knew it.You could see that in her face.
I don't think he was faithful to Liza either.He is a serial fucker.He can't help himself.
ReplyDeleteBuried and no one would have been the wiser. I hate the state will have to house/clothes/feed them . They will be living better than our Vets here not counting the homeless.
ReplyDeleteI think Amina turns a blind eye to his cheating.They all knew he did it. As long as she keeps her mouth shut, looks good when he wants her to and does what she is told, he'll let her hang around.That is until he becomes intrigued with someone else.
ReplyDeleteHe's never been faithful to any of them, look what he did to his first wife with Rachel, and got so mad when he heard Rachel was boinking Arnie. Rachel left his old ass, I wonder what all his Exes think now, they should be glad they got out of that shit.
ReplyDeleteThey are all relieved that it's happening to someone else ,not them.
ReplyDeleteI haven't seen Liza/Amina with anything nice on, they look like they shop at Walmart or Kmart.
ReplyDeleteAmina should be afaird of catching something, DC don't like wearing raincoats.
If it was an A-lister actor ,we've heard of it as soon as it happen,But he is not a money drawer. DC is looking for investors for his company, and will be in Vegas in December. He wants to get his film company[GERTA] up and running again,Abe says he asked him how was it going down here.
ReplyDeleteNeither of those girls have any fashion sense and they do look like they shop at Walmart.But I don't think he is very generous.He picks girls who are down on their luck so they don't expect much.And they are an easy fuck.
ReplyDeleteMaybe he is going to ask your husband to invest in his company.I don't think he will though,do you?
ReplyDeleteHave you notice, a lot of actores/actress work together, but you have never seen the same actor work with DC. ..hmmmm I wonder why.
ReplyDeleteNo Gil won't invest , he don't like or respect him, but he may ask because they are family.
ReplyDeleteAbe told DC that Gil's firm was one of the firms that handles the movie/casino business here.
Well I have a really early morning tomorrow.Gotta catch some ZZZ's.It's been fun.Have a good one....J
ReplyDeleteGil is a mama's boy, he loves and respect all ladies, he says that we are God's gift to man and should be treated that way.
ReplyDeleteI was surprise to learn they was related, I didn't know they knew each other until we went to Florida. And he knew I was talking on DCR all time.
ReplyDeleteYou have a good one also....goodnite...CC