After reviewing that evidence , autopsy findings and eyewitness testimony, the experts concluded the music legend was dead for as long as 'FIVE HOURS" before paramedics were called to the scene--and that Murray and a second person moved Jackson's corpse from one bedroom to another. The experts theorize the superstar was laying on his live-in cardiologist's bed when Murray, who could be facing a long stretch in prison, administered a fatal dose of the powerful surgical anesthetic "PROPOFOL. The experts suspect that when the doctor realized his patient was dead , he enlisted the help of another person to carry Jackson's body back to the singer's "OWN" room before staging a phony CPR attempt on the corpse and finally calling the parmedics.
Did Murray try to fool people into thinking that Michael died on the way to the hosiptal in the hope that an autopsy could be avoided ? If so , it didn't work and he eventually had to confess to administering the Propofol. One of Michael's close friends reveals he found out from one of the paramedics that the Gloved one was long dead by the time they arrived. The 911 call was placed at 12:21 pm--and the crew responded within minutes, They say he had lividity, meaning blood had sunk to the back of his body, indicating Michael's heart heart had stopped hours earlier, reveals the pal, Dr.Steven Hoefflin.
Another expert notes that autopsy docs would be able to tell Jackson was moved after he died by disruptions in the pattern of liver mortis, this purplish discoloration marks where blood settles in a lifeless body--provided it was set, which takes between 6/8 hours after death.
Wecht, author of " A Question of Murder", adds that the emergency room staff would relay that information to the coroner's office because those clues would disspate before the autopsy could be performed. Wecht also said the time of death could be established by examining the food left in Jackson's gut to see how far along it was in the digestive process. His body temperature could also be used to determine the time he died, which many suspect is being hidden from investigators.
Further evidence of a cover-up comes from a photo of Murray's bedroom in Jackson's Holmby Hills, California house, say experts. Usually, when someone is given CPR , he/she coughs up sputum, or bloody mucus and vomit, but we don't see any tell-tale stains on either Michael's or Murray's bed. A mysterious phone call placed to a woman in Houston five hours after the paramedics were contacted is also fueling speculation that the truth isn't being told.After that call, the woman and another gal removed items from a storage unit where sources say Murray kept a large number of Propofol vials.
Another legal expert, former Boston prosecutor Wendy Murphy, points out that if Murray tried to cover up the facts, it could backfire big time. If others assisted in any previous resuscitation attempt or cover-up--even if they thought they were being helpful--they are now being considered possible co-conspirators, says Murphy. Prosecutors will squeeze those witnesses until they roll over on Murray.
She also explains why Murray may have waited to make the 911 call. Propofol leaves the body very quickly, and Murray may have tried to flood Jackson's dying body with saline to flush out the drug.That could account for the delay in calling 911.
My take on this: Honesty and truth will always win out in the end. Take a look at the good doctor now. Don't you agree the doctor looks old and haggard ?A few weeks ago he was all smiles , but a closer look at his eyes would have revealed a shiftiness that may have been hiding something. A word to the wise, a person's eyes are the window to their soul. But hey, that's just me...Stay tuned... the saga continues.
Jeannie adds: It doesn't make a lick of sense for that man to wait five hours before he called 911. That simple fact alone would point to his guilt in this matter. He doesn't look stupid. He would know that there are a dozen ways to pinppoint the time of death.So, what was he doing during that time? Hoping it would all go away? Attempting to burn the house down? Trying to think of a way to get rid of the body?
I think, perhaps, all those phone calls were to cover his tracks, eliminate damaging evidence, move a lot of money to Bahamian bank accounts and get someone to help him move the body back to MJ's room so that he could arrange things to look like Michael had died alone in the night(hopefully from something other than Propofol.)
Police should investigate the doctor's financial situation. It is very likely that the doctor was stealing money and God knows what else from his patient. Michael wouldn't notice if he was drugged up a lot of the time.
Here's another scenario: Michael did notice that the Doc was stealing, so the Doc had to eliminate MJ and try to make it look like manslaughter. Then he serves his time (15 years with good behavior) and when he gets out, he's a rich man....Could have happened that way folks.
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