Although he bitterly acknowledges he is widely regarded as an “evil profligate dwarf,” in the appalling documentary, Roman Polanski: Wanted and Desired , the unrepentant Humbert Humbert (76 years old) blithely declares that all men like younger women. Younger than 14 ? The simple fact is a thirteen year old child, even drunk and drugged does not want to get it on with an ugly little pervert.
His victim Samantha Geimer has been vocal a long time now, never denying what transpired in that filthy water, but asserting that Polanski has served his sentence by means of his long exile. Sorry, Geimer, it's not up to you, thank goodness. Are you trying to curry his favour?
Thirty years of living as a millionaire in Europe with a succession of teenage girlfriends is not exactly doing hard time. Michael Jackson was hounded to his death by unfounded accusations of child molestation involving boys the same age as Geimer. So, how evil is he ? does he deserve to be put in prison after all this time ? I believe so. Time doesn't dilute the severity of the crime against the child. Will he do time ? I somehow doubt that very much. There's that celebrity privilege once again. They are people who live on a different plane of existence than we ordinary mortals, and so have different laws.
One would expect him to stand up, like a man, after all these years, and take responsibility for what he has done; stealing the innocence of a child and of course..... Rush Hour 3.
What is this world coming to?
ReplyDeleteDo people think they can get away with everything their heart desire? All they have to do is be "RICH" or say it's a "RELIGIOUS" thing, and all is fine and good. "DUH"
Maybe, Roman was so torned up over the lost of Sharon and his baby he turn to minor girls...Shit rape is rape.What was the girl doing there? Why is she protecting him.
ReplyDeleteRoman is a child molester , no matter how the coins falls, he just have money.
He's a horrible little man who ran away because he was scared of the consequences of what he had done.
ReplyDeleteSo he has stayed in europe for thirty years and has kept on debauching teenaged girls.They seem to have a more liberal attitude about it over there.
The post under this one made me sicker than this one. I always got a weird feeling when I saw Mackenzie Phillips.
ReplyDeleteHow do you feel, any better?
ReplyDeleteI read the post, like you it turned my stomach.I loved my daddy, but not like that., How in hell she could get used to fucking him is beyond me.Booze and drugs make strange bed-fellows..
ReplyDeleteEven high on drugs I couldn't even imagine such a thing.
ReplyDeleteShe always struck me as not quite normal.
ReplyDeleteYes I am better , still feel like there is grains of sand ever so often, doctor says it will go away. Didn't have any problems so far.
ReplyDeleteI guess you make yourself get used to it so you can survive.
ReplyDeleteDon't forget to put your drops in. They make your eye more comfortable.
ReplyDeleteSome things need to kept in the closet,I wouldn't want people to know I fucked my dad, he made me.To write a book about it is just fucking sick.
ReplyDeleteShe has lived in torment all these years.It could be a way of healing and cleansing.
ReplyDeletePersonally I agree with you ,I wouldn't go public,but then I don't live in the public eye.Celebs have a tough skin.
I put my drops in. They help a lot.
ReplyDeleteI know you have to do what you can to survive, But she could have got out.It was a lot different than being kidnapped.
Apparently she loved her dad very much and he took advantage of that.She was a young teen when he raped her.She was traumatized.The one who was supposed to take care of her and protect her betrayed her in the worst way.She tried to drown her pain in drugs from the age of fourteen.I think she didn't want to lose her dad so she tried to please him.
ReplyDeleteShe says she doesn't hate him even now.She thinks he was a tragic tortured man.
ReplyDeleteThere are still a few celebs that lead private lives.
ReplyDeletehave you notice that when one come out there will be some more. I don't feel a bit of sorry for Mackenzie...She was on a hit show, One Day At A time, I think that was the name of it. Isn't her dad dead now? He's not here to speak for himself, so why should I beleive the "POT" head?
She told lots of people over the years even a couple of psychiatrists.Her own sisters believe her.One of them always knew about it.The whole family is fucked up.
ReplyDeleteShe was fired off that show because she showed up to work higher than a kite after a visit from her dad.
I don't know much about her.
ReplyDeleteBut some say the whole famil was nuts. Where was her mom?
When people are that abused they don't have the strength to get themselves out of the situation.Abuse weakens you physically and emotionally.However I have no sympathy for her now.She has written a best seller and will enjoy the money.I have sympathy for the unhappy little girl she was.
ReplyDeleteBe real careful when you go to the hospital .The US has Swine flu breaking out all over the country.
ReplyDeleteI think you are all right at the moment .The symptoms break out in less than forty eight hours.So you would be showing something by now.
ReplyDeleteThe hospital is the worst place you could be right now.
ReplyDeleteOne of the doctors that talked to Jaycee told her to write Garrido a letter...She didn't have to mail it, but it would start her on the road to healing, that I can understand. It would help her a lot just to put it on paper.
ReplyDeleteI got a kick out of Tina's comment about Jaycee ...Now I don't think Oprah will get her, they are playing it close to the hip, proteting her and her girls.
Her dad John Phillips had four wives,her mom was the first wife.Her mom left her in her dad's custody I believe, so she didn't have anbody else. She didn't get along too well with any of her stepmothers.
ReplyDeleteCan you imagine the police allowing Jaycee to go on tv when they are doing their best to keep her hidden.SHe's not even allowed to watch tv so that she won't hear what people are saying about her and Garrido.
ReplyDeleteIt's cooling down a bit up here now.I couldn't stand it if it was hot all year round.I have thicker blood.What would I do with all the fur parkas and fur lined mukluks.
ReplyDeleteI am careful...I got it done at Steen-Hall EYE Institute across from the hosiptal--Willis Knighton.
ReplyDeleteAll are connected. There at five ...home by 10am....
Don't strain that one eye for too long CC. Now you can have a little sympathy for pirates.Their whole world looks cockeyed all the time.Maybe that's why they are so cranky.
ReplyDeleteIt took longer to get me ready than it did to do the operation.
ReplyDeleteDon't think I'll had it done right now with the swine flu on the war path, I would've waited.
I was an In-Out patient, that made it better.
I've been watching our post on DC to see if a comment showed up and I found one today.It looks like the person didn't have a good grasp of English so I don't think it's one of Dodo's loons.
ReplyDeleteYeah, the operation doesn't take too long.If you look in the mirror in the right light you can see your lens. It's glows a little.
ReplyDeleteI'm not going to strain ithis one eye, I will have it done next Monday morning.
ReplyDeleteI can go from my doctor's office to my eye doctor to the hosiptal without going outside, they have a walk across both streets, maybe you can Goggle it.
I had to come on and talk to you a couple of minutes.. after all this is done < I am going to see if I can get the thingy like Keyser. And learn Gifs.
It sounds like a wonderful hospital.I'd like to see a picture.
ReplyDeleteI'm really glad it went okay and you came to chat with me tonight.
I will have to check DC's post out. I don't think it's one of Dodo's loons. I think a lot of her old people is wondering about her, her main thing is Sharon,she haven't mentioned us in a while.
ReplyDeleteOne of her old ones wants to know how she know what Sharon and us are doing if she don't visit. Because no one else cares....HA!!!
I bet she visits Sharon every day like she used to visit us.I don't think she has been here in a while because she would have seen the DC post and commented on her blog.
ReplyDeleteI misseed our chats, something was missing.
ReplyDeleteI had to come ...even if I stayed for a minute.
Did you see the hunk on CSI:M last night, he's playing Eddie.
Not only is he a hunk but he can actually act.What a shot in the arm for the show.Some new blood.Everyone is aging rapidly on that show,although Emily got her eyes done.She is looking better.
ReplyDeleteI will miss Adam.He was the only one I liked, sort of.
ReplyDeleteShe's been here..we won't give her space on a post,when she talk about us no one says anything..she still try to connect Sharon and Heidi's name together. People wants something new. I go there to see what she's talking about, when Nan come back she will go for me.
ReplyDeleteDC looks older and more hunched than ever.He looks better suited to one of these new vampire shows.
ReplyDeleteThere are at least three.What's with that?
I wonder how long it will take to get the Eric/Callie thingy wraped up?
ReplyDeleteIt amazes me that she still brings Heidi's name up whenever she can.
ReplyDeleteI have a booklet with the hosiptal on it there are 4 Willis Knighton's and we have 3 more others.
ReplyDeleteThe Eric Calleigh thing didn't work too well.Maybe if they had steamed it up a little,but all they did was give each other meaningful looks.
ReplyDeleteAt least once a week she brings Heidi name up, that's where I got the address from about Heidi"s sentence being reduced.
ReplyDeleteSweetie she is running scared of Heidi and Sharon .I really don't know what's her problem.
She's scared Heidi will come back and want revenge.
ReplyDeleteShe don't like Sharon because the woman won't conform to Dodo's rules.
She said she know Sharon/Heidi wish she go away and a couple of others also. Hell I don't give a shit about her and her stupid rambling...she don't make my choochie warm or pop.
ReplyDeleteI think they are all a little afraid of Heidi.They know she is capable of finding out where they live.She found out where I lived within two streets.It's actually easy if you really want to find someone.
ReplyDeleteWell to each their own. She should give them space,they are not zombies.
ReplyDeleteNow DC , that's a different story,He would make a good zombie, they wouldn't have to use much white make-up.
DC would be a perfect Zombie.Just remove his makeup and he's ready
ReplyDeleteYes it's easy to find someone,I have a nephew that can find people.
ReplyDeleteDid she tell you she found you? She should have known they would find her when she did the post on the white car in Baja, California.
ReplyDeleteI only remembered today who Patricia Arquette was married to.
ReplyDeleteNicholas Cage.
I hope she's getting the help she needs, I do think they will let her have limited time on the internet. I hope she thinks about her little girl and not DC or that other guy.
ReplyDeleteShe had a map in her stats.It showed your city and if you clicked on your city it would show the streets on or very close to your home.You might still be able to access it on her website.
ReplyDeleteYes she was slipping up all the time giving her actual location.
Nicholas Cage [giggles] He beat the shit out of DC in the movie, now I can't remember the name...You know DC have never been a movie twice with the same actor.
ReplyDeleteThe A-List actors don't act with him.
I can just imagine why other actors don't like him.He must be very irritating.
ReplyDeleteI think you can get it on DC nd Me.
ReplyDeleteWe want the one that shows where you are from, some people have three or four.
Shit , he irratite me for just an hour , all the posing and posturing, it's just nerve racking.
ReplyDeleteI was hoping to reach 50,000 by our anniversary but I don't think we will.We have slowed down considerably.
ReplyDeleteI am going to put some eye wash in now..
ReplyDeleteI sure had a good time tomight.
But I will be back tomorrow, hope I can find something to post about, but if not I will be here to chat.
A lot here tells me ..we have got good but no naughty stuff lately, just nice not naughty. You haven't had much help lately, but I will be back in full force.
ReplyDeleteWell CC give your poor eye a break.I have one more post to do on the drug they are giving pre-teens to prevent cervical cancer.
ReplyDeleteAnd Sarah Palin just published her memoir.I have to check it out.
Maybe I should try to write a naughty post...It may not make to much sense, but it will be naughty,
ReplyDeleteMaybe I can give the Preacher wife another whroil,
ReplyDeleteOkay I will see you tomorrow.
Go for it.It will be fun.Well have a good night.I hope your eye is back to normal by tomorrow.Night...J