By Jamie Malanowski
You never can tell what a summer will be remembered for. The summer of 1975 got Jaws, the summer of 1916 got the Somme. One summer gets a hummable ditty that will be played on the radio until the end of time, and another summer gets Hurricane Katrina. With about four weeks left, the summer of 2009 has its identity: it is the summer of the penis joke.
Of course, penis jokes have been around a long time and in recent years become increasingly prevalent. But this summer, with the new films Funny People, The Hangover, Bruno (as promoted in Berlin by Sacha Baron Cohen, above) and who knows what else I've missed, and with the new HBO series Hung, about a middle-aged man who starts a career as a gigolo, penis jokes have reached critical mass. Now comes a report that MTV is working on a series called Hard Times, a story about an unpopular 15-year-old whose anatomical gift is revealed in front of the whole school.
I don't get it. I mean, I do get that all humor is inherently anti-authoritarian, that it has the effect of elevating the teller and reducing the person who is the butt of the joke. And I do get that anatomical humor does that especially effectively, since no matter if a person a pope, a president or a pasha, he or she inevitably is subject to the requirements of anatomy. And for some people, these jokes are the gold standard, the never-fail punch line that always elicits a laugh. "There are no limits to the amount of time a comedian will talk about his penis," said Jud Apatow, the writer and director of Funny People on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, "because the jokes are endlessly funny."
The 40 Year Old Virgin, Knocked Up, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, and other penis joke-laden hits have earned a bazillion dollars. Much of the humor that is generated by invoking the penis is based on the shock or surprise of its unexpected appearance. But that wears off, and the result is not a joke but simply an intruding penis, which is not exactly funny. Lots of penis-laden phenomena can be funny: lust, desire, anxiety, propriety, dignity, ego - all these things can be quite funny when entangled with sex. But saying that some character has a small penis is just exhibitionism. Saying it becomes a badge that says 'I'm a comedian' or 'This is a comedy'. There was a time that the ability to elicit laughter was the badge that identified a comedy or a comedian. Now it's just sort of a coincidental by-product.
Of course, penis jokes aren't always unfunny. In the very funny, very profane political satire In the Loop, for example, the frequent obscenities are hilarious - creative, original, shocking, mean, and always, always indicative of character. In Funny People, though, the penis jokes don’t really go anywhere. And it's weird - Funny People is an interesting, intelligent, sensitive, thoughtful film about aging, mortality, ambition, and love, set among a group of people who tell lots of penis jokes - to no apparent humorous benefit.
As anyone who has seen the documentary The Aristocrats know, comedians happily compete to outdo one another with their coarseness. Audiences aren't shocked any more. And because there is no transgression, they're not very amused. Indeed, if one can rely on the tepid box office that Funny People has so far received, audiences might in fact be bored. Of course, the danger is that Hollywood may conclude, not that it has given audiences too many penis jokes, but that they haven't been given enough.
I guess penises are funnier than vaginas.Who knew??
ReplyDeletePenises are for fun and vaginas are for procreating and ensuring the survival of the race.
Maybe penises are just funnier looking
They'd be a lot funnier looking growing out of the middle of the guys' foreheads.
ReplyDeleteGirl, you are a riot and a very tough act to follow.
ReplyDeleteI agree penis are for fun,and when we finished with them they just a wet noodle that can't hold it's head up.
I want all the guys to know vaginas can do something the penis can't do.
The vagina will smile at you and lick it's tongue out,even when the penis didn't make it happy.
If you don't believe me, next time just take a look before you just on board.
How are you ? Still have nice weather?
ReplyDeleteWeather is good.Maybe it would look funnier growing out of their chin.
ReplyDeleteAlso more practical.If it was on the forehead it would keep getting in their eyes or it would become erect and keep knocking their hats off.
ReplyDeleteMissed you last night, when I got home yesterday evening, laid down to catch a few winks, when I woke up it was to late , after 11: pm my time.
ReplyDeleteHope you had a good day.
Your posts are great and entertaining, maybe I will find something soon.If I don't I will just enjoy yours, hope you don't mind.
[giggles] If it was on their chins, they would see the vaginas smile at them.
ReplyDeleteI won't be up too late .The construction crew will be starting early with hammers and drills.
ReplyDeleteI know what you mean. I know they will do you a good job.
ReplyDeleteObama made a pretty good speech tonight.Formidable speaker.
ReplyDeleteI know now how our comments gets posted twice, I just deleted one of mine that was posted twice, I click the publish comment 2 times. now we know.
ReplyDeleteThe fuss over the school speech was ridiculous.
ReplyDeleteI think Obama is on the right track, did you notice the fool that spoke from Louisiana, they don't want to work with him, they all was against him from the beginning.
ReplyDeleteNow the whole world know how stupid we are.
ReplyDeleteMost people had their heads up Bush ass so far, if he sat down he would have broke their necks.
I am willing to give Obama a chance, Lord knows we haven't had one in the last 8 years.
They'll have to work with him sooner or later.Why can't they be gentlemen about it.
ReplyDeleteHe's doing some good stuff.Although he's driving your deficit up astronomically.
ReplyDeleteObama is for the kids, he know they are our future. What could he say so wrong on national TV? Give him a chance and we all will see. Obama has come a long way in less than a year.
ReplyDeleteIf we have another attack, I don't believe Obama will run and tuck his tail.
They have found several woolly mammoths in the far north of Canada and in Siberia frozen into the perma-frost.The DNA is still good in parts of them.They have been injecting the DNA from animals dead 300,000 years into elephant eggs in an attempt to clone the wooly mammoth.I haven't heard of any results yet.
ReplyDeleteMR Obama is a strong man. He exudes confidence and calm. People seem to pick up on that from him and they calm down too.
ReplyDeleteYes he is running up our deficit a lot. I call that robbing Peter to pay Paul. We shouldn't be in this whole, and the fools is to dumb to see it.
ReplyDeleteObama's party should back him, they rule the Senate/House/Congress. They know what Bush got us into, mostly, the whole world when we went to war, and he never did find the cave man.
There is also an article in the news by Jennifer Anniston.She is giving relationship advice....Huh!
ReplyDeleteMaybe she could tell people 'what not to do.'
Maybemankind can be saved after all, but listen up, if they don't get a find a way to control the climate chane, what are we going to do with them?
ReplyDeleteI think the cave man will just die in his cave.He's very sick.
ReplyDeleteJen needs to shut up,she just lost Bradley Cooper to her friend.
ReplyDeleteAngie is telling Brad to go to rehab or get.
People aren't trying to help with the climate change. No one's giving up their car or turning off their air conditioning.So what the scientists have to do is come up with an artificial or engineered way to stop it.
ReplyDeleteBush was the cause of a lot of people losing their kids, but he will pay dearly.
ReplyDeleteThe cave man have diabetes and a lot of other stuffis wrong with him.
Brad doesn't need rehab. He just needs Angie to shut up,stop making unreasonable demands and give him some space.
ReplyDeleteWe are in a sad state , and we have no one to blame but ourselves.
ReplyDeleteBin Ladin's kidneys have failed completely.He is living on a dialysis machine.That's gotta leave a trail in the sand.
ReplyDeleteIf it wasn't for the kids I think Brad and Jen would get back together, I think they still love each other.
ReplyDeleteHow do you know this??
ReplyDeleteWe have three colleges here, I am going to look into taking a writing course.
ReplyDeleteWhat, know about Brad and Jen?
ReplyDeletewhat makes you think B&J will get back together?
ReplyDeleteI just feel it, Angie whet after Brad because he was good for her career and a hunk and she knew she would look good on his arms.
ReplyDeleteBut to keep him she got those kids, and to make sure he was a keeper, she had the twins.It was fun in the beginning, but Jen gave him some space.
All Brad's friends is worried about his drinking .
ReplyDeleteJen is not happy ,the men keep leaving, she is a very pretty girl, when Brad is down, he calls Jen, Angie wanted to marry when she was pregnant with the twins, didn't happen.
Brad/Jen may not get back together, but Angie will lose him.
Makes sense.They were a nice couple
ReplyDeleteNo news about Jaycee anywhere.
ReplyDeleteWell I agree that Brad and Angie won't last.Too volatile, not a healthy environment for kids.
ReplyDeleteThey had too mnay kids too soon.That's not fair on the kids.Each child should have a turn at being the baby for a time.
Angie better watch her step she going to lose him. The only thing you hear about Brad is his drinking and pot smoking, never about other women, that's why I was surprised when they got together when they was filming Mr.& Mrs. Smith.
ReplyDeleteI have heard nothing about Jaycee,except someone quoted her aunt Gina as saying she was happy and remembered all her family and the girls was very pretty.
ReplyDeleteThey are letting Jaycee heal. The man's wife said she missed Jaycee and the girls. That fool woman looks nuts.
ReplyDeleteI imagine they are going to a lot of trouble to protect those three girls from the public eye.
ReplyDeleteThey won't be able to escape the stigma of their father and their life in captivity.They would be better off in the witness protection program.
ReplyDeleteSweetie it is 12:00 your time and you need to get a little rest before all the hammering and drilling in the morning.
ReplyDeleteI better close now and finish my post.With all the hammering and the dog barking his head off at the carpenters ,there is no way to sleep longer in the morning....goodnight...J
ReplyDeleteThat might be the reason we haven't heard anything,it's nice to kown they are not trying to make money off her, nothing in the mags.
ReplyDeleteThat might be the reason we haven't heard anything,it's nice to kown they are not trying to make money off her, nothing in the mags.