When I seen this picture it brought back a lot of memories. I think I've told you what a large family I have...and yes they all is just as horny as I am, I do believe as they get older, they gets more horny are talk about it more, not for sure, but one thing I'm sure of is every get together, you will see husband and wife sneaking out.
My daddy always drove a truck with a camper . Do I have to tell you why? Well I will, , he started this horny batch of kids, I am the last of the nine kids, so you see I had a lot of teachers, which they didn't know it then, boy it was fun.
This is about my third sister..she's the fifth born, and married to a preacher no less.[giggles] Well lets get to the good stuff. It was fall and the weather was nice, my co-conspirator in crime and I was bored out of our skulls. Then it happen, Nan shouted Nee come quickly, aunt Em just went out the door , shit out the door we went...uh huh..I am getting ahead of myself again, I forgot to mention he wasn't yet a preacher. Em and Dan sneaked into the back of the truck and we knew it was going to be on, the truck started moving and we sneaked to the little window, They were both naked as jay-birds and at that time Dan was as skinny as a rail, but boy did he have a pole hung on him. Dan got up and looked at Em's choochie and Em got on top and boy the fun begain.Em started jumping and bucking like she was riding a horse, Dan was groaning and moaning like he was in pain, Em was saying oh yes, oh yes...I asked Nan what was the matter with them , Nan was wiser because she was a year older...Nan told me we better go get someone because Dan had got his nuts hung up in Em like old Spot do in the female dogs and they won't come out till his dangle go down. I told Nan I was going to get daddy, she said no, get Chris, he will know what to do...so off we go, told Chris Dan was hurting Em , he told daddy, boy daddy got his shoot-gun and said nobody was going to hurt his girls. Daddy banged on the truck and said bring your ass out with your hands-up.[giggles] Em/Dan crawled out buck ass naked, daddy said what the hell is going on...Dan said nothing Mr. Touisaint, Em and I was just playing some strip-poker, they had forgot about us, until I said Dan you sure have a big long poker, you made my sister cry.
Daddy must have scared shit out of Dan and put the fear of God into him, because he started preaching shortly afterwards.
My take on this: Be careful where you fuck , little people have big ears and eyes. My Pic says the more I write the better I will get, so plase bear with me, I have a lot more horny stories to tell, some are even about me and my man. Stay tuned: more to come.Oh yes I think we all have did the nasty in one of daddy's camper trunks at one time.
You have been threatening to write this story for a year and a half.I have always wondered what happened to those two.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes I think you are correct...That is why he became a preacher.
Did you make any sense out ot it?
ReplyDeleteThose old farts still sneak off.
ReplyDeleteEmily is going to beat my musty butt. Susan always like to do the nasty with the lights off.
I like the lights on, so I can see how ugly they get when they are getting their's their groove off.[giggles]
I understood it.I can picture your dad pounding on the camper with a shotgun in his hand.It's a wonder that poor kid didn't piss himself.
ReplyDeleteThey were married and had one kid at the time.
ReplyDeleteNo matter,it sounds like your dad was in a hurting mood.
ReplyDeleteDan was always a little shy around daddy, he was a big tall man.We didn't know what to do, all the yelling. we thought they was hung up.
ReplyDeleteDid you check dan for ticks??
ReplyDeleteDaddy just laugh and told Chris he bet he scared them shitless, they know better. They would put us to bed and we would sneak out to watch.
ReplyDeleteNo we didn't check Dan for ticks,I wonder if we had kept quiet, would we have seem Em with a mouth full.
ReplyDeleteBut she was making so much fuss, we thought she was hurting.
Like a boy dog get hung up in a female dog and she starts yipping.
You and Nan were naughty litle nippers, nosey too.
ReplyDeleteDo you think the man down under us will let me pat his puppy?[giggles]
ReplyDeleteDogs are made that way .The male's penis swells so he can't withdraw for several minutes to make sure the sperm stays in and gets to the right place.
ReplyDeleteNan and I are not to slow now, they have learn to hide better.We could never catch Nan's two brothers,they was hip to us or Chris told them to be careful, we would tell.
ReplyDeleteI didn't know that.
ReplyDeleteI going to pat the puppuy one post down, that fool is weak in the knees.
ReplyDeleteOur weather have cool down some real nice. but we are expecting thunder storms before morning.
ReplyDeletePretty soon you will need your "furs" . It never get cold enough here to wear fur. Wish it would sometime.
Guys like that always want you to pet their puppies.
ReplyDeleteIn grade seven my friend and I had a crush on a sixteen year old who had blonde hair and sky blue eyes who lived in our neighborhood.He went to highschool.We thought he was very mature. He used to smile at us.
One day we went tobogganing down a big hill at the golf course with about fiteen other kids.My friend and I left a bit earlier than the others and as we were gathering our stuff to leave we noticed this guy standing among some bushes watching the kids and masturbating.
We were both horrified and disgusted and felt betrayed by our hero,but at the same time we were fascinated and for just one minute we watched him. And then we ran like hell.I felt sick and a little guilty but kids are fascinated by things like that.
I was too young to realize that he was a prospective pedophile.
I can hardly wait to read your post about mothers getting their daughters tested early, it has been in the news about early screening, I think that is a great idea, a lot of working people don't get to see the news are read the paper, but they do a lot of blogging. I was told they learn a lot of things from blogging and don't have to read a whole book, and they like ours because you put it in plain english so the layman can understand.
ReplyDeleteI wonder do the storms ever end in your part of the world.
ReplyDeleteIt's a little cooler up here now but still nice.Autmn weather and the leaves are turning beautiful colors.It's quite a sight.
I see big flocks of Canada geese leaving. They make a lot of noise.It's a little sad that the summer ended.But our Thanksgiving is next week and then we go apple scrumping and go to the maple syrup farms.
ReplyDeleteI sometime feel a little guilty, ohhhhhhh for just a minute or two.
ReplyDeleteI have never seen any one masturbating.
I am glad you and your friend ran, there are a lot of weird people, they wildo anything.
I can't remember this much rain,it's kinda strange , but if you think about it , all the ice is melting and the water has to go some place.
ReplyDeleteWe have our thanksgivig the last of Thursday in Nov.
We have a season for hurricanes and tornadoes.
That's when I realized people you idolize can let you down.That's one of the hard life lessons that kids have to learn.
ReplyDeleteWhat is apple scrumping?
ReplyDeleteHave there been any floods in your state?
ReplyDeleteI just looked it up. There are floods in Indiana, Iowa and Missouri but not in LA.
ReplyDeleteDo you hang a bucket on the tree and let the juice drop in?
ReplyDeleteThe apples get ripe in October and we go out to the orchards and pick our own.Scrumping is stopping by the side of the road,next to an orchard and stealing a few apples.Or, picking wild apples.
ReplyDeleteNo floods we are the lucky ones, the Red River rises , we are on high land.
ReplyDeleteThere are big maple syrup farms where they bang a metal tube into the tree and hang a bucket on it.Then they boil the sap down and bottle the syrup right there.When its that fresh it's delicious and so is the candy.I used to love the fudge but I can't eat it now.The farmers let the visitors help.You can collect the buckets and help make taffy,things like that.kids love going there.
ReplyDeleteI bet thats a lot of fun.
ReplyDeleteThe river flows between Shreveport and Bossier City,they are called twin cities. We are almost like 2 states, a north and a south, I'm in the north, about 50 miles from texas and 50 miles from ark. and okla.Clinton's home ..Hope ark. is just a hop skip and jump
I bet that's great fun for young and old alike.
ReplyDeleteThat's interesting.Do you visit Texas and Arkansas very often.
ReplyDeleteI always wanted to see Texas.I have been a lot of places in the US but never got to Texas.
ReplyDeleteYes I visit often, I like to go to the spa and diamond fields in Ark, I visit six flags in texas but only once this year. Didn't go to Okla. this year to visit. Gore has a pilot office in Little Rock.One of the ladies was there 2/3 weeks ago.
ReplyDeleteThe cancer serum caused one little girl to die in England.She took a bad reaction to it.Some of the other girls got sick and a little dizzy.They are looking in to it.It may be the brand they were using or just a bad batch. They don't want a panic and people to stop getting the girls innoculated.
ReplyDeleteTexas is a pretty country, we have interstates that you can just zip along from place to place, some parts is just like the rest.
ReplyDeleteI hope it was just a bad batch, or maybe the girl was allergic to something in the serum, and the parents didn't know.A lady I know, kid was allegric to nuts and had a bad reaction in the hosiptal, she didn't tell them the kid couldn't have penuts and gave her some peanut butter cake.I didn't know I was a bleeder until I had my legs fixed.
ReplyDeleteThe diamond fields sound fascinating.
ReplyDeleteI think the batch was a little off and the girl was allergic to some ingredient in the serum. They have to figure out a test of some kind to determine if someone is allergic.
ReplyDeleteI told you your blood was too thin.
ReplyDeleteIt so happens that I'm a bleeder too.My blood doesn't coagulate too well.
I want to go to the diamond feilds before the weather turn cold. You pay to get in $5/10 I think and you keep all you find.Now the parts of Texas I like to visit is a long way off. Houston ..and El Paso , my mama home. Well that's where she met daddy, she was born in Tulsa, Okla.
ReplyDeleteDo you think I could make it here with thick blood?[giggles]
ReplyDeleteYes I'd like to visit Houston and El Paso. We'll travel again in a year or two when my husband gets tired of working.
ReplyDeleteAll these people before me got all the good stuff, But I'm still a force to be reckon with, I give all of them hell.
ReplyDeleteYou wouldn 't be able to survive the heat with thick blood.But you,d feel right at home up here.
ReplyDeleteThat will be a nice trip, I hope he gets tried soon, but I think working is in their blood.
ReplyDeleteHouston is a big raggley city, much worse since all the Katrinia people is there and crime is up.
El Paso is laid back with easy living, I was there about 2 years ago.
I wonder how many Katrina people are still there.
ReplyDeleteYour government has not responded well to Katrina if there are people still displaced.
ReplyDeleteI have some brochures of Canada up around the Great Lakes, beautiful country.
ReplyDeleteHarry Koenig is singing on Letterman .I like Harry.He is a good little actor too.
ReplyDeleteRemember that movie where he wa a serial killer?Sigourney Weaver was in it too.Harry was an excellent bad guy.
We still have people here. It was mostly the low part of N.O. No one down there care what happen to the poor.
ReplyDeleteIf it wasn't for people like Brad Pitt and others, it would still be a mess. The houses is the same as when Katrina hit.
Shit a lot of law-makers is putting the money in their pockets or like congress Jefferson , in his freezer.
Craig is on.He got a big snake tatoo on his arm acouple of days ago.And he was sober at the time.
ReplyDeleteYeah,Jefferson is quite a character.
ReplyDeleteYes I do, I like Harry..I am going to get a small TV for in here, I know I will have hell, but I have fun making up.
ReplyDeleteYeah,I saw a recent film clip of the area most devastated.It's still in the same condition.Your state should have cleaned that up and replaced it with cheap gov't assisted housing for people long ago.It's been at least five years.
ReplyDeleteI sometime wonder do we have an honest politician here. Maybe it would be good to get Stormy Davies the porn star in office, we all know her and what she's about.All she will do is give up a little nookie.
ReplyDeleteWhy do Craig want a snake?
I have a litle flat screen on a shelf above my computer.I have it on in the evenings.I had to buy another one. A certain guy stole my other one and put it on his boat.
ReplyDeleteHe gets lots of tatoos on his body.He likes them.He started when he was a drunk.He was stoned for about fifteen years.
ReplyDeleteFema brought all those trailers, they are still sitting somewhere, they wasn't fit for people to live in. Don't know where the money is, I guess in their pockets, the builders here have built about 150 houses so far from donations.They have to many chiefs and not enough little indians.
ReplyDeleteThat guy is saving his money..let you buy one.
ReplyDeleteCraig don't look that bad, I am glad he wasn't drinking with you know who.
You didn't mine that guy getting your TV.
He used to be a writer on a lot of funny shows.Dave Letterman was impressed with him and gave him his own show.
ReplyDeleteHe just wrote a book,a memoir of his life.It's a best seller right now (American On Purpose)
Oh where did the time go when you are having fun.
ReplyDeleteI have to be up early, so I am going to sing off now until next time. It was fun as usual and I enjoyed every minute.
So I will say good nite...CC
I will get it , I know I will enjoy . He is such a funny guy.
ReplyDeleteGoodnight CC.