For the 13th and probably the last time, the killer. who has fatal brain cancer, was turned down in her bid to be freed so she can die at home.Weakened by treatment and wearing a knit cap,Atkins, 61, dozed on a hosiptal bed through most of her September 2 parole hearing at the central California Women's Facility in Chowchilla. As a result of her medical problems, one of Atkins legs has been amputated and the other is paralyzed. As sad as Atkins looks today, it pales against the crime sence photos, blasts L.A. County Deputy District Attorney Patrick Sequeira, who opposed the monster's release at the hearing.
Tate's sister Debra and Margaret DiMaria, whose brother Jay Sebring was killed with the actress, also opposed parole--and the board returned a unanimous 12-0 vote against turning the murderer loose. The question of no mercy has dogged the ruthless butcher for 40 years.
On August 8, 1969, an eight-and-a-half-months-pregnant Tate,26, begged knife-wielding Atkins to spare her life and that of her unborn baby, "I told her I didn't have mercy for her" the fiend admitted to parole officials in 1993.
After stabbing director Roman Polanski's wife to death, Atkins tasted her blood and used it to write "PIG" on the front door of the Benedict Canyon home where Manson's followers savagely murdered five people. Atkins was slapped with a life sentence for Tate's death and now it's very likely the only way she will leave is in a pine box.
My take on this: Show no mercy or pity, you will get none in return. Why should the parole board feel sorry for Susan Atkins? She taken two lives, one had just begun and the other hadn't began. The state of California should put all of Manson's followers to death, the state should have formed a line with Manson leading the pack. Everyone knew they was guilty as sin. We have a saying down here, you sleep with the devil, you wake up in "HELL". But hey, that's just me.
Are you watching CSI:M they are doing flashbacks 12 years back?
ReplyDeleteI am watching CSIM. Has he has work done???
ReplyDeleteEric dies tonight if I'm not mistaken.
ReplyDeleteI missed the first part of the show, So I'm a bit lost.
ReplyDeleteOn second thought, I don't think he's had work done, just added another layer of makeup.
ReplyDeleteThink so
ReplyDeleteHis acting is a bit perkier though.He's putting a little more energy into it for a change.
ReplyDeletePancake make-up will do it for him. He still look like shit.
ReplyDeleteHey, Alex is back for a guest appearance.
ReplyDeleteI think Eric die tonight, This is DC's best work.Hair a little longer.
ReplyDeleteOkay, he looks like shit with makeup on.But he is trying to act younger.He's even doing a little forensic stuff with his hands.I bet he had a few tantrums over that.
ReplyDeleteThey seem to have fluffed his hair up to look thicker.I enjoy dissing this show.
ReplyDeleteThat should give them a boost. If Eric die, that leaves DC and Callie,the rest came later.
ReplyDeleteOh yes, we are on the same page.
ReplyDeleteWe don't have to dissed this show, they do a damn good job all by themselves.
I found out,on that show, they use wig tape to pull back wrinkles and hide it under the hair.I wonder if they do it on DC.
ReplyDeleteEveryone on the show is supposed to look perfect as opposed to the Las Vegas crew who look a bit rough.
DC is doing a good crying scene with Eric.
ReplyDeletethe fool is crying...he didn't cry for his brother or wife.
ReplyDeleteI thought he was going to kiss Eric. He showed more emotion than he did for Marisol.(sp?)
ReplyDeleteWho writes this shit? If they last the 10 years, it will be a surprise.
ReplyDeleteWho is the new forensic guy?He's cute.
ReplyDeleteDC's put on a little weight and they have more eye make-up on him.
ReplyDeleteThe Vegas group look more real,they looh like everyday working people ,not going to a fashion show.
ReplyDeleteWonder how much tape they used on DC?
CAllie definitely looks younger.Maybe she had work done.She had some done three years ago.
ReplyDeleteIs that why his eyes is more beady and he looks like a fish-eyed fool?
ReplyDeleteDo you remember he hardly showed he even cared when his brother died?He didn't bat an eye.
ReplyDeleteBoaVista works for the FBI now not Horatio.
ReplyDeleteThe new guy is name Eddie Cibrian, he is a homicide detective. Had to go find my TV guide to find his name, he's a hunk.
ReplyDeleteOH,I guess that was a flashback.I'm getting confused.
ReplyDeleteAD know no one is believing this crap. Dc looks like a zombie with all the make-up.
ReplyDeleteHe doesn't wear a tie after that.He looks much better in a grey suit.
ReplyDeleteCorny,hokey shtick with the sunglasses.
He didn't care about his bother, he wanted to fuck his wife. He needs to stop whispering.
ReplyDeleteHe didn't die WTF.I thought he was leaving the show.
ReplyDeleteHe's trying to perfect Clint Eastwood's menacing mumble.
ReplyDeleteWEll all I can say is I liked Eddie Cibrian.
ReplyDeleteYou may not be getting confused,the story just don't make sense,to many people at once and a bad story line. I believe I can do better.
ReplyDeleteAww shit, Eastwood he's not.
ReplyDeleteit's to be continued.
You're right about the beady fish eyes.
ReplyDeleteThey just announced the Swine flu has not become a stronger more dangerous virus.The bad news is, in your country,children under ten will have to have two flu shots 21 days apart.
I hope the next one is a little better. And a lot more Eddie.
ReplyDeleteOne thing about you CC, you know a good plot when you see it and a bad plot.Quality is quality.I agree,bad story line.
ReplyDeleteIn the new Enquirer there is a picture of Jaycee as an adult.Garrido put her picture on his business card.She looks like a movie star.
Yes , mine will get their's as soon as they are available, a lot of parents say they are not getting their kids any, a bunch of fools.
ReplyDeleteIf I can find a clear copy on the internet I will put it on the blog.
ReplyDeleteI found some pictures of the inside of Garrido's house.What a dump.Worse than the back yard.And yet, Garrido is apparently a germaphobe.He washes his hands after shaking hands with someone.
Total fruit cake.
I Hvae that picture and she is beautiful and a natural blonde.
ReplyDeleteI hope you can find one of Jaycee.
ReplyDeleteI bet her girls is beautiful. there's a photo of Garrido and Nancy when they was younger.
She looks very healthy.Apparently, so do the kids.They must have been well fed at the very least.I guess they would not have caught childhood diseases. Being secluded as they were, they were not exposed to viruses or bacteria.Except,maybe from the squalor in which they lived. It's a miracle they didn't have rats.
ReplyDeleteI think the kids had head lice though,according to what police found.All those animals running free in that mess
ReplyDeleteOne story I read says the house was neat and tidy when Garrido and Nancy moved in. I can believe anything about those crazies.
ReplyDeleteHey, I didn't know Obama was on Letterman tonight.I would have made a point of seeing it.I'll catch it later tonight.I missed a lot of good tv tonight,I was so busy.I wanted to see Dancing With the Stars.I love the host Tom Bergeron.
ReplyDeleteAll I can think off is a higher power was looking after mom/kids.
ReplyDeletejaycee home-schooled them the best she could. Maybe the rats ran away,Jaycee had cats and other animals.
Letterman come on here after the news,the news will be going off shortly.
ReplyDeleteApparently Dave asked him if people were against his health plan because he was a black man.
ReplyDeleteObama said, "no",I was actually a blck man before they elected me."
Dave asked,"So how long have you been a black man?"
How's your weather? Weatherman says thunder storms coming through by 11/11:30 tonight.
ReplyDeleteSmart girl.Of course they didn't get rats.They had five cats.
ReplyDeleteI heard there was bad flooding in some of the southern states.I hope it doesn't come your way.
ReplyDeleteOur weather is warm and sunny with the occaisonal quick shower.It's the summer weather we waited so long for.Gorgeous.
Obama know the reason they are against him is because he's black,they didn't get McCain because of Palin.
ReplyDeleteLetterman is just coming on here.
ReplyDeleteIt will flood in the low lying areas, the river was at flood stage recently, it good the casino boats raise with the water.
ReplyDeleteI've just got it on here too.
ReplyDeleteObama has to realize he can't please everyone,he should do like Bush, just say fuck you, I'm doing it my way.
ReplyDeleteYou saw Bush how he acted with the Press when he finished, thats what he seems to be thinking, with his nose turned up in the air.
he's funny
ReplyDeleteBoy . I love this guy, he's a people's Pres. We have never had one like this one.Canada /England and most all other countries love him.
ReplyDeleteDave is asking boring questions."Get to the good stuff Dave."
ReplyDeleteyes he is funny,he can laugh at himself.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad he has a sense of humor.Mr Bush seemed sadly lacking in that department.
ReplyDeleteThe lady gave him the heart-shaped spud.
ReplyDeleteHow could you tell? Bush seemed drunk to me all the time.He slured his words a lot of time.
ReplyDeleteYou have to give Bush credit...he sure care duck a shoe.hahahaa
ReplyDeleteDidn't Bush used to be a drunk?
ReplyDeleteYou know what they say,Once a drunk,always a drunk.
At least he had good reflexes.
ReplyDeleteI wonder what Bush thinks of the new guy.
ReplyDeleteObama talks a good game, I believe it will work if they help him.
ReplyDeleteI tell you we are going to have to get pass this color thing.
Now we are getting to the nitty gritty
ReplyDeleteBush was glad tio get his ass out off there, he don't like Obama.
ReplyDeleteBush dad wanted his son Jrd to be Pres. Bush wanted to out do Jed .You know Bush fucked up Texas.
Jed was governor of Fla. that's how Bush got elected the first time. They play dirty in this country.
ReplyDeleteWhat he saying now is so true about health-care.
Would Jed Bush have been a better president than his brother??
ReplyDeleteI heard your system was good, a lot of people cross the line to but meds in your country.
ReplyDeleteI don't think he would have heen better, that's what the old man wanted, I think the old mn knew Bush was going to mess up. Everyone says the Vice Pres. ran the country.
ReplyDeleteWell, what do you think so far?
ReplyDeleteI think the guy makes sense.
We have a good health care system.We're all covered for all health care needs, no matter how much care or surgery that means.It's a nice secure feeling.You feel like your country is taking care of you.
I have apost on Vivica in drafts, look it over and post it for me please.
ReplyDeleteOkay,will do.
ReplyDeleteNo I don't think my country is taking care of us, a lot of people I'm worked with lost their health-care for them/kids. The cost is to high. I like yours better.
ReplyDeleteWe belong to Humana, But we still have to use HMO.
ReplyDeleteDid you loan out our Louisiana yard dog? hahahah
ReplyDeleteI like him also.
ReplyDeleteI like our system.Rich or poor, everyone is completely covered.They don't make exceptions or drop you if you get sick.We don't get scared when we get sick.I think that is so unfair to take advantage of people who are ill.
ReplyDeleteIt's just that your insurance companies need a few hard and fast rules so people are protected.
ReplyDeleteWe don't take care of our Vets,they get very poor health-care, so you know what happens to the homeless and low income, which is most everyone now.
ReplyDeleteMy LA yard dog is still there.I don't know what happened to yours.
ReplyDeleteYou are so right about the insurance companies. They need a swift kick in the ass. From 1 to 10 I will raye us A one and a half.
ReplyDeletecraig got old DC down pat.
Craig Ferguson made a joke about shower heads being full of bacteria.He got that from the news.It's true.They are saying shower-heads contain colonies of dangerous bacteria.Who knew?
ReplyDeleteHe is making jokes about DC now.
Everyone makes fun of CSI:M
ReplyDeleteI don't want to keep you up if you have to take the girls to school in the morning.It was a lot of fun.
ReplyDeleteThanks...Take care...stay dry..J
My gator is still there. when Craig came on he had a pupppet gator talking.hahahaa
ReplyDeleteSee you tomorrow , had fun ...later nite...CC
ReplyDeleteP.S.I didn't see the opening of Craig's show so I didn't get it.DUHH