In an effort to save his hide, Murray made a YouTube video thanking his supporters ,but it remains to be seen if it will keep him out of jail. Court documents show that on the last night of Jackson's life , the chronic insomiac begged Murray for a dose of "milk", what he called Propofol, so he could get to sleep. The doctor says he resisted and instead gave Jackson three different sedatives five times over the course of six hours, when the star still failed to fall asleep , Murray says he finally relented at 10:40 am and added Propofol to Jackson's IV drip. The L.A. County coroner's office found that dose along with the other drugs, cause a heart attack that killed Jackson in his rented Holmby Hills, California home on June 25th.
The case has been branded a homicide, and LAPD detectives and federal agents are targeting Murry, who billed Jackson $150,000 a month for his services. Sources reveal charges are imminent--and they add that murray will try to weasel out of the responsibility by insisting he had no choice but to give Jackson the drugs he demanded. Dr Friedberg, a Propofol expert who wrote a book about the drug expects scandal-plaged Murray to claim Jackson blackmailed him or that he feared for his life if he denied the anguished music icon desperate requests. Murray may claim he was blackmail by Michael, who knew of his bankruptcy , chilsd support issuses and money problems, and his attorney is likely to drag Michael through the mud, suggesting that Murray's life would have been in danger if he didn't do Michael's bidding. After all Michael had several burly bodyguards and high powered connections.As was previously reported, there's powerful evidence that Murray not only tried to cover up what really happen on that fateful day,but also had an accomplice. Further-more, stunning pulished reports reveal that Murray waited 47 minutes after Jackson stopped breathing before finally telling a security guard to call 911. In the meantime, the doctor made three calls....one to Jackson's longtime dermatologist Dr. Arnold Klein, another to an attorney and a third to a mystery associate.
Jackson's sister La Toya says she believes her brother was murdered and that "justice" will be served, Friedberg agrees,, confident that Murray will pay for his actions. Good luck to Murray's defense attorney, but there's no way to put a sunny spin on what the doctor did,say Friwdberg. Shooting up Michael all night with a variety of medications, than giving him a Propofol chaser is the height of irresponsibility. The jury may believe Michael bullied the doctor into giving him the drugs, but Murray took the Hippocratic oath to " do no harm", he's the one with with the medical license and he could have, should have refused to work with Michael under those conditions.
My Take on this: O.K. Dr Murray...I prefer Dr. Death..If you think the people around Michael was intimidating, just wait until you get a load of the inmates in prison, you killed their idol. Stay tuned: the saga continues.
His story stinks.No matter how you slice it ,he knew that huge cocktail of drugs could kill him and he still took that chance .He's a doctor; he has that knowledge.
ReplyDeleteMy money is still on Beady.
ReplyDeleteYes it do
ReplyDeleteI am with you all the way about beady, he might have been the one that helped him.
ReplyDeleteBeady might have been that mystery call the doc made. To tell him the job was done and when does he get his money.
ReplyDeleteWe was talking about Jaycee, she is in most of the tabs. Haven't got any yet, Mamie told me she seen them in the market.
ReplyDeleteThey should check Beady's phone records.
ReplyDeleteI'll pick up a NE tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteMurray was being paid $150,000 a month. Beady and Murray is from Las Vegas.
ReplyDeleteNE has the best stories about the A-listers celebrities.
ReplyDelete150,000 and he lived and ate at MJ's so he had no expenses,no overhead.It all went into his Bahamian account.
ReplyDeleteIt sure is a lot of celebs drying from drugs.
ReplyDeleteThey say DJ Adam Goldstein died from an overdose of drugs.
Plus I guarantee he stole anything he could get his hands on.Michael probably wouldn't even notice.
ReplyDeleteWho doesn't do drugs in the celeb community?I bet it's a shorter list.
ReplyDeleteYou may have a point about old beady...he sure wanted to make money off MJ fast,everyone I know takes a little time out to grieve for a love one.
ReplyDeleteYou could count them on your fingers and have a couple left over.
ReplyDeletePeople think the hippie craz was something, all they did was smoke a little pot and make love.
I tell you for a fact, most don't have any morals. They have made a lot of movies here in the last 9/10 years.
I doubt he grieved for a moment.He couldn't wait to get to the lawyer's to have the will read.He was rubbing his handa together the minute he got the call from the doc.
ReplyDeleteHe believed he was in the will.
I don't think I would like them very much.I'm not used to drunks druggies and morally bankrupt sleaze-bags.
ReplyDeleteHe said he was afraid of MJ, wasn't it said MJ just weigh about 112 lbs. He was so doped up you could lead him on a leash.
ReplyDeleteI don't think many likes themselves. I have met a few that still had their morals intact,but if they stay long enough and run with the pack, they can't last long.
ReplyDeleteMy friend Joan lives in California and knows a few actors.She says the same thing.The Canadian actors I have met gave me a different impression.Christopher Plummer,Lorne Greene and William Needles to name a few.I've met some British ones too.They all come here to do Shakespeare.We have a Shakespearean Festival every year at a town in Ontario at a special theatre in the round.It is very well known.I've been many times.They have art shows there too which I've taken part in.
ReplyDeleteI like the post on sleeping together is bad for your health.
ReplyDeleteI know a lot of things bad for my health.
Candy is bad for you too but I still want it.
ReplyDeleteI love all the Canadian/British actors, you can't name one that do ssome of the thing these do, if so,they keep a low profile. Most all of the stage actors come from there. I watch a lot of Canadian programs.
ReplyDeleteGot to have my chocolate, and sleep with my man.
ReplyDeleteI was told there is quite a difference between the Canadian/British/English and America men. Most America men are more selfish and not good at respecting their ladies.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure the Canadians tried one or two things in their youth but they seemed to have outgrown it.They were very classy people.The ladies too.
ReplyDeleteI think there is a bit of truth to that.They seem to have more mutual respect.
ReplyDeleteI think by and large, American women are so strong and independant they are more like rivals than partners to the men.
I watch House every week with Hugh Lauri and just love the fool, his family recently moved here from there.She's older than Hugh, he really loves her.
ReplyDeleteNot even the women from there acts like bimbos.
ReplyDeleteWe've noticed that American men are more aggressive and competitive than ours.It feels like if a woman isn't strong enough, they will walk all over her and not respect her wishes or opinion.
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't like to have to keep fighting for a little respect.
But I have met Amaerican men who are also pretty charismatic and charming.
ReplyDeleteHalf the country here is French. Those guys are pretty good at seduction.Sometimes they lack ambition though.
ReplyDeleteIt's okay to be strong and independant, but do we have to be so slutty about it.
ReplyDeleteThe only person I have heard about there is Camille and she is so funny/crazy you don't want to say anything bad about her.There is not anything to say about Pam Anderson, you can just look at these fools here , it seems as if they are trying to out do each other..men and women. So sad.
I have to admit Pam Anderson is a bit slutty,but then she is no Shakespearean actor.She has a taste for rock n' roll bad boys and tacky wardrobe.But she does a lot of charity work and is said to be very intelligent and a good person.
ReplyDeleteWe do have some nice men, I think more good than bad, the bad ones just acts up like a bad child, you don't get a chance to appreciate the nice ones.
ReplyDeletePam doesn't drink or do drugs. I know for a fact. No matter what you may read in the tabloids.
ReplyDeletePam is not in all the tabs like the others, I liked her on Bay Watch. There have not been to much said about her thats negative. I haven't heard about her in a long time, I think the last I heard she was working with kids.
ReplyDeleteJim Carrey looks like he might do drugs but I have no idea really.Maybe he is naturally crazy.He sure is funny.
ReplyDeleteOne thing we do produce is a lot of comedians.
No I said I haven't seen anything about her in the tabs.
ReplyDeleteLast I heard she was working with kids.
I don't think Jim Carrey do drugs, he's just to funny,I haven't heard anything negative about old Jimbo.
ReplyDeleteNow thats one I don't think fame had went to his head.
The loons had a fit when he did his take off on DC, Jim can keep a straight face and make me laugh.
ReplyDeleteI want to do a post on how addicted we are to tech.I've already advertised it.
ReplyDeleteI see with the kids if they are not on their laptops they are texting on their cell phones listening to their MP3's or playing video games.If we had a black out and a scarcity of batteries they would all panic.
HIs DC impression is pretty good.They did a better one on Saturday Night Live.
ReplyDeleteDid you see the TV show Jim was on with the Waylans brothers ?I think it was called IN Living Color.
ReplyDeleteI think Jim Carrey is from Toronto.I've heard people say they have seen him around.
ReplyDeleteWe have a film festival here every year and have seen pretty much everyone who has ever done a movie.Al pacino was very nice to the locals.They really liked him.
Jim had an earlier TV show than that but the name escapes me right now.I'll probably remember it in the middle of the night.
ReplyDeleteThat would be a great post. Not only the kids addicted,the grown ups to, you can't pass a car without seeing a phone growing out their ears. They are trying to pass a law here to not use them while driving.
ReplyDeleteAl Pacino is a cutie in a funny kind of way, never seen him in person. He looks little like Mel G.
ReplyDeleteAl is playing Dr Kavorkian(Dr Death) in a tv movie. you should see how they made him look.
ReplyDeleteElen Degeneres is replacing Paula on 'Idol'.
ReplyDeleteI didn't know Ellen was a misic expert.
ReplyDeleteWell sweetie it's 12:00 your time , I will let you work on your tech post,and get a little rest before the hammering amd drilling gets startsd.
ReplyDeleteThey don't want Ellen, she knows nothing about music.
ReplyDeleteIf they get Ellen, they might as well cancel the show. Theirs others out there.
ReplyDeleteI think I'm goint to start renting movies.
They should just have guests until they find the right person.
ReplyDeleteI have never heard her sing, Paula was like a breath of fresh air.
They are serious about Ellen.
ReplyDeleteI have to attend a special event tomorrow and most likely will have to stay late so I will catch you on the flip side...Take care....J
ReplyDeleteHave a ice time...Nite N