Rye police chief Gregory Austin says it is clear Novack, whose father founded Miami Beach's famed Fontainebleau Hotel, was "targeted" by his assassin--that he was not a "victim" picked at random. Novack was definitely marked for death when he was tied up and savaged with a blunt instrument, cops say. Incredibly the bloody crime eerily mirrored an earlier robbery--mastermined by Novack's wife--that left the 54-year-old businessman tied to a chair in his Florida home.
While his 53-year-old spouse , who dabbled in "voodoo" has not been named as a suspect in the murder, sources say she had plenty to gain and cops are taking a close look at her activities. Narcy was sole beneficiary to Novack's $6 million fortune, but Novack was cheating on her with a mistress he kept in a love nest and may have been planning to marry, sources say. Known as a ruthless businessman and head of the multimillion-dallor event-planning firm "Convention Concepts Unlimited", Novack was overseeing an Amway International meeting with his wife and her daughter May Abad, 33, at the Hilton when he was murdnered.Narcy told cops she left their room around 7:am for breakfast. When she returned shortly after 8:am, she discovered Ben laying face down on the floor with his hands and legs bound to his back and duck-tape covering his mouth. Witness say they heard Narcy screaming ...He's dead ! He's dead !as she lay on the floor near his body. But cops say there's no hard evidence pointing to the killer. They found a broken pair of counterfeit "Empiro Armani sunglasses in the room which may be linked to the crime. Meanwhile, lawmen are checking out Narcy who previously admitted being involved in a bizarre on her husband sources say.
In 2002, Novack was discovered gagged and bound in a leather chair in his home in Ft. Lauderdale. Fla. bedeoom. He claimed Narcy and six armed men with Mob ties attacked him and stole $1 million in cash, jewelry and antiques. He said he was tied up for 25 hours before his mother , Bernice, found him, Narcy admitted she sat up the home invasion, however she claimed it was part of a kinky sex game with her husband--and that they'd both tied each other up the night before he was found. Narcy also accused her man of abuse , claiming be once broke her nose. She said he took her to a plastic surgeon to repair the damage and when she awoke she also had "Breast Implants". She also produced a slew of kinky photographs of naked women amputees wearing artifical limbs, and threatened to expose Ben's "sexual" habits as well as other intimate secerts.In the end , Novack decided not to prosecute Narcy for the home invasion and she promised to return the stolen cash and items. But Novack filed for divorce 10 days later. Then he called of the divorce and eventually reconciled with his wife. Still , relatives , friends and business associates say the couple fought often and that Narcy was known to practices "voodoo" rituals.
Her daughter, May, claims Narcy was furious because Ben was cheating with a younger woman he kept stashed in a furnished love nest, and may have been planning a new life. My mother was very jealous , May says. Still Narcy adamantly denies she has anything to do with her husband's death. Any allegation that she was involved is absolutely rediclous says her attorney Howard tanner. But cops note she has failed several lie detertor tests,had planned the earlier home invasion and had a lot to gain from his death: a magnificent home and yacht as well as his cash and business. Now , a ferocious feud over his will has erupted between Narcy and her daughter, May has asked that Novack's estate be frozen and her mother be prevented from acting as executer of the will. Narcy's not friendly with her own daughter right now because she can't understand why (May) was pointing the finger at her, says Narcy's sister-in-law, Melanie Klein. Narcy doesn't even consider May her daughter anymore. Meanwhile, Novack's body lays unclaimed at the Westchester County morge in New York while his survivors feud.
My take on this: The wife is certainly a person of interest, with her"Voodoo" spells and portions, if she participated in the invasion once, what's to say she was not involved . People that practice black magic and voodoo rituals think they can get away with anything, including murder. Voodoo and Witchcraft is very wide spread , it's more common than you can imagine in all cultures.So beware some may be close by.
Weird freakin' family,the whole lot of them and scary too.That woman should be locked up just because.
ReplyDeleteHi PIC
ReplyDeleteYes indeed, locked and throw away the key. He likes kinky sex and she likes voodoo, what a pair.
ReplyDeleteThey're very frightening. Not your typical American family.
ReplyDeleteMoney seems to make murder easy.Of course she did it.
ReplyDeleteDo you think the climate change have something to do with these weirdo's.Seems like everything is going crazy.
ReplyDeleteI think so to, her daughter said she was jealous. A lot of women have been hurt by men, but they didn't murder them, if so we would have to build a lot of jails.
ReplyDeleteNo wonder beings from other planets don't openly visit.People like that give the planet a bad name.
ReplyDeleteSomeone should invent a potion that cleanses the minds and hearts of evil doers of all bad thoughts.
ReplyDeleteI don't know about your part of the country, but here voodoo is a way of life,especially down south Louisiana.
ReplyDeleteI've been hurt too often.It sometimes makes me want to live in a cave and avoid people altogether.
ReplyDeleteNo voodoo here. We just cuss at each other then get drunk.
ReplyDeleteA couple of beers and everyone is friends again.
ReplyDeleteTo invent a potion, you know thse fools here would find something wrong with it, they don't agree about anything. People will disgree about some things that kinda healthy, but these fools here disagree about everything that will help.
ReplyDeleteNow that's my kind of people, someone that don't hold grudges.
ReplyDeleteDid you get a cup of tea and relax Thursday, I hope your headache didn't last long.
Murderers should be kept together in one big room and let their natures rule.After a while there would be no one left alive.Problem solved.
ReplyDeleteThat's the worst headache I've ever had.It was so intense it made me nauseous.
ReplyDeleteFortunately the boys went home that afternoon.
ReplyDeleteI have been hurt a few times myself, I was told I wear my heart to open and let my feeling show to much.
ReplyDeleteI guess my problem is that I still trust people.I believe what they say and take their word.
ReplyDeleteI knew it was real bad. I could pick up the vibes in your voice.
ReplyDeleteI guess that's why I was a good poker dealer, I learned to read people.
I know you enjoyed the boys, but kids can be a little stressful at times.
There is nothing wrong in trusting people, but when you have something to say...just say it, and if they are your friend they will understand, a lot of time they may not know they are hurting you. Try it sometime and see don't you feel better.
ReplyDeleteAbout all the murderers being put in one room, I totally agree on that one,but the soldier that raped that 14 year old girl, should be put to death, and all that commit crimes of that nature. Don't you think, I am tired of all these bleeding heart do-gooders, they don't think it's wrong until it happens to them.
ReplyDeleteI'm lucky I'm surrounded by people who love me and care about my welfare. I can trust them completely.But I still make the occaisonal mistake and trust the wrong person.It hurts if I liked the person.
ReplyDeleteBut I wouldn't want to get hard and jaded and lose the ability to trust.
Since the death penalty has been abolished in many countries ( like Canada)the punishment isn't severe enough to frighten and discourage rapists and murderers.
ReplyDeleteKnowing you could die from a lethal injection really helped keep the murder rate down.
ReplyDeleteOh yes, I forgot to tell you...Nan is in Reno,she went their to help train some new cage cashiers.
ReplyDeleteTold me to tell you she have shown almost everyone your "BEAN" post.They just love it.
Sounds like Nan's career is moving along nicely. I wish her the best.
ReplyDeleteHas she been there before?
Mr Bean is an ugly guy but in a nice funny way.
ReplyDeleteHate is never a good thing,it only makes you bitter...A friend I had from years ago, we got on the wrong footing, and wasn't as close as we once was,but we are fine now, what she said I took it to mean something different and I never asked her to explain, and she really didn't mean it as I understood it, so that was a few years we missed.
ReplyDeleteYou 're right about hate.It can consume a person and eat away all the good in them.It would take a lot to make me hate someone.But then Nana tells me I love people too easily.
ReplyDeleteNo she has never been there before.
ReplyDeleteThe board asked her if she would go, and see if she could show them how to balance better, she told them to let her thimk about it. that was 2 months ago, she said yes last Monday...I told her everyone was nice.
Maybe you do love too easily, but where would you be without the trust, sometime, maybe like I did you can read too much into something and it may not be as it seems, I will called her "BEE" when we sit and talked about what was said, she meant a whole different thing.
ReplyDeleteShe needed a while to think about it.It's a little scary going to a strange place to talk to a bunch of stangers.
ReplyDeleteI wish I had the confidence I had when I was twenty.
ReplyDeleteSince I don't paint much since my vision started changing, I thought I might like to teach children how to draw and paint but I don't think I have the confidence.
Don't say that, why don't you try, never doubt yourself on something you have been trained to do. You still have confidence in your painting and drawing.
ReplyDeleteThe kids may be a little stress at times, but try it out on the boys and a couple more kids, it's just like riding a bike, you can ride a bike can't you? [giggles]
I might get around to it, or teach at the old folks home.Maybe when I have more time to myself.
ReplyDeleteThere was 6 of them with Nan, 2 guys and 4 gals, they are going to have a ball.
ReplyDeleteWe all know whats going on, a lot of stealing and they sent the right people to catch them.
There's been stealing at the casino?
ReplyDeleteI guess heads are going to roll then.Is Nan supposed to figure out who it is?
ReplyDeleteI had to reboot
ReplyDeleteShe won't be uncomfortable with people she knows from home.
ReplyDeleteYes , Nan and her gang will watch the tapes to see. It is always up high, they will have to go to the vault when money is being counted,I told her to do her job and let it fall where it will, When I went there , you would be surprised to know it was some of the people in charge, a lot of people can't work around a lot of money.
ReplyDeleteCash is so portable, so easily slipped in the pocket.
ReplyDeleteI don't know why they think they can get away with it, you have to give in count of the last penny. Nan says some of the workers asked was I coming, she told them no.If I was still working and wasn't married to Gil, I would been able to go.
ReplyDeleteWll they just be dismissed or will charges be pressed?
ReplyDeleteI have helped out in the cage..you have $70,000 dallars to start and they expect you to have the same when you check out, you may be short or over sometime , that's understandable, your shorts and overage together shouldn't be over $100.oo a month. It's kind of hard for the cashiers in the windows to get the money , becauuse security is watching them by camera at all times.
ReplyDeleteI think charges will be pressed because they had to send someone in.
ReplyDeleteThat kind of rules out the cashiers,so it would have to be after the money passes through their hands.
ReplyDeleteThe receptionist at Brian's company stole between 5/10 thousand dollars over time and just as they narrowed it down to her she disappeared and wasn't seen again.They didn't follow up on it.
ReplyDeleteThey have surveilance watching the employees more than the guests.
ReplyDeleteThat's why Hollywood went bankrupt before it was open good, they was init together and never would have got caught if one didn't think they was being cheated. One man built a $150,000 house, but he's doing time now.
When Eldorado came in, they had a meeting and told us if caught stealing they would have us arrested. Shit everyone was scared , they all looked like mobsters.hahaha
Well I better check Brian.He had some pain earlier.Have a nice weekend and a good night....J
ReplyDeleteThose menacing dark looks came in handy if they put the fear of God into the employees.....Night...J
ReplyDeleteThey don't look at the cashiers to hard unless it's a pattern and a lot of money, if they keep coming up over or short, then they can't balance so they will be re-train if it keep happening , then they will be let go.
ReplyDeleteThat lady knew the jig was almost up for her, I bet she don't know what she did with the money.All employees is well trained and the ones that work in a bank is the worse.
ReplyDeleteAre you going to the lake tomorrow?
ReplyDeleteHU HUH I meant today.
Hope Brian is feeling O.K.