Speaking to TV host David Letterman on CBS' The Late Show, he deadpanned: "I think it's important to realise that I was actually black before the election."
As the audience whooped with laughter at the subversive remark, Letterman kept up the joke, asking the President: "How long have you been a black man?"
Returning to his point, Obama said it was an honour that the American people had chosen him as their leader.
"That, I think, tells you a lot about where the country is at", he said.
He suggested that the fierce objections to his health reform proposals came from a "certain segment of society" that had a tendency to get "riled up" whenever a President tried to make a significant change.
"One of the things that you sign up for in politics is that folks yell at you," he said.
President Obama also used his time on the Late show couch to acknowledge that Americans were weary of the war in Afghanistan, and said US troops were performing heroically there and in Iraq. But he kept things light-hearted as he turned to the subject of his young daughters Malia and Sasha.
The girls "basically just goofed off all summer" he said, adding that he wished he could have done the same.
Obama's appearance on Letterman's popular late-night show wrapped up a media blitz seemingly aimed at putting him in front of as many cameras as possible to sell his message to a sceptical public. He was a guest on five different talk shows on Sunday morning and had been on "everything but the Food Channel," a Republican senator remarked.
Yet the President also had a joke ready when Letterman questioned what he was doing on his show.
"The main reason I'm here? I want to see that heart-shaped potato," he quipped, referring to an audience member featured earlier in the programme who had turned up with the quirky vegetable.
Hey, I like this guy, he's handsome and have a great sense of humor.
ReplyDeleteLet's back him, with the Americans help he will get us through this mess.
What we got to lose?
Other countries are behind him 100%
I lke your "PS" on Vivica post.
ReplyDeleteWhen i seen that article, I remembered she was in Canada on her birthday with some friends.
,durng the time she was euppose to had the affair.
She never met DC.If she did she would shudder with distaste at his fish belly white skin and beady eyes.
ReplyDeleteIt was hard to write about letting the pandas die off.They are already extinct and costing millions to breed in captivity.But they are so cute.
ReplyDeleteThey are really cute, man is desrtroying every thing, we should leave them a little land.
ReplyDeleteThey was not suppose to be cage up. They don't breed well in captivity.they are suppose to be free. But they can save some animals.
ReplyDelete[POLAR BEARS] for a start.
I can't get the hang of this damn lappy,I can't get to mine,they are in the study talking about some damn business.
ReplyDeleteYou did a good job on Obama.like it.
ReplyDeleteWe are having some bad storms, hope your's is doing good and you still have sunshine.
ReplyDeleteYeah,we've got to get more people behind the polar bears.The pandas are already gone.We still have a hundred thousand or so polar bears.They could survive if we can stop the ice caps from melting.
ReplyDeleteI just don't know how many ways I can say it to people.I'm about ready to give up.It breaks my heart.
Our weather is fantastic.Summer finally came,and boy it's hot.It's a little scary.
ReplyDeleteI won't feel comfortable until I see snow again.
I know how you feel talking to some people about the bears.
ReplyDeleteThey ask us why we care,we can't do nothing, shit I get so mad , I tell them we will quit when the fat lady sings.
I also tell them by saing not only the bears, but other species, we are saving ourselves.
ReplyDeleteYou love the snow...huh..
ReplyDeleteYou are so right.The bears are just a symbol of the real problem.They just give us something to relate to.
ReplyDeleteI like snow for the first six weeks.December and part way through January.Then it starts getting on my nerves.
ReplyDeleteFebruary sucks the big fat one and by March when we see a late blizzard coming we cry.
ReplyDeleteThe last time it snowed here was 2001, it just last a cpuple of days.
ReplyDeleteWe are holding our own with getting support and some donations,just about level out,a lot of them have their own special projects, I told them we are a force in numbers.
ReplyDeleteI'm amazed you had snow down there.
ReplyDeleteWe just found out that the local schools will not notify parents if a case of swine flu is discovered at the school.Why won't they warn the parents so they can take their kids out of school?
Are they trying to avoid a panic?
I have a good story if you want to write it.Look on the back page of the Enquirer.It's the answer to the health care controversy.
ReplyDeleteThey don't want to panic anyone, but that's wrong, people worry about their kids.
ReplyDeleteI drop in very often to chatch on mine, and if I see/think there is sickness, I will pull mine out.
Let me look and seee if I still have it.
ReplyDeleteIs it about the do good doc?
ReplyDeleteYes,a very nice story about a very good person.She makes the other doctors look like grasping coldhearted assholes.
ReplyDeleteDid you see on the page before that one about Mad Mel's baby mama, she too skinny?
ReplyDeleteDo she look pregnant to you? She should be larger don't you think/
Okay, I'll do it. It's a human interest story.
ReplyDeleteWay too skinny except for her face which looks swollen.If you starve yourself you starve the baby.
ReplyDeleteI would do it tonight ,but this storm is so rough,I don't know when I will have to get off.
ReplyDeleteIt's flooding in Angela's part of the world..Marietta,Ga. I think about 10/16 people is dead or missing.
She has too much Restylane in the lips.
ReplyDeleteAt 6 months I was as big as a house.
ReplyDeleteThey don't get many floods in Georgia.I wonder how Angela is.
ReplyDeleteI read somewhere she was mad at Mel for talking to Robyn, maybe she is trying to get the Jolie lee lips, they look nice on Jolie,but not everyone, Octo-mom had hers did.
ReplyDeleteObama spoke at the United Nations Global Warming Summit today. He promised to get greenhouse gas emissions down to the same level it was in 1990.
ReplyDeleteOcto mom's lips look like inner tubes.
ReplyDeleteI don't think Oksana should worry about Robyn.Mel gave up everything for her .What does he have to do to prove he loves her?He can't do much more.Look at the fortune he gave up and his children, most of his friends, and even his religion.
Things are happening where you least expect it,I would like to know how she's doing.
ReplyDeleteLike you say the water has to go somewhere...and this is just the beginning of the water, the ice caps is melting at a great speed.
Bush sure left everything in a mess for some poor sucker to clean up.Obama shouldn't try to do everything in the first year.
ReplyDeleteIt will be a shame if he goes doawn in history as the president who cleaned up someone else's mess.
Robyn don't want the fool.
ReplyDeleteObama will have to get tough with congress and let them know what's up....He needs to dtop pussy footing around this race thing, he know what they mean. black/white/ brown or what ever he is our Pres. and we should treat him with respect.
I would love that very much... and did you know he is "BLACK"
ReplyDelete[giggles]Now that would be a hoot.
What could you expect from Bush? Hell he went to sleep on the toliet stool eating a cracker or something and fell off and almost choke to death.
ReplyDeleteYou're right he is pussyfooting around it and hoping if he ignores it, it wll go away. Also, he doesn't like to offend anyone.
ReplyDeleteI'd pull that mouthy congressman up by his shirt front and say,"C'mon, say it to my face, cracker."
Bush couldn't contro; his girls,now how cab he run the country, those girls was always into partying and who knows what else.
ReplyDeleteThat's exactly what he is...a racist KKK cracker of the worse kind, they try to hide it. Every thing Obama do, the same ones dry to throw a wrench into it.
ReplyDeleteDid you hear what former Pres. Carter told congress, it was racist and disrespect to the man and the highest office in the nation, and the whole wrld is watching.
ReplyDeleteThe world IS watching. The racists just make fools of themselves.We have no respect for them.
ReplyDeleteI like Arnie's style,he let his people know he was trying to do all he could.
ReplyDeleteI know 2 things that Bush did and was good at it. [1]Bush wasted all the money Clinton left.[2]Bush started a war we didn't need.I can't think of anything positive he did.
All the heads of other countries like him and willing to work with Obama..Obama/Michelle was greated so well in Canada and England. The Queen liked them .
ReplyDeleteI wondered why we can't be half as nice.
I like Arnie too.He's a good leader.He can't run for president though.
ReplyDeleteBush paved the way for a black man to become president. If the next one is a woman or a Jew ,I'd say you were making progress.
ReplyDeleteWe've had a lady primeminister in Canada but she didn't last long.We'll give it another try if a good candidate comes up.In our House Of Commons ,our members of parliament are all colors (Indian,black,oriental).
ReplyDeleteI'm worn out tonight,long day.So I'll say goodnight and I sincerely hope you stay safe and dry.Hope the storm passes soon...take care...J
ReplyDeleteWas the lady named Margaret Thatcher?
ReplyDeleteI don't care who they are as long as they are able to do the job.
Take care and have a good night...