Delilah, a pet Burmese Python was removed from her chain-linked cage in her care-taker's backyard--shortly after she finished eating seven rabbits for breakfast, according to the "Orlando Sentinel" newspaper. A massive python named Delilah was removed by Florida Wildlife officals to a temporary home after her chain link-cage near Lake Apopka, Florida was deemed unsuitable on Friday. The 16-year-old python measures 18-feet-long and weighs 400 pounds.
To me, it's a Goliath, it's a monster of a snake, Florida's Fish and Wildlife investigator Rick Brown told the newspaper. A complaint spurred authorities to inspect the Apopka, Florida home. After seeing the pet snake, some officals called Delilah the largest Python they have ever seen.
Delilah current caretaker, Melvin Cheever, said his brother raised Delilah for 16-years. Delilah is as docile as can be , she's as happy as can be, said Cheever of the gaint reptile.
Officals placed the Python with a caretaker, while they determine if Cheever has the proper permits to keep Delilah.
My take on this crap: No one should be allowed to have a snake or any other pet that large, it may be docile now, but what will happen if something happens to Cheever and Delilah can' t get food, it is a wild creature and it will go into suvival mode. Wasn't it when Hurricane Andrew hit Florida ,the residents turn a lot of their pets loose. Haven't a lot of small animals been eaten? What are the authorities waiting for ? Maybe when it attact or eats a small child, then they will jump into action, that always seems to be the case. But hey, thats just me. Stay tuned: Updates as they becomes available.
What a big fucking snake!
ReplyDeleteSnakes don't have emotions or affection for humans .She would eat a child in the wink of an eye.
What are they thinking, keeping an animal like that in a residential area?She could knock that fence over without much effort just by putting her weight behind it.
ReplyDeleteThen goodbye neighborhood cats dogs and toddlers.It's a constrictor.It can kill grown men too.
Hi ya
ReplyDeleteNeed it for beady eyes.
I have a web address for you, started to email it , but it don't matter who see it.Here it come.
ReplyDeleteBeady is definitely related to that snake.
ReplyDeletehttp://www.Austriantimes.at/news/general news/2009-07-16/14745/csi stalker % b45 jail term reduced
ReplyDeleteThanks I'll check real quick.
ReplyDeleteI got the address at dodo,I want you to read it and tell me what you think. I don't get the same as the loons.
ReplyDeletePatrick Swayze died today at 57 yrs.old surrounding by his family.
ReplyDeleteAll they did was cut two months off her jail term.I hope they extend her stay in the mental facility.That's where she belongs.
ReplyDeleteI'm sad about Patrick. He was still a young man, with so much to give us.He was very brave.
ReplyDeleteI love your Bio on Obama. I know me and a lot of others will be waiting to hear more. I really think people from other countries like him better than we do. He should tell them he's the boss and it will be done like he say or it will be vetoed.
ReplyDeleteThe loons are afraid she will get back on the web. It would tickle the shit out of me if she did. I bet they are following her sites silent.
ReplyDeleteI didn't know he had such humble beginnings.I admire him more for making his own way without family money behind him.He knows what it is like to be one of the little people,just average hard working citizens.He has a feel for their needs.
ReplyDeleteI'd like your take on the article I wrote about 9/11.They are rebuilding the World Trade centre( I'm not sure that is such a good idea)Anyway,they are putting a 9/11 museum in the basement and are having a hard time with the ciizens objecting to them putting pictures and quotes from the suicide bombers in it.
May I say a certain loon is a stalker? The four of us can't piss without her smelling it. Poor Sharon, she sniffing at her p***y like a dog in heat.
ReplyDeleteThe hijackers each left a video of themselves behind saying why they were doing this thing. The museum was going to show the tapes in the museum. Public outcry was so strong they had to change it to photos and a few quotes from the tapes.
ReplyDeleteAnd now people are objecting to that too.But it is all part of the history of that day.
I would actually like to talk to Sharon.Have you tried?
ReplyDeleteThere is so much heartache and pain there, they should just make a beautiful park where people can find a little happiness and not be reminded about the horror day in day out. Take the money and do some good.
ReplyDeleteObama's mom was on food stamps at one time.
It just go to show you, all you have to do is work hard.
I missed ou this weekend, hope you had a good one and the weather was good, we are having storms now, said for the next 2/3 days.
ReplyDeleteWhat did this Sharon do that pisses Dodo off so much?
ReplyDeleteYes I have, she's gone underground, we will catch her, I don't get it, what's wrong in her saying DC is a friend of hers? They are wearing his pictures/names, what's the difference?
ReplyDeleteSharon is the one that has a DC magazine , I think it was before Em's mag. Dodo wanted her to write it like she said, and Sharon said she didn't need her help, all hell broke loose.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Dodo's jealous.She wants to be the only one who knows him.
ReplyDeleteI still don't get it.There are so many nicer celabrities.
They are all up here in Canada in Toronto at the TIFF(Toronto International Film Festival)We've seen them all.Brad and Angie,George Clooney(George is better in person and very charming)I've seen Matt Damon,Michael Moore,Michael Douglas,and Hugh heffner to name a few.
All these people that's following dodo was once with Sharon. Hell Lindy says DC sent her a bobbie head of himself,you can get those off Ebay for $ 6/10 each. I don't believe that shit, DC didn't say think you to any of them.
ReplyDeleteThe celebs are roaming the streets up here.You can see one on any street corner.It's a lot of fun.Almost ran into Jeff Bridges.
ReplyDeleteThey are nice,they are A-Listers.None have I heard bad things about.
ReplyDeleteI think Brad/Angie is nice people,they just don't need to be together.
Maybe the loons just like dick-heads.
DC sent her nothing.Don't you believe it.She sounds like another obsessed fan like all the others. But she is harmless and i would help her any way I could against Dodo who thinks she is goddess of all fans and personal body guard to DC.
ReplyDeleteTHey come up here every year and we have a ball with them all.I have never seen DC up here.Not that anyone wants to .He's a joke up here.
ReplyDeleteDodo don't know DC, she is not familiar with his work, she came on the scene after Rachel/Lacey.
ReplyDeleteLindy said DC sent her a bobbie head, she's one of dodo's piss ants from down under.
ReplyDeleteDC is a joke everywhere, I have never heard anyone speak nice of him.
ReplyDeleteSamantha Fox is very beautiful.Some of them are disappointing up close, but she is gorgeous.
ReplyDeleteDc didn't send anything down under.He doesn't even know any of them exist,including Dodo.
Sharon is from England. Dodo wants someone to call her hand, I enjoyed the rounds I had with Lacey, but I don't have the time trying to figure out what she says,she adds a letter or to to a word and it don't make sense,she know they are not going to get a dictionary to look them up.
ReplyDeleteI bet dodo couldn't figure out the puzzle you made a post out off.
Yes Samantha Fox is a beauty and everyone says she is very nice.
ReplyDeleteHave you notice the higher they are on the totam pole the nicer they are.
Dodo isn't stupid just delusional.
ReplyDeleteAn ordinary housewife and mother who lives part time in a fantasy world.It should be a nice and harmless pastime.You can't dictate how others should conduct their fantasy world.
If and when I catch up with Sharon,I will ask her why not get a site here on blogger, it,s much better and we will be right here to help her, it's not as messy here.
ReplyDeleteMaybe she believes her fantasy is real, that's not good. I could find a much better person to have a fantasy about.
ReplyDeleteI have noticed exactly that.Even Colin Farrell(sp?)is extremely nice to fans and all the celebs posed with fans.I didn't line up for an autograph.
ReplyDeleteI didn't know anything about him until I met Marg, and the things she said is what everyone says, DC is a dick head.
ReplyDeleteFortunately the weather has been gorgeous for a walkabout so everyone is outdoors.A lot of the celebs are hanging out at HarborFront,a beautuful waterfront area with nice restauants and boutiques and wandering musicians.
ReplyDeleteNo need in getting in line, for picture/autograph, the thrill and fun is just being there. I bet they don't carry around pre-autograph cards, hahaha
ReplyDeleteI know the celebs are enjoying it very much, they can just be themselves. That's one reason why they like coming there, they won't get mobbed.
ReplyDeleteI didn't see any of them pull out a card from their pockets.
ReplyDeleteWe once had a nice quiet town before the casinos and movie studios got here, we only had a racetrack and they only raced 4/5 months a year. We will soon be another Alantic City.
ReplyDeleteThe only person I ever heard of having pre-signed cards is DC.
ReplyDeleteWe have casinos at our racetracks.It's a two in one evening.What you win at the track you lose at the tables.
ReplyDeleteI was thinking about what you said about 911.
ReplyDeleteIt would be nice if they built a wall like the one in D.C. with the soldiers names on it, and just put the 911 victims name on the wall.The people of N.Y. don't want to be reminded of that fateful day.
The fun is knowing when to stop.But that's not happening here, most every one is on the take.
ReplyDeleteYou know sometimes I think a lot of us is not to civilized,it seems like we are so far behind other countries.
They might do the wall thing.There are a lot of plans in the works. I just don't want them to build another target and fill it with people. What's to stop the terrorists from attacking it again?
ReplyDeleteI like what you said about the Idol, I do believe they are going to lose a lot of viewers.Palin would've been a better choice, at least we would have been amused.
ReplyDeleteThe terrorists will strike again.I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't strike us. We have one of the largest Air Force Base in the world just accross the river. Barksdale AFB.
ReplyDeleteEllen will crack jokes to the point people will get impatient with her.The contestants want opinions and constructive critisism.
ReplyDeleteOkay,I have an early morning appointment so I'll close and write a post or something.Have a good one,...later...J
ReplyDeleteHave an early day tomorrow. will keep trying to catch up with Sharon.
ReplyDeleteHave a good night and dreams, see you tomorrow... Nite.