Click to see giant rat and team : http://news.bbc.co.uk/earth/hi/earth_news/newsid_8215000/8215144.stm
"This is one of the world's largest rats. It is a true rat, the same kind you find in the city sewers," says Dr Kristofer Helgen, a mammalogist based at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History who accompanied the BBC expedition team. Initially, the giant rat was first captured on film by an infrared camera trap, which BBC wildlife cameraman Gordon Buchanan set up in the forest on the slopes of the volcano.
The expedition team from the BBC Natural History Unit recorded the rat rummaging around on the forest floor, and were awed by its size. Immediately, they suspected it could be a species never before recorded by science, but they needed to see a live animal to be sure. Then trackers accompanying the team managed to trap a live specimen.
"I had a cat and it was about the same size as this rat," says Buchanan.
The trapped rat measured 82cm in length from its nose to its tail, and weighed approximately 1.5kg. It had a silver-brown coat of thick long fur, which the scientists who examined it believe may help it survive the wet and cold conditions that can occur within the high volcano crater.
The location where the rat was discovered lies at an elevation of over 1,000m.
Initial investigations suggest the rat belongs to the genus Mallomys, which contains a handful of other out-sized species. It has provisionally been called the Bosavi woolly rat, while its scientific name has yet to be agreed upon. Mount Bosavi, where the new rat was found, is an extinct volcano that lies deep in the remote Southern Highlands of Papua New Guinea. The expedition team entered the crater to explore pristine forest, where few humans have set foot.
Even members of the Kasua tribe, who acted as trackers for the expedition, live outside the crater, which is 4km wide and has walls up to 1km high, trapping the creatures that live within. The island which includes Papua New Guinea and New Guinea is famous for the number and diversity of the rats and mice that live there. The giant volcano is so inaccessible, no humans live within it's walls and so it has become a 'Lost World' where an amazing array of exotic fauna has developed and thrived.Steve Greenwood, series producer for Lost Land of the Volcano, said that after scaling the volcano's 2,800m summit, the team was rewarded by finding a wealth of new creatures.
They suspect they may have discovered up to 40 new species, including approximately 16 species of frog, one species of gecko, at least three new species of fish, 20 species of insect and spider and one new species of bat.
"Highlights include a camouflaged gecko, a fanged frog and a fish called the Henamo Grunter, so named because it makes grunting noises from its swim bladder," Mr Greenwood said.
They also found a Doria's tree kangaroo, which wandered close to camp. Tree kangaroos are notoriously wary of people, but this particular one seemed nonplussed by the team's presence, the BBC reports. As well as large creatures, the team also encountered a variety of odd-looking insects including bizarre spiders. On one trip outside the crater, they found a giant caterpillar surrounded by hundreds of smaller maggots.
With the help of local trackers, the team descended into the crater and spent two weeks documenting the animals they found there. The trip was planned over months, because of the difficulties of reaching the area. The teams goal is to prove the rain forest is worthy of preserving. The forest is cut back about three and a half percent every year.
Hiya you doing?
ReplyDeleteWhat a ugly rat and the man is hugging..I would be running like the devil was on my tail.
It's a friendly rat ,not afraid of humans because it never saw one before.It only eats leaves and berries.
ReplyDeleteIt's the size of a large cat.It's never been seen by man before.A new species.
ReplyDeleteTwo miles deep inside a dead volcano where no one has been before there is a beautiful valley like the lost world.The animals that developed there have never been seen before including frogs with fangs and fish that grunt.
ReplyDeleteI think old DC likes it here.
ReplyDeleteI and others like what you do to the blog.. it have been commented on here a lot of times, people have told me in person, I tell them whatever hits your fancy because you are the artist.
The picture of DC is from thw movie with Nicholls Cage and DC is saying "Fuck You".DC is keeping Maxy's company.
Now on the other hand I think dodo is jealous, she would like a DC that moves on her blog.
I will say if I been to her site, there's no shame in my game.
Lordy, I wish you had another one to put up, she would surely shit in her britches.
I hope man don't go and destroy them as they have everything else.
ReplyDeleteI would like to see them from a distance.
He has a job to do here ..keep the racists away.He does it very well .We haven't had a racist in weeks.
ReplyDeleteHow in the world did you find them?
ReplyDeleteI know he's saying 'fuck you'.That's why I liked it.
ReplyDeleteHow was our day? Did you go to the lake? We had a nice day, weather was pretty nice, didn't do nothing much, when to the party on the roof-top for a couple of hours, it was boring.
ReplyDeleteIt was a nice day. I don't mind being a 'diva'.It's hard work though.
ReplyDeleteIt must be a slow news day at Dodo's if they have to talk about us.
ReplyDeleteIgnore them and they'll go away.
ReplyDeleteI think that's one of DC's greatest performance.
ReplyDeleteShe just want a piss fight,she's the one that needs the viewers, if not she would just do her thing.When she did her post about the four of us,she figured she would get a lot of comments.People is tired of her same old shit.
Dodo is mad because DCR is still getting top billing when you look for DC.
ReplyDeletePerhaps I should change the words over his head to read,"I have two words of advice for you Dodo"....
ReplyDeleteWell Im glad DCR comes before her blog.It will keep her humble.
ReplyDeleteSweetie...I wouldn't waste a inch of space writing about dodo, if I never hsve anything to post, I can always come and see what you doing and look at the pretty pictures as the "Portland Princess" said. HA !!
ReplyDeleteNow I like that, good words, I ask you.Do they have first dibbs on DC?
ReplyDeleteShe just hear about him from Lacey/Rachel and decided to jump on board.
I don't think it's boring here.No one knows what to expect.
ReplyDeleteWe would get more readers if we stuck to a certain genre.Then they would come here knowing what the subject was going to be.
ReplyDeleteBut, my mind won't stick to the same subject day after day.
Maybe if dodo stop trying to out-do everyone, maybe she will get some fresh ideas of her own. Sara did exactly what she said and dodo lied.
ReplyDeleteI bet you ,she is trying to figure out how she can get a copy of DC..like she did the pig with the swine flu, but DC she can't get.
{giggles] Now you know how I jump from subject to subject.Even when I am talking, I think that's what they like, not the same old shit day in and day out.
ReplyDeleteI know for a fact, we don't have to make posts about other bloggers .
I will have more time now, I will carring the girls to school in the morning, they are excited,but not half as much as I am.
ReplyDeleteA gif like that is hard to copy.
ReplyDeleteMaybe I'll draw DC as a doorman in a uniform and put him in our sidebar saying "Welcome.Please state your name and business before you enter."
That would be so cute but please let fuck you stay up also.
ReplyDeleteMaxy looks so cute , I just love his smile.
ReplyDeleteYou are going to run that fool woman crazy, when you put him up there I will visit her every day , just to see how much steam she can blow.
ReplyDeleteI had a good joke but somehow blew it into cyberspace.
ReplyDeleteI forgot where I got it so I can't go get it again.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Barb sent it to me.Excuse me ,I'll go check.Only a second.
When did they discover the giant rat?
ReplyDeleteYeah,barb sent it.
ReplyDeleteThe reason I put the gif there is to yank Dodo's chain a little.
"I'm just teasing you Dodo, luv."
I have a lot of fun with you. You're much too serious.
I didn't do it, but I am good at throwing stuff into cyberspace.
ReplyDeleteI like jerking her chain. A commenter asked her could she make us removed it, she said no..
ReplyDeleteThey better not bother us, you know what I maen, like they did "K",I will undo it.
All those fools talk like they are in love with DC, don't they know they are to old for him.
ReplyDeleteThey visited the volcano within the past few weeks.
ReplyDeleteThey found about forty new species at the bottom.Why don't you read it? You might enjoy it.
A lot of people hate rodents.Personally , I like them.A rat makes a nice pet for a kid.
ReplyDeleteA rat's chemistry is a lot like a human's.That's why we experiment on them.
ReplyDeleteDC would like to have fans between fifteen and thirty. Unfortunately his fans are between fifty and ninety.
ReplyDeleteI did read it..when I log off I will read it again, give us time. wewill destroy them too.
ReplyDeleteI have heard about a lost world off and on, they may find some humans also. I am not afraid of rats, but that one will take some getting used to.
ReplyDeleteYou know MJ had a rat as a pet growing up, til old beady eyes killed it.
They are calling it the 'Lost World'.It's a completely separate environment from the world.I hope they protect it.The rat has no experience of humans built into his genetic memory so he does not find them threatening.He thinks they are neutral and friendly.
ReplyDeleteOn the video the scientists are stroking and petting it.
ReplyDeleteI also have a picture of a spider they found there which is so weird it looks alien.
ReplyDeleteWhy can't we leaves things as they are, there is plenty of room for all.
ReplyDeleteI don't understand why they need to cut the rain forest back.Like you said , lets try to save the planet, if not everything is lost.
I'd like to put that rat into beady eyes' bed and give him a heart attack when he wakes up next to it. I think he had something to do with MJ's death.
ReplyDeleteThere is a saying, if it's not broken, don't fix it. Those species have been there a very long time, I hope they don't tell people how to find them.I can just see the wheels truning in some people heads on getting them and making money off them.
ReplyDeleteThey are cutting back the forest to farm the land and grow more food than they need.
ReplyDeleteYou are not the only one, me too and a lot of people I have talked to.
ReplyDeleteMurray is from Las Vegas and thats where Joe live.
There is a lot of land without them going there, let some place in nature stay natural.
ReplyDeleteI guess I'll be ranting about these things until my dying day.I don't think I'll live to see a more caring and careful world.
ReplyDeleteI'm disappointed in my own species.They only know how to use and hurt things and each other.People seem to lie a lot more now too.I'm not used to being deceived.I'll be looking for that cave on a mountain soon.
I guess that's the reason I like animals.They don't try to deceive you and their love is unconditional.
On that depressing note I will say goodnight.I'll try to post something a little more cheerful.We need a laugh....night....J
ReplyDeleteMJ's death is beginning to smell fishy, something stinks in Denmark. I aslo wonder who the lady was talking to in Houston.
ReplyDeleteI have a early morning...have to get the girls to school.
So I will say good night and find something to post about tomorrow.
Have sweet dreams and a goodnite.
See you tomorrow .