Was it a fish, an eel or some kind of serpent-like creature? She says she didn't know. But Horvath grabbed her camera and managed to fire off one shot before the batteries failed.
The researchers who specialize in looking for so-called crytozoological creatures - in other words, monsters - spent Saturday on the lake probing the depths with a sonar-like fish finder.
At first, they picked up a couple of large contacts at the bottom of the lake, about 45 metres deep, then something more pronounced on a second pass.
"Something just went 'ping' on the alarm on the fish finder and we saw this absolutely massive object in the midst of various fish," said John Kirk, president of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club.
They made four more passes and the contact held stable, making it unlikely that it was a school of fish, which tend to scatter eventually, Kirk said.
"We were quite stunned that there was something that big in the lake and it was in about 60 feet of water, less than 30 yards from shore, it was quite amazing," he said.
Horvath, who lives in Nanaimo, said she was driving along Highway 4 on July 30, 2007, when she saw a strange semi-circle in the lake.
"You could see like a serpent shape," said Horvath, who isn't the only person to report something strange in Cameron Lake.
"It wasn't logs," she said. "It wasn't waves. There were no boats in the area. It was, like, right there. You could actually see a large fish, (an) object, no, not an object, something alive."
Because the weather will deteriorate in the fall and winter, another search will have to wait until next year, Kirk said. But the team has narrowed the possibilities.
"Maybe it's a sturgeon, maybe it's a giant sterile eel....it could be a massive type of salamander," Kirk said. "Or it could be something that we're completely unaware of at this point."
However, it's unlikely the small lake is the home of a mysterious sea monster, Kirk said.
"I'm not going to the extent to say there's anything exotic down there, there's just something big."
Kirk has searched for the Ogopogo in Okanagan Lake in the B.C. interior, looked in coastal B.C. for the Sasquatch, tried to find the sea creature Cadborosaurus off Vancouver Island and has hunted for giant salamanders in swamps. He's been to Scotland and the republics of Congo and Cameroon in search of strange dinosaur-like beasts. But it's British Columbia waters that provide a fertile hunting ground for animal tales, he said. Kirk said there are 41 different lakes in British Columbia where strange animal sightings have been reported.
"In B.C., we just seem to have a ton of these lakes where these things have been seen," he said.
Sawmill workers at Lake Cowichan on Vancouver Island reported seeing a large lake creature during the 1960s and a local fisherman said he hooked something that pulled him and his boat around the lake for an hour.
He said the Cadborosaurus, which has been adopted as an unofficial tourism mascot in the Victoria area, is real because fishermen found one inside the belly of a sperm whale in 1937 and sent it to the Royal B.C. Museum for identification.
"We've had what you might say in scientific terms is the type-specimen of the Cadborosaurus," said Kirk. "Most people describe this thing as an elongated serpent-like creature. It has a camel-like head. That description comes up over and over."
A former clerk of the B.C. legislature, Henry William Langley and provincial archivist Fred Kemp, issued a joint statement in 1922 saying they'd seen a sea creature off Chatham Island near Victoria.
"These are not nut-case people. These are very serious people," said Kirk.
Kirk said Cadborosaurus' range is not confined to the Victoria area. Reports of a similar animal have come from the Gulf of Alaska to the Sea of Cortez in Mexico.
In Oregon, the animal goes by the name Colossal Claude.
But Kirk believes British Columbia is in a class by itself for what he calls crytozoological encounters. People have actually started to embrace the strange animals to the point where they are showing up in tourism brochures, he said.
"Like Moberly Lake up in the (northeast) area, the First Nations there got in touch with me and told me about the creature that they had been seeing with a horse's head swimming around in the lake, and now they've given it a name," Kirk said.
"They call it Moberly Dick."
British Columbia is the mother lode for dinosaur bones and fossils. So what do you think folks? Some prehistoric hold-over? A whole new species ? Or maybe Nessie is on holiday.
Nessie is on a family holiday.
ReplyDeleteShe has a hubby and a bunch of rug-rats.
Have you notice as the earth gets warmer, they are finding a lot of different speices? Stranger things have happen.
ReplyDeleteI've heard about this strange camel headed monster before from friends who have been out west.I never know whether to believe these stories or not. But nothing normal grows that big in those waters..
ReplyDeleteAfter I saw some of the strange things they brought out of that deep volcano.I think I'm prepared ot believe it.
ReplyDeleteI am beginning to believe.
ReplyDeleteAs the waters warm, you see more strange things.
ReplyDeleteThey are still pulling weird things out of that volcano.I dreamed about going down inside that volcano and finding tiny little people.
ReplyDeleteThousands of people have seen Nessie, so you gotta wonder.Unless there are a lot more drunks in Scotland than we know.
ReplyDeleteI used to buy the Rag Mags that predict stuff, I think I saw something about Nessie will rise again.
ReplyDeleteImagine swimming in the lake and that thing pops up beside you.You know you can't outswim it, so what do you do - after you shit your bathing suit???
ReplyDeleteDrunks wouldn't take pictures,they don't want you to think they are srunks and crazies,
ReplyDeleteLittle people...huh... well stranger things have happen.
Maybe the movies isn't to far off.
I would have a stroke/heart-attack and hope I die before he eats me.
ReplyDeleteI have read that some people think this creature is the last of a previously thought extinct dinosaur species.British Columbia was originally home to a vast number of dinosaurs and we have the bones to prove it.
ReplyDeleteA lot of people will stay out of the water for awhile now,the lakes is much nicer to swim in than public swimming pools, I don't swim in public pools.
ReplyDeleteYes ,British Columbia was home to quite a few, I was very small when I first heard abot Nessie.
ReplyDeleteHave you notice--when some species are extinct are almost,a new one will pop up?
ReplyDeleteMy friend's daughter is a forensic palaeontologist.That just means she examines old bones. Her name is Tracy Rodgers.They sometimes have her on the Explorer channel.The police in our area have used her to help solve old murders too.If a construction crew finds an old skeleton,the police call Tracy in.But she examines dinosaur bones all the time too.
ReplyDeleteShe also examines aboriginal burial sites.
I liked your post on Jaycee. when they make it into a movie wonger who would play her and the Garridos?
ReplyDeleteIf that monster proves to be a new species in our lakes,I may stop fishing.I wouldn't want to haul that into the boat.
ReplyDeleteI know Tracy Rogers, I watch the Explorer/Nat Geo channels all times.Sometime they are the only thing worth watching.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Al Pacino or Robert Deniro to play Garrido.Or even David Caruso,he's creepy enough.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Drew Barrymore to play the older Jaycee.I don't know who would play the child.That would be a hard role for a child to play.
As the climate gets warmer,we are seeing a lot of different aminals.
ReplyDeleteI will stop fishing too. We are surrounded by lakes and Red River .
Tracy's family were our neighbors where we built our house.Nice family.They had a great dane(Moose) who tried to eat my dog.
ReplyDeleteDC sure fit the bill, but you will have to dye his hair dark, with dark hair, DC gets my vote,creepy and crazy .
ReplyDeleteIs there aything creeper than a dark-haired frackle face man.
ReplyDeleteIt wasn't Maxy that Moose teird to eat?
ReplyDeleteI never met Tracy, just TV, she knows her stuff.
Yeah, Dave gets my vote too.Second choice would be Deniro.Did you ever see him in "The Fan"?? CREEPY!
ReplyDeleteI Googled Jaycee and found out all those little details that I hadn't seen in the news,about the movie deal,eating bugs ,having all those pets etc.
ReplyDeleteThe movie producers are dealing with the stepfather.I think she needs a good lawyer to be her spokesman.She's been screwed enough in life.
Yes, he was very creepy.
ReplyDeleteDC can't act,but he sure looks creepy when the camera go to him, stanging all hump-back and posing.
I think she needs a lawyer also,I would go with Simon Cowell, are someone with PR savvy.Stepfather will only get screwed . Look at the Spears...when you say money it makes strange bed-partners.
ReplyDeleteIn this particular role all the posing might work.Garrido is very arrogant.He invented his own religion where God talks to him through a box.He made Jaycee and the girls believe in it.He was going to build a church in his backyard.I forgot the name of the religion.If he can build a church,why couldn't he build a decent shelter for his daughters??
ReplyDeleteHe printed up some pamphlets about his religion and tried to hand them out at the university.
Jaycee needs an agent, someone that knows the business. Maybe he thinks he will save money, but you have to spend money to make money.
ReplyDeleteJaycee needs someone thats not connected to her/family.
To this day I wonder if he touched those girls.He would just have to say that God told him to do it.That's what he told Jaycee.
ReplyDeleteThats what he was doing when the university cops got him. Nancy was a prison groupie.
ReplyDeleteI hope he didn't touch them. A neighbor look over the fence and seen some men drinking in the yard in a line, thinks he was running a brothel.
ReplyDeleteNancy is a piece of work too.I don't think Garrido dominates or abuses her.She is an accomplice who knew exctly what she was doing and liked it. She knew what his crimes were when she married him in prison.I bet she got a sick thrill evey time he raped that little girl.
ReplyDeleteAll the bastards are coming out now saying what they saw, they try to help Jaycee then, so they need to shut the fuck up.[nuff said]
ReplyDeleteI would not be surprised if he was running a brothel.Again,I hope he didn't involve his little daughters.
ReplyDeleteI can't think of a bad enough punishment for the pair of them but I hope Garrido nevers breathes another free breath.
ReplyDeleteYou know she enjoyed it,she may have had sex with her also. Nothing they can to to them would be to much. Garrido was in jail 3 years, she shuold have turned her loose. As I get it Nancy was the one to grab her off the streets.
ReplyDeleteSome of those neighbors must have known what was going on but they did not try to step in and help Jaycee or the children.Now they want their five minutes of fame or some money for their stories.They'll turn up in the Enquirer.
ReplyDeleteI'm with you there.Nothing is to bad for them.
ReplyDeleteWe can always report things anonymous no questions asked. I hope no one buys their story,they should feel like shit-heads.
ReplyDeletePeople disappoint me so much more than they used to.They used to help their neighbors.They would step in if they saw a child being hurt.If they witnessed something bad they would report it.
ReplyDeletePeople don't seem to have principles any more.The line between right and wrong is getting fuzzier.I find that very frightening.
ReplyDeleteTheir reason is they don't want to get envolved.
ReplyDeleteIf it was happening to them they want some help.
Wondering...with all the junk in the yard, how in hell could you see men in a line...unless maybe he was there too?
ReplyDeleteI wonder if those bones will turn out to be human
ReplyDeleteI bet they will be human and they will find a lot more. Nancy was in on that also. I bet they have killed a bunch of people.
ReplyDeleteI sure wonder if Jaycee was the first victim or even the last.We may never know but if they nail them for Jaycee then at least they will be off the streers for the next fifty years.
ReplyDeleteI have to say I feel sorrier for those little girls who spent their whole lives in that dumpsite.They must be in quite a state, bombarded with affection by people they don't know,showered with gifts and public attention, not being able to see their dad.They were close to him.
ReplyDeleteI doubt she was his first victim,I think he killed a few, he is really a person of interest.
ReplyDeleteWe know he raped some women, thats how Nancy met him while visiting her cousin.
If he was into killing children, then his own daughters were very lucky to be alive.
ReplyDeleteI wonder will they ever get learn what a monster he is.
ReplyDeleteMaybe they can be shield from that part , but doubt it .
I think they said prostites.
ReplyDeleteWell I think I'll blow this popsicle stand and go look for the funniest joke in the world...Take care...Night...J
ReplyDeleteI meant prostitute/hookers /whores or just plain old ho [giggles]
ReplyDeleteP.S.I don't think they can shield those poor girls from the truth.They were better off when they didn't know.Now they have been traumatized.
ReplyDeleteHave a good one...nite...CC