In her new documentry, Nayda Suleman reignites her feud with Kate Gosselin. The two women have a lot in common,after having multiple children--eight for Kate and fourteen for Nadya--they both have been thrust into the limelight, and they both are raising their brood of kids as single moms. But insread of bonding ,the Octo-mom and the star of Kate and Jon Plus 8 are brawling . On August 19th, during her two-hour documentary, "Octomom": The Incredible Unseen Footage " Nayda ripped into Kate, calling her desperate for fame and that her show is a fake, it's so staged, Nadya said while flipping through magazine pictures of Kate,she is doing it to get people to take pictures of her, I'm not as attention seeking. Nadya criticized Kate's post-baby body,which was assisted by a televised tummy tuck estimated to cost $8000.00, and insisted she is the hotter mom. I feel like it's cheating,Nayda sniffed. I have a better shape,though, I'm sorry no offense to Kate.
Offense taken, according to an insider on Jon & Kate Plus 8, Kate is livid that Nayda insulted her on the special and believes that the Octomom is just out for revenge.Kate says Octomom once reach out to her and asked her to please make a guest appearance on the documentary, Kate didn't turn down the offer, she just never responded,that probably made Nadya upset. Kate says she believed Nayda will continue to dissed her on all her reality shows because Nadya knows it makes headlines. If Kate don't appear on camera, Nayda will just talk about her,the insider explains. Nadya is cunning and has more tricks up her sleeve.
Dr.Michelle Callahan says , while the bickering back and forth may be good for rating, it's not healthy for their children,this kind of attention is not good for the kids,they can't go anywhere without cameras being shoved in their faces, their lives is a circus. As a parent that is irresponsible
This feud started when Nayda gave birth to her octuplets last January after having six children at home, Kate turned up her nose and said: Personally, I would never have set out to even have a seventh child---especially if I was a single parent, Kate told the New York Post. Dr Callahan feels that both moms are delusional. Nothing positive comes out of their lives in the spotlight except financial compensation . At what cost: Life on a reality show affects the children and the parents relationships. It's not worth it to live you life in the media. They need another way to make a living, both of them are going through so much drama,so I can't say who is the better mom, they both need a peaceful household.
My take on this: I will give you some hints and you can decided who you think is the better mom. 1] Both moms have allowed their kids to be snapped by Paparazzi . 2] They're both rough with their children...Nayda's child once called her a "bitch"in public, while Kate openly spanked her daughter Leah in her back-yard. 3] Nadya chose to have multiples, Kates multiples were a surprise, Nadya reportly had six embryos intentionally implanted by a doctor, with two resulting in twins. 5] The cops have been called: Once Nayda dialed 911 when one of her children was missing, while the police have visited Kate's house twice recently. Stay tuned: updates as they become available...the saga continues.
Sorry folks,I won't make it tonight.Splitting headache,probably caused by two little people making as much noise as they possibly can.
ReplyDeleteCatch you later.
Thankyou and goodnight.
Rest well and hope you feel better.
ReplyDeleteHope you are feeling all better.
I know you enjoyed the two little people,even with all the noise.
Missed you, it seem like something was missing.
I will be missing in action tonight,we are having 3 couples over for drinks, I will see you tomorrow.
So take care ......NEE