- -�It is hard to understand how a cemetery can raise its burial rate, �And blame it on the cost of living.
�Remember,If you haven't got a smile on your face
�And laughter in your heart,
�Then you are just a sour old fart!
"Have a Great Day, unless you've made other plans"
Good evening,you old Louisiana gator.Eat any tourists today??
ReplyDeleteJust a few..they are kinda tough this time of the year...HA!!!!
ReplyDeleteThey are skinnier these days too.
ReplyDeleteI have no picture in my icon window but if I point my cursor at it my name still comes up .I guess I'm a big zero.
ReplyDeleteHow you doing? How did Nana's test go?
ReplyDeleteDo you have your panties on,hahaha?
If not ,you better be on your "P" and "Q" cause Brian will get him a peek and maybe something else.[giggles]
I don't have a picture,maybe blogger is working again.
ReplyDeleteI have notice sometime when the security warning thing jump up and you click it off,your icon will come back on, stupid blogger.
ReplyDeleteNana told the doctor she doesn't want them to do anything else for her.She's tired and wants nature to take it's course.It makes me very sad to hear her say that but she just wants to join my dad.
ReplyDeleteBrian still likes to look if I am pantyless.
Grandma's has great wisdom.
ReplyDeleteI have Chaz in draft,take a look and post for me.
I liked the post on the laser surgery,I had laser surgery on my left eye because of a leakage..I go back in August ,they are going to look at the right eye.
I am losing my sight.It is a sensitive subject.But, I always investigate new discoveries.I don't have this particular problem but I can see that it may be useful to me in some way some day
ReplyDeleteThe Michael Jackson memorial took up hours today and is now hogging the news.
ReplyDeleteDid you see his little girl speak?
ReplyDeleteIt was moving.
I know it's hard and sad to hear Nana say she don't want them to do anymore for her..would you believe I am at a lost for words.
ReplyDeleteDear friend,my spiritual sister,cherish Nana and carry her in your heart.Nana know she will leave her Jeannie in good hands .
I seen her and I truly feel for his kids.Debbie Rowe has a horse ranch in California,I think she will fight for all 3 kids,I don't mean to sound ugly..Michael was a great talent and he is worth more now dead that alive...let him rest,they talked about what a bad person he was when he was living,Now how good he is.
ReplyDeleteI want my flowers now ,not after I am gone..When I die,Just byrn my ass up and let my ashes ride the wind.
When I lose her,there will be no one left from my original family from Jersey.My only connection to all the family in England and Jersey was through my mom and dad.It's a very lonely feeling.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad I made my own little family or I would be very lonely indeed.It's so hard to give her up.When she goes I will mourn my dad all over again along with her.
It's hard to accept that I will never see either of them again.
I'm glad I got to tell a bit of their story.I have to let her go to him now.
Joe/Katherine Jackson filed a bankruptcy suit last year for 24 million,they don't know how to handle money,that's the only reason Joe want's thoes kids.Michael is broke now,but his estate will be worth millions soon.
ReplyDeleteI am glad you got to tell a bit of their srory and I will always be thankful you shared it with me,I feel special that you included me.
ReplyDeleteI know a lot of people read it,the ones her enjoyed it. Nana will never be far from you,just like the Major,he's always close.
I like calling him the "Major"
Michael made a few good investments.They will grow in value.
ReplyDeleteThe rest of his investments were self indulgences that did not accrue in value.His properties and furniture and jewels and wardrobe.When they liquify all his assets though, it will add up to a comfortable trust fund,if Joe will keep his hands off it.
I always feel a presence of some kind when I visit the daffodils, but usually convince myself it's my overactive imagination.I would like to believe it's the major but I don't know if I am capable of having that kind of belief system.
ReplyDeleteIt's how you feel in your heart.There are certain places we go ,it seems like we have been there before,we know we have not.
ReplyDeleteIt's all in the heart.We remember good things and it seems that they are there,it just an old thing called "LOVE".
When you visit the daffodils,the major is present in your heart,thats why you feel him.
Remember .I told you my mama was riding on the wings of the wind mad whisper in my ear and said she would always be near.I wasn't crazy then and I am not crazy now,I knew my mama couldn't talk to me,it just seems like she did,she was in my heart.
ReplyDeleteI think I get what you're saying.And I find that easier to believe.Thankyou
ReplyDeleteI didn't want to get all maudlin on you.I didn't know that what Nana told the doctor was bothering me so much.I was holding that back.
ReplyDeleteI think mourning for someone is a selfish feeling.You are just feeling sorry for yourself.The departed are completely at peace.The mourning process is all about the living.
Mourning is a healing process for the living. If you love and care for someone ,you need to mourn,not hold it in,it will make you sick.You need someone to talk to ,I am always here.
ReplyDeletesometime I just have to write my feeling down on paper ,read it ,then throw away,it feel better than keeping it bottledup inside.
I found a couple of other grandma's
ReplyDeletewisdom pieces but they were too naughty.I'm already known as the porn queen.It's an honor I'm quite proud of but I don't want blogger to flag us.
The healing process of mourning is not making a spectacle of yourself,when you know you have done your best, you don't have to show the world,they will know.Mourning is a private thing just for family.
ReplyDeleteI think you are right about the mourning process being healing.And it is important to let it all out.
ReplyDeleteIt's just that it hurts so much to let go,a lot of people push it down inside and bury it.
Brian never cried when his mother died.I don't know how he held that in.
I hate when people tell someone they know how you feel when your family is ill or pass away. They lie,everyone feels different. that's why I don't fool with to many people. They are so fake.I will called their hand on something if I think they are trying to make a fool out of me.
ReplyDeleteI know this about you.
ReplyDeleteYou had some sense that Katherine was yanking our chain somehow.
I felt there were a lot of holes in her story.I still don't know if she was trying to make fools of us.
You didn't see how she could be a friend of DC's and be a friend of ours too.I think in the end I went with your instinct.
I really don't think blogger flaged Keyser,I think it was one of it was one of the loonies,it could have been he was tired of the hassle about Vix..it do make me wonder.There are some pretty bad ones up,Caruso man whore has some fucking on the man page.
ReplyDeleteI really think he got fed-up.
We both befriended Vix..If I was all sweetie-pie with her then and talk about her bad now,you wouldn't want to be friends with me either.If Nan talk bad about me and say she is my friend.
ReplyDeleteWould you trust her?
Yes,Keyser got tired of, and bored with the Vix thing.His mind is always working on a dozen or more things at once.The loonies never had anything new to say.The flagging thing upset him.Indirectly ,he holds us responsible too.
ReplyDeleteThat was katherine that said she liked most of the music,except one,you told her that Tina had a great voice..I don't know who the other one was that asked if the music was going to be a regular feature..I also believe she and Monroe was the same,Monroe alye said hello "gals" and "cheers".
ReplyDeleteI always check in the morning to see if you left me a note.
We were both friends of Vix's but we were not sweetie pie to her then or now.We have both tried to be open and honest about our feelings.And I have to admit my feelings have undergone some changes.But I would still be her friend.
ReplyDeleteI can trust easily but if you lie to me,it would be very hard to get my trust back again.
I know for a fact that Nan loves you like a favorite sister but she gets such a kick out of teasing you,she can't resist.I don't take her seriously.If she really said something unkind and untrue I would spot it right away.
ReplyDeleteI am sorry he thinks that way,he was the one that came here,he could have just ignored them like we did.It did draw a lot of viewers his way,hell he would come and invite us.
ReplyDeleteYou always held that she was Monroe.I bet you are right.Monroe just dropped off the radar without another word.I still wonder what Monroe/Katherine's relationship to DC is, in reality.
ReplyDeleteNan is a devil,likes to tell on me,if she think of anything for you to ask me she will tell you.I will trust her with my life,we are very close.I aways knew who she was,but in my wildest dreams did I think she was that sick.
ReplyDeleteShe never answered your question"do you know Monroe?"clearly.She said"I don't really know her".What does that mean?
ReplyDeleteWhen K..said DC will start to filming on July 13th..you can go to a casting office and find that out,we go to these all the time to see who is coming to town.
ReplyDeleteI was surprised to learn Vix had a previous record for threatening people.
ReplyDeleteEveryone is entitled to a mistake but when you have a rap sheet,you can't call them mistakes any more.
ReplyDeleteK sure disappeared quickly,just like Monroe did.
ReplyDeleteI still think of Vix and hope she is getting better and feeling better about herself. I wonder if her hate for DC still runs so deep.
I alway believe she was another Vix,in love with the man,she had never been close to "A" but she wanted to wash her because she was so dirty.But she said before she had never been close to her.
ReplyDeleteThe loons got on her time about a story she wrote, when asked about why they didn't like her ,she said she told dodo off...I asked you how Jaye book was doing..Gil was a lawyer..next thing we knew she was in school and writing a book as a hobby,shit Jill could come with a better lie than that.
Before I forget,I have Chaz in draft,will you look it over and post for me.
ReplyDeleteYes,it all seemed to fit in so neatly didn't it? She ran in a hurry when you cornered her.I never could figure out what she wanted from us.I wanted her to stick around so we could solve the mystery.
ReplyDeleteK..is still hanging around,she is another Angela.
ReplyDeleteWhat pissed me off is when Monroe came the next night as if she hadn't heard about Vix..Shit ,she should have known it before us.
Vix will never get over DC,her haterd is too deep. She may fool them as if she is well.
I'll post it for you.
ReplyDeleteI happen to think that Vix will never get over DC,also.That hate is the blackest kind.A few months of therapy is not enough to root it out.As you say.
She will be able to fool them very nicely that she is well.She will be all meek and obedient and on the inside she will be adding them to her hate list.
K..will stay away for awhile,she will be back under another name,I wouldn't run her off next time,she what she bring to the table.
ReplyDeleteJeannie and Nee I am in bed Dojo has a picture up of David's little girl on the side bar this morning. Forgot to tell you Nee.
ReplyDeleteNite Nan
Do you honestly think she'll be back?
ReplyDeleteThis is why I love talking to you ,I know you will say exactly what you are thinking.
Thanks Nan .I have always wanted to see what that kid looked like
ReplyDeleteHave a good rest Nan.Sweet dreams.
ReplyDeleteNan ,I am going to get you,I bet you got my lappy,are you fucking yet?hahahah
ReplyDeleteWe should say goodnight too Sweetie.I'm really looking forward to seeing a picture of your house.I so hope you will all be very happy there.Make those rafters ring with laughter honey.
ReplyDeleteIf you are fucking Nan,I admire your talent ,to be able to fuck and type at the same time and not make any spelling mistakes.
ReplyDeleteYes ,she will be back,wonnder what name she will use.I like talking to you too.
ReplyDeleteI warned her that you was nice and would listen to her,but I was fussy,I don't think I could get more honest than that.She could see we are very open with each other and to be a part of this game you have to be open.
Yeah,that was the maggot in the combination of us three chatting together.It was not comfortable because it felt like two of us were open and honest and one was deceptive and secretive.
ReplyDeleteI guess I will say goodnight.I will take a look at DC's kid in the morning,lordy I hope it look like the boy.hahaha
ReplyDeleteGoodnite...PIC...sweet dreams and see you tomorrow.
Nan ain't doing nothing..she's off tomorrow. nite
Vix may have kept her personal history from us but she was very outspoken about everything else.She said exactly what she thought.You and I were both comfortable in that environment with her.
ReplyDeleteNight honey.Be nice to Nan or I'll have to beat your musty butt... luv ya.. J