The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation is ongoing, also provided a glimpse inside Jackson's rented mansion, describing the room Jackson slept in as outfitted with oxygen tanks and an IV drip. Another of his bedrooms was a shambles, with clothes and other items strewn about and handwritten notes stuck on the walls. One read: "children are sweet and innocent."
The official said Jackson regularly received propofol to sleep, relying on the drug like an alarm clock. A doctor would administer it when he went to sleep, then stop the intravenous drip when he wanted to wake up. On June 25, the day Jackson died, Dr. Conrad Murray gave him the drug through an IV sometime after midnight, the official said.
Though toxicology reports are pending, investigators are working under the theory propofol caused Jackson's heart to stop, the official said. Jackson is believed to have been using the drug for about two years and investigators are trying to determine how many other doctors administered it, the official said.
Murray, 51, has been identified in court papers as the subject of a manslaughter investigation and authorities last week raided his office and a storage unit in Houston. Police say Murray is cooperating and have not labeled him a suspect.
Using propofol to sleep is a practice far outside the drug's intended purpose. One doctor said administering it in a home to help a person sleep would constitute malpractice.
Murray's lawyer, Edward Chernoff, has said the doctor "didn't prescribe or administer anything that should have killed Michael Jackson." When asked Monday about the law enforcement official's statements he said: "We will not be commenting on rumors, innuendo or unnamed sources."
In a more detailed statement posted online late Monday, Chernoff added that "things tend to shake out when all the facts are made known, and I'm sure that will happen here as well."
Murray became Jackson's personal physician in May and was to accompany him to London for a series of concerts starting in July.
He was staying with Jackson in the Los Angeles mansion and, according to Chernoff, "happened to find" an unconscious Jackson in the pop star's bedroom the morning of June 25. Murray tried to revive him by compressing his chest with one hand while supporting Jackson's back with the other.
It's unclear how long it took for someone at Jackson's home to summon paramedics, though Murray's own lawyers have said it was up to a half-hour. Paramedics arrived about three minutes after they were called and tried to revive the music superstar for another 42 minutes before sliding him into the ambulance and racing with lights flashing and siren blaring to UCLA Medical Center, where Jackson was pronounced dead.
Authorities arrived at the singer's house after the death and found a chaotic scene. The top floor had been all but sealed off, with only Jackson, his children and Murray allowed upstairs, the official said. Jackson's bedroom was a mess, with items seemingly thrown about and some 20 handwritten notes stuck on the walls.
A porcelain girl doll wearing a dress was found on top of the covers of the bed where he slept, the official said.
The temperature upstairs was stiflingly hot, with gas fireplaces and the heating system on high because Jackson always complained of feeling cold, the official said.
Police found propofol and other drugs in the home. An IV line and three tanks of oxygen were in the room where Jackson slept and 15 more oxygen tanks were in a security guard's shack, the official said.
Propofol can depress breathing and lower heart rates and blood pressure. Because of the risks, propofol is only supposed to be administered in medical settings by trained personnel. Instructions on the drug's package warn that patients must be continuously monitored, and that equipment to maintain breathing, to provide artificial ventilation, and to administer oxygen if needed "must be immediately available."
Dr. Zeev Kain, who heads the anesthesiology department at the University of California, Irvine Medical Center, said he has never encountered a situation where propofol was given in a home to help someone sleep. Such a situation would constitute malpractice, he said.
Cherilyn Lee, a registered nurse who gave Jackson nutritional counseling and vitamins earlier this year, said he complained of insomnia and asked her repeatedly for Diprivan, the brand-name version of propofol. Lee said she warned him of the drug's dangers and rejected his requests.
Los Angeles police interviewed Murray twice soon after Jackson's death. Last week, detectives flew to Houston and, along with federal drug agents, searched a medical clinic he ran and a storage unit he rented. They seized a long list of items, including the contents of three computer hard drives, two e-mails from his administrative assistant at the Las Vegas practice Murray ran and various other documents.
A sealed search warrant approved by a Houston judge and later made public allowed authorities to seek "property or items constituting evidence of the offense of manslaughter that tend to show that Dr. Conrad Murray committed the said criminal offense
Well it's looking more and more like the doctor did it . Well that lets the butler off the hook this time. It just go to show you how far a person will go for a few bucks,if he is guilty, no money for him, his life is shoot to hell.
ReplyDeleteIt was reported MJ has taken the propofol drug for at least 2 years, it is also stated that Dr. Murray had only worked for MJ about 2 months. They allso say the drug should only be administer in a hosiptal.
Strange ,Dr.Conrad Murray also lives in Las Vegas ,same city as MJ"s father.
I would say, yes Dr. Conrad Murray is a person of interest.
But hey, that's just me.
ReplyDeleteJust what everyone here thinks it is someone close to Micheal .
It's always the one you lest expect.There is a lot of people that will profit from Michael's death.
Did you know it was stated Michael only weighed 112 pounds.
I believe MIchael's health had been slipping for a long time due to the chemical cocktails he was putting in his body every day.I think his heart had been severely weakened by the prolonged and extreme drug use.
ReplyDeleteIt only took one more dose to do the final damage.They found two more drugs at lethal levels in his blood.
It's something very fishy in Denmark and it ain't fish.
ReplyDeleteIt's going to be one hellva circus before they find out the truth.
We all may be surprise to see who all is involved.
I can believe that his weight was 112 lbs,Nan,(hey,I weigh more than that)The stunning amount of drugs he was using would kill his appetite.
ReplyDeleteThose poor kids were used to seeing him stoned out of his mind or comatose on anesthetic.
Didn't the doctors know? Are just didn't care...MJ was an Mj was an allege child molester, and maybe this way a payback. Some people will do anything for money.
His doctor was some kind of quack who wasn't monitoring Michael to see if he was still breathing.
ReplyDeleteSupposedly a heart specialist,he must have known that particular drug can stop the heart.
Hi PIC...Did you haave a nice day?
ReplyDeleteYep.. ..I bet you do...a nice butt and cute tits..hey thats what Brian say...[giggles]
ReplyDeleteMJ was 6 feet tall I think and a man.
It's so humid here,it feels like I'm swimming.
ReplyDeleteSix feet tall and 112 lbs? my gosh,he was a walking skeleton.'Dead man walking'.
ReplyDeleteYep..just laid around on my lazy ass and watch the rain.These kids wouldn't nap for shit, I was going to wrok my man over..hahaha
ReplyDeleteHow was your da? What is Nana up to,giving Brian hell I bet..
ReplyDeleteBrian's foot still doing good.Maybe he can go swimming this weekend if the weather hold.
His father should burn in hell, but he will get away with all his evil acts,including incest.
ReplyDeleteApparently the biological mother (Debbie)agrees to let Katherine and her daughter care for the young'uns as long as they keep Joe Jackson away from them.
I do have cute tits,as a matter of fact but I have a skinny butt.However it's firm.
ReplyDeleteI wonder why he had to have a doctor from Las Vegas.
ReplyDeleteWell Brian says it's cute and he should know, he likes to grab it.
ReplyDeleteI have a post about Katherine and Debbie, about the custody battle,I Think I put it in before Griffin/Ryan. I have one the same day about Ryan trying to get something going and Alana writing a book,all on the same post.
Nana is an old barracuda with sharp teeth (and those teeth are all hers)
ReplyDeleteBrian's foot is looking good.I think I'll let him in the water if we ever get nice weather again.
The boys got back from a week with biological looking tired and dirty.They are up at the lake with jaye and Pete just relaxing and swimming.Pete's back is much better now(after his fall from the ladder)
Steve's insurance will cover some of the damages to his house but it will cost him much more. All the drywall on the lower level has to be replaced.He also lost major appliances,washer,dryer,fridge.All the wiring has to be re-done.Carpets, furniture,computers,tons more stuff.
Poor guy
I hope Joe fon't get his hands on Neverland, If was for the kids , that would be different, but it's just for him to play Mr, Big Shot.
ReplyDeleteI think Joe is a lot of noise with no substance, no power.
ReplyDeleteJoe will end up broke.I doubt he put anything away for his old age.Now his allowance from Michael is cut off, he'll be panicking.
ReplyDeleteI wonder why the insurance companies charge an arm and leg and don't cover everything. My brothers still have the insurance company my daddy started ..it's an franchise from ALL State.I told them if I lost my stuff and they did't give me all my money I was going to kick there asses. shit they just laughed their asses off.
ReplyDeleteI hope Steve can get a good deal on the repair work, maybe he can because everyone needs the work to get back on their feet.
ReplyDeleteIt seems when one thing happen,it just keep coming.
ReplyDeleteBrian's life insurance expired and no one will insure him now.He's a bad risk.We poured hundreds of thousands into insurance and ended up with nothing.I'm not a fan of insuance companies.
ReplyDeleteWill Steve have to move while they are repairing his house?
ReplyDeleteI know exactly what you mean, Brian was in there for years, now he is a poor risk...you know that's what dad said . he said he was not going to give his money away...he will prepare his own, he has never had life insurance, just health.
ReplyDeleteThey won't have to move.The upper floors are fine.They are out of the house all day anyway.
ReplyDeleteOur long range forecast is rain, storms and gloominess and cooler temperatures for the next month.Some summer fun, huh?
Climate change sucks the big one.
I loved those lazy,hazy,crazy days of sunshine.
Dad told Gil if he did't have the money to bury him just carry him out to the desert, he will have a plenty of company.
ReplyDeleteWe cremate most of our family. A lot of people here thinks that it's wrong... But thats the way we do, as I say to each his own.
Our weather forecast is almost the same.. people is still denies that the climate is changing.
ReplyDelete-Hard work never killed anyone,but why take a chance.
ReplyDelete-Don't get married...Just find a woman you hate and buy her a house...it's a lot easier.
-Love may be blind...but marriage is a real eye opener.
I got a million of em.I like one liners.
ReplyDeleteCremation is more sanitary,more environmentally friendly.It gives back to the soil...unless you enjoy keeping your relatives in a jar on the mantel.
ReplyDeleteWe cremate all our family.We usually wait until they're dead though...HA!I got a million
Adantages to Alzheimer's
ReplyDelete- you can throw your own surprise party.
-hide your own Easter eggs.
-wrap your own Christmas presents
-and make new friends every day.
-wake up beside a new husband every morning.....HA!
The snow kept you house bound all winter and the storms are keeping you all spring and summer.
ReplyDeleteGirl I like those one liners.. I commented on it when I was on early.
ReplyDeleteI'd complain about the weather but I wouldn't know who to complain to.
ReplyDeleteI bet Brian love your great sense of humor.
ReplyDeleteI have a post about Robinson Crusoe.He was a real guy you know.
ReplyDeleteI have to surf the web to find a picture of him.I'll put it up tonight.
Brian has a great sense of humor.It was the thing I liked best when I met him.That and his sincerity and honesty.
ReplyDeleteI don't know who either, but it's still fun, When my babies run off, I complain to Gilly and he just looks at me and laugh like a fool and jump up and down.
ReplyDeleteHis ass wasn't bad either.
ReplyDeleteThe humor and honesty are still there but the ass went missing a few years ago.
Sounds like Gilly has a great sense of humor too.I like a man who jumps up and down.
ReplyDeleteTake a look at my posts and see if they are all right ,if so post them.
ReplyDeletePut yours on top..it will be a better lead.,look at me talking like a newspaper person..HA!!
Did you know that bills travel through the post at twice the speed of cheques?
ReplyDeleteIf at first you don't succeed,then skydiving is not fot you.
Always borrow money from a pessimist--they don't expect you to pay it back.
I can't stop myself.Say something that will depress me.
Sis says their ass go to the front, thats what makes the little belly, she says thats find as long as the dangle don't go up the belly..hahaha Boy I', hot.
ReplyDeleteGil told Gilly he was going to buy him a woman for his birthday..I asked him what was he going to do with her...he said Gilly was good at pulling on jugs.
Never mind I just thought of something.The fucking rain,starving polar bears and peole who kick their children in the balls...Thanks Joe Jackson.
ReplyDeleteI'll edit your posts.
Gilly will find his own woman soon enough.Believe me you don't want to rush that.
ReplyDeleteI had a couple of horny teen-aged boys in my house and that's all they did or talked about.When they couldn't find a willing woman I always had to change the sheets the next day.
I don't want you depress... I like you just the way you are..
ReplyDeleteHoney Brian might have lost some. but the boy don't miss a stroke..you know it's good to him if he go right to sleep.
Do you are Brian smoke?
ReplyDeleteMy immune weakness makes me environmentally ill.I can't tolerate smoke,or a lot of other things.
ReplyDeleteThats what Sis said about Chris..
ReplyDeleteSis told Chris when his wife got pregnant, she was surprise , she figured the girls had sucked all his babies out of him. I laugh til I cried.
Why did you ask?
ReplyDeleteWe don't smoke...some people get annoyed when sis asked them to step outside...None of my siblings smoke, kindy strange huh.
ReplyDeleteThe only person I know personally who smokes is Phil (Pete's brother)
ReplyDeleteHe's tried and tried to quit but he has no will power.He also likes to smoke weed.
ReplyDeleteIf you did I was going to ask did it affect your immune system, but you answer it.
ReplyDeleteSmokers don't realize they are offending non smokers and polluting the air in their space.
ReplyDeleteI gag if I see a full ashtray anywhere.It's disgusting.
They say weed will make you eat a lot and it's good for your eyes..
ReplyDeleteOh boy you and sis would get along famously.
ReplyDeleteMy parents used to smoke in a closed car with me when I was a kid.They could never figure out why I got so sick every time we went for a drive.
ReplyDeleteWeed is good for your eyes if you have glaucoma.It relieves the pressure on the eyeballs.
ReplyDeleteHi Jeannie
ReplyDeleteYou and Nee would get along good, Nee is so ticky about the way she do things. I will let you a long list to ask her .
I think I'll say goodnight to you now Sweetie and go check your posts.I'll try to finish my story about Cruso too.
ReplyDeleteHave a good night.Go yank on the dangle.That will wake him up.Works for me...See ya honey ..luv..J
You have had this immune problem all your life?
ReplyDeleteThat list sounds very interesting Nan.Give us a hint.
ReplyDeleteGoodnite....PIC>>> good dreams
I got sick a lot as a kid but nobody knew about such a rare disease then.I got very ill when I was about thirty.I've learned a lot about it since then.
ReplyDeleteWe are waiting to see how long the housekeeper will put up with Nee redoing things that's if she ever hire one. I will tell you some things to ask her tomorrow, so get some rest. Nan
ReplyDeleteI don't think Nee really wants a housekeeper invading her space.I want to see what she does too.