For the second time, Katherine Jackson and Deborah Rowe joined to seek a delay in a hearing that could decide who gets custody of the pop superstar's children. A guardianship hearing scheduled for Monday has been delayed for a week, an attorney said Friday.
Katherine Jackson will remain the temporary guardian of her son's three children, who range in ages from 7 to 12.
Court records show a judge granted the delay Friday afternoon.
The hearing could have presented a showdown between Katherine Jackson and Rowe, who was married to the pop singer from 1996 to 1999.
Instead, the two sides are trying to broker an out-of-court settlement.
"We are pleased that the child custody hearing has been continued over until July 20th to further our progress and allow us to privately and amicably resolve this most important matter in a dignified manner for the benefit of the children first and all involved," L. Londell McMillan said in a statement to The Associated Press.
Attorneys for Rowe declined to comment on Friday. Requests to interview Rowe have also been denied.
Rowe has not indicated in court filings that she intends to seek custody. She is the mother of Jackson's two oldest children, 12-year-old Michael Joseph Jackson Jr., known as Prince Michael, and 11-year-old Paris Michael Katherine Jackson.
The youngest child, 7-year-old Prince Michael II, was born to a surrogate mother who has never been identified.
In a will signed in 2002, Michael Jackson stated he wanted his mother to care for his children if he died. As a backup, he designated singer and longtime friend Diana Ross.
Rowe was not given any role in the will. While much has been made of her decision in 2001 to terminate her parental rights, that decision was overturned and she and Jackson reached an out-of-court settlement in 2006.
The details of that agreement have never been released and it is unclear when Rowe, 50, last saw Jackson's children. It's developing just as we thought it would.The kids will be bounced from pillar to post with no genuine concern for their welfare.It's all about money and power.I hope they get a sympathetic judge who is not just interested in a career case.
The world is wondering the very same thing.Where do the kids belong? My heart goes out to them,they don't know where they will end up.
ReplyDeleteThe parties that is involved is only interested in how much money can be made off them.
It is a proven fact who gets the kids control the money.
Has anyone asked the kids what they want? They are old enough to have a say in the matter.
Just wondering.
I truly hope they keep all three together.Rowe said she would.Rowe has a horse ranch in California.At least she says she will keep them together.
You've got a good point.The judge will take into consideration the children's wishes.
ReplyDeleteThey will want to stay with their dad's family.
Even the judge stands to advance his career if he handles this well and if he has political aspirations,It gives him the press he needs.
I never knew this before but apparently Jacko's dermatologist provided the sperm for the older girl and maybe the older boy.
ReplyDeleteDid you know?
Yo ,Nee,where are you?
ReplyDeleteYes ,He says he is the father,Deddie Rowe was his nurse .
ReplyDeleteI don't think the kids know anything about either side,they are just in the middle.I think they will relate to Jacko family better.
I am hiding under the bed from Gilly.Hahaha
ReplyDeleteHow is everyone doing?
ReplyDeleteI agree.They have stayed with them on many occaisions.They would be more comfortable there.
ReplyDeleteThat would put an abusive,money hungry grandfather in control.That's not good.
But Debbie Rowe is no good either.They don't know her very well and she sold them to Jacko and walked out of their lives.
That's probably the only place you will find some alone time, or as I used to do go in the bathroom and lock the door.Still do that.
ReplyDeleteI bet the kids don't know who their biological dad is,but some evil shithead will tell them just for a laugh.
ReplyDeleteThose kids are going to hear some bad stuff.
ReplyDeleteThose poor kids don't have anyone,everyone wants to make a dallor off them.
ReplyDeleteJoe was on the news today,I turned his ass off.
They are saying someone murdered him,well he helped them,he should have known what it would do to him.
ReplyDeleteJoe has an awful lot to say these days.Everyone knows he is an abusive asshole.Why did his wife stay with hi? He even looks evil.
ReplyDeleteHe had a personal pill doctor.Obviously the man was an incompetent.
ReplyDeleteDo you think it might have been suicide?
ReplyDeleteI hope my man and I never have to come to the point of fighting over my babies,if we do,I will not roll over and play dead,I will fight for my babies til my last breath,any mother would.Just because you pop a baby out,it don't make you a mother..
ReplyDeleteIt might have been suicide,but it don't fit in with him getting ready to go on tour.The doctor may have been on something too.
ReplyDeleteDid you see Joe had on a hat cocked to the side like Michael,he not only look evil,he is evil in it's purest state.
I sgree with you there.I don't think Debbie R has the stuff to make a good mom.I hope the judge can see that.She gave them up for money and I don't bleive she has seen them for years.
ReplyDeleteYeah,I forgot about the tour. Suicide doesn't make sense unless he lost his nerve and thought people would boo him or perhaps he thought he didn't have it any more.
ReplyDeleteHe took a lot of secrets to his grave.It may be years or never till we figure it out.
ReplyDeleteMichael was a very taleted person,but also very unstable,it started when he was a small child,he said bubbles was his only true friend.Looking back Joe fucked up his kids.
ReplyDeleteJoe declared bancruptcy a few years ago. He had the most to gain,especially if he knew the terms of the will.
ReplyDeleteWhen a kid is abuse,most of them grow up to abuse others.
ReplyDeleteYep,it were 24 million dallors, damn that fool was living high on the hog.
ReplyDeleteNana was in a good mood today.She even said my garden looked beautiful.I have a stream at the back of my property.It's full of frogs and little fish.I think perch and brook trout come there to spawn.We also get a few ducks .And every morning two baby rabbits come out and eat the grass and clover with the dew on it.They're not scared of Maxy.
ReplyDeleteThat was his debt I believe.That's why he declared bancruptcy.Then your debts are cancelled.
ReplyDeleteThats why California is in such a mess now,they are writing IOU's the banks is going to stop taking them.
ReplyDeleteI am glad Nana is in a good mood.I bet Maxy just look and wants to play with them,If they are white Maxy know they belong there.
ReplyDeleteHow can you get 24 million in debt?
ReplyDeleteThe ones that need help can't get it,I am very proud I worked for mine and paid my bills.
Some novice boater forgot to vent the gas fumes while he was warming up his boat engine up at the lake.There is a special blower for this.Those fumes are combustible and sure enough his boat caught fire.Instead of calliing for the park rangers who have fire extinguishers,he tried to put it out himself with water.The boat burned down completely.The dock burned down and the boat beside him burned down.The fire department had to come eventually to put it out.Our boat is three docks down.The canvas top would have caught fire from sparks if we had been there.Luckily we were all out on the lake swimming.We carry a fire extinguisher at all times.
ReplyDeleteB L [Lois] asked me when was we going to write some more raunchy stuff. I told her not to get her panties in a bunch,if she wants funky,I will try to make her tits tingle and her man's dangle stand at attention..[giggles]
ReplyDeleteTell Lois I'll start working on it right away.
ReplyDeletePerhaps Ill put up some naughty jokes from my endless store.
ReplyDeleteI am so glad you was out swimming.
ReplyDeleteA fire extinguisher is a must,Boy he is going to fined heavy.Everyone keeps some at the homes.I wonder if he has insurance,he is going to get his ass sused off.
I was just looking up raunchy stories.
ReplyDeleteI don't worry about being flaged.I have read the by-laws. You seen the picture Vix had up on one of her sites about "A" the gays have one up,I used to visit Planet Franck,but you have to jion his now becase he is well known in New York.
ReplyDeleteThere are a lot of sex quizzes and love polls,stuff like that.Haven't we done that before?
ReplyDeleteI'll find some kind of sex test.Do all your ladies read the blog?
ReplyDeleteSome of those gay-men are real hunks,what a waste.
ReplyDeleteI think so,I know a lot of the hotel/casine staff do,Nan tell them if they don't she will put them on the night shift.hahaha
ReplyDeleteGil say the everyone in his office do and he can tell when I have talked about him,they will snicker when he pass by.
That's what Jaye and her friend Marianne call gay men'Whatawastes'.
ReplyDeleteI am not attracted to very handsome men any more.Those days are over.Why would I want to be with someone prettier than I.I like rugged,masculine guys who are not so full of themselves.
Bradly have quit Jen,she need to keep her love life private.You don't tell everything,If I wanted to tell you how big and long it was ,I would talk private.
ReplyDeleteHow big and long is it?
ReplyDeleteJen is very high profile.A guy has to accept this if he wants a relationship with her.There will be no secrets.
ReplyDeleteThose are the kinds I like also,a pretty man will run off and leave you to fend for yourself.
ReplyDeleteThose rugged masucline men are hunks ,and they will stand against the storm..
It fills up the choochie.[giggles]
ReplyDeleteI knew you was going to ask that.you are bad.I am going to tell Nana on you.
I figured he wanted to get with Jen because she was high profile and his career is just getting of the ground.
ReplyDeleteWhat about an article on anal sex.Not a big fan myself but a lot of people are.
ReplyDeleteI figure we were given equipment that fits together just right.Why mess with perfection.
Now a little oral sex is another matter altogether.
Nine inches? Eight? seven?
ReplyDeleteNana wants to know how big it is.
ReplyDeleteMuch as I hate to change the subject.I still don't have an icon.Do you?
ReplyDeleteWe call them avatars;pictures that represent you.I guess I need to go and re-set it.I don't really care about an image.I just wondered.Blogger is always making little adjustments.
ReplyDeleteNo I don't know what happen to them,I ask some questions ,no one have answered yet,it's just other bloggers then you go to "FAQ".
ReplyDeleteWhere have you gone my friend? are you taking off your knickers again?
ReplyDeleteI have a good test of people's reading ability. I'll post it.
I got knock off.
ReplyDeleteI just noticed how out of condition I've become since I haven't been too well for a while.My kidney infection is better.I'm so glad. It made me so tired.Now I have to get back on the tread mill.
ReplyDeleteOh,I decided to co-sign for Jeremy.I love the kid.Whatever his problem is,I want to help him.He's good for it.It won't teach him any valuable lesson,that's for sure, but he needs a car to go back to university.His little hyundai just died and left him stranded.
That sounds good post it,a little oral sex is o.k. I wouldn't want a arse hole that big..I don't know how they take it.
ReplyDeleteYou can't go wrong in helping him,mabe he couldn't find a job,as long as you and Brian agree ,thats great,who knows the kid might get rich one day.
ReplyDeleteI think there are enough big arse holes in the world without creating new ones.
ReplyDeleteWe have to help our kids,we always want them to do better than us,they have to learn from their mistakes same as we did.
ReplyDeleteHis uncle Steve offered him a job.I think he'll take it.He may stay at their house for a while and drive into work with Steve.Good man Steve.
ReplyDeleteSis tells us she don't expect Nan and I to be as smart as her,because we haven't lived as long,but she do expect us not to keep making the same mistakes.
ReplyDeleteHow is Jill enjoying the summer?Do you guys have any plans for a holiday?Is Gilly on formula yet?
ReplyDeleteSis has it right.We shouldn't make the same mistake twice.We should learn something and move on.
ReplyDeleteAnd she's right,the older you are,the more experience you gain and wisdom.
Steve sounds like his Dad,he know the kid need help, Jer dad could have did the same,he would know he tried.That don't say to much for Jer's dad.
ReplyDeleteSteve souds like my brother Jon he will help all the kids if they are trying to better themselves.
ReplyDeleteAre you staying healthy?For a while there,it seemed like you had a medical emergency every couple of weeks.
ReplyDeleteJill is having a great time,up real early ,Gilly eats everything,he won't eat baby food,I have a couple of small blenders and feed him what we eat.
ReplyDeleteI cooked greens today and gave him some pot-liquor and bread,he had a ball.
Since I been out of that house I feel great.I really think I was getting bad vibes there.
ReplyDeleteHe'll grow big on homemade food.Isn't it a pleasure to see them grow and thrive?
ReplyDeleteI alway known about my eyes I had to be careful because I was border-line diabetic
ReplyDeleteThere is such a thing as bad vibes or feelings clinging to a place.Some places should never be built.Something is wrong with their energy flow.They make people uncomfortable.We have a house on the corner of our street.No one lives there more than a year or two.You can tell it feels wrong.
ReplyDeleteGuard your eyes sweetie.You want to be able to see Jill walking down the aisle on her daddy's arm.
ReplyDeleteVibes are funny.I didn't know you from a hole in the ground.What you were,who you were and I'm kind of nervous about talking to people on the internet,but I got a good feeling about you after chatting on Vix's blog.I knew you had a good soul.
ReplyDeleteYes it is and what you say is so true,he's never been sick,just cranky with a little fever when he first started teething.
ReplyDeleteWe want to go camping before school starts,in Little Rock ao the Arkansas River and stop by by the diamond fields and let the girls have a great time.
ReplyDeleteI don't want to make you too tired to greet your early rising daughter.She must be a human dynamo of enery.Say goodnight Sweetums and have lovely dreams of picking pecans off your trees and sitting in the cool of your lovely patio while Gil burns a few steaks on the barby.
ReplyDeleteNow you have piqued my interest.What are the diamond fields???
ReplyDelete[giggles] I was a nasty talking little devil,Brit laugh and said I was colorful,I got a good feeling from you also.I am very open and honest about the things I like.
ReplyDeleteVix was open to us,she talked about her family,answer things that we asked,we knew who she was,but she was as honest as she dared to be.
It's a large fields a lot of land where you paid a small fee like 2/3 dallors and hunt for diamonds and if you find some you can keep them,there have been some nice ones come out of there,a lady I know found one.
ReplyDeleteI think before Vix got herself in trouble,she was probably an honest, straight talking and very opinionated woman.We could tell that.She got evasive about anything to do with her situation.That was partly her sense of survival kicking in.But,she never held back when she had an opinion.SHe was fairly open about some areas of her life.
ReplyDeleteA man found one valued at 5/6 thousand dollars after it was cleaned up.Gil be up and get their breakfast ready.He do bacon eggs and grits ,they don't want his pancakes.hahaha
ReplyDeleteThe diamond fields sound like great fun.We have something like that up here.I don't remember what precious stone they hunt for though.Jaye's been there.
ReplyDeleteKids love hunting for treasure.
I could eat some bacon eggs and grits right now.Boy that sounds good.I'm bad for eating at night.Probably part of the reason I don't sleep much.
ReplyDeleteYou go to bed,I am ruining your health.
ReplyDeleteNana still wants to know how big.
I guess thats why I didn't trust K,she acted like she had something to hide.She knew she was caught when she started getting her answers mixed-up.
ReplyDeleteNana is picking up my bad habits..Oh yes I remember she still recalls the understaker.
ReplyDeleteK wasn't up front about everything.We could tell she was concealing a lot of stuff and some of the information she gave us didn't make sense.
ReplyDeleteI still wonder what her game was .I think we would have figured it out if we had kept working at it.
ReplyDeleteI will call it a night and see you on the up turn.
ReplyDeleteGoodnite ...PIC ...see you in my dreams..
Go snuggle with the "Rock"...
Lots of love sweetie...NEE.
Shit I just said Nana remembers the understaker.hahaha I meant undertaker. HA!!!
Goodnight luv..Have a happy Sunday...PIC