The long, secret relationship led to the break-up of Morgan's marriage. Now Morgan and E'dena are planning to wed after Morgan's contentious divorce is over. Becoming Mrs. Morgan Freeman has been E'Dena's goal. She believes her wish has finally come true. There's been a bitter competition for years between the two women over who would end up with him. The jealousy exploded during Christmas 2006, while E'Dena was visiting Morgan and Myrna at their Mississippi farm. E'Dena screamed at Myrna ,"You're not even sleeping with him, but I am!" It was fierce and open fighting, said the source.
E`Dena has made no secret about her intention to marry Morgan, saying she wants to be his wife, not his mistress, Myrna admitted they have not shared a bed since 2001, and that they had an open marriage--with both she and Morgan having other partners for years. Morgan carried on an affair with former schoolteacher Mary Joyce Hays at the same time he was romancing E'Dena. Myrna was stunned when she learned a decade ago that Morgan had tried to sleep with E'Dena when she was still a teenager.She confronted him and he said he would leave her alone.
At the time Morgan chose to stay in the marriage,which infuriated E'Dena. Despite his promises to stay away from E'Dena , the relationship continued and is STILL going on. Myrna also wanted Morgan to explain to E'Dena that the relationship between them was wrong, but Morgan refused. Morgan says he can't do that, he loves E'Dena. "It would be like I don't love her." Now Morgan has convinced E'Dena that they will marry as soon as his divorce is finalized and she believes him.
My take on this crappy shit: Morgan and E'Dena are not blood related,but they are kin just the same. No matter how you look at it...it's just wrong..wrong..wrong. Is she ready for an open marriage? If she is, then , she's just there for the money. If it's money, she may be in for a rude awakening.'All that glitters is not gold'. The body will build up a resistance to the little blue pills...and may the devil help her if old Morgan dies while in bed with her. I've heard the dangle swells up and you have to call the EMTs to carry you to the hosiptal and get it removed.Now that would be a hoot. Now would someone tell me please,what's wrong with these people? The woman/child has a college degree...I wonder what her MAJOR was, screwing old men for money?...But hey that's just me...